1095 seeds

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 Strictly speaking, Xiao Han is not very good at giving lectures.

The most he did was to teach arithmetic to the children in Zhuangzi.

Occasionally, when I'm in the mood and have the time, I just take a few more natural science classes.

But this is a charlatan who, in future generations, can only fool third graders at most, and is mysterious enough even if he meets fourth graders.

Even in today's School of Science, it can make a whole auditorium dumbfounded. I don't know whether this should be proud? Or sad?

After soothing the tearful little fat man, Xiao Han then performed several small experiments that would be classic for later generations.

The content of the experiment is nothing more than a candle burning in the water, or a primary school student's trick of covering the mouth of a cup with a piece of paper to stop the water from flowing down.

The most difficult thing was the final small hole imaging experiment using a wooden box and window paper.

It is funny to say that the experiment of pinhole imaging was first created by Mozi, but now it is Xiao Han who is standing on the podium to explain the principle.

This made everyone in the Mo family in the audience, especially Yin Can, blush.

We talk about inheritance every day, but how many are actually passed down?

At that time, the Mohists focused on the research of theory of knowledge, logic, geometry, geometric optics, statics and other subjects. Unfortunately, almost all of these were later lost!

Of course, the original core idea of ​​Confucianism, the unity of knowledge and action, has also been lost in the smoke and dust of history.

Some people say that this is inevitable! It is because there is such a creature as the emperor in the world, so that all schools of thought have to bow their knees to please the emperor.

Among them, some knowledge that cannot bring them any benefit, and may even bring disaster, will naturally be abandoned.

But Xiao Han didn't think so.

Knowledge does depend on the environment! But before the explosion of knowledge in later generations, the entire world was not much better than the Tang Dynasty today.

Perhaps, it just lacks a seed, a seed that allows people to work hard in this area.

Therefore, the establishment of the academy can be said to be a piece of fertile ground that Xiao Han unintentionally opened up.

Today's lecture planted a seed of hope in this land.

A unique course gave students who were used to hearing about it a new understanding of knowledge and opened a door to a new world for them.

It turns out that truth is not some big and empty thing. There is truth around you all the time!

If you can discover it, master it, and even use it, then it will bring unexpected surprises to everyone.


"Reading is not meant to force you to study hard! You can gain knowledge through reading, thereby benefiting yourself, your family, and even a country or a country. This is a true scholar!"

Although a day has passed, the words Xiao Han said still echoed in the mind of the little fat boy Wang Chongan,

After attending class all morning in a daze, it was not until after class ended at noon that Wang Chongan gritted his teeth and caught up with Mr. Song who had already left the classroom.

"Sir? Is it really possible to study as the court judge said? But what we learned before was just how to be a gentleman. It seems that apart from this, we can't do anything else..."

In the corridor outside the classroom, Wang Chongan caught up with Mr. Song and respectfully asked for advice as a disciple.

Mr. Song, who was holding the lesson plan, stopped when he heard the sound, looked back at the little fat man with a troubled face, and couldn't help but smile: "Haha, I noticed something was wrong with you when we were just in class, and it turned out that you were really thinking about this! Yes, it seems that you listened yesterday

very serious!"

Wang Chongan scratched his head and said embarrassedly: "Sir, have you forgotten? I was right next to the judge at the time, and he sprayed all his spit on my head. Can I not hear clearly? It's just that there are some things he said, I think.

I just don’t understand.”

Mr. Song was stunned when he heard this, and then burst into laughter: "Oh? Hahahahaha, I almost forgot, you were also on stage at that time!"

Wang Chongan was even more embarrassed by the old gentleman's laughter. He twisted his clothes and said with a blushing face: "Hey, sir, don't worry about where I am! The truth that the court judge said yesterday comes from all things in the world. I understand this, but he

I don’t understand how the principles mentioned can be applied to all things! Like what you taught me before, a gentleman should keep himself clean. Is this a principle? How can I apply it? "

Listening to the little fat man talking about knowledge, Mr. Song slowly lost his smile, stood up straight and thought for a while, then said: "How to use it? I can't teach you this, because I don't know how! But I have one thing.

I can tell you that there are many kinds of truths, and not all of them can be applied according to what the court judge said!"

The little fat man nodded as if he understood, and then asked: "Then, what kind of truth can be used to benefit one party?"

Mr. Song straightened the lesson plan in his arms and said with a smile: "I heard that there was a Mr. Xiaohou in the Tang Dynasty. He once saw that it was not easy for farmers to farm, so he built waterwheels and plowwheels. Now they are used in many places in Yangzhou.

These things are also used to make farming more convenient for farmers. This is probably to benefit one party through knowledge and principles!"

"Oh? Sir, that's what you said, but that Xiao Shenhou who developed battlefield first aid, metallurgy, and the man who was able to hold off Wang Shichong's 100,000-strong army by himself under Luoyang City?"

Suddenly hearing Mr. Song talking about the famous Marquis of Sanyuan County, Wang Chongan's eyes immediately lit up, and he was even a little excited when he spoke.

Although he is in Yangzhou, due to family reasons, he has always been well-informed and is no stranger to outside things. Especially for Xiao Han, who is famous in Chang'an, he has admired him to the extreme and determined to do something.

A person very much like him!

It's normal for the little fat guy to have this kind of thinking.

Because a young talent who becomes famous at a young age will definitely make young people feel more admiration and admiration than an old man who finally becomes famous after his career is exhausted!

His eyes gradually became blurred, and the fat boy Wang Chongan didn't care whether Mr. Song nodded in confirmation or shook his head in denial.

He still murmured to himself: "I heard that he is not very old, probably about the same age as...just like our court judge? But look, how powerful he is!

At a young age, he is already famous all over the world and even became a marquis! Look at our court judge, he doesn’t even have the slightest reputation in Yangzhou City, and he is nowhere to be seen all day long, so he has no integrity! Hey, I told my dad as expected

It’s the same thing, if you compare yourself to others, you’ll die, if you compare goods, you’ll throw them away!”

After saying the following words, Wang Chongan shook his head like a young adult, and then sighed.

However, Xiao Han had no chance to hear it. If he heard it, God knows what he would think.

Should we be happy? Or angry, that is a question!

But only one thing is certain! This little fat guy will definitely be unlucky, and even worse!

This chapter has been completed!
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