Chapter 1,109 The Battle for the Throne

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"Hela Odinson!"

After Charlotte called Hela Odinson's name, Hela also stepped off the body of the giant wolf Fenris.

Hela stepped forward step by step. There was no crown on her head, but she still held the Sword of Sky and Night in her hand.

"We once had the most power in the universe, and our position was unparalleled."

"Our soldiers have great honor. After their death, they will be buried under the palace, and their souls will be born in the Hall of Valor."

"Over the years, I have not been in Asgard. I never wanted to be the once extremely powerful Asgard, but I have been threatened many times."

"Frost giant, haha."

"The beings who once knelt at our feet and built us palaces and icebergs now attack us."

"His Royal Highness threatened us and reached that ridiculous peace agreement."

"The dark elves, who were once driven out of the universe by grandpa and disappeared without a trace and their country and species, unexpectedly attacked Asgard and almost killed the God Queen."

"As for the rebellion in the Nine Realms... it was an idea that they didn't even dare to think about in the past."

"Asgard, which was once powerful, has become so weak without knowing when."

"I'm here to restore the power I once had."

"I will lead the soldiers of Asgard and spread the glory of Asgard to the entire universe."

"With the expansion of the Asa divine domain, I will promise to use more divine thrones to support more gods for the Asa divine system."

"Soldiers who are willing to fight will be promoted with military merit, and becoming a god to rule one side will no longer be a dream."

"We will have more land and the people will become richer."

"Every person with lofty ideals can realize their ideals here."

"Those who are not good at combat can do well in rear work, statistics, logistics, transportation, food and grass production, weapons and armor production, etc..."

"Everyone can exert their abilities and earn more income and remuneration."

Then Hela talked about honors, and even the pension system, etc. It can be said that all the benefits have been improved.

Of course, one problem that cannot be avoided in all of this is external expansion, that is, expansion and war.

Obviously, Hela's speech attracted many Asgardians who wanted to make great achievements, and it was even more attractive to soldiers.

And some people who have ideas about the Godhead support Hela's ideas.

Over the years, the Asgardian gods' positions have become very scarce. Although Asgard has many people and they are very powerful, the gods' positions are very rare.

There will be a huge difference between not having a godhead and having a godhead. From wealth to strength to lifespan, there will be an extremely terrifying difference.

As for ordinary Asgardians, it has long been out of reach for ordinary Asgardians to obtain the divine status in Asgard in the peaceful era. Look at the people who have the divine status. Sif, Heimdall, etc.

Beings with great military exploits, even beings like the Three Warriors of Asgard, even though they have a very high status and command the troops, they have not become Asgardian gods with priesthood.

As Hela finished explaining her personal philosophy, some of the Asgardians below shouted Hela's name.

Hearing the cheers of the people, Hela smiled, and then said to Charlotte Doyle:

"Referee, I have finished preaching my philosophy!"

Charlotte nodded, went up and announced:

"Hela Odinson's concept has been preached. Now let's invite the third contestant, Loki Odinson."

When Loki heard that it was his turn, he had a smile on his face, as if he wasn't worried at all.

I saw him getting off the eight-legged horse, walking slowly to the middle of the square, looking at the people of Asgard below.

Loki thought of the deal between Hela and him, and the secret Hela told him.

That is, Charlotte Doyle supports Hela. Even if she cannot become the king of Asgard, Hela is still the eldest princess of Asgard, and she will lead her army to fight against Charlotte Doyle.

With his subordinates, we will conquer the entire universe together.

At that time, it will be difficult for Asgard to be alone. As for the power of Charlotte Doyle, Luo Jian has seen it before. When he learned that the other party had the support of the magical world and ninjas, he was extremely optimistic about their actions, and even Luo Jian was extremely optimistic about their actions.

Ji also chose to join in.

Loki squinted at the people in Asgard in front of him and said slowly:

"I, Loki Odinson, choose to support Hela Odinson."

"I would like to spread the glory of Asgard to the entire universe together."

After speaking, Loki walked aside and expressed his abstention and support for Hela.

The scene was quiet for two seconds, and then there was a huge cheer, and Hela's name was shouted out.




Thor looked at Loki angrily, his hateful brother had betrayed him again.

How many times had he thought that Loki would abstain, but he thought it was the second match of the martial arts competition, but he did not expect that Loki would choose to support Hela, which really surprised him.

Frigga was a little surprised at first, but after thinking about it for a while, she was no longer angry.

The son always has to take his own path, and Hela may not have been a good idea before.

If Thor wins, then based on the relationship between Loki and Thor, Thor will eventually forgive his brother.

If Hela wins, Loki will not suffer any loss from Hela, and may gain considerable benefits.

As for expansion and war, although Frigga is the goddess of love, she is also the god of sky and earth. She also controls a 12-member female team that is as powerful as the Valkyries, namely Saga (discourse)

, El (mercy), Gefjon (giving), Fula (counselor), Fen (love), Luofen (approval), Farah (oath), Val (truth), Lynn (dissent), Helin (

Guardian), Snotra (wisdom), Gayna (messenger).

Moreover, she is also a powerful and combative being with superb swordsmanship.

Charlotte was not surprised at all by Loki's choice. Hela had even told him about Loki's bribery.

As for the position of God King of Asgard, Charlotte is actually very optimistic about Hela, especially in terms of strength.

Thor wants to compete with Hela, but he is still far behind in terms of strength. It can be said that only the old God of Thunder or the God of Talisman can compete with Hela.

And Charlotte discovered that Hela's strength has been growing during this time, and Asgard is pushing Hela higher.

It may also be that Asgard itself feels the threat of Ragnarok and is trying its best to improve Hela. On the other hand, Hela's policies are also of great benefit to her.

Is Hela just for war? No.

As Asgard develops better, its power increases, and its land area expands, it will lead to the improvement of Hela.

Hela's power comes from Asgard. The stronger Asgard is, the more powerful Hela is. Hela is deeply bound to Asgard.

Of course, with the destruction of Asgard, Hela will not die, but she will lose her most powerful support.

It's just that all this is Charlotte's guess, but he feels that it's almost the same.

Charlotte spoke:

"Loki Odinson, let me confirm with you again. Are you sure you will give up this fight for the throne of the God King?"

With a smile on his face, Loki said:

"I am sure."

"I give up this contest and support Hela Odinson."

Although Loki seems to be unpopular in Asgard, that is only on the upper level. However, on the lower level, as the second prince, Loki still has his own followers and subordinates.

With Loki's statement, the forces under him will choose to support Hela, making Hela's chances of winning even greater.

Charlotte nodded:

"I declare."

"Loki Odinson abstained, leaving only Hela Odinson and Thor Odinson in the first match."

Then Charlotte waved her hand, and paper and pen appeared out of thin air in front of everyone who arrived at the scene.

"You have fully understood the concepts of your two highnesses."

"Now for the voting session, just write down the name of the person you like on the paper."

"This vote does not affect the actual results and is only used as a reference."

Why not decide by voting? That's because the position of the God King has nothing to do with the people, and he is not elected. It is just to see whose ideas are more popular and supported.

The battle for the throne is just a family matter of Odin's lineage in Asgard, and ultimately it depends on the strength of the two.

As everyone wrote their names, Charlotte waved her hand and all the banknotes disappeared, and he collected them.

"The first competition is over."

"Let's proceed to the second competition."


"Everyone moves back 1,000 meters. Thor Odinson and Hela Odinson are invited to come on."

"In this competition, you can let go of your hands and feet and show your strength. I will ensure that your lives will not be in danger."

Hearing Charlotte's words, Hela glanced at the other party in surprise. The meaning in her eyes was, are you sure you can rescue Thor in my full hands?

And Saul believed in Charlotte Doyle very much. After all, if he said so, it would definitely be done.

Frigga glanced at her son with some worry, could Thor really win?

Valkyrie pouted and said:

"The guy who wants to die."


As everyone retreated a thousand meters away, leaving a large enough battlefield, Charlotte announced:

"The game officially begins!"

Following Charlotte's announcement, the whole person went through an illusion and entered the divine power space.

Thor held the Eternal Spear in his hand, looked at Hela in front of him, and said:

"You are my sister and you are indeed qualified to inherit the throne."

"Frankly speaking, I don't care about the throne."

"Believe me, I would also like someone else to rule, but it can't be you."

"You will bring war to Asgard and even the entire universe, my father once said to me."

"A wise king never starts a war."

Hela brushed her hair with both hands, and it immediately turned into a black crown representing the goddess of death. At the same time, she said:

"But you must always be prepared."

After speaking, Hela held the Sword of Sky and Night, Thor held the Eternal Spear, and the two rushed towards each other.

Hela jumped up high and struck directly at Thor with the Sword of Sky and Night in her hand. Thor held up the Eternal Spear with both hands to resist.


When Hela saw Thor blocking the attack, he launched a flying kick and kicked Thor back three meters.

Not to be outdone, Thor directly activated Gangnir, threw the Spear of Eternity at Hela, and penetrated Hela's abdomen with the Spear of Destiny.


The abdomen was pierced by the spear of eternity, and Hela made a muffled sound of pain.

Loki was stunned for a moment, Thor won now?

However, there was no trace of joy on Frigga's face.

Thor pulled out the Eternal Spear and was about to let Charlotte declare her victory, but the moment the weapon was pulled out, the wounds on Hela's abdomen and even her suit were all restored to the original state.

Thor, who noticed this, picked up the Eternal Spear, turned around, and hit Hela on the shoulder.


The Eternal Spear hit the ground of the square, and the masonry instantly shattered, leaving a large crater.

However, Hela turned sideways to avoid Thor's attack. However, Thor's attack did not stop and attacked Hela's leg again.

Hela jumped up to dodge, and Thor jumped up and hit Hela again with the eternal gun in his hand.


Hela stretched out her right arm and directly blocked the Eternal Spear. She grabbed the gun barrel with her left hand and tried to snatch it, but failed to take it. Then she pushed hard.

Under the huge power of Hela, the gun head swung behind Thor, hitting the ground hard, and the scene was filled with fire.

Thor picked up the Eternal Spear and poked at Hela again, but Hela crossed her arms to resist, and huge sparks of collision sparkled in Hela's chest.

Thor withdrew the Eternal Spear, spun around to strengthen his body, and attacked Hela.

Hela grabbed the front end of the gun and said to Thor:

"Honestly, I thought you had greater abilities."

Hela also grabbed the gun body with her other hand, then connected the eternal gun with Thor and threw them away together.

Thor fell to the ground, and Hela walked towards Thor.

Hela grabbed Thor's neck and said:

"The difference between us is that I am Odin's eldest daughter, legal heir, and savior of Asgard."

"But you are weak and pitiful."

After saying that, he directly smashed Sol out.

The sword of the night sky appeared in Hela's hand and she stabbed towards Thor. Thor punched Hela's arm holding the sword, then turned sideways and punched Hela's lower back with a powerful and heavy punch.



Hela groaned, and Thor hit Hela in the face with a pendulum.

However, Hela did not defend herself and directly slashed Thor's abdomen with her sword.

The sword hit the abdomen, and Thor immediately arched his body and held his abdomen.

As the divine power flows, the wounds on the abdomen begin to heal quickly. Thor also has a strong recovery ability, but it is not as exaggerated as Hela.


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