1091 Xiao Han Lectures

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 Seeing this scene from a distance, Xiao Han almost burst into tears with excitement!

How familiar does all this look to him? This is almost a replica of when he was in school!

The gentleman was still talking.

Why, I heard from the corridor that our class was the most noisy!

In terms of study progress, we are the worst in the class!

What you are learning now, are you learning it for me?

Fortunately, he didn't say: You are the worst class I have ever led!

Otherwise, Xiao Han would definitely think that this guy had also traveled through time from later generations!

"Okay! Let's all think about it more! Your parents didn't send you here to waste your time! Now, let me tell you something!"

Standing on the podium, the gentleman finally finished his reprimand, and then, in the curious eyes of all the students, he wiped the corners of his mouth with unfinished content and said: "Well, your physical education teacher is sick! He has a cold! So let's go to the next class.

Auditorium! Xiao Yuan will give you a lecture, so don’t forget to bring your notebook!"

After saying this, the teacher held his head high and walked out of the classroom.

Behind him, there was a lot of wailing.

In the corner of the classroom, the fat boy Wang Chongan slumped down on the table after hearing that the physical education teacher was ill. His eyes were dull and he muttered something.

The skinny boy at the same table was a little strange. He leaned over carefully and heard Little Fatty Wang murmuring: "My physical education teacher who is as strong as an ox, are you the reincarnation of the plague god? Why do you get sick every day? You are still sick.

Are they all different?”


Although the current teaching in the College of Science is basically the responsibility of the Mo family, the teaching design of this academy was all done by Xiao Han.

Coming from later generations, Xiao Han naturally knows what kind of school is the most scientific and applicable!

Therefore, the most classic configurations such as talcum chalk, charcoal-smoked blackboard, and the classic three-foot podium are readily available in the academy, and have won unanimous praise from all the gentlemen.

In addition, in terms of the academy's curriculum arrangement, Xiao Han also changed the traditional academy practice of turning a blind eye to what is happening outside the window and focusing on reading only the books of sages. Instead, he learned from later generations and added many new courses to make it more practical.

The combination of work and rest.

Here, there are both main courses of reading and arithmetic, as well as side courses of painting, music, and physical education.

If you are even interested, you can also sit in on Dr. Sun’s medical class! The old god has been talking about the disadvantages of having children recently, which makes the children who are listening blush and pretend to cover their ears and run away.

Of course, all this was approved by Xiao Han and Yin Can. After all, neither of them wanted to teach a group of nerds who only knew how to do it!

The academy's auditorium is located next to the playground at the back.

Holding the notebook and the charcoal pens distributed by the academy, the little fat boy Wang Chongan glanced at the playground every step he took.

Sure enough, the moment he was about to enter the auditorium, he saw the figure of their physical education teacher walking leisurely across the playground from the corner of his eye. Looking at his walking posture, how could he look like he was sick at all?!

"Damn it! You lied to us again! It's all that damn judge's fault? He actually took up my play time to give lectures. Who is he? How much does he know?!"

Gritting his teeth and entering the auditorium, Wang Chongan made up his mind as he walked:

If there is any loophole in what the court judge said, he must stand up and expose it as soon as possible! If he cannot get off the stage and is ashamed, it is best to draw a sword and kill himself! If he does not bring a sword, he will suffer some losses and defend himself.

You can also give him the dagger...

Xiao Han naturally didn't know that there were already people below who hated him to death.

He was currently standing in front of the podium of the auditorium, looking at the auditorium with interest.

Not to mention, this was the first time he had entered this place! Then he had a feeling in his heart, that is, the building here was very, very big! Counting the chairs alone, there were as many as one or two hundred!

Xiao Han didn't know what skills those Mohist craftsmen used.

Such a large auditorium is supported by only a few pillars, which makes the auditorium not only spacious but also very bright!

Speaking of this technology, I'm afraid it can't even compare with the palace in Chang'an! If the palace was built like this, it would be difficult for him to find a pillar to sleep on when he went to court.

While Xiao Han was still thinking, most of the students had already entered the auditorium. Under the leadership of the teacher, the students, both older and younger, sat down in an orderly manner, and then looked curiously at Xiao Han on the main podium.

Among them, there were a few who occasionally whispered to each other, but they were warned by their respective husbands' eyes and immediately did not dare to make the same mistake again.

The students didn't dare to talk nonsense anymore, but several gentlemen who were close friends got together and began to whisper about Xiao Han...

"Old Song, I heard that this young court judge is Xiao Shisan's master, and he is especially proficient in arithmetic! Among us, you and Shisan are the best. What do you think? Have you heard him say it?" A man with some gray hair said

The old gentleman glanced at Xiao Han on the stage, then turned to ask Mr. Song beside him.

After hearing this, Mr. Song stroked his beard and said with a smile: "Well, I have heard him say it several times, and from what he said, he has great respect for this court judge! But I don't know what his real ability is?


"Hmph, I think it's hard to live up to your reputation!" As soon as Mr. Song finished speaking, a middle-aged man with his arms crossed started talking, but when he said this, he had a look of disdain on his face, like

It's like he doesn't believe that Xiao Han has any ability.

"I think Xiao Li is right, not to mention that you and I have never heard of the name of this court judge! Anyway, I thought this person was so young and unreliable!"

"No, no, Thirteen's knowledge has been tested and is completely tenable! Since their skills were all taught by the court judge, there is no way this court judge is just a idiot!"

Several gentlemen gathered together held their own opinions and began to discuss Xiao Han in a low voice.

Besides them, there were definitely more than one or two people muttering about Xiao Han.

Those people seemed to have different expressions.

There are admirers, there are those who don't care, and there are even those who are dismissive.

However, in Xiao Han's eyes, he just smiled and put all this behind him.

In the past two years, I have been traveling all over the country, and my officialdom has been ups and downs.

Not only did it give him the confidence not to be alarmed by any changes, he also had the demeanor to face everything with a smile.

Although I dare not say that I have reached the highest state of remaining calm in the face of thousands of people's accusations, at least I will not care about such a small scene in front of me.

He stood quietly on the podium, no matter how others looked at him, his dark and bright eyes remained calm.

Gradually, the buzzing in the auditorium became quieter, and then, there was silence.

Everyone began to look at the tall figure on the podium, even though the figure did not move at all.

"Hmph, although this bastard judge is not as good as the young master and I, he does have pretty eyes!"

Wang Chongan, who was muttering in a low voice, didn't know that there were many people who had the same idea as him at this time!

This chapter has been completed!
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