Chapter 33 The treasure poem of the old house

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 After a lot of effort, I was sure of one thing, that is, there was no underground palace under the tower, so I focused my search on the interior of the ancient tower.

The result can be imagined. Not to mention official silver, I didn't even see a single hair.

After working hard for two consecutive days with no results, the morale of Li Xiangling and his men was obviously hit. I knew that if this continued, these people might not listen to my command.

Brother Yu also advised me, "Forget it Yunfeng, if there really is a treasure, we would have found it long ago if we looked for it like this."

After hearing what Brother Yu said, I wanted to give up, but an intuition told me that there was definitely something! It was just hidden somewhere that no one had discovered yet.

I didn’t give up! So I ran to Fude Village to find the old man.

As soon as we met, the old man seemed to notice my situation. He smiled and said, "How are you, young man? Have you found any money?"

"Uncle, I'm asking you something. Does the Fang family have an ancestral home? Are there any descendants of the Fang family still alive?"

"Of course, Mr. Jinshi's descendants are flourishing. The Fang family's old house is in Changqing Village, about twenty miles away from here. You can go and see it when you have time."

Thanks to the old man, I inquired all the way and found Changqing Village.

The terrain of Changqing Village is high, otherwise it would have been flooded in those years. At the same time, it is one of the few villages in the old Chun'an style that has been completely preserved. Walking in the village, you can see moss-covered bluestone slabs and ancient buildings everywhere. Many old houses can be seen at a glance.

It looks like the style of the Ming and Qing Dynasties.

After asking around in the village, I found the ancestral home of the Fang family.

The door of this ancestral house is closed, and it is not small in scale. The exquisite hollow carvings preserved above the door seem to tell people passing by how prosperous this ancestral house was back then.

There seemed to be no one living in the ancestral house. There was an old locust tree next to it. While the villagers were resting at noon, I climbed up the tree, climbed over the newly built wall, and finally jumped into the courtyard.

The entire old house still retains its original appearance. There is a thick layer of fallen leaves in the courtyard, and each room

They were all locked. I walked around the yard, then pried open the locks and climbed into the main house.

There are many 180-year-old solid wood furniture in the house, including a dusty Eight Immortals table, desks, and armchairs. I was surprised that these valuable old furniture were not stolen, and the main place I searched was the room.

Beams, door heads, and by the way, check whether there is a mezzanine in the wall.

I was rummaging vigorously when suddenly there were footsteps outside the door. I was so frightened that I immediately hid under the bill.

"Who's here! Come out!"

"I saw you! If you don't come out, I'll call the police!"

"Don't call the police!"

I immediately crawled out from under the bill.

"Who are you! What do you want to do by breaking open the door of our ancestral house in the village!"

This was a middle-aged man in his forties. He was holding a stick in his hand and asked eagerly who I was.

I immediately explained, "Brother, please don't do anything! You misunderstood! I just saw a thief climbing over the wall and coming in! That's why I followed him in to catch the thief!"

"Nonsense! Take me for a fool! You are a thief who steals things!"

I raised my hand and said loudly, "Brother, take a good look at me, my temperament! My appearance! Do I look like a thief?"

"Like! Fuck you!"

He hit me hard on the head with the stick.

I ducked sideways, but he chased me with a stick and beat me hard, shouting, "Catch the thief! Someone come and catch the thief!"

In desperation, I glided over in eight steps, grabbed his stick and knocked him down with one kick.

"I said it was all a misunderstanding! I'm not a thief! How can you believe it?

trust me!"

"That's it! I'll give you money! Have you ever seen a thief who gave you money instead of stealing something?"

After saying that, I quickly took out a stack of hundred-dollar bills and handed them to this person. It was about a thousand dollars.

"You should have told me you were not a thief!"

This man got up from the ground and patted his butt. He stuffed the money into his trouser pocket and waved his hand for me to leave quickly.

After chatting for a while, I found out that he was from Changqing Village. He was hired by the descendants of the Fang family every month to help take care of the old house. Seeing that he wouldn't leave when I asked him this and that, he couldn't help but whisper, "I

You kid, you can't steal things in the middle of the night while I'm asleep? That would make it easier for me to do business."

I was amused by this person's words and handed over another five hundred yuan.

He accepted the money again, raised his eyes and said, "What else do you want to know?"

"Has anything been dismantled from this old house before? For example, silver ingots, gold ingots, etc.?" I asked. .??.

He thought for a while, scratched his head and said, "No, the descendants of the Fang family stopped living here decades ago, but there is a small attic here. I heard that a golden crown was removed from the top of the attic."

"What? Golden Crown!"

"Yes, it is made of pure gold and weighs several kilograms. It seems to have been hidden by the ancestors of their Fang family."

"Is the small attic still there?"

He pointed casually and said it was still there.

"Then take me up and have a look."

The man said unhappily, "The attic stairs are worn down. What should I do if I take you up and accidentally fall on me?"

I still had a few hundred dollars left, so I simply gave it all to him.

The man immediately smiled and said, "Just wait two minutes, I'll get a flashlight and I'll be right back."

Soon, he took me up. The attic stairs of the Fang family’s old house were all

We stepped on the edges and climbed up. The attic was not large and was filled with dusty debris. There were spiders and webs everywhere.

"Where exactly was the golden crown you mentioned found?"

"Who knows, maybe it's around there," he pointed to a wall.

I found something and started smashing the wall. He said to me, "There is nothing left. I heard that the descendants of the Fang family smashed all the walls here after discovering the Golden Crown. The walls you see now were all newly built later."


I pretended I didn't hear it and smashed the wall since ancient times.

I was also lucky. I smashed it for a while, and suddenly I saw a faint calligraphy written on the wall. The ink had dried long ago. It must have been written on the wall by someone a long time ago.

I immediately asked this person for a flashlight, held it against the hole in the wall, and looked in.

That's not a calligraphy, that's a row of calligraphy! Because it took so long, I could vaguely see what was written.

After reading it, I shook my head and sighed. This Fang Weixun was indeed a Jinshi man. He probably hid the official silver back then because he was afraid that it would be squandered by future generations, so he came out like this.

I think this should be a treasure poem to guide his descendants to find the silver. The whole poem only contains a dozen words.

This is what is written on the wall.

"The towers are facing each other, point to point. If future generations can find it, it will cost 18,000 silver."

I smiled and thought to myself, "Mr. Fang, you are really a cultural person. If you have money in your hands, you will not directly pass it on to your descendants. Instead, you have to hide the treasure and bury the money yourself. Now it's over. Those people

I, Xiang Yunfeng, will happily accept the money."

"Towers against each other, point against point, whoever can find it will get 18,000 silver." It's really a big circle in vain, and so much effort has been spent.

I recited it silently for more than a dozen times, and I already had a preliminary answer in my mind. It was not a problem for me.

This chapter has been completed!
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