Chapter 460 Messenger

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 This news came too suddenly, but when you think about it carefully, it is very scary.

We ourselves believe that the old man at the entrance of the village is the third ugly man with a tin nose. This is also admitted by the old man himself.

But how could this happen? Is this true news or false news?

After saying this to me, the old man never said another word no matter how tortured he was. It seemed that he had already made up his mind to die.

When we came out of the tiled house, Tian Sanjiu asked me: "What did he mean? Who did you see at Tang Gui's house?"


"I met Tang Gui, Tang Gui's brother, and Tang Gui's wife at Tang Gui's house. Tang Gui and his brother are 100% dead. If what he said is true, could it be that the real tin nose is Tang Gui's wife?


"By the way, when you caught him, did you find a three-eyed toad with a bulge on his back that looked like eyes?"

"Three-eyed toad?"

Tian Sanjiu shook his head: "I didn't see the toad."

Then this is strange

The dwarf and the dragon monkey, one is a devil monkey and the other is a gecko, but why is there no toad on him?

He said that I had seen a real tin nose once at Tang Gui's house.

I sat on the doormat and thought hard. I couldn't think of anyone except Tang Gui's family, and my hair was almost bald.



A human face! It flashed through my mind like lightning.

The fat Taoist priest doing the ritual!

I slapped my thighs fiercely and stood up, suddenly enlightened.

I remembered that that fat Taoist priest with a red face was at Tang Gui's house that day!

The fat Taoist priest performed rituals in the dojo and had direct contact with Tang Gui's corpse. And most importantly, I carefully recalled the situation that day.

That day, the fat Taoist priest had just left after performing the ritual, and closely behind him, Brother Yu, Douyazai and I secretly saw Tang Gui's brother and Tang Gui's wife having sex. Immediately afterwards, Tang Gui's wife stabbed her lover to death with scissors.

People are also crazy.

At that time, I felt strange that a person could suddenly go crazy. What was even more strange was that before she went crazy, she told me the legendary story of Chen Meiqing.

The starting point of the incident was because we were the first to know the legend of the female Taoist priest from Tang Gui’s wife. It was like being guided by someone. Let us find Grandma Xiao Tang, find the Daoxian Cultural Management Office, and find the temple monument. For the first time, we knew

Seven Vajra Gates
The more I thought about it, the more frightened I became.

Because, only by letting us tomb robbers find the tomb quickly and open the seven diamond doors quickly can someone enter the main tomb chamber and get what they want.

This is not killing with a borrowed knife, this is opening the door with a borrowed knife.

It's like there is a big hand pushing behind us. If we don't leave, it will flick our buttocks.

"Hello, hello? You look so ugly. What did you remember?"

I came back to my senses, swallowed my saliva and said, "Tian. Tian is the head. What he said may be true. There is another person with a real tin nose. I have met him once."

"Oh? Who is it?"

I took two deep breaths and recalled: "It was the fat Taoist priest who performed the service for Tang Gui that day. I don't know his name. It is unmistakable that he is that person."

"No! I have to go and inform the boss immediately! Let him know about this!"

Tian Sanjiu grabbed my arm, shook his head and said, "As things stand now, I can only trust Wang Xiansheng. As for you and me, just do your job well. If you go, you will cause trouble."


"I'm at Brother Tian."

"You have worked hard these past two days. This man is useless. Give him a good time and make him clean without leaving any traces."

"Don't worry, Brother Tian, ​​I know what to do."

"Can you drive?" Tian Sanjiu asked.

I said I can, but I'm not very skilled at it.

"Let's go, you can drive when we get back."

He just threw me the keys to the Jeep.

I got in the car and started the engine. After finding reverse gear, I hit the accelerator and hit the wall.

"It's okay, keep pouring."

After getting on the main road, I drove more and more steadily.

Tian Sanjiu sat in the passenger seat with his eyes closed and kept rubbing his temples, looking a little tired.

I turned to look at him and said, "Should we go back to Tianguangdong to Tang Gui's house, or should we go and meet Master Ji."

Tian Sanjiu opened his eyes and said, "It's useless to go now. The fat Taoist priest you mentioned, or Tin Nose, can't possibly still be waiting there."

Oh right.

Suddenly I thought of another thing.

At that time, I was in the underground cave under the pond. In the photos I took accidentally, there was a fat man with a tilted head behind the stalactite pillars. His face was pale and pale.

I thought about it, if the fat Taoist priest who performed the ritual at Tang Gui's house that day shaved his beard and took off the yellow hat on his head, then looking at the outline of the two, it seems that they are the same person!

Just as I was thinking about that series of strange events, I suddenly heard Tian Sanjiu, who was sitting in the passenger seat, say calmly: "Look ahead."

I took a closer look.

Slam on the brakes and turn the steering wheel left!

There was a smell of stale tires, and the car seemed to be correcting its direction.

It was so fucking scary that I almost flew to the bottom of the mountain.

"I almost had a car accident, why didn't you remind me?"

Tian Sanjiu said, didn’t I remind you?

I was unlucky. There was a traffic jam on such a broken mountain road. A hook machine broke down in the middle of the road, blocking the road. The traffic jam lasted for more than three hours. By the time we drove back to Xiajiang Village, it was already completely dark.

It got dark.

"Hey, hey, wake up, we'll be here soon." I saw Tian Sanjiu falling asleep leaning on his seat.

I know why he stopped driving when he returned home. It was because driving was tiring and I didn’t want to drive in the future. It would be better to take a taxi.

"Hmm? Here we are?"


Tian Sanjiu stretched out and said vaguely: "There is food in the trunk, go get me some."

I said I would get you something to eat?

I haven't eaten anything all day, how can I get it for you? Who can do it for me? I'll get it for you.

Of course, I didn’t dare to say the last sentence.

Tian Sanjiu chuckled and rolled down the car glass, waving to Master Ji.

"Head, you're back."

"Lao Ji, did anything happen during the day?"

"No, the brothers are all watching, and the ugly one named Lao Xiumei doesn't dare to show her face."

"Well, brothers, what are you having for dinner?"

"There was some cake left yesterday, but most people didn't eat much."

"How can that work?" Tian Sanjiu shook his head and said, "You call the restaurant in the county last time and ask them to make thirty portions of boiled pork slices, thirty portions of roast duck, and sixty portions of rice.
, ask them to send it over."

"Boss, if you don't want to forget it, we can just eat tomorrow," Master Ji said with some embarrassment: "It's more than 60 kilometers from the county seat to our place, so they won't give it to us."

"Not giving it away?"

"In addition to food money, I will give you an extra five thousand yuan for travel expenses. That's it, hurry up, we are all hungry."


In less than two hours, everyone had dinner.

The owner of the restaurant in the county town was driving with broken bread, his face almost bursting with laughter, he was wearing an apron and he counted the money twice, then got in his car and drove away.

Around ten o'clock, the rice was in the big thermos bucket and it was still warm. We were all enjoying the meal and bragging about it, when I suddenly heard the sound of a bicycle bell.

Since there were no street lights in Xiajiang Village and the road was dark, I looked back when I heard the bell ringing.

I didn't see it clearly at first, but when I saw it more closely, I stood up. Why did she come here!

"Jingle bell. Jingle bell."

I saw that Tang Gui's wife was riding towards where we were eating on a large 28-inch bicycle.

She was wearing tattered clothes, with a happy smile on her face, and a basketball on her head.

The basketball was tied with a hemp rope, went down from her ears, and wrapped around her neck, so that the basketball did not fall off and was firmly placed on her Tianling Cap.

"Jingle Bell."

She rang the bell and shouted: "The two countries are at war. Bu Zhan is here to envoy. I am the envoy of basketball."

When she was still more than ten meters away from us, she suddenly applied the brakes.

After stopping, Tang Gui's wife took off the basketball on her head, held it with both hands and gently put it on the ground, and then kicked it towards us.

The basketball rolled over in circles, but Master Ji blocked it with his feet.

I asked something.

Master Ji lowered his head and played with the basketball for a while. He seemed to see something, and his face suddenly turned pale!

"Old Ji, what's wrong?"

"What is it? Let me take a look." Tian Sanjiu came over as he spoke.

Master Ji's face was extremely ugly.

He hugged the basketball and pressed it tightly under him.

At the same time, he yelled: "Nothing!"

"Head! You can't look!"

This chapter has been completed!
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