Chapter 75 Journey

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 The end of science is metaphysics, and science cannot explain everything in this world.

There really is such a thing as "wealth luck" for people.

And once wealth comes, nothing can stop it.

Including the folk magic of five ghosts for lucking money, it is actually true.

On the first day of Dreaming about Fatty Bai, we dug up a total of sixteen cultural relics, including nine gold items.

The strange thing is that these nine gold objects were unearthed in different places.

Dou Sprout was a little scared at first, but later, his eyes flashed with excitement, and he threw all fear behind his mind, shouting: "It's done! We've done it this time, Fengzi! Look at this

What is it! Gold clothes!"

My heart was pounding and I explained: "This is not a gold dress. It is called gold. It is made of gold and silver threads. It is very rare. It's a pity that this one is torn and incomplete."

"It's worth something even if it's broken! We're asking for 200,000 for this thing, and there will definitely be a lot of bosses asking for it!"

"Do you think I can put it on?"

Dou Sprout made a gesture to himself.

"Put it down quickly! Do you want to wear something?"

I scolded him: "This is what the children of the party nobles used to wear. Are you a child?"

Dou Sprout laughed and said: "Anyway, I won't sleep at night. We only have two days of wealth, so we have to work all night!"

"Okay, you go ahead and I'll go see who it is."

Entering the stone house, I couldn't see anything in the dark, so I lit the candle with a lighter.

On the bed.

The old lady's upper body was covered with a piece of clothing and she was lying quietly. Her face was as white as paper, but her lips were blue-purple.

The snake girl was lying next to the old lady. She seemed to be overly sad and fainted from crying.

I came here once during the whole day and she was not in a good condition.

"Brother Xiang, it's my fault. If I hadn't come to Sichuan, my mother wouldn't have died here."

I glanced at the old lady with blue lips and asked her: "What are you going to do after your mother's death? We will definitely help anyone who can, and let me give you 50,000 yuan after we settle the matter."

The snake girl's eyes were very red, and she twitched her nose: "I don't want money, what's the use of asking for money, I can only live for one year at most. I am the eighth generation of our Zhanghu snake girl, so I have decided

, the snake girl no longer passes on, and it comes to me."

I support her decision. Snake girls have been raised since childhood. Eating living animals and drinking snake blood are all bad habits and customs and should not be passed on to others.

The snake girl wiped her eyes and then said: "My mother cannot be buried here. She must go back to Nanping and be buried in the Wild Goose Forest. The fallen leaves return to their roots. The ancestral graves of my grandmother and grandfather are both in the Wild Goose Forest."

I sighed and nodded: "Yes, do you plan to cremate it tonight or tomorrow? We can help prepare it."


The snake girl looked at me with firm eyes, shook her head and said, "Brother Xiang, my mother cannot be cremated! She must be buried intact! And she must be buried in Nanping!"

I was stunned and didn't react.
" mean, you want to carry your mother back to Nanping???"

She didn't hesitate and nodded heavily.

I was anxious and hurriedly advised: "How are you going to carry it back!"

"This is Kangding, which is at least more than a thousand kilometers away from Nanping! Why did you bring your mother back!"

She still didn't hesitate and said directly: "Take the train."

"Take the train!?"

I patted my head hard.

I tried to persuade her several times, but she was determined! Her mother must be buried.

"when are we leaving?"

"Tomorrow, I'll leave early tomorrow morning."

"Okay, I get it."

Dou Sprout was still out digging for treasures in the dark alone. I hurried back and when I entered the house, I saw Tou looking at a map, and there was a big black bag at the foot of Tou.


"Okay Yunfeng, needless to say, I probably know, are they going back?"

I said yes.

He looked at the map and said, "We have a responsibility."

"It is impossible for a weak woman to do this because she is seriously ill. Please go and help her."

"Watch the time and try to come back within a week."

"Ah? Shall I go?"

"Yunfeng, listen, you are not only helping her, you are also helping ourselves. Remember, I will give you three tasks."

The leader ordered: "Send them back to Nanping first, and then go directly to Changting Dingwu Village. I've seen the map and it's just a convenient way to get there from Nanping. It's only a three-hour drive."

He kicked the black bag under his feet again and said: "Whether it's a god or a ghost, since we have really benefited, we must keep our promise as soon as possible. When we get to Dingwu Village, bury this clay pot. Don't let it go."

Anyone found out."

I nodded: "Giving the snake girl and giving the jar, these are the only two things? What is the other thing?"

He raised his head and said, "Look at the bag."

I took a look and hurriedly zipped it up.

It’s a big bag full of our goods!

The triple coffin tomb I robbed in Luoyang before, the puppy treasure tomb I robbed after coming to Kangding, and the various gold objects, jades, iron objects, porcelain pillows, bamboo slips, etc. we dug up at the Muya ruins are all stuffed to the brim.

It's a big package, all wrapped in newspapers.

Baotou said with a solemn expression: "As I get older, I have become more suspicious recently. I always feel like something bad is happening."

"Yunfeng, you are smart. You took this opportunity to move these things in batches and find a safe place to hide them."

"Remember, the place where you hide things must be safe. No other person can know about it except yourself."

"I know the clue,

But if I leave, what will happen to your safety? What will happen to July Climbing?"

He closed his head and eyes, and after three seconds, he opened his eyes again and said: "It doesn't matter, as long as Fifty-fold is there, there will be no problem with safety. Fifty-fold didn't use all his strength that day. As long as July Climbing dares to show up, Fifty-fold will be enough."

kill him."

"Besides, Wen Bin's injury is almost healed. Plus Wen Bin, there won't be any problems."

Early the next morning, I said a simple farewell to the team, and then left with Snake Girl on my back. I calculated the distance, and I should be back by next Monday.

Last night, I actually planned to help even if I didn't say anything.

The snake girl is really pitiful. No one has loved her except her mother since she was a child. In addition, her liver function has been poor for a long time, and she has a sallow face and thin skin. If I don't help, how can she transport her mother back?

This is not the first time I have carried a corpse. I have carried it several times and I have learned from my experience. I should pay attention to four points:

1. Before carrying the body, put a piece of cloth on the back of the neck. Otherwise, as the body shakes as it walks, yellow water will flow out of the nose and mouth, just like orange juice.

Second, after death, the joints become stiff and cannot cooperate with you, so it is best to tie the hands with a rope, just like making a loop, and put it around your neck, so that the body will not fall down midway.

3. Eat less or don’t eat because it’s easy to spit it out. .??.

Fourth, try to find some toilet paper and plug your nose, because even if a person has only been dead for a day, you can still smell it once you are close. As the days go by, the smell will become stronger and stronger.

There is a movie, I forgot its name, starring Zhao xx.

It tells the story of sending a dead man back to his hometown all the way, but the ending seems to be that the dead man was not delivered, it smelled bad, and he was buried.

I never dreamed that one day something like this could happen to me.

Unlike the ending of the movie, I can definitely deliver it.

Because I have money, I just throw money to open a way.


"The sun is shining in the sky, the flowers are smiling at me, and the birds are saying to me, morning, morning, morning."

My singing didn't work. The snake girl kept her head down on the road, feeling extremely depressed.

The old lady had a cloth covering her head, so I bumped it up and advised her: "Actually, you don't have to be too sad. After death, people may be as heavy as a mountain or as light as white hair. You also said that your mother's body is inherently fragile.

No, I fell asleep without any pain now, which is considered a joyful loss."

"Over there in Guizhou, there are banquets for celebrations and funerals, and no one will cry."

After listening to my words, she raised her head, her already sallow face looking even more haggard.

"Brother Xiang, I know you have good intentions, but you don't need to persuade me anymore. I will learn to accept it slowly."

"That's good. I'm afraid you can't think about it. The top priority now is to bring your mother back safely for burial."

It's so hot.

Walking out of the Lost Forest, it was extremely hot at noon.
Her mother originally weighed 80 kilograms, but now I estimate that she must be at least 90 kilograms. Judging from this temperature, I estimate that her mother will have orange juice flowing from her nose until tomorrow at most.

I walked hard and was out of breath.

At 3:30, I came out of the woods and saw Lao Guo's experimental field from a distance.

The snake girl said: "Brother Xiang, how about we go there to have a rest?"

"No, forget it, let's go, we still have water."

I was a little afraid to see Lao Guo, because we lost the generator we borrowed from someone, not to mention that we were carrying an old lady on our back, so it was difficult to explain.

I'm not very strong, but as a man, I'm stronger than her.

After walking around all day, at around 5 o'clock, we arrived at the red pine forest.

I put the old lady down gently, wiped my sweat and said, "Watch your mother and wait for me here. I plan to travel all night. Now I'm going to the tribe to borrow a horse."

There is still a long way to go from the Sherpa tribe to Kangding County, and I have long considered coming here to borrow horses.

Many people in the Sherpa tribe had seen me before, and they were not too surprised by my sudden appearance.

"Brother Biao! Brother Biao! It's me! Xiang Yunfeng!"

"Holy shit! Why are you here, brother? Aren't you digging graves in the mountains?"

Brother Biao opened the door and asked me, shirtless and dripping with sweat.

"Let me think about it. Did you let Qi Penggan's entire army be wiped out, and you were the only one left? Did you come to my place to take refuge?"

"How can it be!"

I was speechless and said: "Brother Biao, you don't know, I was beaten so hard by the July crawl that I didn't even dare to show my head!"

"I was passing by here on some business and wanted to borrow a horse."

Brother Biao was dubious: "Borrow a horse? What are you pulling?"

"I'm not pulling anything, I'm just bringing something. Brother Biao, just tell me whether you want to borrow it or not. I can buy it with my money."

"Brother, that's what you said. Can I ask for your money? Come with me."

Brother Biao led me to the stable and indicated that I could choose whatever I wanted. Soon, I chose a big yellow-headed horse that looked strong.

I took the horse out and asked, "Is everything okay in your tribe?"

Brother Biao looked worried, shook his head and said, "It's okay, nothing happened for the time being."

"Then I'm leaving, Brother Biao, I have something urgent to do."

"Okay, brother, I won't give it away."

Leading the horse away, I walked very slowly on purpose, hoping to see that white figure, but unfortunately I didn't.

It's much faster to have a horse. The three of us are riding on the horse. No, the snake girl's mother can only be said to be "clamped" on the horse.

I am in the front, the snake girl is in the back, and her mother is in the middle.

If outsiders didn't step forward and pay close attention, they would probably think that it was an old lady who was tired from the journey and fell asleep.

Occasionally, the night wind blows and inadvertently blows away the clothes covering her mother's face.

This chapter has been completed!
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