1332, flaming phoenix flag

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The Huashan took the lead and cut through the side of the target ship first.

In the gun warehouse, Gunnery Chief Yu Zijian asked the second gun crew, "You are the most skilled group on our ship. Today I am watching from the deck above. Are you sure you are confident about firing the first shot?"

Han Dong, the leader of the second artillery group, said: "Don't worry, boss, we will definitely be better than the remaining eleven cruisers. Just get on with it."

At this time, the Huashan had already approached the target ship and passed by it at a distance of seventy meters. This distance was the distance between European battleships duel. Due to the shape and characteristics of the chain bullets and bar bullets, the range was not very far. It was also easy to wear the gun barrel. Generally

The small charge also means the range is not very far. So you have to shoot at close range.

Yang Fan sat on the bridge, waiting for a moment to fire the cannon. This was his first time on a sailing battleship. It was also his first time to observe heavy artillery firing live. Yang Fan's naval artillery far exceeded Western artillery of this era.

The largest cannon on the Spanish galleon can shoot fifty-pound shells four hundred meters. But this is the maximum range. Generally, the range of direct bombardment is within one hundred meters. This is to ensure penetration.

Yang Fan's 203mm heavy artillery uses pointed cylindrical shells that weigh more than one hundred pounds. They are also explosive shells loaded with ten kilograms of explosives. They are very powerful and can cause devastating damage to wooden ships. Even with lead ball solid bullets, there are five

It weighs ten pounds and has a range of over 1,500 meters. The effective penetrating range is also over 500 meters.

The effect of using incendiary bombs is better. It can be directly hit from a long distance and then ignite the wooden boat. The aluminum powder and magnesium powder filled can emit a high temperature of several thousand degrees. The fire extinguishing equipment of this era cannot be extinguished at all.

Zhou Shan said: "Master, madam, the gunfire is about to start. Do you need earplugs?"

What kind of earplugs should I use? It’s a joke. After all, Mr. Yang has a military career, why are he afraid of firing? Yang Fan shook his head speechlessly. But he still turned to the ladies and asked: "I don’t need it, do you want it?"

Xiao Niangpi shook her head firmly. How could her competitive character be looked down upon by the master?

Lin Yueru saw that the little girl refused to use it, so naturally she couldn't be compared. She shook her head firmly.

Yang Fan thought for a moment and said, "Give the third lady and Mr. Chen a pair of earplugs each."

These two are ordinary people, not martial arts practitioners, so don't be scared. I didn't plan to bring them here, but they insisted on coming. Chen Xi's reason was to test her design results on the spot. Yang Fan couldn't refuse.

As soon as the two girls put on their earplugs, they heard a loud noise, which startled Yang Fan.

The sound was so loud that it made my ears buzz and cause tinnitus.

The firing of the 203mm heavy artillery was indeed not blocked.

The hull shook suddenly. The second gun window on the port side under the feet spurted out a thick smoke. Then there was a flash of fire.

Xiao Niangpi and Lin Yueru stood there and jumped a little when they were shocked. They screamed. One of them quickly held Chen Xi and the other Mei Xiang to prevent them from falling.

Even though they wore earplugs, they were still shocked by the loud noise and turned pale.

The so-called chain bombs are two chain balls connected by an iron chain. After being pulled out of the barrel, they will pull each other and rotate around each other. They are used to cut off the ropes and masts of enemy ships and tear the sails. They force the enemy ships to reduce their speed or even lose their ability to sail.


This kind of ammunition is very useful for enemy ships that need to be captured. Especially when frigates are catching smuggling ships, they can use chain bombs and bar bombs to cut off the masts of enemy ships. This way, they can sink the enemy without sank them.

In the case of a ship, board the ship, arrest people, and seize all cargo and gold and silver.

Therefore, this is an important training subject for the navy.

Yang Fan has keen eyesight. At the same time, the flight speed of chain bullets and bar bullets is much slower than that of spherical bullets. They are also larger and more eye-catching. You can see that the chain bullets are spinning and flying past. This shot is very accurate, and the iron chain is directly

It wrapped around the upper part of the main mast. Then the two big iron balls circled around the mast several times.

The iron chain wrapped around the mast, and with a click, the upper part of the main mast broke, and half of the mast fell down with the sail. It broke with a pop and fell into the sea. The speed of the target ship suddenly slowed down.

Then there were two more gun windows, spraying out flames one after another. This time, Yang Fan and his wife were mentally prepared. Apart from the fact that it still shocked their ears, they were not frightened.

Two more shots hit, this time, but they only tore open the sail. One barrage shot and one chain shot tore several large holes in the remaining sail at the lower part of the main mast, and tore it to pieces.

The Huashan quickly rushed over. The ships behind it continued to shoot in turn. After a while, not only the sails and masts of this pirate ship were swept away, but even the buildings above the deck were beaten to pieces and shattered.

After the fleet made a long circle, it rushed over again in an arc. This time it used spherical solid bullets, firing three salvos from 500 meters.

This distance was not easy to hit. However, when half of the cruisers were attacking, the large ship was still seriously damaged and flooded. The hull began to tilt and then capsized.

The exposed bottom of the ship looked like a dead fish with its belly exposed. It was densely covered with attached marine organisms, mainly barnacles and gooseneck shells. Then this unlucky pirate ship sank quickly. Even the ships behind it had not had time.


We had no choice but to continue the exercise by bombarding a hill on a small island.

Amidst the rumbling sound of artillery, solid bullets broke rows of trees. Explosive bombs and incendiary bombs caused forest fires.

There was no one here on a deserted island. There was no need for Yang Fan to put out the fire. Until the end of the training, the island was still burning with thick smoke.

Yang Fan was very satisfied with the training results. This exercise proved that the navy trained strictly in accordance with the drill and achieved satisfactory results. Both ship driving and positioning were in place. The artillery training also met Yang Fan's requirements.

After the exercise, the fleet returned to Wuling Military Port and berthed, and all officers and soldiers went to the school grounds for a meeting.

Yang Fan personally awarded the flag to each captain. When the captains received the military flag personally issued by Yang Fan, it meant that the ship had officially become an army.

Yang Fan's naval flag was determined after discussion with Mr. Wu.

This is an abstract phoenix composed of rising lines of flames. It spreads its wings and flies upward from the embers of the flames, shouting and singing a military flag composed of patterns.

Because Yang Fan's navy will mainly operate in the southern sea area in the future. And the south belongs to fire in terms of direction. The auspicious animal represented is the phoenix. For example, the Chu State during the Warring States Period used the phoenix flag.

The phoenix's nirvana also represents the endless spirit. It symbolizes rebirth from the ashes of every failure and becomes stronger.

Yang Fan personally awarded flags to the captains of each ship and presented them with command knives. This represented the master's recognition of them and great honor. The officers and soldiers below burst into thunderous applause.

The shape of the command knife is similar to the command knife of later generations, and the workmanship is exquisite and beautiful. It is different from the Yanling knife, Xiuchun knife and other shapes of this era. The blade is made of gun barrel steel. This material is the pinnacle product of steel technology and has extremely high

The combination of great toughness and hardness makes it the top material for making cold weapons.

After the flag presentation today, everyone will be given a reward of ten taels of silver. Then they will be dismissed and have a three-day holiday.

Yang Fan took his wife back to the Royal Clipper and prepared to set sail for Vladivostok tomorrow.

The navy has not yet been organized into a fleet, and Yang Fan is still examining the abilities of each captain and officer. Next, Yang Fan plans to equip these warships with radios and send them out to perform various tasks. The abilities of these officers will be inspected during the mission, and then promoted

A group of people form the command organization of the navy.

After forming a fleet, Yang Fan will begin to clean up the European forces in Southeast Asia and remove their colonial strongholds one by one.

This chapter has been completed!
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