1038, four infantry fighting cavalry

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Xie Tianen returned to his regiment and immediately found these scumbags.

I heard that the group wanted to use their old profession, and more than 300 people came in a hurry. They were all good at this. They were so active, mainly because they heard that the matter was completed, and they would be rewarded with a hundred taels of silver and return their official posts.

Upgrade one level.

The eyes of these bad guys are red.

They all live at the bottom of society. Who can do this if they have other abilities?

If the officer is promoted to one level, the soldier becomes a corps commander. Although the corps commander is not an officer and Xiaoqi is an officer, he still gets three coins per month.

Although their team is training as a team, as mentioned above, if you perform well, you can be included in the Beijing camp system. That will give you an iron rice bowl.

And one hundred taels of silver, which is a lot of money that they will never make in their lifetime.

Even if you go home, the dry land in Shanxi is only three to four taels of silver per acre. It is enough to buy 30 acres of land, build an adobe house, and have a wife. This is a proper small landowner. He goes out to cattle and sheep.

Farm, wife and children back home. What a wonderful day.

No matter how bad it is, at least I can leave a descendant for my ancestors.

They immediately clamored to sign up. Xie Tianen saw that there were too many people. There was no need for so many people, as too many people would make it easier to be exposed. But at this time, it was difficult to drive some people away.

In his haste, he came to his senses and said: "You were all taken out of the county jail. Please listen to the following sentences."

Obviously, the longer the prison term and the more severe the sentence, the more experienced the criminal is and the better his skills.

Fifty people were quickly selected. Naturally, the others were convinced by this method, and no one made further trouble.

"Sir, the younger ones above are required to do this, and the younger ones must obey. But every line has its own rules. I hope you will give me your permission." Qi Laoliu, the oldest thief, said with his hands.

"If you have any conditions, just put them forward, and I will do anything I can for you." Xie Tianen will naturally not let the small things make the big gains at this time.

"Sir, there's nothing else. All the belongings of the Mongolian officers and soldiers we defeated must belong to our brothers."

Xie Tianen was stunned. He didn't expect this guy to have such conditions. Not only did he burst into laughter, he was really a dedicated thief, and he was still thinking about this at this time.

"No problem, I make the decision. Their horses and property will all belong to the person who defeated him."

The group of thieves below immediately cheered. Mongolian horses are not cheap. They are worth fifty taels when they are returned to Shanxi. Mongolian riding bows are also good things. If you take them back, you can sell them for a good price.

Cao Shangfei said worriedly: "For a while, I have no place to find jujube sticks, I just need someone who can take advantage of me."

Qi Laoliu scolded: "Idiot! If you don't have Butcher Zhang, why eat pigs with hair on them? Just use an iron mace and an iron whip instead. As for whether it will kill the person at once, it doesn't matter. After all, we are killing enemies on the battlefield."


A group of people suddenly realized this and quickly asked someone to borrow heavy weapons, such as iron bone buds, steel whips, iron maces, etc.

There is no shortage of bamboo poles and ropes. Flagpoles are all bamboo poles, and tents are also built with bamboo poles. After all, they are much lighter than wood.

Soon the group put on black clothes, painted their faces with ink, and quietly crawled towards the Black Tiger Pass.

Xie Tianen held a three-pronged bludgeon in his arms, with ammunition inside, but he was not going to use it unless it was absolutely necessary. After all, in the open mountains, the sound of gunfire spread too far.

Black Tiger Pass is a pass on the mountainside between two mountains. This area is covered with black pine forests, and the dim moonlight tonight is good for hiding.

A group of men in black crawled toward the pass.

In the distance, three Mongolian soldiers were leaning against a tree, yawning and chatting. In the distance, Mongolian soldiers were sleeping in groups under a stone sheltered from the wind. They spread the blankets they carried with them on the ground and slept soundly.

There is a small piece of flat land in the mountains with a pile of firewood in the middle. Judging from the smell in the wind, it is obvious that the pile of dry firewood has been soaked with kerosene.

Xie Tianen signaled with his hand that the White Wolf trapper could move and go around from all sides.

A few old thieves, carrying iron bone flowers, covered their bodies with bushes, disguised as bushes, and moved forward against the mountain wall. As long as the three Mongolians' eyes were diverted, they carefully moved a few steps

They wore cloth shoes with cotton soles and walked quietly.

Dunbu yawned and cursed the sign leader who asked them to watch the night. The Mongolian military system of ten men is called the sign leader, which is the smallest officer. It is also called the ten-man captain (called "Alban Nayan" in Mongolian).

This time, the leader was a fifty-fifty captain, who was called "Tabinayan" in Mongolian. Although the actual leader was only thirty people, his rank was that of a fifty-fifty captain. Just like some ten thousand households, there were only three

The same as four thousand soldiers and horses.

Muren suddenly looked doubtfully at a place about ten meters to the side. There was a bush there. He felt a little strange, was there a bush there? He couldn't tell clearly, after all, he didn't pay attention. He was so sleepy and confused at the moment.

"Su He, you have good eyesight. Look, are there any shrubs there? Why don't I remember? I was in that position just now, but why did I leave by myself? What a ghost." Muren said with a yawn.

As soon as he said that, the other two people were no longer sure. They suddenly became alert, so the three of them pulled out their knives and walked towards the bushes.

Cao Shangfei's nervous palms were all sweaty. He saw the three men about to stab the bush with a knife to see if there was anything strange about the bush. He could still walk with his long legs. Suddenly, a black shadow flashed, and three bamboo poles emerged from the bush.

Reaching out from behind, three nooses accurately wrapped the necks of the three people from the top of the bamboo pole.

Immediately the other three bushes started to move on their own.

The three Mongolians were roped around their throats, and the bamboo poles were lifted up. They touched the ground on their toes and made a roaring sound in their throats. They couldn't shout at all. They were horrified to see that the three bushes actually moved on their own and rushed towards them.

Came over.

As three black shadows flashed, three daggers pierced his heart.

The three sentries immediately settled the matter.

Xie Tianen waved his hand excitedly, and it was done. The forty-seven people behind, carrying heavy weapons, quietly went in. As long as these sentries were killed, the rest would be much easier.

Agula was sleeping soundly when he suddenly heard a bang, like the sound of a watermelon being smashed. He sat up suddenly and saw a thin, dark man taking the iron from Lord Tabinyan's head.


Capture the thief first. Capture the king first. Cao Shangfei was an old bandit with very vicious eyes. He immediately judged who was the biggest Tartar official. He killed Tabin Nayan first with a hammer.

"Enemy attack, sir, I've been killed." Agula immediately shouted, and at the same time he picked up his machete and rushed towards the grass.

He had just taken three steps when a man in black stepped out from behind the pine tree and hit his back with a hammer. With a crack, his spine was broken. He fell to the ground with a plop and could not get up.

This chapter has been completed!
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