Chapter 26 Red Pine Forest

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 Many friends may have heard of Dzi beads, but they have never heard of Sherpa beads and don’t know what they are.

Sherpa beads are something created by the Sherpa people. Today, there are only three types that can be seen in the antique market.

One is the old Sherpa beads from the Warring States Period two thousand years ago, the second is the Sherba Beads from the middle and early Qing Dynasty, that is, Kangxi, Yongzheng, and Qianlong dynasties, and the third is modern.

After Jiaqing, the craftsmanship of making this thing was lost. No one knows how the Sherpas made it. The modern ones cannot be called Sherpa beads at all. They are not the kind of craftsmanship and materials used in ancient times.

People still know that Dzi beads are a type of artificial agate, but Sherpa beads have no idea what they are. I see many people rumoring that they are made from red coral powder. They are wrong. They are totally wrong.

The Sherpas live deep in the mountains, under the snow-capped mountains, thousands of miles away from the coastal areas, and rarely have contact with foreigners. Where can they get so many expensive red corals?

Some people say it is Liuli, which is not correct either.

Sherba beads are opaque in color and do not have the unique spiral patterns and bubbles of colored glaze. There is only a "pressure line" from top to bottom in the middle of the bead.

What material? How is it made?

I didn't know it at first, and I only found out about it this time, but I only knew a rough idea. There is no information available in the outside world on the production methods and materials used for sherbet beads.

I guess some people who like cultural entertainment may say: "You can't, right? I bought a string of sorbet beads in the live broadcast room. It cost 199. It was shipped from Lhasa."

You're a big bastard.

That is 100% red glass glue injection. Give me 10 yuan and I can sell you a few tons. I can still make 5 yuan per bunch.

Real sorbet was sold by the "piece". In those days, one piece cost tens of thousands, and it was a handheld toy exclusively for the rich.

Many people are good at it and love to play, but they don't know. I'll give you some insider knowledge. Once you know it, you won't be fooled again.

When it comes to Tibetan literature, these things are basically fake as soon as they are taken out, so don’t spend money to buy them.

Meteorite, a small Jiugong tablet made of Tiantie.

I have never seen a real thing like this. In ancient times, there was such a technology as meteorite iron. In the Warring States Period, bits and pieces of meteorite iron swords were found, but people didn’t use this thing to make Jiugong tablets. No one in ancient times did it.

, where does the old one come from in modern times? Some experts or high-end players say there is, don’t listen, you can’t believe it.

There is also a large conch, which is a large conch that can blow loudspeakers and is inlaid with turquoise. It is nicknamed the conch.

The characteristic of this thing is its color
The color is whitish, very white. The turquoise may be real, but the conch must be fake. I know a buddy in Panjiayuan. He sells this kind of conch in the West District. During the three days of National Day last year, he sold 160,000 yuan.

Qian, I asked him how he made it, and he said: "I have a conch-shaped steel mold. I mix white silicon powder with water and glue in proportion, heat it in a pot and boil it into a paste, pour it into the mold and put a lid on it.

, there is a row of small holes on the mold. At this time, before it cools down, use chopsticks to poke the turquoise into the small holes. When it dries, it will be ready. It can still make noise when you blow it."

Here is Tiantie's small golden-winged roc. The wings of this kind of bird all look black. The seller usually uses a magnet to suck it. The seller said: "See? The magnet can't suck it. This is true."

The genuine article of the Eight Classics.”

Then why can't it suck?

Because it is not made of iron, it is made of copper.

It's dyed black, and some people feel heavy on their hands. The seller said it's because the sky iron is too dense. In fact, it's copper wrapped with cement blocks. You don't need to use a hammer to break it open and you'll know. Some people don't know.

She is quite beautiful. She hangs a piece of cement around her neck every day and goes out to show off her beauty.

That night I asked him: "Brother Biao, do you know how to make Sherbet?"

"How can I know how to do it? How many old people in the clan know how to do it? Do you want to see how it is done?"

I nodded repeatedly.

Zhang Biao muttered: "I'm afraid this is a bit difficult. I am the tribal master. Those old men who know how to make snow beads are all on guard against me, let alone an outsider like you."

I could tell that he didn't mean what he said.

"Brother Biao, look at this. After we leave, we will come back to see you after a while. I will bring you more good things then."

He immediately rubbed his hands and said with a smile: "Okay, remember to bring me more of that stuff."

"How much do you want?" I asked.

"At least ten boxes, right?"

I secretly smacked my tongue when I heard that. It seemed that he had no intention of leaving in this life.

"No problem, Brother Biao. When the time comes, I will find a horse to carry ten boxes for you."


He patted my shoulder hard.

"Don't worry, I will make arrangements for you. I guarantee you can see how they make Sherpa beads before you leave."

"Not tonight? I don't want to study. I just want to take a look and learn about the raw materials."

"I know, but I can't do it today. I'll start holding a funeral for that person right away. Let's do it tomorrow. You wait until I notify you tomorrow."

Around nine o'clock in the evening, the clan began to hold a tree burial.

This is the first time that I have witnessed with my own eyes the complete tree burial of ethnic minorities in southwest China.

The male body was at home. At 9:30, Sister Zami Wang carried the body out. There were no clothes on the body, but its face was covered with a towel. Zhang Biao shouted in Sherpa: "Let's go."

Give way! Give way! Don’t block the road!” ??

A large group of troops followed, leaving home and heading north.

The journey was long. I asked Brother Biao where we were going, and he said we were going to the Burial Forest, about ten miles away from the tribe.

The road in the mountains is not easy to walk at night and you have to climb uphill frequently. This is still at a high altitude. I started to pant not long after walking.

On the other hand, sister Zami Wang, carrying her husband's body on her back, walked as fast as flying, without blushing or panting.

Some professionals have done research and shown that the blood pressure in the Sherpas is low, and the saturation of hemoglobin in the blood oxygen is extremely high. They don't have high reflexes. This is natural, and the same is true for the children here.


At around 11 o'clock, we arrived at a remote red pine forest.

"Ah sneeze!"

The temperature in the forest was very low, and I couldn't help but sneeze.

He raised his head and took a photo with his flashlight.

I saw many large bamboo baskets placed on the branches of the red pine trees here, some with wooden barrels under them, and some without.

These large bamboo baskets are a little too graceful, they look shaky and they feel like they will fall off the tree at any time.

At this time, Brother Biao told me in a low voice: "Sherpas have been buried here for generations after their deaths. There is a male corpse in every bamboo basket on the branches."

My scalp felt numb after hearing this, and I looked up again and asked, "Are they all male corpses? What about the dead women and children? Aren't they buried here?"

"No, women and children are buried here after they die. Pay attention to those big trees. Do you find anything?"

"Could it be that he was buried in a tree trunk?" I asked in surprise.

"Well, that's right. Women and children are buried in trees. They will first choose a tree that is thick enough, and then
He dug a hole in the tree, put the body in the hole, covered it with bark, and finally tied it with a rope."

"What are those barrels down there for?" I asked again.

"That one is called a "ghost bucket" and it's used to pick up corpses. If you position it correctly, as long as a bone falls from the tree, it will fall into the bucket."

I asked again: "That's not right. Brother Biao, look, those big bamboo baskets on the trees look like they are about to fall down, and the hemp ropes also look weathered. Doesn't that matter?"

"Haha," Zhang Biao said with a smile: "Brother, you don't know, they just want to make the corpse fall! When the wind and sun blow, once a person's bones start to fall from the tree, it means that the person's soul has ascended to heaven.


Sister Zamiwang chose a tree to stop. She took the quilt from others, used the quilt and rope to wrap the body tightly several times.

"Hukka! Hukka!"

Three strong men began to pull the rope.

Then, at a speed visible to the naked eye, along with the pulling of the rope, the large bamboo basket hung with several strands of hemp rope began to rise slowly.

Sister Zemi Wang raised her head and watched the bamboo basket getting higher and higher from the ground.

This red pine forest is equivalent to the ancestral tomb of the Sherpa people, and I am a tomb robber. I feel uncomfortable staying there and want to leave, because I always feel like there are pairs of "human" eyes staring at me in the trees.


"What? Mineko, are you scared?"

Dou Yazai was speechless. He whispered to me: "I suddenly remembered something. When we went to sea, we used to pickle salted fish like this, haha! Sprinkle some salt and let the sea breeze blow, and it will dry very well.


As if remembering something funny at sea, Dou Sprout couldn't help it and laughed.

That's it.


"Bah, bah, bah!"

"Fuck! Something fell into my mouth!"

Dou Sprout raised his head and said loudly: "It fell from this basket! It seems to be water!"

When Brother Biao heard what Dou Sprout said, he looked up first and asked quickly: "Do you feel a taste in your mouth?"

"Does it taste good?" Douyazai smacked his lips and said, "How do you feel? There is a smell of Liushen toilet water in your mouth?"


Brother Biao looked ugly and said loudly: "No! You fucking drank Shira!"

This chapter has been completed!
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