Chapter 336 Looking for Fish

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 Ancient copper coins were mainly made of six materials: copper, iron, tin, gold, silver, and lead.

Tin coins are the least, and are generally used for carving mother-of-pearl proofing, or making royal-looking coins. Copper coins and iron coins are mostly used for folk circulation. Lead coins are privately minted by the people as burial coins. As for gold coins and silver coins,

That's great. They are usually custom-made by the palace and are given as gifts, which is what people in the industry often call "palace money".

A layman watches the fun, an expert watches the door.

When ordinary people hear this, they will at most treat it as fresh news and forget about it in a few days.

We are different because we know that some things would not even be possible in that place.

If it appears there, it means that it is caused by human factors.

Handan's famous name?

In the late Northern Song Dynasty, it was a remote and impoverished place. The people just wanted to have enough to eat and drink, and there were not even a few big landlords or rich people. How could gold and silver palace money appear in large quantities?

"These things should be sold now. Who has them?" I asked curiously.

The fat black man held a cigarette in his hand and said: "I heard that it changed hands several times and is no longer in the country. A little devil bought it all. Damn it, if I had ten million, what would happen to the little devil?


This result is what I expected. For such rare things, the little devil is always willing to spend money. For example, we can only see the price of one million, but the little devil dares to directly spend three million to buy it.

I stamped out the cigarette butts and asked casually: "Fat man, do you think these things are related to the fake Liu Yu?"

"It's not related, I think it is!"

He analyzed: "Liu Yu's hometown is in that generation in Hebei, so Fuchang copper coins are often found in that area. Liu Yu was supported by the Kingdom of Jin and became emperor. The first thing he did was to lead people to dig up the tombs of the Northern Song Dynasty emperors.

He robbed countless gold and silver treasures! And these things naturally followed him back to the fiefdom. As for how they sank to the bottom of the Daiming Reservoir, it is really unclear."

After hearing this, I asked doubtfully: "Fat man, do you think there is another possibility? That the Jin soldiers invaded and robbed the things in the palace? Later, when they retreated to the north, they left them behind in the daimyo area?"

He shook his head:
"If you ask me this, who should I ask? Just like the Jingkang Tongbao worth hundreds of thousands found underwater in the West Lake two years ago, there are some things that are impossible to study now."

"Benefactor, do you want to get rich?"

"Of course I do," I said.

"That's fine. It's already too late for us to get the news now. If we go there too late, we might not even be able to drink the soup!"

"Then are you going?" I asked him.

The fat black man shook his head again: "I'll forget it. I can't even get out 10,000 yuan now. Is it embarrassing to go there? Besides, I'm afraid to eat free meals or step on the sewing machine."

"Damn, you think I'm not afraid of eating and drinking for free? I'm afraid too! Forget it, let's just make a little fortune."

"Well, that's the truth!" The fat black man nodded.

When I drove back in the morning, Xiaoxuan was sweeping the floor in the house. I told her: "Pack your things quickly. We will return to Hunan two days later and take a trip to Handan first."

“What to do in Handan?”

I thought for a while and said, "It's been very stormy there recently, and the fish are jumping out of the water. We've been in good luck lately, so let's go and see if we can pick up one or two dead fish that others don't want to eat."

Xiaoxuan is also a veteran. She understood what I said immediately. She didn't ask any questions, but quickly helped me pack my things.

At noon, I went to the second-hand car market and bought a sturdy pickup truck. I set off at around two o'clock and arrived in Handan City at six o'clock in the evening.

I originally wanted to visit the beggar Liu at the Zhaowang Hotel, but after some consideration, I decided not to. Xiaoxuan and I drove to Wu'an around 8:30 p.m. Since it was getting late, we stayed at a hotel called "Ma Jun Guest House".

"Inside the small hotel.

This guesthouse is across from the bus station. In the early years, there were a row of private unlicensed family hotels. What impressed me most was that there were many young ladies there, all of them wearing heavy makeup and smelling strongly of perfume.

It's very easy to call a lady. Just open the window on the second floor and wave down. They will extend their hands to you, which means it costs forty yuan. If you think it's too expensive, just close the window and they will leave. If you think the price is affordable,

After accepting, they opened the window, and then they came up and knocked on the door themselves.

These are all what I saw. Of course I will not go to whoring. Not to mention Xiaoxuan following me. Even if I am alone, I will not go there. I am afraid of getting sick.

The soundproofing of the small hotel was extremely poor. It was past ten o'clock in the evening, and I was sitting on the sofa scrolling through my phone when I suddenly heard the bed in the next room creaking loudly.

I patted the wall, and the other person felt a lot better after hearing this.

Unexpectedly, less than five minutes later, the bed next door started to creak again, completely ignoring my warning.

People who run outside all year round should understand that feeling. You want to sleep, but you just can't.

Okay, since you won’t let me sleep, then don’t fucking sleep at all!

I turned on the TV, found the children's channel, turned the TV sound to the maximum, and put on "Tiejia Xiaobao".

"Ha ha ha ha."

"First, you must not act out of impulse."

"Second, never miss any bad thing."

"Third, the absolutely fair and beautiful referee, Captain Dragonfly, comes to see you!"

I watched cartoons with a dark face and said nothing.

The sound was too loud. Xiaoxuan advised me to keep it down, but I ignored it.

As it approached 12 o'clock, the neighbor finally couldn't stand it anymore and came over and knocked on the door.

The man who came to see me was in his thirties, with a hooked nose and a middle-parted hair like a traitor. When he saw me opening the door, he said:

"Can't you turn down the sound of the TV? It's so loud that the whole building can hear it. It's so noisy! You're up in the middle of the night, so why don't you just leave the little armored baby here?"

I said speechlessly: "I'm in my room and I can watch whatever I want. Do you care about me?"


"What are you? Are you still
Want to hit me? You dare to touch me and try."

The two parties stared at each other for a few seconds. The other party gave in and said, "Brother, it was my fault first. I will apologize to you! You might as well take a step back, otherwise you won't be able to have a good rest tonight."

I nodded: "Have you already said that you can't finish the business? Okay, that's it," I prepared to close the door.

He suddenly blocked the door and said, "Brother, your accent doesn't sound like a local. What kind of business do you do?"

"Doing serious business." I said.

After hearing this, the other party laughed and said: "The red bead you are wearing around your neck is from the Tang Dynasty. Stop pretending. If I guess correctly, we should be traveling together."

I did wear a red agate pendant inlaid with gold. This person can see it at a glance. He really has good eyesight.

"Are you going to Daimyo too?" I asked tentatively.

He nodded: "Yes, let's try our luck. Recently I heard from friends that the reservoir generation has been producing big products one after another."

"Besides that batch of palace money, what else came out?" I asked.

He handed me a cigarette and I took it but didn't smoke it.

"I know that the palace money has been paid. It seems that you, brother, are quite well-informed. Recently, a batch of bronze mirrors came out of the reservoir. I haven't seen the actual ones, but I heard that the quality is quite high."

"What do you call brothers?"

"Xiang Feng."

He stretched out his hand towards me: "Li Yang."

After shaking hands, I asked him if the lady in the room had left.

He held a cigarette in his mouth and smiled: "I haven't left yet. What's wrong, brother, do you still want to continue? But I have to say that although the girls here are average-looking, they are technically useless."

At this moment, Xiaoxuan walked out of the house.

He was stunned when he saw Xiaoxuan, and immediately gave me a thumbs up, which seemed to mean, "This one you found is beautiful."

It's a pity that he didn't say this clearly.

If Xiaoxuan knew that he recognized her as a young lady, his life would be 100% in danger.

This chapter has been completed!
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