Chapter 53 Struggle

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You only have one chance, if you don't succeed, you will become a ghost.

At this moment, I seemed to truly understand the eight steps to catch a cicada taught me by Master Hou Shangma. The final form of the eight steps to catch a cicada is not to chase the cicada, but to transform into a cicada yourself!

Just before the steamroller was about to run over me, I took a few steps back, raised my breath, took a deep breath, and kept raising my breath!

Jump up during the run-up! The muscles in your legs explode with all your strength! Push against the wall as hard as you can!

Kick seven steps in a row!

Finally, looking at the distance between the wall and the nearly two meters! I was extremely unwilling!

I'm going to die like this! A legendary young man from the Northern sect was crushed into a meat pie by a steamroller? This is such a fucking cowardly way to die!

Suddenly! A stick appeared out of thin air in front of me!

I grabbed the stick immediately without thinking!

"Hold on! Stop fucking shaking!"

The person lying on the wall and handing me the stick was none other than Ma Dachao, who I had just seen selling fried rice noodles in the afternoon! At that moment, I saw a golden light appearing behind him, just like the Tathagata Buddha.

"Come up!"

Ma Dachao yelled! He pulled me up with all his strength.

I gasped and sat on the wall in shock. The medium-sized roller below had already rolled over me.

It is impossible to describe the scene, with desperate screams and calls for help. Many people had no way to run and wanted to jump on the steamroller to seize control. Naturally, they failed. They could only watch as they were knocked down by the steel behemoth-like steamroller.

, and then slowly run over.

The blood was like ketchup squeezed out of a bag, staining half the alley red in a matter of seconds.

"Stop looking! Let's go!"

Not caring about the height, I called Ma Dachao and jumped off the wall.

"You are not from Zhenhai! Why are you here!" I asked in a panic.

Ma Dachao's coat was scarlet, and he didn't know if it was his blood or someone else's. He was sweating profusely and said, "I'm here to f*cking collect people's heads to make money! I'll give you a thousand yuan for killing each person!"

Li Kangyang is so ruthless, he has more than 200 people! He first uses 200 people to consume the Fujian people's physical strength, and then lures the Fujian people deep into the alley! Then he calls another wave of people from the gymnasium to surround and suppress the Fujian people!

The melee in the distance has entered a fierce stage. I don't know whether the brothers have succeeded or not, and I can't see where they are at all.


There was blood on my hands, so I wiped them with my clothes, took out two cigarettes and handed one to Ma Dachao.


The two of us were hiding against the wall in the dark, and I was holding a cigarette in my mouth and said, "Are you afraid of death? So you were hiding on the wall trying to get by, and you happened to meet me."

Ma Dachao smoked a cigarette and said, "Since ancient times, a man can grow up or down."

"Then let's call it fucking bending and stretching."

"Thanks brother."

"Well, you're welcome."

I turned to look at him and said, "If it weren't for you today, I would definitely be dead. I don't have to pay back the 30,000 yuan. I don't want to owe this favor, so I can give you a sum of money to repay this favor."

You tell me the number of things."

"Oh? It sounds like you are very rich. Brother, are you the second generation of rich people?"

I smiled and said, "My ancestors were poor for six generations and wore crotchless pants. I earned all my money through hard work. In this way, I will give you 200,000 yuan tomorrow as a return of favor."

It could be seen that Ma Dachao looked a little excited. It took him two minutes to calm down and then whispered, "The beating over there was too hard. Let's not go there and join in the fun. We can hide here until they finish the beating and then go out."

I frowned and thought for a while, then nodded and said, "Heroes think alike, and I think so too."

"By the way, you used to be a member of the Zhenhai Gang. Do you know San Taibao?" I inquired.

Ma Dachao scratched his head and said, "How can I possibly know a big shot at that level? I used to be a low-level errand boy in Zhenhai, but I saw the three Taibao you mentioned once from a distance during a meeting before. He seemed to be quite thin and short. Maybe

It’s only about 1.6 meters.”

He continued, "Just now, I was chopping someone, and a guy with a hat and a hat came out from nowhere, holding a straw. That guy was so fucking fierce! A dozen strong men couldn't stop him. I guess he's from Fujian."

Where did the master of martial arts come from? Our chief eunuch was killed by a man in a bamboo hat as soon as we met him."

I immediately asked, "Are you sure you saw the big fat man die with your own eyes?"

Ma Dachao nodded heavily while holding a cigarette in his mouth. His expression was still frightened and he said, "The man in the bamboo hat used a very thin face. I happened to see it. As soon as the two of them met, the sword went in from the big eunuch's mouth and came out from the back of his head."

, there was a bloody hole through it!"

I felt relieved. On the surface, this person might be a martial arts master specially invited by the Fujian people to deal with the three major Taibao.

As long as the three major Taibao are gone, Xin Zhenhai will definitely not be looking for me due to my cooperative relationship with Li Kangyang.

Trouble, maybe these people can help me develop southward in the future, but there is a prerequisite, that is, the Zhenhai people will not be wiped out by the regiment.

I asked, "So many people were killed and injured this time. If the superiors find out, everything will be fine? Will it be in tomorrow's newspaper or something?"

Ma Dachao shook his head, "No, if you don't believe me, just take a look. This kind of thing has happened a lot in the past. Every time, it's always a big deal and it's turned into a trivial matter."

After hiding for more than half an hour, Ma Dachao suddenly looked forward and asked doubtfully, "Why is there less movement? Isn't it the winner?"

"Impossible. If both sides want to use cold weapons, they will have to fight until dawn to determine the winner," I said.

Ma Dachao stood up, frowned and said, "It's really silent! Something is wrong! There must be something new! Let's go over and take a look!"

The reason why we sat on the ground and leaned against the wall to rest was because we both sprained our feet when we jumped off the wall. We wanted to know what happened over there, so we supported each other and limped over.


When I arrived at the scene, I was frightened and quickly dragged Ma Dachao into the crowd.

On the path between the gymnasium and Sports Road, people were lying in various directions. The ground was covered with pools of blood that had not yet dried up. Various weapons were scattered everywhere. Many people were missing arms and legs. The air was filled with

With a strong fishy smell.

But what scares me is not these, but a person, Watermelon Head.

Xiguatou walked at the front with an expressionless face, followed by one or two hundred people from Zhuji behind him.

Li Kangyang went over to greet him, but was pushed away by Watermelon Head.

Xiguatou walked up to the Fujian people, and a man came out from the Fujian people's side. This man had a cigarette in his mouth. The two stared at each other without speaking.

Suddenly, the middle-aged man leading the charge from Fujian laughed and said, "The child was beaten, and the parents are finally willing to step in and take care of it."

Watermelon Head took the cigarette from his hand, threw it to the ground and stamped it out, asking, "Do you recognize me?"

The middle-aged man from Fujian had a hoarse voice and nodded with a smile, "How come you don't know me? It turns out that the boss of Datang is very young. Why, you are just coming forward now because you want to reap the benefits?"

I saw this middle-aged Fujian man raising his right hand.

Immediately behind him, all the Fujianese raised their weapons and shouted in unison, "Kill!"

The middle-aged Fujian man raised his eyes, pointed at the watermelon head and said, "Now

We have just entered the state, and we are never afraid of crowds."

Xiguatou snapped his fingers and said expressionlessly, "Then let's see each other today. Stop hiding. I know you are still hiding a group of people. Call them all out."

The middle-aged Fujian man grinned and immediately put his mobile phone to his ear.

In just a few minutes, more than a dozen Fujian Audis drove over quickly with their headlights flashing. A total of dozens of people got out of the car. Different from the previous people, this group of Fujianese were older, in their thirties and forties by visual inspection.

They look like that, but one thing they have in common is that they all wear black gloves.

These dozens of people are the trump card of the Fujian people to prevent the Zhuji people. They are commonly known as the "Fuqing Black Gloves" on the road. In those days, dozens of pairs of hundreds of people abroad were the ones who ruined their daily lives. This group of people can speak of their own experiences.

Bai Zhan, no matter where he is placed alone, he can stand alone.

There is no emotion such as pity or fear in the eyes of these Fuqing Black Gloves. Their eyes reveal only indifference.

Looking at these dozens of people, Xiguatou, who always had a paralyzed face, also frowned. He waved his hand, and the Zhuji people and the remaining Ningbo people raised their weapons at the same time.

The bright moon is in the sky and the atmosphere is tense. Now we are just waiting for an order from the leaders of both sides, and the second wave of shopping is about to begin.

At this point, it can be seen from the way Xiguatou brought people over that neither party has the intention to negotiate and neither party wants to talk at all.

Ma Dachao in the crowd patted me and said in a low voice, "Damn it, it's over. We'll act according to the situation later. The two of us ran to the wall and hid while we talked."

Suddenly, both sides looked to the right, where a car was approaching in the darkness.

That's Tiyu East Road, which was closed in the evening. Logically speaking, it's impossible for a car to get there. I looked at the expressions of the people on both sides and it seemed like they were all surprised.

Getting closer.

The car directly smashed through the railing blocking the intersection and rushed over. The last brake stopped and landed in the middle of the two groups of people.

I blended into the crowd and clenched my fists instantly.

In front of me is an old-fashioned pure black high-speed off-road vehicle with a Hebei blue plate.

The car window was closed, and the people in the car had not yet got out of the car. The faces of the Xiguatou from Zhuji and the middle-aged people from Fujian had changed. It was obvious that they knew the owner of this old jeep.

Three seconds later, Tian Sanjiu, dressed in formal attire, came down. He turned around and kicked the car door shut.

This chapter has been completed!
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