1474, Railway construction reaches Linhe

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At this time, the Beishan Jurchens were collectively called the Sauron people.

The Saurons in the late Ming Dynasty are actually more accurately called the Three Tribes of Sauron. They are the Ewenki, Oroqen, and Daganer tribes. Their common feature is that they are all forest dwellers.

They are different from the fishing and hunting people who live in the plains. They are more primitive, but also more fierce. They are actually in a transitional state between beasts and humans.

The level of civilization is extremely low, but the instinct and combat effectiveness are off the charts.

But just like the famous wolf in Hoh Xil, the wolf actually cannot stand the wolf culture. Otherwise, how could it quickly evolve into a dog in three months? But they have no choice, this is the only way for them to survive.

Their children, almost five or six years old, follow the adults to chase prey, otherwise they will starve to death.

If they couldn't be extremely strong and brutal, they wouldn't be able to survive. They would freeze to death and starve to death. For them, survival means no life. If they can survive, they can survive until April next year because of the cold weather. In a shady place

It is not known whether it will be preserved until May.

They have spent their whole lives fighting against severe cold, wild beasts, hunger, and injuries. Their life seems dangerous, but in fact it is not safe at all. Every individual who survives is a miracle. Therefore, their population is so small that it is disappointing.


No matter how there is a way out, who would want to live this kind of life? Just like the Internet celebrity wolf, he used to live a life of hunger and hunger. Since he came to the highway, he has lived a life of chicken and chicken.

When the Ming Dynasty restored Nuergandusi, they were trembling with excitement. Their ancestors had lived a well-organized life for forty or fifty years. Deep in their memories, they had never forgotten the well-organized life.

Yang Fan stood on a stone in a leisurely manner and accepted the worship of Beishan Jurchen. After they accepted the establishment of the Ming Dynasty in Temple Street City, they immediately heard good news. Uncle Dingyuan allowed them to advance one year's salary in advance.

Their salary mainly consists of rice, cloth and salt. Money is of no use here, so giving them silver means they can't eat when they're hungry and can't clothe themselves when they're cold. It's like a stone. Giving them supplies is the last word.

Since they have entered the Ming Dynasty's guard system, they naturally have official uniforms, armors and weapons.

When the exquisite plate armor, cotton clothes, pants, shoes and hats were handed out, they were so excited. How many generations had not seen iron pots, cotton cloth and armor. They held Mongolian riding bows, touched the steel weapons, and howled excitedly.

I couldn't stop screaming. When had they ever received such good treatment?

Next, they were organized into different tribes, with fifty people as the basic unit of a general banner. Then they were formed into larger units of hundreds or thousands of households.

Like the Ming Dynasty, their Qianhu household has more than 1,100 people. Yang Fan's power can only allow them to be a Qianhu. Any higher level must be approved by the Ministry of War.

At Yang Fan's reception dinner, these people were given braised pig heads and canned braised sea fish, as well as white-flour steamed buns, sourdough bread, and vegetable soup, and they ate as much as they wanted.

No one even shared one or two high-strength liquor. The liquor used to trade with the savages was the poorest sweet potato wine made from sweet potato vines. But it also made them so excited that they almost went crazy with alcohol. Their chewing wine was not like that.

The intensity is 53 degrees. The colder the area, the more people like strong liquor.

Although they and the Jurchens from the East China Sea did not understand each other in language, they could still communicate. When they heard about the benefits of the march, they all cheered, saying that they were lucky to be here.

It's much happier here than in the tribe.

Not to mention anything else, they had three full meals a day, and they shouted excitedly that as long as Master Yang would let them eat, they could follow Master Yang to the ends of the earth.

Having enough food and clothing is something that only exists in dreams and legends in their memory.

After Yang Fan had gathered with more than a hundred Jurchen leaders from the East China Sea and forty or fifty Jurchen leaders from the North Mountain, they went back to the RV. After all, it was too cold outside. Yang Fan didn't want to be exposed to the cold. He was not like these people.

They are native to the world of ice and snow.

As soon as Yang Fan came back, the maid took off his sable coat and hung it up. Lin Yueru took a telegram and came out of the telecommunications room on the first floor of the RV.

"Sir, there is good news. Three days ago, our railway was repaired to Linhe City. The entire Suiyuan railway project has been completed. The station will be completed and put into use in ten days. From now on, Linhe will pass through Jiuyuan City and Guihua City

, Jining City, Zhangjiakou City, and Tianjin Port can all be connected by train."

Yang Fan was pleasantly surprised. He didn't expect the progress to be so fast.

Although the 762 narrow gauge railway is simple to build, low cost and fast to build, it is still the first railway. The engineers and workers are all novices.

This is a thousand kilometers of railway. It took almost three years to build and it was finally opened to traffic.

Although it passes through plains and grasslands, it is not difficult. However, tunnels have also been built in the mountainous areas in western Beijing and the Zhangjiakou mountainous area. The zigzag railway invented by Zhan Tianyou is also used to cross the mountains.

Yang Fan is not only happy that the railway between Beizhili and Suiyuan has been completed. More importantly, a railway construction team has been trained. From design and planning to construction and material transportation, a complete system has been formed.

The wasteland in the southeast corner of the southern part of the capital was built into a community for railway workers. Their families lived there together to solve their worries and allow them to build railways in the barren mountains and mountains with peace of mind. There are schools, medical centers, and Xinghe

Supermarkets. We also opened spinning factories that recruited female workers from family members.

From now on, as long as we continue to recruit people and lead the new with the old, we will be able to separate multiple railway construction engineering teams. Railways in many places can be developed in the future.

Yang Fan and Lin Yueru came to the second floor, took off their cotton-padded clothes and changed into comfortable pajamas.

The temperature on the second floor is high, staying around 25 degrees. You can't wear too many clothes, otherwise it will be very hot.

Yang Fan changed his clothes, quickly found a map, spread it on the floor, took a pencil and began to study the satellite map carefully.

Xiao Niangpi added firewood to the fireplace and closed the transparent, round furnace door made of heat-resistant glass. Watching the flames burn again, she wiped her hands and came over to lean against Yang Fan, watching Yang Fan study the map.

This map is a map of Eurasia, with the Mediterranean Sea and parts of North Africa.

Yang Fan's pen tip moved from Beitangkou Station to each station, while flipping through a book. This book is railway information. It stretches all the way to Linhe.

"Sir, the completion of the railway means that we have completely controlled all the Hetao areas except Xitao where Ningxia Town is located." Xiao Niangpi said while looking at the map.

The construction of the railway is a major event. With the railway, it only takes a few days for the Yang family's army to go to the Western Regions.

This chapter has been completed!
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