Eight hundred and thirtieth chapter collision

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Even though the other party had already reported his name, Linton didn't remember who this guy was, and he didn't know if he was a passerby who never appeared in the original work. Of course, Linton wouldn't be bored enough to find trouble with a passerby.

After all, there is still something going on here, but the problem is that this time Linton is not looking for trouble. The other party takes the initiative to trigger the automatic battle, which makes Linton have to be more "aggressive".

Although Linton didn't remember who the opponent was at all, he had to say that the opponent's momentum was really strong. When he rushed up, the opponent's body seemed to be wrapped in a "qi", a bit like a super

The feeling of a Saiyan bursting out, no matter how powerful this blow is.

"Strong punch!" Sogiita Gunba shouted, and suddenly swung his right fist, and hit it directly in the direction of Susanoo. Linton naturally also directly controlled Susanoo to swing towards the opponent.

After throwing out a punch, the two fists of very different proportions soon touched each other.

There was a loud "boom", and a strange light flashed from the opponent's fist, and then a huge shock wave caused by the collision of two huge forces passed through, and the crowns of the surrounding woods were blown outwards.

The two girls next to Linton were also blown away several meters by the shock wave.

Then a figure fell from the sky and hit the ground with a muffled sound. However, he immediately turned over and jumped back, basically losing all his strength. Yes, in this punch duel, Sogiita Junba was still defeated, and was defeated by the original

Lu fought back, but he was not hurt at all.

"Not bad, you really have a lot of backbone." Sogiita Gunba raised his head and looked at Susanoo. It was obvious that nothing happened on the other side, "Then..."

Sogiita Gunba here was just about to change his posture and continue to exert force, but what he didn't expect was that Linton suddenly waved his hand, and Susanoo behind him disappeared directly in front of Sogiita Gunba.

"Huh?" Sogiita Junba was a little stunned, "What's wrong? Have you used up your backbone? I've just filled it up."

"Take your companions and run away." Linton turned his head and said directly to Wanuchi Kinuho who was knocked to the ground next to him. After saying this, Linton turned back and continued to say to Sogiita Junba, "That's it.

Because I feel like your touch might be better, so I’ll get up by myself.”

"How does it feel?" Sogiita Junba asked.

"Anyway, are you ready? I'm going to start." After Linton said that, he suddenly disappeared in a flash.

"What?" Sogiita Junba was stunned for a moment. Yes, I used to think that Linton's super power was the ability to summon. I never thought that Linton himself had any fighting ability. Now that he saw the opponent suddenly disappearing, Soitata

Jun Ba realized that the opponent's own ability was not bad, and the speed alone was very scary. However, although he was startled, Soita Jun Ba turned his head directly in the next second, and immediately scanned Linton's position.

"It's very fast, but you can still see it!"

At this time, Linton had already punched Sogiita Junba. Sogiita Junba turned his head and had no intention of evading. Not only that, the opponent actually threw his head back and then hit Linton with a headbutt.

He hit Linton with his right hand, intending to use his own forehead to catch Linton's blow.

Even Linton was shocked by this amazing operation. There really is a Iron-headed boy who uses his head to connect skills. He really knows how to play. Linton had to worry about the opponent. After all, Battle Ji

Although Bian doesn't have any skills, his normal attacks are equipped with the highest-level weapon, Seryu Sakura. This won't blow up the opponent with one punch, right?

There was a "bang", and in the next second Linton's fist had been printed on the opponent's forehead. The backlash was very strong, and the opponent's forehead was really hard, which was a bit surprising. But Sogiita Junba still didn't

After holding on and holding on for a moment, Sogiita Gunba flew straight out, spinning while crashing through the concrete wall of the park behind him, leaping directly onto the road outside the park, and crashing into a building next to him.

"Not bad, are all passers-by so arrogant now?" Linton was really a little surprised. He didn't recognize the other party at first and really didn't pay attention to it. However, the other party's fighting power is really strong. Although he was beaten by himself this time

It flew away, but there was no prompt that the battle was over, which meant that this guy was still fine.

The next second, Linton dodged and arrived at the entrance of the building where Sogiita Gunba crashed into outside the park. As soon as he landed, a figure flew out of the hole and struck Linton with a fierce blow. Yes.

Unexpectedly, the opponent counterattacked quickly at this time. Although it was a bit sudden and very fast, Linton reacted faster and grabbed the opponent's arm. At the same time, he raised his knee and kicked the opponent directly.

Before Soita Gunba could take off, he grabbed the opponent in the air and slammed it towards the ground.

With a "bang", a huge hole was left on the ground, and the concrete floor was directly smashed. However, the Sogiban Junba on the ground immediately turned over, jumped back and continued to confront Linton.

Linton looked at the other person. The area where the band was tied to his forehead was bleeding, but that was it. There were no injuries elsewhere. This level of resistance was a bit exaggerated. Although he didn't use any skills, he was

The A+ level weapon color is domineering. This is the reaction when you hit him?

"Ah... I'm actually bleeding. It seems like I still don't have enough backbone." Junba Soita here touched the blood flowing from his forehead and said, "But now I'm completely on fire.

Guy, by the way, what’s your name?”

"In Lower Linton..."

"Oh, Linton, right?" Before Linton could finish his self-introduction, he was directly interrupted by Sogiita Junba, "It's been a long time since I met an opponent with such backbone as you, and I'm already completely on fire.

Ah, you can use a little more force now."

"Didn't you expect that reporting can be interrupted? Your skills are quite powerful." Linton held up his forehead, "I'll give you the same words. I can use a little more force now."

"Aren't you using your full strength? Come on then, I'm going to be serious about my next attack." Sogiita Junba said and stamped his feet on the ground. With a loud shout, a lot of light began to appear on his body,

It feels like I'm transforming into a Super Saiyan.

"He is really a guy who likes to talk to himself." Linton, a stubborn boy, is really stubborn. "Come on, follow the highest standards."

Of course, this last sentence was meant for Battle Ji. Of course, Battle Ji accepted the advice on combat. The next second, Linton's whole body suddenly erupted with a large amount of red steam, and he actually entered the Eight Gates.

When it is open, pull your right hand back, and the armed domineering energy condenses in your right hand.

"What's going on with these two people? Why do I think the fighting styles are different? Is this a fight in a manga?" Rita Iisu, who was hiding on the other side and observing secretly, saw the two people who were accumulating power in the small universe.

I really couldn't help but say.

"What should we do now?" The person asking next to her was Kinuho Wanuchi. At this time, she was dragging her unconscious friend Aofu Manbin beside Iisu Rita. "It's obviously just a misunderstanding. They must be stopped."

"Are you kidding?" Rita Iisu pointed at the two people over there, "I don't want to die."

The people next to them obviously couldn't interfere with the fight between the two. The first one to strike was Soitai Junba. After charging up his strength, he punched Linton directly from a distance of dozens of meters, followed by a "super strong" sound.

With a cry of "Fist", Gunba Soita's right fist seemed to emit a strong beam of light, rushing directly towards Linton in front.

Just when the beam of light arrived in front of Linton, Linton finally took action. He also swung a blow with his right hand. It looked like an ordinary punch, but the moment the punch was struck, the surrounding air seemed to be stagnant.

As if he was coming down, an astonishing sense of pressure and terrifying killing intent rushed out of his fist.

"A serious punch."

With a "swish", the laser-like light coming from the opposite direction disappeared directly in front of Linton, as if it was scattered by Linton's fist. Sogiita Junba, who maintained the punching posture, saw

This situation also stunned him. Before he could react, the surrounding space suddenly seemed to tighten instantly. A huge fist wind directly swept through his body, and Sogiita Junba's consciousness disappeared at this moment.

With a loud "boom", a straight "channel" was swept out in front of Linton. Everything in front of him was divided into two halves by this channel. The exaggerated fist wind swept directly across the entire park, destroying the park.

Not only that, the two buildings at the other end of the park were directly swept away by Linton's fist, with more than ten floors above them, leaving only half of them still in place. Fortunately, Linton's attack was slightly higher.

Some, otherwise the school district here would probably be cut in half.

Because even the air in the passage ahead was swept through by Linton's punch, the vacuum caused the surrounding air to begin to fill in crazily, and even caused a huge whirlwind. Iisu Rita and others who were hiding far away also

It was blown out by this amazing strong wind. Of course, the entire park was completely destroyed at this time. The surrounding trees were uprooted by the hurricane. The pool in the park was also blown to the sky by the wind pressure caused by this punch.

The turf and other things disappeared immediately, and the entire park seemed to have just suffered a natural disaster.

"There's no need... to be so serious." Linton had already exited the state of Eight-door Dunjia at this time, and looked at the surrounding situation, "It's okay to damage others. I didn't even think about compensating for it anyway. The key is to open a

Eight gates require points..."

There was a loud "boom", and just as Linton was speaking, a figure suddenly fell from a high altitude and hit him not far in front of Linton. Linton was stunned for a moment, and found that the person who fell was actually Zaiban.

Jun Ba: "Huh? You can leave a whole body? This guy's body is too strong."

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