Eight hundred and twentieth nine chapters in disorder

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"Not found yet?" After spending some time, Linton and Iisu Rita searched for Shokuhou Kanana in Academy City. However, this time the search was not smooth. Linton and him were already in the

I searched all over the academy, but still couldn't find Shokuhou Kanana.

As I said before, Rita Iisu's abilities are still limited. Although her high-altitude vision is very buggy, it is about the same as a manual reconnaissance satellite. The reconnaissance satellite cannot see the situation inside the building, nor can it see the situation underground.

The same goes for Selita. If you are inside a building, you can still see through the observation window. There is nothing you can do underground. You can't see anything in a windowless building like Aleister.

If Shokuhou Kanana can't be found, the opponent is probably in a highly hidden place like this. Unlike yesterday when the opponent appeared directly outdoors, it would be easy to find him. Today, it seems to be more troublesome.

In the current situation, we can only wait for the other party to come out on his own, but the problem is that Rita Iisu's ability cannot monitor the entire Academy City, so even if the other party comes out, he may not be able to detect it in time, which gives Linton a little headache.

"I just said you were useful..." Linton said a little unhappy, but just as he was about to curse, the monitor on the street next to him suddenly flashed red and then displayed a row of words.

"What's going on?" Linton asked.

"This is Academy City's emergency evacuation warning. There seems to be something dangerous happening nearby. Let me take a look..." Rita Iisu said, raising her head and looking at the huge airship in the sky.

There is a large display screen, and usually some announcements within Academy City are displayed on it, but now it also displays some information.

"A huge robot attacking passers-by?" Linton also looked up. What was written on it was probably that a huge out-of-control robot was attacking passers-by in the nearby school district. People here were asked to evacuate and wait for the security team to deal with it.

this matter.

After looking around, it turned out that most of the people started to evacuate in an orderly manner after seeing the prompts. As expected of Academy City, passers-by are already used to this kind of situation. It happens every three days anyway.

"Generally speaking, it's the plot." Linton looked at the situation and said. Generally speaking, a situation that requires a large number of people to evacuate must be a troublesome situation. Of course, it probably has something to do with the plot. "Let's see what happens.


Next to her, Rita Iisu closed her eyes and quickly discovered what the notice said. She opened her eyes and said, "There is indeed a large robot attacking two female students, and it is in the park not far ahead.


"The park not far away?" Linton looked at it. Indeed, he could see a piece of green in front of him. I guess that is the park over there. It was quite close. It might be some kind of plot. Linton decided to go

Looking at the situation, it won't take long to deal with a robot anyway.

"Let's go and have a look." Linton picked up Rita Iisu, took a step forward, crossed the portal, and instantly arrived in the park ahead.

"Over there." Iisu Rita was somewhat used to cooperating with Linton, and pointed directly in the direction. Linton turned around and looked, and there happened to be a red laser-like thing flashing in the distance. It was probably that

The robot attacked, and the two girls jumped out of the bushes in embarrassment. It seemed that the robot attacked them.

Linton looked at the two girls. Linton had never seen the two girls before, but the sportswear they were wearing was very familiar to Linton. The sportswear worn by various schools in Academy City was of different colors, and they were wearing the same sportswear as Misaka.

Wearing the same sportswear as Mikoto, it means that these two are students of Tokiwadai Middle School, and may be classmates of Misaka Mikoto.

"Sure enough, it has something to do with the main plot." Since he is the heroine's classmate, it is estimated that this matter is related to the main plot. And while Linton was watching, the huge robot suddenly crashed into the trees blocking the front,

Rushed out of the woods.

It was said to be a robot, but what Linton saw was a huge mantis. To be precise, it was a mechanical mantis. It was indeed quite big, but...it didn't look like much. Of course, this was just for Linton.

It is said that these two girls were really exhausted after being chased, and they seemed to be injured. Now one of them has fallen to the ground. Seeing this, the other waved his hand, and a ball of water suddenly flew into the river next to him.

She stood up and shot out like a water arrow. This was obviously her super power.

However, water arrows and the like are obviously of no use to the mechanical mantis, and there is no reaction even if they hit the opponent's body. The mechanical mantis here raised its mechanical feet, and it seemed that it was preparing to directly trample the opponent to death and pass out.

That female student.

"No!" The female student Wanuchi Kinho screamed when she released the water arrow, but there was no way to stop it. However, just when she didn't know what to do, there was a sudden loud "bang". Under her dull eyes, the previous

The mantis robot, which was still showing its teeth and claws, suddenly exploded.

Junbao in the bay looked to the side blankly. A black giant appeared on her right side. Just a simple punch from this black giant shattered the entire Mantis mecha. It was so broken that it was impossible to tell that it was originally a human.

The robot was smashed into scrap parts in one fell swoop. What kind of ability is this? It’s so powerful.

"Are you okay?" At this moment, a voice suddenly came, and Wanuchi Kinabao discovered that there was another person under the black giant. It was obvious that the other party had saved him. Although Wanuchi Kinabao did not recognize the other person, he still said blankly: "

Well...did you save me? Thank you, I'm fine."

"Look at your school uniform, it's Tokiwadai..." The rescuer was of course Linton. Of course he came alone, and Rita Iisu stayed where he was. This robot was indeed as useless as it looked.

Susanoo was shattered into pieces with just one punch. Of course, Linton mainly wanted to ask what was going on, and it probably had something to do with the main mission.

However, just as he was about to ask, a voice suddenly came from the side: "Oh, is this the robot? It looks quite strong."

Linton turned his head and found a boy squatting on a street lamp not far away. He looked like a high school student. He had a sunny look. His hair was parted in the middle, and there was a headband on his head. He was wearing a coat.

He is really wearing a coat, with both sleeves not worn. Looking at it like this, he looks a bit like a "bancho" type character in animation.

At this time, the other party was looking up at Susanoo. Linton was stunned for a moment, and suddenly realized the meaning of what the other party said: "Hey, this doesn't look like a robot."

"It's not a robot? It looks the same." The other party said, "In short, you are the guy who attacked the girl, right."

"Me?" Linton subconsciously looked at the girl lying next to him, as well as Wanuchi Kinubao who had not recovered from the other side. Well, this scene is really misleading, but he himself

He looks like a good guy, how could he be the guy who attacked the girl? Just when he was about to say something, he didn't expect that the boy opposite him moved very fast. He suddenly jumped up and rushed towards Linton.

There was a loud "bang", and the next second, the leaping boy was directly slapped away by a black palm, smashing three big trees next to him and hitting the ground before stopping.

"What the hell, you suddenly took action before you figured things out? You still lack the beatings from society, but not everyone is your parents who will pamper you." Linton touched the back of his head and said.

"Huh..." What he didn't expect was that the boy here actually turned over and jumped up from the ground, as if he hadn't received much damage. Linton was also a little surprised. Yes, it was Susanoo.

It was controlled, so I didn’t use too much force. Judging from the opponent’s previous speed, I felt that the opponent’s physical fitness should be good, but after taking a solid hit, he was still fine. This guy is not bad.

"You do have some backbone, but you're still far behind me." The boy pointed at himself and said, "I'm going to get fucked!"

"Wait!" Just when the other party was about to attack again, Wanuchi Silubo came to his senses and shouted quickly, "You are mistaken. He is not the one who attacked us. The robot that attacked us has been smashed by him.

Yes, he is the one who saved us."

"Huh?" The boy was stunned for a moment, "Really?"

"Yeah." Wan Nei Jingbao nodded.

"Is this...is this like this?" The boy touched his head and felt a little embarrassed. It seemed that he had indeed made a mistake and acted too hastily. That was indeed his mistake. "Sorry, it seems that I didn't

To understand the situation, I also saw the notice and came to help, but I didn’t expect it to be resolved? Then since it was a misunderstanding..."

There was a loud "boom", and before the boy could finish his words, a huge palm struck where he was standing.

"You can't just attack me casually, but a misunderstanding can't be solved." Linton said calmly, "I'm not such an easy person to talk to."

Under the huge black palm, the boy here was not pushed down, but raised his hands to support Susanoo's palm. Yes, his reaction was very fast. He just raised his hands to block the blow.

, although his feet sank directly into the soil, it was nothing.

"I see." The boy looked at Linton and smiled directly, "Anyway, you just want to compete with me, right? I don't mind that very much, after all... I am very strong-willed!


With a "boom", an unknown force erupted from the opponent's hand, which directly shook Susanoo's palm away. Linton still controlled it without using all his strength this time, but he was indeed surprised by the opponent's power.

Here we go, this product is pretty awesome.

"My name is Soita Gunba, and I'm here to teach you!" After saying this, the boy here suddenly stepped on the ground, accelerated and rushed towards Linton again.

This chapter has been completed!
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