1044, making dumplings by riding on foot

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At this time, the Mongolian cavalry surrounded three regiments of 10,800 infantrymen and killed them on all sides.

Even though the cavalry have lost their speed, these regiments are no match for their training. If the Beijing camp is here, they will definitely seize the opportunity and beat up the drowned dog. Just like beating a chicken with blood, they will assassinate them with all their strength.

But after all, this is the first time for these people to go to the battlefield. Until now, their legs are weak. It is not easy to persevere.

Fortunately, the rigorous training over the past three months has formed muscle memory for them. At this time, their minds were blank and they had no idea what to do.

At this time, they were going crazy, following the most familiar movements in their memory, desperately using Swiss halberds to stab, slash, and hook.

I have to say, this thing is so useful. The cavalry will be hooked if they don't pay attention.

Especially after the spear tip is stabbed, it will suddenly turn over and hook back with steel hooks. The inside of these hooks are sharp blades. If it hooks into the neck, the head will definitely fall off.

If the tip of the hook hooks into leather armor or iron armor, it will knock people off their horses. Armor in this era is all pierced armor, and the armor pieces are densely packed one on top of the other. There are too many junctions where hooks can get stuck. It is almost a

Make sure you tick it.

The Swiss halberd can even hook a knight wearing streamlined plate armor from his horse, let alone these pierced armor and cloth armor.

The Mongolian scimitars had no advantage against the Swiss halberds at this time, and they could not reach the halberdiers.

But the sword and shield soldiers below were under tremendous pressure. The different collisions of the Mongolian horses even caused many people to vomit blood. But they held on to their shields desperately.

In order to prevent them from being pushed, there was a row of people behind them pushing their waists with their hands.

The officers also tied their waists in a row with ropes. In this way, it would be more difficult for them to fall down and create a gap for them to be breached.

Under the repeated attacks of the Mongols, these large phalanxes kept sinking inwards. Then, the officers shouted with all their strength, urging the soldiers to rush out and fight back again.

Chen Qinhu, who was in the middle square formation, stood on the carriage and shouted for command. When he saw that the area was about to be unbearable, he sent a reserve team there.

Zhang Shun, with his small flag, finally achieved his first victory.

A captain of ten men, riding a horse, saw Zhang Shun's opportunity and hooked his shoulder with the hook of a Swiss halberd.

The brand screamed, and a steel hook like an eagle's beak was hooked into Pipa's bone from the iron ring of the chainmail. He was knocked off the horse. Then, several axes chopped down one after another, killing the unlucky guy.

Hacked to death.

Zhang Shun wiped the blood from his face with his sleeve.

At this time, three people under his banner had been shot to death. There was an arrow stuck in his bun, and the arrow cut open his scalp, and the blood on his face made his eyes blur.

He didn't have time to treat his wounds, so he shouted desperately and fought with the enemy.

The biggest casualties were the shield soldiers. They withstood the pressure and never collapsed.

Seeing that they could not defeat the enemy, the Mongols kept firing arrows and shooting at the halberdiers. The archers in the inner circle also kept shooting at them. For a time, a large number of soldiers on both sides were killed and wounded.

In the middle of the large square array were the officers and soldiers who died in the battle who were carried down. The injured were also dragged here. Doctors gave them simple bandages, mainly to stop the bleeding.

If there were casualties in the front, someone would immediately step in to help them, keeping the formation stable at all times.

The entire outside of the phalanx was filled with dead Mongolian soldiers and horses.

By this time, the battle had become intense. Both sides were shooting arrows at random, the front row was fighting fiercely, and people kept screaming and falling to the ground.

Dabu Lai didn't expect that these rookies hadn't collapsed yet, and was very shocked.

At the same time, I was also surprised by their physical strength. This kind of fighting is very physically demanding, but I didn't expect these people to persist. Halberds and shields are heavy weapons, which consume more physical strength than sabers.

Sitting on a horse and standing on the ground also consume different physical strength.

At this time, he had begun to become anxious. He saw the cavalry that had rushed over come back and kill them. Although they were fake cavalry, they would have fallen off if they were not tied to the horse.

Many of the riders on the chain horses were dead. A group of five people generally had half of them killed or injured. But these corpses still stood on the horses in strange shapes. They looked very scary.

Now, with so many casualties, they have still been unable to break through the turtle formation of 10,000 infantrymen.

Obviously, these Han generals deliberately used these people to consume the physical strength of their own army. They blocked both ends and were slowly advancing.

These 10,000 cavalrymen originally suffered 1,500 or 600 casualties when fighting against those chain horses and wall mounts. Now in front of these three square formations, in less than an hour, another 2,000 casualties were suffered.

Although, these three square arrays have reduced their area by half.

Because they died more.

The front row of the Mongols moved their horses and slashed and killed, while the back row looked for opportunities to fire arrows.

Although the battlefield is chaotic and the fighting in front blocks the view, their archery skills are still very powerful.

The Ming army did not have much iron armor, and the defensive power of leather armor was worrying, resulting in very heavy casualties.

It's just that these three months of training worked, and they never collapsed.

Each of them looked hideous in fear, grinning, and looked strange, but they persisted with trembling all over. They were breathing heavily, sweating profusely in the summer sun, as if they had been washed away by water.

But they seemed to have squeezed out the last bit of strength from their bones and fought desperately.

Because they knew that they had nowhere to run, and the military formation was in ruins.

Just fight it out, kill one to cover your expenses, kill two to earn one.

Yan Yingyuan saw that less than half of the three square formations were left. And their physical strength was obviously unable to keep up. He knew that he could not wait any longer.

"Blow the trumpet and attack from the north and the south at the same time. Let's charge with our chain horses first. Others who can fight will dismount and go to meet the enemy on foot."

These fake cavalrymen killed 1,500 to 600 Mongolians during the duel, and they themselves suffered more than 3,000 casualties. Many groups of five people riding on the wall carried many dead people.

We couldn't continue fighting like this, so we simply dismounted all those who could fight and blocked them as infantry.

The desolate horns of the horns were blown, and the infantrymen on both sides shouted their trumpets and surrounded them.

Dabulai was going crazy. The remaining 5,000 people could not withstand the siege of more than 20,000 infantrymen no matter what.

Originally, he thought that with one go, the 10,000 cavalrymen would be able to scatter these infantrymen.

It's not that he didn't consider this terrain. Once he fell into it, he would be in trouble, unable to advance or retreat.

However, he believed that as long as the infantry in front was defeated, according to the historical conduct of the Ming army, they would collapse and run back, which would naturally disperse the infantry array behind them.

If he covers up and kills again, it will form a tendency to roll back the bead curtain.

He was able to lead his men and horses to pursue them all the way from the valley. Of the more than 30,000 men, he expected to be able to keep more than half of them.

Unexpectedly, although these people are not good at fighting, they still come up with tricks one after another.

The so-called cavalry, which was actually equipped with temporary weapons, rushed over.

Now, he was actually surrounded in the valley.

Dab Lai was an old man. He kept rolling his eyes. Half a lifetime of fighting experience told him that he must start looking for a way out.

This chapter has been completed!
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