Chapter 376 The ghost appears

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 "Botou, who are you talking about?"

He glanced left and right and said in a serious voice, "If we tell it now, this person may not surface again. We are not afraid of the other party coming to the surface, but we are afraid that the other party will keep hiding it for us."

Brother Yu frowned and said, "You're right. It's easy to hide from open guns, but hard to guard against hidden arrows. What I'm most worried about right now is that the person who wants to harm us has a gun in his hand. Yunfeng, do you still remember that there's something left in your gun?"

How many bullets?”

I thought about it and said, "One shot! There is only one shot for Brother Yu! I'm sure!"

"By the way, Brother Yu! You said you've often heard footsteps when you woke up in the middle of the night these past two days? Could that be the person who harmed us?" I asked.

"Well, it's possible"

Brother Yu recalled, "It's strange to say that every time I go out, this person disappears. He comes and goes without a trace, like a ghost." ??

I guessed and asked, "Brother Yu, you can't even catch him with your skills. Could it be that this person knows Qing Kung Fu?"

Brother Yu smiled and said, "How can there be so many masters in this world? I can't even talk about light kung fu, but I can be sure of one thing. The opponent is agile and fast, at least no worse than Achun."

Dou Sprout also guessed, "I bet you guys are telling me that the other party is a local person we don't know? Think about it, as long as something happens to us, then our things and our money will all belong to the other party!"

Lao Miao people are tough people. What Douyazai said makes sense, but I feel that things are far from that simple.

Miao village ghost?

Since I can guess the head, there's no reason why I can't guess it, right? On the way back, I thought hard about who the other party was.

In the end, I was so overwhelmed with thoughts that I didn't even think of who it was.


At this time, he sighed for no reason, raised his head and looked up at the sky, and said to himself without knowing why, "Since you can't let go, why not just stay here!"

It's night time soon.

I was holding a flashlight in my left hand and holding a sack in my right hand. The sack contained a quilt. I was going to sleep in a cabin by the river. I was worried about Dr. Fan and Snake Girl living there.

"Gu Gu Gu Gu Gu"

Passing by a forest, I suddenly heard a few bird calls that sounded like pigeons, and I seemed to hear a few very slight footsteps.

At this time, I slowly stopped, turned around suddenly, looked back, and shouted "Who!"

The mountain paths were deserted, not even a shadow of a ghost!
He breathed a sigh of relief and continued on his night journey. When he arrived at the cabin, he found that Dr. Fan was still awake at this hour. She was still writing a draft of Paradigm's medical prescription by candlelight.

Without explaining the reason, I just said that I wanted to sleep here for the past two days. After hearing this, Doctor Fan put down his pen and smiled and said, "Yunfeng, why are you cold? You should not be afraid of the cold because of your strong firepower. You are still wearing such thick clothes in this weather."


"No way, Sister Fan, the temperature difference between day and night is huge here. I'm afraid I might catch a cold accidentally."

She nodded, "The Chasing Chong Pills I prepared have taken effect. Sister Snake Girl will wake up in about three days. I will leave a year's worth of Chasing Chong Pills for her. Please tell her to drink light amounts and take them as needed."

With medicine, her body will be completely healed within a year at most."

"Sister Fan, are you leaving?"

Doctor Fan took a deep breath and nodded, "Well, we have set a time. I will leave next Wednesday. After I leave, you should take better care of yourself, smoke less, drink less alcohol, try to sleep for an hour more every day, and eat more pears."

Before she finished speaking, Doctor Fan's voice was slightly choked, and she lowered her head and stopped talking.

My nose is also sore.

I know that today's separation may be ten years, it may be twenty years, or it may be this lifetime.

I suppressed the slight feeling of loss and said with a smile, "Sister Fan, you can't forget me in the future! You have to remember! I still owe you money!"

"Haha, I remembered that you still owe me 30 million. I will come back to you to ask for the money later."

Doctor Fan looked at me, and she said to me in a gentle tone, "Yunfeng, the work you are doing now is not a long-term solution after all. Money is something that a person will not take with him from birth to death. We can use it as long as it is enough."

, you should consider getting back on the right path. I believe that with your ability and ability, you can still live a good life even if you don't do those things."

"Haha, Sister Fan, are you trying to persuade me to find a class?"

"Yes! That's right!"

"I just hope you can find a job in a down-to-earth manner. Even though you earn less, you won't be worried all the time!"

I shook my head, stood up and said, "Sister Fan, I appreciate your kindness. We have different ambitions, so I will do this! I can't do anything else! There is a saying that makes people rich by their skills, not by their hard work!"

I have sworn a long time ago that I, Xiang Yunfeng, will always

It’s impossible to go work! Say goodbye.”

After I came out, I found King Miao Dao and told him to pay attention to the surroundings in the past two days.

"Oh? Little brother, I wonder if you can speak clearly?"

I whispered a few words in his ear. When the Sword King heard this, his eyes immediately became alert.

I went back to my room and lay down, and woke up after less than two hours of sleep. In fact, I do this every day, and I never sleep for more than four hours at most. If there is something on my mind, I may have insomnia all night long.

I slept next to Dr. Fan. Judging from the placement of the wooden bed in the room, there was a wall in the middle. Our heads should be facing each other at this time.

After I woke up, I stared at the window in a daze until I saw the first ray of sunlight shining through the window in the morning.

"Uncle Dao, you didn't sleep last night?"

As soon as I came out, I saw the Miao Dao King sitting cross-legged at the door of Dr. Fan, with his exaggeratedly long Miao Dao stuck beside him and motionless.

I sat down cross-legged and handed her a pipe, "Come on, Uncle Dao! Refresh yourself!"

After taking a drag on his cigarette, he suddenly said, "Young man, if this invisible ghost keeps hiding in the dark, what can you do to deal with it?"

"I don't know, uncle!"

"Now I don't even know whether this person is a boy or a girl. It seems that Tou Tou knows, but Tou Tou won't tell us!"

"Oh? So your boss knows who this ghost is?"

"Maybe, but the way he thinks about things is different from ours. Anyway, I believe he must have plans."

After hearing this, the Sword King nodded, "That's good."

In this way, for three days in a row, I worked in the Miao Village during the day and came to stay with Doctor Fan in the wooden house at night.

I pretended to be secretly protecting Divine Doctor Fan, but in fact I just wanted to stay with Divine Doctor Fan for a while, even for one night.

On the fourth day, at about ten o'clock in the evening, I walked at night to the cabin by the river as usual. When I walked to the river, I suddenly heard someone calling for help.

"Help! Help!"

I hurriedly ran over to take a look, and saw a black figure fluttering in the water, and it looked like it was about to drown.

"who is it!"

I yelled and hurriedly used my flashlight to shine.

I saw the face of the man who fell into the water.

It's that name
A herb collector named Aji Nanqing!

Panpan and I went to find him for help before! Let him climb the cliff to help hang the rope!


I saw him flopping around, drinking several mouthfuls of water, and was about to drown.

"Don't move! Wait!"

I took off my shoes and was about to go into the water to rescue people, when suddenly my heart skipped a beat! Something immediately occurred to me.

I remember, this Aki didn’t speak Mandarin at all before, so what did he just shout for help??

Thinking of this, my expression suddenly changed! I stepped back to the shore step by step.

Shine the flashlight over.

Seeing that I was reluctant to enter the water, Aki finally flopped twice and then slowly sank.

I stared at the water nervously without blinking.

The moonlight was bright tonight, and the waves on the river were like a mirror, but I noticed that circles of ripples suddenly appeared on the originally calm water.

Sensing something was wrong, I immediately turned around and ran away!

Then, there was a splashing sound of swimming behind me! When I looked back, I was frightened out of my mind.

At this moment, Aki climbed onto the shore like a water ghost! He was soaked, his hair was disheveled, but he had a faint smile on his face. At the same time, he ran toward me with a sharp woodcutter in his hand.


I ran fast enough! I didn’t expect Aki to run faster!

The distance between us gradually narrowed, and eventually he caught up with me. Without saying a word, he slashed at my neck with one knife! The knife was so fast that an afterimage even appeared!

The blade of this hatchet is arc-shaped. If it hits the neck, it can chop off a person's head with one blow!

It was a critical moment! It was a matter of life and death! I subconsciously took out the seventh step of drunken walking around the city in eight steps to chase cicadas! I barely escaped this fatal knife that was so close at hand!

Then, I advanced instead of retreating! I punched Aji in the face, but Aji raised his hand to block it.

At this time, I suddenly changed my moves, dived down, and grabbed Aki's crotch with my right hand!

It felt like I had caught a big egg, and I squeezed it hard.


Aji raised his head to the sky and let out a shrill scream!

As if suffering some great pain, Aki could no longer hold the hatchet in his hand and fell to the ground with a clang.

This chapter has been completed!
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