Chapter 310 The past is like the wind

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"Xiang Feng! Xiang Feng! Wait for me!"

I stopped and turned around, and Xiao Changying caught up with me panting.

"I'm sorry, Xiang Feng, there's nothing our family can do."

"It's okay, Miss Xiao, no need to explain. I don't blame you. On the contrary, I thank you for taking them in for more than a year."

"Take this thing back and keep it well."

I took out the bronze bench snake from my pocket and gave it back to her.

"No! This thing belongs to you! I've already sold it to you, how can I get it back? That's against the rules." She waved her hands hurriedly.

"Take it back if you are told to take it back!"

I handed it to her and said, "This is something from the late Tang Dynasty. It won't be sold for less than 70,000 yuan in Beijing. You should keep it for yourself. This little thing will appreciate in value in the future."

After saying that, I turned around and left, but Xiao Changying was not chasing me.

Late at night, I was walking aimlessly on Nanping Street. After walking for a long time, I suddenly looked up and saw a small restaurant with lights on the road ahead.

"What can we eat?" the fat landlady asked wearing an apron.

"Oh, take a bottle of Erguotou and a plate of old vinegar peanuts."

"Brother, it's so cold. Do you want a whole hot dish? How about a small portion of ground pot chicken?"

I nodded and said yes.

Although it was late at night, the business of this small shop was very good, probably because of the night shift workers nearby. These people sat at the same table in groups, eating, drinking, and chatting about trivial matters in work and life.

The food came quickly. I drank three glasses of wine from one or two glasses without using my chopsticks.

In a daze, I saw Sister Hong sitting opposite me.

She had a smile on her face, and the beauty mark on the corner of her mouth still looked charming.

I smiled, placed an empty plate in front of her, and put two pieces of steaming chicken on the plate.

"Sister Hong, I met my eldest brother and the others today, have you seen them? This ground pot chicken is good, please try it quickly."

After waiting ten minutes, the plate
The chicken inside was not moved and was cold.

"Boss lady? Boss lady!"

"What's the matter, little brother?"

"Can you sit down and have a drink with me, and I'll pay you."

"Haha, I'm drinking alone. Is there something bothering me?"

The fat landlady sat down, filled a glass herself, and then raised the glass.

I clinked glasses with her.

The landlady took a gulp, then wiped her mouth, put down her glass, stood up and said with a smile, "Brother, how can there be so many things that go well in life? The past is like the wind. This person should always live in the present and take advantage of the situation."

"Stop talking, I'm still busy in the kitchen. You can drink it slowly by yourself. Is it your first time coming to my place? I'll give you a 10% discount, so you can come here often in the future."

The past is like the wind, live in the present and go with the flow

I muttered it twice, took out my cell phone and dialed a number.

"Yunfeng? What are you doing with me?"

"Brother Xiao Wu, where are you now?"

"I'm in Shandong, what's wrong?"

"Oh, it's okay. Do you have any brothers here in Fujian that you can trust?"

"Fujian? There is a person who you also know. He is Brother Zhang. He is the boss's best friend."

"Okay, I understand, then you can get busy."

After hanging up, I called Brother Zhang again. Brother Zhang said that he was working in Pucheng. I said that Pucheng is not far. Can you drive over now? I'll wait for you.

On the phone, he asked in surprise, "You can't talk about anything on the phone, brother, what the hell time is it!"

"Brother Zhang, come here. This matter is very important. We must have an interview."

"That's okay, I'll be at your place in about an hour and a half."

At 3:30 in the morning, all the people eating in the small restaurant had left, leaving only my table. The fat landlady asked me what time I wanted to eat, and she said she was getting ready to close.

At this moment, there was a harsh sound of braking outside the store. Two minutes later, Brother Zhang opened the door and walked in. He sat down and asked loudly:

"What's the matter, brother? You're so anxious to find me! I've reached 180 on the way just now!"


I pushed a tied plastic bag over and said seriously, "Brother Zhang, can you believe what Xiaowu said? Don't open this thing and look at it. If you hand this thing to Brother Tian in person, just say I gave it to him!"

Tell him to stop looking for the three Sun brothers."

"Oh? What's in here? Valuables?"

I nodded, "Very valuable."

After listening to my words, Brother Zhang's face became serious. He carefully put the plastic bag into his inner pocket and said, "Brother, don't worry, I'll take care of this for you."

On the afternoon of the third day, an Internet cafe in Nanping.

Sitting in the corner, with the USB shield plugged into the computer host, I kept pressing the number keys on the keyboard with one finger.

A young man next to me who was calling a red alert couldn't help but turn his head to look.

"What do you think?"

I gave him a look and immediately reached out to block the keyboard, fearing that he would see my password.

That's right, I am transferring money in batches through online banking. I will transfer the payment for the goods sold to Qin Xida to Xiaoxuan and the others according to the share ratio.

After transferring the money, the snake girl was already waiting in the car.

"Where's Dr. Fan?" I asked.

The snake girl smiled and said, "Sister Fan went shopping and will be back soon."

After a while, Dr. Fan came up with a large bag of things. I asked what were they buying? There was food and drink in the car. After saying that, I wanted to open the bag and take a look.

She snatched the bag, blushed and said loudly
"You don't care what I buy! They're all snacks!"

I was speechless and said, "Eat less junk food, it's all oil, and you won't be afraid of getting fat."

"Stop talking nonsense and drive your car!"

"Okay, forget me for talking too much, let's go."

The snake girl smiled and raised her arms and shouted, "Yeah! Let's go! We're going to Hunan!"

It is about a thousand kilometers from Nanping to Jishou. Excluding rest and meal time, I estimate that it will take about two and a half days.

At that time, many expressways were not open, so we could only take inter-provincial national highways. In addition, I was not familiar with the roads, so it was slow to stop and go.

I enjoyed the scenery along the way. When I got tired from driving, I would put my seat down and lie down, and then let her massage me together.

In the second half of the trip, I drove very slowly on purpose just to enjoy one more full-body massage.

Don’t call me shameless, I’m the only one driving for more than a thousand kilometers! Then I’m tired from driving and my whole body aches, so I have to find a way to relieve it.?

During this period, I missed my way once.

On the eighth day, I finally drove the car from Nanping to Jishou, and successfully met Baotou and the others at the hotel.

After we met, Dou Sprout gave me a bear hug enthusiastically. His face was red and he laughed and said, "Haha! Brother Feng, you are finally here! All the flowers we have been waiting for you have withered!"

Xiaoxuan cut her hair short and looked fresher and more capable. She asked confusedly, "Who is this?"

I laughed and said, "Haha, Miss Xuan, don't you recognize her? Let's take a closer look at who she is."

The snake girl immediately greeted, "It's me, hello, Sister Xuan."

Xiaoxuan's eyes widened with an expression of disbelief on her face.

Dou Sprout scratched his head and said, "I'll go! Snake girl? Did you go to Han country for plastic surgery?"

Amidst the praises, everyone was amazed at Snake Girl's transformation.

There was only one person who kept a dark face and said nothing the whole time, and that was Divine Doctor Fan.

This chapter has been completed!
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