Chapter 1,105 Charlotte Arrives

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"This is what friends should do, support each other."

Hulk retorted:

"You are Banner's friend."

Sol immediately said:

"I'm not Banner's friend, I like you more."

Hulk shouted:

"Banner's friend."

Thor shook his head and said:

"I don't even like Banner."

"I don't like math, science or anything like that..."

Hulk said:

"Thor goes, Hulk stays."

Sol said helplessly:

"Okay, stay."

"The place is broken and ugly."

"It's red and it's white. Choose a color. It's ridiculous."

Hulk said angrily:

"Smash you with a plaque."

Sol said as he walked out:

"Guess I didn't break the plaque, I won that fight."

Hulk continued:

"I smashed the plaque on you."

Sol said indifferently:

"All right."

Hulk continued:

"Little arms."

"Small man."

After saying that, he threw the fruit in his hand at Sol.

Thor dodged the fruit and said to Hulk:

"Childish ghost."

Hulk continued to shout:

"Thor, let's go."

Sol said indifferently:

"Just leave."

Just when Thor was about to walk out of the room, a red laser net suddenly appeared, knocking down the unprepared Thor.

Hulk laughed loudly when he saw this scene:

"Thor, go away."

Then Hulk came down and said to Thor:

"Thor is home."

When Thor woke up again, Hulk had already put on his equipment, held an ax and said:

"The Hulk is going to train."

Thor looked at Hulk and said:

"Okay, I wish you happiness."

The person training with Hulk is none other than Valkyrie.

"Okay, big guy."

Hulk also said hello:

"Angry girl."

Valkyrie asked:

"What are you doing."


The two left the room.

After Thor saw the two leaving, he looked at the Quinjet parked outside, then closed his eyes and tried to contact Heimdall.

Suddenly, a familiar voice, but one that shouldn't appear here, appeared in Sol's ears.

"Hi, Sol."

Thor was stunned for a moment and saw Charlotte Doyle floating in the air outside the window.

"Man, why are you here?"

"Are you here to take me away?"

Charlotte Doyle's body became illusory, and she easily passed through the window and came to Saul.

"It took me a while to find you on Saka."

"It was your mother who asked me to take you and your brother back to Asgard."

Hearing that Charlotte was here to pick him up, Sol showed a smile on his face:

"Very good."

"But we need to find Loki, he is with Gao Tianzun."

"By the way, Banner is here too. We may need to take him away too."

"How about Asgard? Hela didn't go on a killing spree in Asgard..."

Watching Sol ask several questions in succession, Charlotte patted Sol on the shoulder:

"Don't worry."

"Hela is Odin's eldest daughter and your sister."

"But she is also the eldest princess of Asgard. She has made an agreement with me not to massacre the people of Asgard."

"But she wants to inherit Odin's throne, and you and Loki need to compete with her."

"Well, healthy competition without casualties."

"As for Banner and Loki, they need to be found and brought back together."

"Do you know where they are?"

Thor was stunned for a moment when he heard Charlotte's words, and then said:

"But father said hella..."

Charlotte smiled and said:

"Ambitious and want to fight."

Thor nodded and said:

"And I'm worried she'll cause Ragnarok."

Charlotte glanced at Thor and said:

"Only you can cause Ragnarok, not Hela."

After hearing this answer, Sol was also stunned for a moment.

"Wait, why me?"

Charlotte smiled and said:

"I used the time gem to see that it was not Hela who caused Ragnarok, it was you who started it yourself."

Thor took a step back in fright and murmured:

"How could it be me?"

"How could I let Asgard be destroyed?"

Charlotte continued:

"Don't worry, it's just a possibility."

"The future is not set in stone, and I have ways to avoid it."

Thor breathed a sigh of relief:

"It would be nice if it could be avoided."

"I actually don't care about the throne, but if Hela wants to start a war, it will bring disaster..."

Charlotte was speechless when she heard Thor's prejudice against Hela.

Odin allowed himself to appease Hela, and at the same time before leaving, he instilled Hela's cruel ideas into Thor and Loki. It was really...

"Let's discuss this matter back in Asgard."

"What needs to be done now is to find them and take them away."

Thor thought for a moment and then said:

"Banner went to train and will be back later."

"As for Loki, I don't know where he is."

"By the way, I still need you to help me remove this thing from my neck."

Looking at the neurovirus controller on Sol's neck, Charlotte reached out and touched it.

The next second, the controller turned into ashes and dissipated.

Thor touched the thing that had dissipated on his neck and said:

"Great, this abominable thing is finally gone."

Charlotte shrugged and then said:

"Now, we just need to wait for Banner to come back."


Night fell, and Hulk returned to the room after completing his training.

Hulk sat by the bathtub, picked up the fruit and ate it.

At this time, Charlotte Doyle appeared, looked at the Hulk in front of her and said:

"Thor, this is not Banner, but the Hulk."

After Hulk saw Charlotte Doyle, he remembered the figure of a woman in his mind, the one who beat him until he ran away with his head covered.

"I hate you, go away."

Charlotte didn't care about Hulk's reaction, she appeared in front of Hulk, then reached out and pointed on Hulk's forehead, and activated the power of the Mind Stone.

Bruce Banner's consciousness took over the initiative, and Hulk's body began to change. He covered his forehead in pain, and at the same time began to shrink his body.

Soon the Hulk turned back into Bruce Banner.

Bruce Banner looked around blankly:

"where is this place?"

"what happened?"

"Mr. Charlotte, Sol."

"Thor, your hairstyle has changed."

Sol opened his mouth and explained:

"A scary old man lost weight for me."

Bruce Banner lamented:

"quite handsome."


Then he continued to ask:

"Where am I? Where is Xiaona?"

Charlotte spoke:

"Natasha is fine."

Bruce Banner continued:

"Is she okay?"

"Where's Sokovia?"

Sol was stunned for a moment:


Bruce Banner continued:

"Sokovia, that city, did we save it?"

Charlotte smiled and said:

"Banner, Sokovia and Ultron, that was two years ago."

"The people of Sokovia were rescued, and Ultron was sealed by me."

Banner said blankly:


"Am I the Hulk for two years?"

Sol nodded and said:

"I'm afraid so."

Banner took off the huge ornaments around his neck and asked:

"What happened?"

Charlotte took out a set of clothes from the storage space and threw it to Bruce Banner:

"Put on your clothes first."

"As for what happened in the meantime, there should be a flight log on the Quinjet outside, recording the process of your arrival here."

"As for the rest, Saul can tell you what he knows."

Bruce Banner nodded, then looked at Thor.

Thor told everything he knew about the Hulk, and said that he had a battle with the Hulk not long ago.

Well, Thor wins easily.

Although Banner didn't believe it, he still asked:

"When will we leave and return to Earth?"

Thor spoke:

"We still need to find Loki and take him away with us."

Bruce Banner was stunned for a moment and said with some confusion:


"He's here too?"

Thor nodded.

Then Charlotte said:

"Get some rest. Let's leave here tomorrow. Loki will naturally appear by then."

The two accepted Charlotte Doyle's proposal, after all, they had no better way.


the next day.

Charlotte, Thor, and Bruce Banner stood at the window.

Banner asked curiously:

"How to leave?"

Charlotte smashed the window in front of her with her fist and said:

"Just leave."

"Go to the Quinjet first."

Charlotte grabbed Bruce Banner and jumped out, followed by Thor.

Soon the three of them arrived at the location of the Quinjet. After entering the fighter, Charlotte looked at Thor and Banner:

"Thor, let's see if you, the Avenger, can activate the fighter plane."

Although Thor didn't understand why he had to activate the fighter plane, he still followed Charlotte's arrangement.

Click on the control panel and use your palm to authenticate.

"Welcome, voice activation is required."


"Access Denied."

Sol was stunned for a moment, thought for a moment and then said:

"Thor, son of Odin."

"Access Denied."


"Access Denied."

Banner on the side wanted to step forward to help, but Charlotte stopped him.

Thor continued to try:

"The most powerful Avenger."

"Access Denied."

Seeing that several titles were incorrect, Sol complained:

"Yuck, Stark."

Thor looked at Charlotte Doyle and Banner.

Charlotte smiled and said:

"Thor, aren't you a member of the Avengers anymore? You can't even start your fighter planes, right?"

Sol was a little embarrassed, then closed his eyes and said:

"Shocking point."

The fighter system is activated in the next second:

"Welcome, shocking point."

Banner was stunned for a moment when he heard this title, and immediately covered his mouth to prevent himself from laughing out loud.

But Charlotte Doyle laughed directly and generously.

"Hahaha, Thor."

"Shocking news, does Jane know your nickname?"

Sol was a little embarrassed at the moment and said:

"Charlotte, you definitely did it on purpose."

Charlotte shook her head and said:

"How did I know Tony gave you such a nickname?"

At this time, Bruce Banner smoothed things over and said:

"Let me check the flight log first."

Banner stepped forward and verified his identity.


"Welcome, the most powerful Avenger."

Hearing this title, Sol was so embarrassed that he could use his toes to deduct three bedrooms and one living room.

Bruce Banner ninja smiled and said:

"Flight log."

Soon the flight log was played, and Bruce Banner saw the scene where he transformed into a road giant and took a Quinjet all the way to Sakaar.

At this moment, the alarm sounded.

"Saka, please be aware that I have bad news."

The three of them saw Gao Tianzun's projection through the window of the fighter plane.

"My favorite noble champion is missing."

"Let's go out into the streets and celebrate my championship."

Bruce Banner asked doubtfully:

"Who is that?"

Thor spoke:

"This is what I told you before, the ruler of this planet, Gao Tianzun."

"You've been staying at his house for quite a while these days."

Gao Tianzun continued:

"It seems that the kidnapper, King Thunder, stole my championship."

"Anyone who catches the Thunder King will receive a generous reward from me."

Thor asked:

"What do we need to do now?"

Charlotte smiled and said:

"Wait, wait until someone brings your brother to your door."


At this time, Loki and Valkyrie, escorted by a team of horses, arrived in front of Gao Tianzun.

Gao Tianzun stood in front of the two people and said:

"I am angry."

"I am very angry."

"You know what I like about being angry?"


"Now, I just want to do this."

At this time, Topez walked over holding Gao Tianzun's scepter.

Gao Tianzun continued:

"Now that I want to do this, you know who I want to blame?"

Loki then spoke:

"Gao Tianzun, I can..."

Gao Tianzun interrupted directly:

"Hey, don't interrupt me."

Topez directly handed the scepter to Gao Tianzun and said:

"for you."

Gao Tianzun looked at Topez and said:

"Why did you hand me the Melting Scepter?"

"He interrupted me, and that's not a capital offense."

Topez took back the melting scepter, and Gao Tianzun continued:

"Where did I say it?"

"My precious champion is missing, and it's all because of that Thunder King."

"It's all his fault."

Then he pointed to Loki and said:

"Your brother."

"No matter what happened to you, whether it was adoption or something hidden, I believe there are many origins."

Then he pointed to Valkyrie and said:

"He is the contestant you brought..."

Loki then spoke:

"Dear friend, if you can give me 12 hours, I can bring them both back alive."

Valkyrie glanced at Loki and said directly:

"I can do it in two hours."

Loki glanced at Valkyrie and said, unwilling to be outdone:

"I can do it in an hour."

Gao Tianzun said directly:

"Stop it."


This chapter has been completed!
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