Chapter 301 Uncle Liao smells the fragrance

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 This man's name is Bai Risheng, and he also has a sister whose name is easier to remember, called Day Meng. The two brothers and sister and the old sea dog who sticks of incense are the same family.

Xiaomi looked at Uncle Liao on the sofa and cried for a while, but I stopped her. I asked her to go into the back room and not come out. I said Xiaomi, believe me, I will never harm Uncle Liao.

After Xiaomi left, Master Liu said: "Brother Bai, let's start and try him."


The man nodded and asked me to get two glasses of water, one warm water and one cold water.

When I opened the flat boxwood box, I saw that there were many small porcelain bottles and small ziplock bags inside. The bags contained some granular powdery objects. I don’t know the specific ingredients. Since the mouth was sealed, I couldn’t smell anything.


Bai Risheng took out a ziplock bag, poured some warm water into it and fed it to Uncle Liao to drink. Then he took out a stick of white incense stick and lit it.

Green smoke curled into the sky.

The man surnamed Bai held the incense stick close to Uncle Liao's nose and fanned it slightly with his hand. .??.

After waiting for two or three minutes, Liao Bo suddenly opened his eyes and did not move, looking at the ceiling without speaking.

Seeing this, the man surnamed Bai knocked Uncle Liao's knee with his hand.

If a normal person was awake, wouldn't his knee bounce if he tapped it? But Uncle Liao didn't, he didn't react.

Bai Risheng nodded and said, "That's almost it. If he has been mentally stimulated recently, he will react next."

After saying this, he dipped his hand in the glass of cold water and gently patted Uncle Liao's forehead.

Bai Risheng asked me to call him by his real name.

"Liao Sanding? Liao Sanding?"

I called twice, but Uncle Liao still had no response.

"Brother Bai, what is going on? Am I feeling wrong?" Master Liu asked.

Bai Risheng observed for a while, frowned and said, "Master Liu, it seems you made a mistake this time. If he had eaten the Zhu family finger gold, he should have had a reaction. The partridge woman's bird calls would have caused the fingertips."

Erjin resonance means that if Erjin stays in the human body for too long, it will form stones."

Mr. Liu frowned and asked again: "Brother Bai, can I listen?"
I understand your medicine business, but what you mean seems to be that Uncle Liao has not had any contact with Granny Partridge recently. Am I right to understand this?"


The man surnamed Bai nodded and said: "Wen Yun is only in her twenties. To put it bluntly, she is just a little girl. When dozens of us quit the Changchun Society together, her mother was still a partridge woman at that time. She is definitely not as good as her mother.

, nothing to be afraid of.”

Mr. Liu breathed a sigh of relief and turned to me: "That's good. Although Lao Bai said it's okay, kid, you still have to be careful. Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of the worst. There are no owls in Wu'an. If you see an owl recently,

, be sure to contact me as soon as possible.”

"I'm leaving, Mr. Liu. There are things I need to do over there. It's inconvenient for me to stay here."

"The effect of the medicine lasts for an hour. Then just wash your face with cold water and it will be fine."

"Brother Bai, I'm going to send you off. I'm sorry for asking you to come here overnight. I owe you a favor."

"No matter where you are, we are all friends. If anything happens, Mr. Liu, please speak to me."

"Boy, you clean it up, I'll give it away."

I said yes, Brother Bai and Mr. Liu, please go slowly and I will take care of Uncle Liao.

After they left, Xiaomi came to the living room and saw that Uncle Liao was still unconscious. Xiaomi cried and hugged me: "Brother Feng, how is my master? I'm so afraid that something will happen to him."

"It's nothing. It's just that Mr. Liu is overthinking. Don't think blindly." I looked at the time and said that Uncle Liao would wake up in half an hour.

"Yeah." Xiaomi sniffed and let go of me.

What the man surnamed Bai said was really accurate. Uncle Liao woke up around noon. I asked him if he remembered what happened just now. Uncle Liao shook his head and couldn't tell. He seemed to have slept for a while. Seeing that his mental condition was not very good, I said that he would just do it in the afternoon.

He rested and put off repairing the clock until evening.

I still had dumplings for lunch. I don’t know how many Xiaomi made last night. Eat them.

I haven't finished eating two meals yet.

Moreover, Xiaomi made me various kinds of dishes, including boiled dumplings and fried dumplings.

After eating, I went back to the house. I lay on the bed and flipped through my phone, thinking of someone to call and say hello.

The mobile phone screen reflected light, and I saw leeks stuck between my teeth through the screen. I showed my teeth to the screen and picked out leeks. I saw oil on my hands, so I got up and went to the bathroom to wash my hands.

I didn't know that Xiaomi was also in the bathroom, because he was washing dishes in the kitchen just now, so I went in without thinking.

In the bathroom, Xiaomi was washing her hands. The bathroom mirror was facing the door. The moment I opened the door and walked in, I thought I was dazzled. .??.

It seems. It seems.

Xiaomi was smiling in the mirror just now

At first glance, everything was normal.

Xiaomi didn't smile, just rubbed his hands with soap.

I patted my face to wake myself up.


At 9:30 that night, Xiaomei called me to tell me that my godfather had locked the door and went to bed. According to his previous schedule, my godfather would not be in the basement at this time. He pays great attention to sleep regimen and goes to bed at that time.

After receiving the news, I called Liao Bo Xiaomi and rushed to the Blue Sky Hotel with my things.

Going down to the second underground floor, Xiaomei opened the door with the key.

Putting down the chime, Uncle Liao looked at it and said, "Fortunately, the last point is confirmed. It's as I thought. It will take me about three hours. Apprentice, please stay here and help me. Everyone else can go out and remember to lock the door."


"How can that be done? These clocks are my god's life. What if something goes wrong? No, I have to watch." Xiaomei said uneasily.

The Ashoka Tower was like this last time. I know this may be the rule of the Liao family. If you don't enter their door, you won't be seen.

I managed to persuade Xiaomei to come out.

Uncle Liao said it will take three hours, which means that it will be available around 2:30 in the middle of the night.
Once it's repaired, I don't care how they repair it. I only care about the result, as long as the chime can be restored.

The basement is very cold in winter, especially late at night.

Afraid of being discovered, I locked the door and stamped my feet in the cold.

"Hey, three hours, why are we just waiting here?" I asked Xiaomei.

Xiaomei leaned against the wall, nodded and said, "Then where else do you want to go? I'm not going anywhere, I'm just guarding the door."

She said so, and I didn't know what to say, so I sat cross-legged on the ground and chatted with Xiaomei.

During the conversation, I learned that this girl’s dream is to be a singer who can record tapes and be on TV.

This year Hunan TV has just started to hold "Super Boy". Xiaomei said there is internal information that there will be a Super Girl next year. Then she will participate, play and sing by herself, and sing an original song of her own.

I became interested and asked her with a smile what her original song was and if she could sing it for me.

Xiaomei didn't agree at first, but finally she sang.

I have forgotten most of the lyrics of the song she composed, but I only remember one sentence: "I am like a lonely floating feather, blowing and blowing, flying and flying. I will go wherever the wind goes."

The melody of the song is very nice, I wish it would be even better if paired with a guitar.

I don’t know if those judges are deaf. I watched the first Super Girl next year and didn’t see Xiao Mei at all. There was no Zhou Mei’s name on the list. I guess she might have failed in the audition.

Xiaomei asked me about my past, and I laughed and slapped Ma Daha for not telling the truth.

Because she is a talented musician with quality and knowledge, and I am a tomb robber seeking money. The difference is too great, and it is impossible for us to be the same person.

It was around one o'clock in the middle of the night and there was nothing to talk about. I leaned against the wall and felt sleepy.

I was confused for a while, then suddenly.

A clear and melodious sound came from the house, which was the sound of a chime.

Xiaomei stood up instantly, her face lit up with joy.

This chapter has been completed!
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