1426,Beishan Jurchen

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Yang Fan arrived home in the evening. To be honest, during this period, various things were arranged tightly, and Yang Fan was also a little tired.

After eating, I took a hot bath and then fell asleep.

Although they had not seen each other for more than ten days, Xiao Niangpi and Lin Yueru were very obsessed with Yang Fan. Their little faces were red and they were begging for love. Their pink faces and rosy cheeks made Yang Fan feel thirsty and confused.

Some are ready to move.

After entering the sage's time, Yang Fan originally planned to go to bed, but the two of them kept acting coquettishly and asked for bedtime stories.

Yang Fan had no choice but to yawn, sleepy-eyed, and tell jokes that didn't match his words.

"Once upon a time, there were two people watching a play together."

Xiao Niangpi and Lin Yueru, one on each side, lay on Yang Fan's chest, like good girls, listening to the old man telling stories. They looked at each other. This is the old man's fixed routine for telling jokes, and they all start like this. It seems that the old man today

It's a joke.

"One of them is a civil servant and the other is a military officer. The play he watched was "The Seven Captures of Meng Huo"."

"The military attache saw Meng Huo's stubbornness and couldn't help cursing: Meng Huo is so barbaric. He refuses to accept the king's behavior. He has captured and manipulated him seven times, but he still refuses to accept it. He never expected that the descendants of Mencius would be so unruly and unruly.

man of."

Xiao Niangpi thought to herself, this military attache does not study and is a loser. He actually said that Meng Huo is a descendant of Mencius. He is really uneducated and terrible.

"Everyone around them covered their mouths and laughed. The civil servant said: "What my brother said is absolutely true. After all, Kong Ming, a descendant of Confucius, is much stronger than Meng Huo."

Geez, the little girl is smiling like a little hen. It’s so funny that the civil servants are worse than the military attachés. She even said that Kong Ming is a descendant of Confucius.

Yang Fan was so sleepy that his words began to be confused. One sentence to the next and the other to the other were uttered without any logic.

"Sir, Kong Ming is so knowledgeable, maybe he is really a descendant of Confucius." Lin Yueru also started to make jokes. "The late emperor was not halfway through his business, but the middle road collapsed..."

Lin Yueru recited a few sentences that set a good example. This was an article that Lin Yueru liked more.

Yang Fan closed his eyes, feeling very sleepy and just wanted to sleep. He murmured: "I know this article. I learned it when I was in school... The late emperor was not halfway through his business, but he fell in love with a sweet girl..."

Xiao Niangpi and Lin Yueru laughed so hard that the master was so funny. Yang Fan's voice became lower and lower, and he began to snore.

The next morning, Yang Fan woke up on time at six o'clock. He took the two octopuses off his body, got out of bed, and stretched out. It was still more comfortable to sleep on land. It was much better than on the boat.

This is an assembled wooden house. The Fu Ship that arrived later unloaded the components of two hundred wooden houses. It was already assembled. It happened that Yang Fan would move in when he came back.

The wood has good thermal insulation effect and has been soaked in flame retardant solution and quicklime water. It does not breed insects and is not prone to fire. It is really a must-have artifact for home travel in the cold zone.

The firewood is burning vigorously in the fireplace. The old tree roots are very resistant to burning and generate high heat.

Busia came in several times in the middle of the night to add firewood to the fireplace to ensure the temperature of the bedroom. Now she heated up Yang Fan's clothes and took the other two little girls to help Yang Fan put them on.

In such a cold weather, it takes a lot of courage to get out of bed. It is really a pleasure to be able to put on warm clothes directly.

Yang Fan liked this hard-working and capable little girl very much. He couldn't help but touch her withered and yellow hair.

"Buxia, we will return to Daming in a while. What are your plans in the future?" Yang Fan asked.

They can't stay here forever and will have to go back sooner or later. Busia's good job of earning ten copper coins a day has a time limit after all.

The little girl said sadly: "Master, I don't know what else I can do without this job. I have saved almost three hundred copper coins during this period. If you and your wife go back to Ming Dynasty,

, I’m really reluctant to part with it.”

The little girl had never found such a good job in her life. She had good food, warm accommodation, and clothes. The master and his wife were also kind to others. She felt a little hesitant for a while.

"I'll write you a note. You go to Vladivostok Elementary School. Food and accommodation are included, but there is no salary. But after you graduate from elementary school, you can find a job that pays you at least a month's salary." Yang Fan said to her seriously.


"Really? That would be great. If I can make a regular amount of money, I can support my whole family." The little girl had stars in her eyes.

Yang Fan nodded seriously. Although this little girl was born in poverty, she was self-reliant and worked very hard to do her job well. People could see full of positive energy in her.

When Yang Fan arrived at the newly built meeting hall, there were already more than a hundred people waiting for him.

This meeting hall was also quickly built using wooden components transported by the Fortune Ship. In the future, it will be used as the Town Hall of Temple Street.

"Uncle Dingyuan is here!" As the guard shouted, the noise in the hall suddenly became quiet.

Yang Fan strode into the hall, walked to the stage facing north, sat down next to a single high-backed seat.

Yang Fan glanced around with flickering eyes and found that they were all the leaders of the Beishan Jurchens. There were also some leaders of various chaotic tribes on both sides of the Black Dragon.

The Beishan Jurchens are a savage tribe living in the north of the Xing'an Mountains. They are true Siberian indigenous people. From the Yenisey River to the Kamchatka Peninsula, there are various fishing and hunting tribes.

The tribes such as "Ozhuo", "Jilimi" and "Guwei" are relatively powerful. They also include Hezhe (called Nanai in Russia), Ewenki (Evenki), Oroqen (Oroch), Fei

Yaka (Nivkh) and other tribes.

The Chukchi people from Siberia also came in large numbers, such as the Nüzhi, Kiremi, Nüzhi Savage, Beishan Savage, Kuwu, and Gileemi.

Yang Fan even saw some Yukagir people and Eskimos.

The most numerous people here are the Chukchi people.

They believe in animism, advocate amulets, and believe in shamanism. According to production and lifestyle, the Chukchi people are divided into two groups: the deer-raising Chukchi people and the coastal Chukchi people.

Deer raising The Chukchi people are mainly engaged in deer raising and hunting, with fishing as a sideline. The main means of transportation is deer sleds, and the main food is venison. They use birch bark boats to cross the river.

The coastal Chukchi people are mainly engaged in sea animal hunting, with seals and manatees being their main food. The sideline industry is fishing and hunting. The main means of transportation are dog sleds and skin boats, and seal skins are used to make clothes to keep out the cold.

"Dear uncle, I heard that the Ming Dynasty is going to enthrone the local leader. I don't know what benefit it will give us." The Coca Qitou man asked bluntly.

They are real savages, unlike the people of Nurgandusi, who were canonized by Emperor Chengzu of the Ming Dynasty in history. These people are the envoys who came to see the Ming Dynasty for the first time.

Yang Fan was not disgusted with this. On the contrary, he liked this straightforward way of expression.

This chapter has been completed!
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