Chapter 367 Bean Sprouts’ Little Thoughts

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"You went to Shandong!"

"Come back quickly! Tell me that tomorrow the boss will be here. I want Fengzi to go with him!"

"I know, I'm already on the train. Hang up first. I'll take a nap."

Throwing the phone aside, looking at the bed board of the sleeper above my head, and hearing the clatter of the train, I yawned and suddenly felt sleepy.

According to the fastest distance, it would still take 7 hours to arrive, so I fell asleep without realizing it.

People often say that you have thoughts every day and dreams at night. I didn’t dream this time, but my whole mental state was hazy.


I was lying on the berth in a daze when I suddenly felt someone touching my ankle. I was so frightened that I hurriedly sat up from the berth.

"What do you do?" ??

I frowned at the middle-aged man standing next to me, thinking he was a thief on the train.

"It's okay, you can go to sleep, I just asked you to put your feet up," he said and pointed to the upper bunk, meaning that he wanted to go up.

"You wait first"

I stood up and looked at this person, wondering: "Have we met somewhere before? Why do you feel familiar?"

"Did you admit the wrong person? I don't know you," he said and stepped on the ladder directly to the upper bunk.

I always felt that this man looked familiar, as if I had met him once, but I didn't seem to, and I couldn't remember.

At around six o'clock in the evening, I got off the train at Xianyang Railway Station, and I said that I would sit on a bench at the station for a while.

It was at this moment that I recalled a scene.

"No. It's that person."

I remember now.

The person who touched my feet on the train just now was the person who reminded me at Xianyang Railway Station. I fell asleep at the time and dreamed of a dead head under the chair. Later, a middle-aged man dressed as a migrant worker woke me up.

, he also reminded me not to miss the train.

frowning at people
The entrance to the station where people come and go.

Maybe it was because I had misremembered the portrait, or maybe the other person had forgotten it. After all, it was only a brief moment. I can remember it because I have a good memory.

Arrive at the hotel.

"Fengzi, you're back. You've been missing for two days!" When he returned to his residence, Dou Sprout opened the door.

"Yazi, where's the boss?" I didn't see anyone.

"The boss said we were going to see Mr. Zhao, and he asked us to go to the Time Song Hall in the evening to meet with Boss Qian's contact."

"Boss Qian has arrived in Xianyang?"

Dou Yazai shook his head: "I didn't say this, but it's true that his contact person has arrived. You also know that generally rich people are more cautious when buying things. Fengzi, have you forgotten? Boss Qian had a contact person when he was in Yulin.


I knew he was talking about the elder sister who spread pancakes with 88 eggs, and the rower on the Yuxi River.

This is normal. It is illegal to buy and sell these things. Boss Qian is also afraid that we will cooperate with the police in fishing. Maybe he himself is hiding in Xianyang and observing in secret at the moment.

"Brother Xiao Xuanyu, are you two going?"

Xiaoxuan shook her head: "I'm not going. The second part of Meteor Garden will start at 8 o'clock. I want to catch up on the show."

Brother Yu has been coughing, and it has become a little lighter in the past two days. He also shook his head and said he couldn't go on. He rested at home and asked me to call him if I had anything to do.

I guess he suffered some internal injuries from the fight with Red Eyes.

Sometimes the place with the most people is the safest place, because it is chaotic and crowded, so it is not easy to be noticed.

This is the kind of place where the local business is booming.

In the early years, discotheques were fun and non-mainstream popular. They were all young people. They were all very young. They came to the disco with only five yuan in their pockets. Like those

The little yellow haired girl and the little girl with dyed hair are both a natural atmosphere group. They have a scorpion tattoo sticker on the back of their hand, and they are hugging each other and swaying happily. There are such people in every city.

I came to Suiyuekt with Douyazai and ordered two glasses of wine at the bar. Listening to the deafening sound of the music and the blinding red and white spotlights, the atmosphere was instantly lifted.


"It's me, brother!

"Are you from Boss Qian? We're here! We're at the front desk! Where are you!" Dou Sprout blocked one ear and shouted while holding up his mobile phone. ??

"Arrived at 10:30!"

"That's another hour and a half?"

"Okay, okay! Make a call when you arrive!"

Dou Sprout hung up the phone and cursed: "Damn it, why are you not punctual? It was promised nine o'clock, but it turned out to be half past ten."

"Hey, look at Fengzi."

Dou Sprout suddenly patted me: "That beauty has been looking at us."

I turned around and saw a young girl with a good figure and scantily clad clothes, with her thighs exposed. She was holding a wine glass and saying hello to us from a distance.

"Stop looking, stop looking."

"She's here, drink quickly."

After Dou Yazi finished speaking in a low voice, he picked up the wine glass and pretended to drink.

The girl with big white legs came over with a wine glass and said in a soft voice: "Brother, my name is Lan Lan, do you want to dance with me?"

I looked down and thought, "You're not cold. It's seven to eight degrees below zero outside. You're not wearing long johns and your legs are bare. You will definitely get rheumatism and joint pain when you get older."

"Cough! Cough!"

Dou Sprout coughed twice, put down his wine glass and turned around and said, "Sister, it's okay to dance, but we can't dance."

"It's okay, brother."

The anti-freeze girl named Lan Lan walked up to Dou Sprouts and deliberately bent
The waist said: "Then I will dance for you. Can you order a dance? It's thirty yuan."

When he heard that it cost thirty yuan, Dou Sprout immediately shook his head: "Let's go, let's go quickly. I don't have money, so I don't want you to jump."

But soon Dou Sprouts started to regret it.

He then said, "You are a professional dancer in a disco, right? Can I give you five yuan?"

Lan Lan's face changed, and she immediately smiled and said: "Ten dollars, brother, if I dance well, you can buy me a drink, and we can do something else, don't you think?"

I didn't say a word the whole time, I just watched.

After collecting the money, the girl started dancing, and she danced in front of us, sticking her bean sprouts very close to us.

She turned her back to us, twisting and turning, sometimes turning back to lick her lips, her eyes sparkling and seductive.

She danced more and more powerfully, and I also felt that I had to wake up at this time.

I imagined her as Tingting dancing in front of my eyes, and immediately I felt nothing.

Dou Sprout looked at it without blinking, probably sinking in.

After dancing, the girl approached Dou Sprout and exhaled: "Brother, I'll be in the parking lot later. Remember to come find me later."

Watching the girl leave, I patted Dou Sprout.

"Hey, wake up. This money liar is not earning money from dancing, but money from selling alcohol. You will have to buy alcohol when you go."

Douyazai rubbed his face and shouted back to me: "I know Fengzi, she is fishing. Do you think I am Brother Yu? Who am I!"

"When we finish meeting Boss Qian's contact person later, Fengzi, you go back first, I'll go back later."

I said where were you going? Did you really go to the parking lot to find her?

"Don't worry, I won't buy wine."

Dou Sprout's eyes were solemn:

"Go and meet her. I always feel that there is something wrong with this woman."

This chapter has been completed!
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