Chapter 0976 Jiang Yue was elected

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 The procedure is still very formal and can be said to be impeccable.

Everyone who participated in voting came on stage one after another and put their votes into the ballot box. The ballot box was also confirmed in advance to ensure that it was empty before putting in the ballot.

Then, under the supervision of three consultants, each voter casts his or her ballot one after another.

After completing this process, three consultants, acting as scrutineers and tellers, began to count the number of ballots. First, they had to ensure that the number of ballots matched the number issued.

Only such a vote can take effect.

This process is not difficult, and the number of votes is exactly the same as the number issued. This means that this voting complies with the procedures.

What remains is the relatively complicated work of counting votes.

Three consultants served as vote counters and began to devote themselves to the vote counting work.

Since the winner of this voting is the one with the most votes, the counting of votes is relatively cumbersome.

The most common method of counting votes is to draw straight characters. The names of several regional leaders are clearly written in the most prominent places.

Generally speaking, everyone thinks that under normal circumstances, a few regional heads should win without any doubt.

Although several regional leaders felt a little guilty, they were generally confident. After all, in this country, everyone pays attention to an unspoken rule based on seniority.

Whoever has a higher official rank and higher qualifications will go to the front row.

Although I have always emphasized encouraging those who can fight hard and dare to fight hard to be elected as directors. But with so many people voting, after all, they don’t know each other very well.

It's difficult to choose someone based on just a few sentences in the profile.

Therefore, based on the first impression, the leaders of each region should of course be the first choice.

The counting of votes begins.

After four or five votes were sung, there was some fluctuation in the venue.

In addition to the leaders of the regional teams, there is one name that appears very frequently.

This name is clearly Jiang Yue!

"It's interesting, isn't it? This Jiang Yue in the Central South Region is a bit of a sudden rise?"

"Are you trying to steal the limelight from their regional leader?"

"Hehe, the martial arts competition before seemed to have brought a lot of popularity to Star City."

"I heard that the martial arts gambling fight was actually instigated by Director Yang Xiangchun. The original intention was to teach Xingcheng a lesson. Does this count as shooting oneself in the foot?"

"This is interesting. I feel like these guys who voted were just watching the fun and not taking it too seriously, and they were deliberately trying to make people angry."

"This is not considered a gonghuo, right? I think Star City's team is very energetic. Isn't it the kind of team that the commander-in-chief said dares to fight hard and is willing to fight hard? Maybe a young man will be chosen to come up, who will be more energetic and exciting.

It’s good to have a joint command team. Otherwise, if they are just a group of middle-aged and elderly people, wouldn’t they be too old-fashioned and lack the spirit of forge ahead?”

"I'm extremely looking forward to it now. It would be so interesting if this Jiang Yue is chosen."

"You think, if this Jiang Yue is elected, will this election be overturned? The leader of the regional team is defeated. This doesn't reflect the overall situation."

"No, I listen to the commander-in-chief. If this Jiang Yue is elected, he will definitely accept it. Maybe the commander-in-chief welcomes young people like Jiang Yue in his heart?"

"That's true for me. These are weird times. It makes no sense to keep those officials as the core and everything should revolve around them, right? The combatants who are actually fighting on the front line may have more experience and serve as executive directors.

How reliable is it? Anyway, I am very optimistic about the Star City team."

Public opinion has been fermenting in the past two days. In fact, everyone has secretly inquired about the inside story of the betting battle between the two teams in the Central and South Region. Many of the insiders have good knowledge. This has also made everyone have a good impression of the Star City team.

Dare to resist the authority of the regional leader. This is something that many teams want to do but dare not do? The Star City team just did it.

And he won strongly.

Looking at the current situation, Jiang Yue is not only resisting, but is even trying to remove Yang Xiangchun, the leader of the Central and South Region, from his position as executive director?

Today, more than a dozen votes have been cast, and the leaders of several other regions are generally very stable. Even if they lose votes, they will only lose one or two votes.

But the tickets that Yang Xiangchun lost were not just one or two, but also lost in large areas.

It can even be said that those who voted for him are currently on par with Jiang Yue, or even slightly behind.

Compared with the votes of other regional leaders, Yang Xiangchun’s votes were simply a huge slap in the face.

Even Yang Xiangchun himself probably never expected that the matter would reach this stage.

This time, he was really panicked.

Although being the executive director means taking on more responsibilities, you may have to pay a lot.

But if he was not fooled, it would be a huge blow to Yang Xiangchun. This would not only be embarrassing, it would not be as simple as losing face.

This incident will be a stain on him for the rest of his life, not only the ridicule and strange looks in front of him, but also he will have to face countless rumors when he returns to the Central South Region.

The most important thing is, what will the leaders of the district think of him? Will they doubt his ability? Will they think that Yang Xiangchun is just a stick? He will fail more than he succeeds.

This is definitely a huge blow to his future.

Looking at the causes and consequences of this incident, it all started with the conflict at the banquet. Later, Hengcheng lost the bet, and public opinion believed that it was Yang Xiangchun who arranged it behind the scenes.

And now, Jiang Yue's continuous votes confirm that the public opinion has begun to shift towards the Star City team.

As the head of a regional team, he actually got about the same votes as one of his captains, or even slightly behind. Isn't this embarrassing?

Yang Xiangchun has experienced countless difficult moments in his life, but never once has he been as tormented as he is now.

He only felt that the stool under his butt was thorny, making him restless.

If he could, he would have liked to have opened a crack in the ground, got in directly, and escaped from this embarrassing scene.

Yang Xiangchun even felt that the leaders of other regions around him were looking at him with strange eyes.

What's even more ridiculous is that he doesn't have the courage to communicate with other people with his eyes at this moment.

Even if he knows that others are looking at him strangely, he is unable to fight back.

It’s a shame and a big loss.

Many people in the audience were talking incessantly, and their voices were not very concealed. The tone of watching the excitement, or even the tone of gloating, made Yang Xiangchun almost vomit blood.

Yang Xiangchun felt deep hatred in his heart and glanced gloomily at the rows of people sitting face to face under the rostrum. These were the team captains from various regions and cities, and Jiang Yue was among them.

Jiang Yue seemed to have extremely strong sensory abilities, as if he had predicted in advance that Yang Xiangchun's eyes were looking for him, and actually raised his head to look at Yang Xiangchun in advance.

Yang Xiangchun's almost murderous look was ignored by Jiang Yue with a contemptuous smile.

Jiang Yue's smile was full of contempt and ridicule.

Yang Xiangchun almost broke through the defense on the spot.

On the rostrum, the people counting the votes and the elders all had dull expressions, as if no one cared about the voting situation and everything was taken for granted.

This is the quality of elders, they can take it as easy as it seems that the situation is abnormal.

They behaved like this to prevent Yang Xiangchun from being too embarrassed.

Seeing that more and more votes were received and fewer and fewer votes were left, the gap between Yang Xiangchun and Jiang Yue not only did not close, but widened, and the gap between the two sides reached as much as six votes.

This also means that unless a large number of people later vote for Yang Xiangchun between the two, it is possible to turn the situation around.

But judging from the current situation, this is obviously unrealistic. It is difficult to say how close the votes will be, and the gap may continue to widen.

The votes of other leaders will be lost more or less, but the general difference is not big. For the votes of the other five regional leaders, the difference between the first and fifth place is only four votes.

There is a huge gap between fifth and sixth place Jiang Yue.

Yang Xiangchun, who ranked seventh, followed Jiang Yue.

If this momentum ends, all regional leaders will be elected, except for Yang Xiangchun. Yang Xiangchun will be the only regional leader to be eliminated by PK.

He was replaced by the team leader from Star City in the Central South Region.

Yang Xiangchun was extremely anxious. If possible, he would have gone up and altered the ballot papers.

He felt that everyone at the scene seemed to be playing him, targeting him, and messing with him! Everyone was waiting to see his jokes.

But all this is meaningless, and the progress of the voting continues to develop in a direction that Yang Xiangchun does not want to see.

The farther back you go, the bigger the gap in votes becomes.

When the last vote was cast, the gap between Yang Xiangchun and Jiang Yue was ten votes.

This also means that Yang Xiangchun, the executive director of the six major universities, has lost the election!

And Jiang Yue suddenly entered the ranks of the six executive directors.

After the vote count, the three advisers reported the situation to General Zeng.

After General Zeng confirmed that the election was correct, he declared the election effective on the spot. The six people with the highest votes were elected as the six executive directors and joined the joint command group.

At this point, the joint command group has been formally established, and all regulations will be promulgated. Everyone involved in the operation must obey the command of the joint command group.

Everyone here, including Yang Xiangchun of course!

In other words, after Jiang Yue joined the joint command team, he suddenly changed and became Yang Xiangchun's leader in this operation!

There are no greater ups and downs in life than this.

General Zeng said with a smile: "Invite the six elected executive directors to come to the rostrum, meet with everyone, talk to each other, and strengthen communication so that everyone can know you, be familiar with you, and know your abilities."

In terms of seniority, Jiang Yue must be the last among the six executive directors, and this is fully reflected in the votes.

Of course, for Jiang Yue, these are not important. Being elected is already an unexpected surprise.

The reason why he wanted to be the executive director was because he wanted to have a certain degree of initiative in action, so as not to be outside the decision-making level and just be used as a gun to be ordered around by others.

He felt that without this kind of initiative, it would be difficult for the Star City team to play its best role.

After becoming an executive director, many people think that he can participate and put forward his own opinions. Even if he is not qualified enough, it is not easy for others to completely ignore reasonable opinions.

The other executive directors are all leaders of their respective regions, and they are all official senior figures. They naturally speak very politely, and generally speaking, they are quite satisfactory.

Jiang Yue stood aside and listened silently, occasionally observing the reactions of General Zeng and Deputy General Manager Li. He felt that the two of them were not very satisfied with the tepid speeches of the previous executive directors.

Especially General Zeng, there was even a hint of hesitation in his eyebrows.

They were all so uneventful, which was obviously not what he wanted to see.

This team has a special mission, and it will definitely not work just to be stable and good guys.

This is a battle, a life-and-death battle that requires bloodshed and hard work.

It is far from enough to serve as an executive director in the same way as an official.

General Zeng waved to Jiang Yue: "Xiao Jiang, you are the youngest in the team. According to my understanding, your previous identity was not official. So, don't feel any pressure and say whatever comes to mind. As long as it's yours

You can say whatever you want from your heart. In this operation, we will not be punished for our words. Everyone is welcome to speak freely."

With these words, the attitude becomes even more obvious.

It sounded like he was encouraging Jiang Yue to speak boldly, but in fact he was extremely dissatisfied with the lukewarm speeches of the previous executive directors.

Jiang Yue understood this meaning, but would not show it.

His attitude was always neither humble nor arrogant, neither arrogant nor impetuous.

"I have to admit an issue. I voted for myself. This also shows my attitude. I hope to join the joint command team. If it was just a thought before, now I have to thank everyone who voted for me.

As a person, I really didn’t expect that I would actually be able to join the joint command team.”

"For your support for me, I will use practical actions to prove that the votes you cast are correct."

"In the joint command team, I am just a junior, and my age and experience are not as good as those of the seniors. If you dare to find any bright spots in me, I think there are quite a few. For example, I have rich practical experience and have been fighting against the strange tree in Star City.

I have not let up. In addition, I am relatively young and have a lot of energy. In the battle with the strange tree, courage and energy are indispensable factors. I hope that my joining will make the entire joint command team more energetic."

"I won't say any other big words. I only promise one thing. If there is a battle, I will rush to the front. I will never run away or retreat."

Compared with several other executive directors, Jiang Yue's words are obviously more down-to-earth and contain more substance.

Naturally, he won more and warmer applause. Many people who had not voted for Jiang Yue before even thought, should they have voted for this guy just now?

At least people dare to take a stand, speak harsh words, and speak tough words. If there is a battle, they will be at the front!

This courage and determination are really not expressed with confidence.

There is no doubt that General Zeng is also very satisfied with Jiang Yue's statement. Of the six executive directors, he even feels that the sixth one is the one he is most satisfied with.

This chapter has been completed!
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