1944 Thief

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 The gangsters in the car and boat shop should be killed if they have no fault!

The meaning of this sentence is that people who engage in these types of businesses all have their own tricks to deceive people, but the difference lies in whether they deceive more or less people.

And for a small inn like this one that is dilapidated and on the verge of bankruptcy, I don't think there are many fools who will be tricked by him!

As for people like myself.

Well, Xiao Han felt that he didn't drink the fake wine anyway, the only one who drank was Liu Hongji. Even if he was stupid, he was the only one stupid!

Although he thought so, Xiao Han did not dare to let the angry Liu Hongji flip the table, mainly because he was afraid that if he flipped the table, he would sleep on the street again tonight.

Besides, I just drank some vinegar. It’s nothing like that. It’s not a big deal! I’m so tired after all the journey. There’s really no need to start more disputes just to get jealous.

After finally persuading Liu Hongji, he saw him swearing and taking a few mouthfuls of food, and then said to the red-faced shopkeeper and his son, "Uncle, I am in a good mood today, spare your life!" Then he swaggered towards the bedroom, Xiao Han said

Finally he breathed a sigh of relief.

However, after such a fuss, they all had little appetite. They took a few random bites, which was neither delicious nor unpleasant. They also went back to their houses to recharge their batteries and wait.

Continue on the road tomorrow.

As night fell, a crescent moon quietly rose into the sky. The cold north wind swept the dust on the ground and hit the dilapidated doors and windows of the inn, making the doors and windows rustle.

The wind is strong and the night is very cold!

The already lonely long street had long been deserted of pedestrians, and even a few wild dogs with gleaming eyes shrank back and ran to huddle up in a corner sheltered from the wind.

However, in this cold night, two men in black clothes sneaked outside the inn's courtyard wall.

"Boss! How many rich people can come to our small broken city? Are those two guys cheating on us?"

Under the courtyard wall, a bloated man with a black cloth covering his face looked up at the high wall and asked the accomplice beside him hesitantly.

Next to him, the man in black, who was respectfully called the boss, was tall and tall. The black clothes that even a fat man could wear were actually a little tight on his body!

I saw that he heard the fat man's words and did not answer in a hurry. He looked around carefully first. After making sure that everything was safe, he lowered his voice and said: "No! I recognize those two people. They are all guarding the city gate."

What a soldier! This kind of person is not good at anything else, and his ability to observe people is really not low! They say these people are rich, so they must be rich!"

This man is tall and tall, and his speech should be sonorous and powerful, but for some reason, I always feel a little weird when I hear this man speak! He does not look like he is in his prime, but rather like an old man.

"But why do I feel that those two people are unreliable..."

Fatty had become accustomed to hearing this person's voice these days, so he didn't think it was strange. However, when he looked at the high wall, his expression was somewhat hesitant.

Although he is not a good person on weekdays, at most he does some sneaky things. Sneaking in like this at night and being a gentleman is really the first time for a big girl to get into a sedan chair!

"Stop talking nonsense! We're all here, can we go back? Let's go!"

The boss looked at the fat man's cowardly look and scolded him with some disgust. Then he turned around, facing the high wall, and jumped with all his strength. His tall body immediately soared into the sky like a roc.

As soon as he reached the top of the wall with his hands and exerted force on his arms, he turned over and was riding on the top of the wall.

"Boss...Boss, I...Me?" Under the wall, the fat man stared blankly at the boss leaping up the wall. He couldn't help swallowing and shouted anxiously upward.

The man was leaning on the wall of the courtyard to look at the situation in the courtyard. After confirming that there was no one in the courtyard, he took a deep breath and shouted in a low voice toward the outside of the courtyard wall: "What's the name? Calling the soul? Come up quickly!"

"Me? Go up?" The fat man was a little dazed after being scolded. His eyes as big as mung beans kept looking at the smooth courtyard wall, as if he was thinking about how to climb up.

But the man on the wall seemed a little impatient at the moment, and couldn't help but whisper to the bottom again: "Hurry up! If you can't get the money again this time, just wait for Widow Sun next door to marry Butcher Zhang.


"This is...good!"

Sure enough, this trick works! When the fat man heard Widow Sun's name, his little eyes immediately showed a trace of greed. Finally, he no longer hesitated, and he took a few steps back, took a running start, and then imitated the appearance of a man.

Leap hard!



"Woof woof woof..."

It’s too late to say it, but it will be soon!

With a loud sound, the fat man's jumping body did not reach the top of the city. He didn't even jump two feet before he hit the courtyard wall hard!

The huge impact brought by that fat body actually knocked out several cracks in the century-old courtyard wall. The man sitting on the top of the wall was even more unprepared for a moment. He was shaken by this violent shake and fell down.

In the courtyard, the watchdog in the corner of the courtyard rushed out of its den and barked crazily!

"This idiot! If I had known earlier, I shouldn't have taken him!"

After falling off the wall, the beaten man got up and didn't bother to see where he was injured. He quickly took out something from his arms and threw it towards the watchdog!

And the thing he took out was also magical. It landed next to the watchdog. The chasing dog rushed over and bit it. His legs immediately softened, he whimpered a few times, and he hurriedly spit it out.

Then he rushed back to the kennel with his tail between his legs, not daring to show his head again.

"What's the noise?"

In the inn, the old shopkeeper's surprised voice also came out at this time.

Then, after a burst of rustling sounds, the old shopkeeper in a coat came to the courtyard with a lantern and looked around the courtyard with squinted eyes.

However, the inn was dilapidated and there were a lot of debris in the yard. In addition, the man was lying on the ground, burying his head hard in the ground, not even daring to take a breath. The old shopkeeper was so blind that he didn't notice that there was an extra person in the yard.


"Maybe something was blown down by the wind and startled the dog. Forget it, the dog stopped barking. Let's take a closer look tomorrow!"

The old shopkeeper, who shivered and noticed nothing unusual, returned to the back door of the inn with a lantern and mumbled. When he was done, he did not forget to lower the latch of the back door as well.

"Boss! Boss?"

The old shopkeeper entered the room, and before the man could even raise his head, the voice of the pig teammate came from behind again. The man grinned when he heard it, wishing he could kill him first with a knife!

"What are you doing? Huh? How did you get in?!"

This chapter has been completed!
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