Chapter 426: Lure the snake out of the hole to eliminate the worries, the five-black black cat recognizes its new owner

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"Fengzi! Speak quickly! What are you thinking about?"

"Oh, it's nothing. I was thinking, if there really is a Tianxin Cave tomb in this mountain, how should we find that place."

"Then have you thought of a good idea?" Dou Sprout asked.

I nodded first, then shook my head.

I said, "If it is really there, we probably won't be able to find it with our ability alone. I'm afraid we will have to ask a top compass player to help find the dragon's acupoint. Let's not talk about this topic for now. Let's go quickly."

Halfway up the mountain, strange bird sounds suddenly came from the woods.

I turned the flashlight to its maximum brightness and shined it towards the woods.

I saw many cuckoos fluttering away. The birds seemed to sense some kind of danger.

Dou Sprout's face changed slightly, and he secretly gave me a wink.

I hid the knife in my sleeve, supported Dou Sprout and continued on my way.

Suddenly, a black shadow jumped down from the tree!

This black shadow landed on all fours and crawled toward us like a cat!

Dou Sprout immediately shouted, "Fengzi, be careful! It's coming!"

Bean sprouts run away quickly!

At this moment, Dou Sprout's legs and feet are so flexible that he doesn't look like an injured person!

I grabbed the flashlight with my left hand, raised the knife with my right hand, and yelled nervously at the black shadow, "Old lady, you are finally willing to show up!"

From ahead, a hoarse beast-like voice came.

"How dare you lie to me? How dare you lie to me! Boy! I'll kill you first!"

I was no match for her, so I turned around and ran away. As I ran, I shouted, "Brother Yu, save me!"

I believe that people with discerning eyes have already figured it out. This is just a show, a game, designed to lure the snake out of the hole!

Dou Sprout has done a lot of things with us, and he would never make such a stupid mistake! So, the bleeding is fake, and the bite is fake, all for the sake of showing the old woman hiding in the dark.

Lure her in!

The black cat is the actor who keeps secrets best. The old woman doesn’t believe us, but she definitely believes in the black cat she raised, because cats can’t talk!

Soon, as soon as I finished speaking! Brother Yu, who had been ambushing me all the way, emerged from the grass with a loud roar, and he directly cut off the old woman's retreat.

Hit the venomous snake within seven inches. Once you find an opportunity, kill it in one fell swoop! Don’t give the venomous snake a chance to bite back!

I kept my distance and quickly took out my secret weapon from my arms.

I was using the dragon-head slingshot I bought at the Handan Fair! At this moment, I was holding the slingshot in my hand, just like stringing a bow, and aimed directly at the old woman's head!

old lady
My grandma practices the Jiuhua Cat Kung Fu. Even though she is seventy or eighty years old, it can be said that her perception is as sharp as a cat! In a millisecond, the old woman turned over and avoided my slingshot attack.

Just this opportunity! Brother Yu had already rushed in front of her in three steps.

The back fist with one move was like an ape flicking its tail! Brother Yu looked indifferent! He raised a palm and slapped the old woman firmly!

Brother Yu didn't hold back this time, and used all his strength in this back-to-back fist! The old lady was beaten so hard that she vomited blood on the spot!

It wasn't over yet. He didn't show any respect for the old and cherished the young. He grabbed the old woman by her hair and lifted her up! Brother Yu grabbed the old woman tightly, aimed at her heart, and punched three times in a row! Each punch was

No strength was spared! The punches penetrated the bones! I felt pain even from a distance!

As Brother Yu loosened his hand, the old woman seemed to have lost all her strength and collapsed to the ground. There was blood at the corners of her mouth and she looked at the sky in confusion.


With a long sigh, he walked out of the woods with his hands behind his back, followed by Xiaoxuan.

The black cat didn't listen to Xiaoxuan this time. It jumped off Xiaoxuan's shoulder and ran to the old woman, licking her face with its tongue.

He moved his head to the old woman's side, looked down at her and said, "Sister Xu, you were considered the number one figure in the world in your early years. I ordered Wen Bin to use all his strength. This can be regarded as a kind of respect for you."

He frowned and said, "We have no grudges at first, but now that we are in this situation, if you don't get rid of me for a day, you will be like a fishbone stuck in your throat, unable to sleep peacefully. Considering that we met in the early years, what else do you have in mind?"

What you want to say, say it."



The old woman coughed twice in a row. Her face was pale and the corners of her mouth were bleeding. She said, "Silver Fox, I can't fight you and died in your hands. I am not unjust. You can take good care of this cat for me. It will be able to help me in the future."

I’m busy with you.”


The black cat meowed, but no one knew what the meow meant.

He raised his head and asked, "Is there anything else you want to say?"

The old woman coughed several times in a row, vomiting blood every time she coughed. One can imagine how heavy Brother Yu's fist was.

"Also, I buried a sum of money under a ginkgo tree in the mountains. You can all take it. I only want one thing from you."

"you say."

The old woman gasped and said, "The thatched cottage I live in has a vat under the bed, and Brother Yang's body is hidden in the vat, etc."

You have found the Tianxin Tomb, and I hope you can bury his body in the tomb."

"Yang Jun?"

He shook his head and asked, "Yang Jun's body has not been buried yet? It turns out that it is in your hands. It has been almost forty years, right?"

"No, it's only thirty-eight years till this year," the old woman said with tears in her eyes, "I love Brother Yang, but I still can't let him go."

He raised his head and took a deep breath, "I can promise you this, Wen Bin. Give Sister Xu a happy break and send her on her way."

Brother Yu nodded and pinched the old woman's neck.

Now she could break her neck with just one force, but the old woman suddenly grabbed Brother Yu's wrist!

We thought the old woman was going to fight desperately, but in the next second, the old woman turned to look at Xiaoxuan and said excitedly, "My child! You do it! Only if you kill me can you truly become the master of Wuheixuan Cat!"

"Wuheixuan Cat? Is it this cat breed?" Xiaoxuan asked with a frown in confusion.

The old woman smiled miserably and nodded, "Yes, my child, Wuheixuan Cat only recognizes its mistress. Its lifespan is much longer than that of ordinary cats. I also spent a lot of effort in getting her to recognize its master in the early years. There is a kind of secret hidden in you."

Evil spirit, it likes you, in other words, you are more qualified to be her master than me."

"Children, I didn't lie to you before. The eyes of the five black cats can see things that do not belong to this world. Not only can they predict danger, but they can also communicate with the world of yin and yang. Remember, the adult five black cats can see things that are not in this world.

It must eat dead human flesh every two months. It loves dead human eyes the most, so you must remember this."

"I'm about to die, kid, please do something."

Xiaoxuan frowned for a moment, then she took out the knife and stabbed the old woman's heart without hesitation, all the way to the bottom!

The old woman reached out to touch the side of Xiaoxuan's face. She seemed to have exhausted the last strength of her body and said with a smile, "I really saw the right person."

After saying that, the old woman dropped her hands and slowly closed her eyes.

Xiaoxuan did not hesitate and pulled out the agate knife again, blood splattered on her forehead.

At this time a strange thing happened.

Just as the old woman died, the black cat immediately jumped into Xiaoxuan's arms and licked the blood on Xiaoxuan's forehead.

Brother Yu tried the old woman's nose, turned around and said, "Hold your head, the person is dead."

Tou's face was expressionless at the moment, and the moonlight shone on his head of silver hair, which made it look a little shiny.

He lit a cigarette with his head, took a deep breath and seemed to be lost in the memories of old things.

After waiting for a long time, he raised his head and said, "Ten years of good dreams have passed away, and the sound of the flute is no longer here. The wild flowers bloom and fall by themselves, and the songbirds are also sad when they breastfeed each other."

I have low education and don’t understand what this poem means, but I can feel the emotion in this poem. The old woman has lived in seclusion in Xisai Mountain for forty years. Her only purpose is to bury her head, Xiao Yang Jun, in

In Tianxin Point, this is her final destination.

"Boss, can you take the time to tell us about the affairs of the elders, especially this little Yang Jun? I want to know more about it," I said.

"Let's talk about it later when we have time," said the leader, "Little Yang Jun is like Meng Chang, but he became famous earlier. At that time, Meng Chang was not born yet."

He stamped out the cigarette butts and said, "There are fewer and fewer people of our generation. Let's go and meet the descendants of Guanshan Taibao and the famous tomb robber king of Guanzhong decades ago."

"Are you leaving now?"

Dou Sprout scratched his head and said loudly, "Hold your head! We have to bury the old woman's body quickly! What will we do if others see this!"

The leader said, "Let's leave it for now. When we find Tianxin's tomb, I want to bury them together."

In this way, the old woman was dealt with, and the group returned and rushed to the thatched house in the old woman's tea garden.

Dou Sprout ran over, put his arm around my shoulders and said with a smile, "Fengzi! Thank goodness I was just pretending! If I were so damn useless! Then I would have to commit suicide!"

Dou Sprout suddenly whispered, "How's it going? Is mine bigger than yours?"

I pushed him away and said speechlessly, "Bullshit! Mine is obviously bigger than yours, okay?"

"Fengzi, you're talking nonsense! Look at you! You just don't want to admit it!"

Women sometimes secretly compare the size of their breasts with others. In fact, men also have this idea. They are still young until they die, so they cannot avoid this custom.

Dou Sprout chased me and shouted, insisting that his was bigger than mine, which attracted Xiaoxuan's sideways glances, but Xiaoxuan didn't understand what we were arguing about.

I looked back with a smile while holding my cigarette in my mouth and said, "Okay! Even if you are fucking older than me! So what? Is it useful? This thing has to pay attention to practical combat in the end! There is a saying that a silver wax gun is worth seeing but not useful.

Head, do you know what it means?"

Xiao Yuan turned around and shouted, "Follow me quickly! What are you two talking about behind here? What kind of gun point!"

Dou Sprouts and I looked at each other and smiled knowingly.

Dou Yazai said loudly, "Fengzi and I are talking about ancient weapons! We are talking about the Overlord Gun! The head of the Overlord Gun!"

Xiaoxuan frowned, spat lightly, and cursed, "Two lunatics!"

This chapter has been completed!
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