Chapter 204 Psychological breakdown under pressure

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 Jin Fenghuang thought for a moment, and then asked someone to bring me a chair.

"Boy, you said you stole the ruins of Zhenbei Ancient City. Is there anything valuable there now?"

It's like a mountain apart. It's precisely because these people don't understand that I dare to make up nonsense.

"Nothing." I shook my head and said, "The northern part of the town is just a single tomb in a cave, not a group of tombs. The things buried with it are relatively limited."

Jin Fenghuang frowned and asked: "Then where are there any valuable ancient tombs here?" .??.


"Deep in the Alxa desert." I looked at him and said.

"In the desert?" Jin Fenghuang looked at it with suspicious eyes, shook his head and said: "Liu Zhiyuan is still on the run, and so are Wang Baotian's remaining old troops. I want to make money, but Yinchuan needs more people to surround it at this time, so boy,

The desert won't work. If you change the place, it must be in Yinchuan City."

I didn't expect Jin Fenghuang to think so, and I suddenly panicked.

How could he meet those people back home if he didn't go to the desert?

I continued to try to deceive, saying that there was some kind of treasure in the Alxa desert, and as long as someone could dig it out, it could be sold for millions!

Jin Fenghuang's patience ran out. He stood up and waved his hands impatiently, saying, "In this case, you are useless."

Upon hearing this, Aza's expression changed, and he winked at me desperately.

I know that as long as Jin Fenghuang walks out of this room, I will be finished! My fate will probably be the same as Gangzi!


Jin Fenghuang held the hat in his hand and stopped when he was approaching the door. He turned around and said with a smile: "I have been in Yinchuan for so long that I know that you are hiding something. Tell me, where is the ancient tomb? If you can help me get it,

If you have money, you won't die. If you don't get money, you will die. It's that simple."

I know this is not to scare me, he can really do it.

But another big problem comes.

Are there any undiscovered ancient tombs in Yinchuan City?

I do not know.

After thinking about it, I said nervously: "Yes! There are ancient tombs in the city! But I need time to find them! In addition, I also need a compass!"

Hearing this, Aza came over and kicked me.<

"A few days! What kind of compass do you want? Tell the boss clearly!"

"Three days!" I said I wanted three days, and the compass could be an ordinary Feng Shui copper plate.

Jin Fenghuang really doesn't understand. If he had any understanding at this time, he would definitely see through what I was saying out of desperation.

After all, the city is flat and there are no mountains at all, so why do you need a compass?

"One day," Jin Fenghuang said before leaving: "Starting from tomorrow, I will give you one day. If you prevent me from making a fortune within one day, you will know the consequences yourself."

He left these words and left without giving me a chance to bargain.

Jin Fenghuang is a person who doesn't show off on the surface, but is actually very suspicious in his heart, which can be seen from the fact that he faked his death.

Because of Aza's previous praise, he inadvertently instilled in Jin Fenghuang the idea of ​​"getting money quickly by robbing tombs". You must know that in this era, hundreds of thousands is a lot of money, and ordinary families can only afford it.

Jin Fenghuang was interested. He believed that robbing tombs could bring money, but he didn't believe in me yet. After all, I was so young.

My original plan was to lure Jin Fenghuang and his gang to the Blackwater City area. Evil people have their own villains, and people like Zhu Baochao who dare to kill people just for food are the best ones to deal with Jin Fenghuang.

but now

I have to find undiscovered ancient tombs in Yinchuan City in one day, which is not easy.

Although I know a little bit, I'm still far from a master. It really depends on luck.

Aza deliberately left last. When he passed by me, he whispered: "While Jin Laoer is still interested, think of a way quickly."

"Kata." A large group of people led by Jin Fenghuang left one after another. The door was closed and locked again, and the house fell into darkness.

I had a nightmare tonight.

I dreamed that someone patted me. When I turned around, I saw it was Gangzi.

Gangzi's face was covered with blood, and his teeth were stained red when he spoke. Gangzi smiled and said: "Yun

Feng, it’s so cold here, I’ll wait for you on the way.”

I woke up from the nightmare and it was already dawn.

During the day, Jinfenghuang sent five people. They put handcuffs on me because they were afraid that I would run away, and pushed me out of the candy factory.

It was really hard for me to be detained for so many days. My whole body stinked, my hair was messy, my eyes were black, I could only eat two cold buns a day, and my complexion was very poor.

Five people escorted me into the Jinbei. The driver threw me a map of Yinchuan City and said impatiently: "Damn, look where there are ancient tombs! I think the boss really has something wrong with his head. I believe what this guy says."


"Please keep your voice down. If the boss hears this, you won't want to live anymore?"

"Anyway, it's just today. Each of our brothers has a subsidy of two hundred, so we can just take care of the errands. Hey, I heard that there are some new people coming to Yanhong. Let's go and try something new later. Two hundred is enough."

"What a great idea, I've been holding it back for several days." These people were talking and laughing.

When the Jinbei car started, I looked down at the door handle with the handcuffs on. Several times I wanted to rush over, but in the end I held back.

Facing five people, I couldn't run away in my current physical condition. I think Jin Fenghuang meant that once I ran away and got caught, I would basically be in trouble.

What should I do if I can’t run?

I turned my head and focused my eyes on the map of Yinchuan in my hand.

Based on my knowledge of Yinchuan for so long, the ancient tomb sites that have been discovered have been protected, just like the Baiyi Temple in Lanzhou. People like Jin Laoer are all gangsters, not a professional group like Master Yao. Take the initiative to take them there.

Digging up these protected sites is like sending yourself directly to prison.

Therefore, you must not go to the places marked on the map such as the Western Xia Tombs, Ming Tombs, Li Han Tomb of the Northern Zhou Dynasty, Guyuan Sui and Tang Tomb Sites, Helan Nuanquan Han Tomb Sites, and Yaozi Liang and Tang Dynasty Sites. You must dare to dig these places.

This place, once this gang is caught, I will definitely go in.

I don't want to die, and I don't want to go to jail.

The Jinbei car drove aimlessly. The few people in the car ignored me at all and just chatted and bragged with each other. Through the car glass, I could see that the roadside was full of shops and communities lining the streets, and there were no mounds of dirt or crops. What could you tell?

Jinfenghuang only gives one day.

But on this day, I gained nothing.

In the evening, I was taken back to the candy factory in disappointment. The moment I got off the bus, I lowered my head and was ready to fight to the death.

I knew clearly that as long as I stepped through the iron gate, it would be over.

"Mom, hurry up, Momojiji, don't waste our time." Seeing that I was walking slowly, one person gave me a hard push. This push made me stagger forward.

Taking this opportunity, I adjusted my breathing and prepared to escape. I knew I would be caught, but I had to try this time.

At this moment I was ready to run away.

Suddenly someone pressed my shoulder from behind.

"Stop the ink stains and come in quickly."

Aza stopped me from escaping with an indifferent expression.

Aza is a very complicated person. Sometimes he will suddenly kill the friends around him, and sometimes he can help you at critical moments. If he lived in the anti-Japanese era, he would be the most suitable to be a spy.

That night, in the dead of night, Aza walked away from the two people who were looking at me outside the door.

Through the door, he whispered: "Don't expect me to let you go. You must meet Jin Laoer's conditions. You have been out for a day, so don't tell me that you have no clue."

I leaned against the door and said, "If you hadn't stopped me just now, I might have run away."

Aza's voice rose two points.

"Are you stupid enough to seek death? Can you run over four wheels on two legs? Gangzi hasn't been burned yet, why are you rushing to find him?"

After hearing this, the anger I had suppressed for several days suddenly exploded, mixed with fear!

It's all because of him that I ended up like this!

My psychological defense collapsed. I grabbed the door with both hands and shook it desperately. The iron chains clanked against each other and made a clanging sound, just like a mental illness.

I slapped the door and shouted: "Aza, you fucking xxxx"

"Your whole family xxx"

"dog xxx"

"I xxxxx"

This chapter has been completed!
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