Chapter 2811 Road outside the territory

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Following the road outside the territory, can we go to the sealed world behind the Bronze Palace Gate?

Hearing this, the five holy beasts all looked shocked. They never expected that they would go directly to the sealed world behind the Bronze Palace Gate without having to undergo the last three trials?

And also want to capture any one of the ten kings alive?

Good guy!

This is a very difficult task.

"The three Forbidden Abyss powerhouses who are stationed on the road outside the territory will help you complete this operation."

"They will escort you into the sealed world, but their actions after arriving in the sealed world are very limited."

"Moreover, you still have to rely on yourselves."

Immortal Lord Miaohua Zizi said earnestly and thoughtfully, with worries hidden in his words.


Yang Dingtian curled his lips, his face full of disdain and arrogance.

"I don't need any help, so the three guys on the road outside the territory don't need any help either."

"Just stay there honestly and cheer for me."

Immortal Lord Miaohua Zizi doesn't even bother to talk to Yang Dingtian, this guy is simply stupid.

Don't need help yet?

If there is really no one to help you, you guys will never come back after going to that sealed world.

Don't be too outrageous.

"The time to go to the sealed world is only three hundred days."

Immortal Lord Miaohua Zizai waved his hand, and a jade slip flew to Long Da.

"This jade slip will tell you the number of days left."

"On the last day, no matter whether you capture a king alive or not, you must return to the road outside the territory."

"Once you miss time, you really can't get it back."

Long Da took the jade slip, put it directly into his mouth and swallowed it.

"Okay, you go."

Immortal Lord Miaohua Zizi pointed at the green portal not far away.

"Go through this door and you can reach the road outside the territory."

"Okay, okay, don't force me


Yang Dingtian was already impatient, so he spread his hooves and ran towards the blue door.

Like a little lamb running happily.

The other four holy beasts also headed towards the blue portal.


Under the gaze of Immortal Lord Miaohua Zizi, the five holy beasts were stuck in the middle of the blue portal due to their size.

One by one, no one can get through.

"Old turtle, your shell is too big, can you throw it away?"

"Stop crowding!"

"Wow! My balls have been squeezed by you!"

Immortal Lord Miaohua Zizai looked at this scene with a twitching face, and couldn't help but wonder if these guys could come back in full shadow after they went to the sealed world?

Maybe something big will happen, right?

"Hey! Can't you make this door bigger?"

"How can the rest of us get by with such a minor treatment?"

Yang Dingtian's dissatisfied voice came immediately.

The Immortal Lord of Miaohua Zizi ""

Isn’t this still mine?

Who knew you guys would rush up there all at once?

Won’t these guys go in one by one?

Is it really that difficult for you holy beasts to line up?

"Let's go!"

Immortal Lord Miaohua Zizi was no longer patient, and swept the dust away with a whisk, and a huge thrust surged forward.

He directly pushed the five holy beasts stuck in the door in one go.

Then quickly dispersed through the cyan portal.

Suddenly the world became quiet.

A broad avenue standing in the vast starry sky.

This broad avenue sparkles like water, constantly flowing and changing, but

Standing on it does not feel like standing on the water. Instead, it feels very solid under your feet.

The road is strange, and this place is also very strange.

For the five holy beasts who have just arrived here, this place is also full of mystery.

Even Yang Dingtian, who has always been reckless, looked at the ever-changing surroundings and was a little afraid to act recklessly.

"Move forward."

Just when they didn't know what to do, a voice suddenly came from the front.

The five sacred beasts looked at each other, and then they walked forward together along the road.

I don’t know how long I walked.

I saw three figures standing on the road ahead.

On the left is a person sitting cross-legged in the air, with one arm raised in front of him. Buddha light appears all over him, and behind him are thousands of Buddha shadows and lotus flowers.

The person on the right is standing with his hands behind his back, wearing a red robe and long hair. He looks bold and unruly, but he also has the majesty of an emperor.

The person in the middle is sitting on a silver throne. Although his face is young, it also shows majesty and pride.

When the five holy beasts saw these three people, they were all a little stunned.

These three are damn old acquaintances.

The two dogs of Buddha King.

The former Nine Heavens Immortal Lord Zhang Youren.

And later the Wuji Immortal Lord Hao Wuji.

"The three people that guy mentioned were the ones who responded. It turned out to be you."

Long Da spoke in surprise.


Wang Ergou smiled gently and looked at the five holy beasts with a pair of Buddha eyes.

"We haven't seen each other for many years, and the five donors are no longer what they used to be. It's really gratifying to see such progress."

Zhang Youren also had a smile on his face.

"Back then you made a big fuss in the Fairy Garden, and now you are asked to go to the sealed world and make a big fuss again."

"But this time, it is far more dangerous than before."

Sheep is top-notch and impatient


"Stop talking so much and send us there quickly."

"My uncle's hooves are already very hungry and thirsty."

Hao Wuji nodded, "In that case, then come with me."

Before the words were spoken, Hao Wuji and the other three had already taken the lead and flew deeper into the road outside the territory.

The five holy beasts followed immediately.

Soon after.

They arrived at the end of this extraterrestrial road.

A giant starry sky wall stretched in front of the road, seeming to block everything.

"Behind this starry sky wall is the world that seals the Eternal Divine Court."

Hao Wuji stared at the starry sky wall in front of him and spoke in a deep voice.

Each of the five holy beasts was at a loss.

"Then how are we going to get there? Break down this wall?"

Yang Dingtian asked with a confused look on his face.

"If this wall is broken, everything will not end."

Hao Wuji shook his head.

The next moment, he, Wang Ergou, and Zhang Youren each had a wooden sculpture in their hands.

The styles of these three wood carvings are also very classic and the same as Ye Qingyun!

It's just that they look different.

One is Ye Qingyun standing with his hands behind his back, one is Ye Qingyun sitting on the ground, and the other is Ye Qingyun squatting in a pit.

The three wooden sculptures each have their own characteristics, and Hao Wuji each held a wooden sculpture and stood in front of the starry sky wall.

The next moment, the three wooden sculptures slowly rose under the urging of the three of them.

The formation of the Three Talents Formation was formed.

I saw green light emerging, connecting the three wooden sculptures, and in the center of the three wooden sculptures, the green light shone directly on the wall of the starry sky.

A gap appeared.

"This is the only way to temporarily enter the sealed world, and it can only last for a moment."

"You will come in quickly!"

This chapter has been completed!
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