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 The plan from Yi Xin soon appeared in front of Fang Zhuo.

Because he had a premonition that Penguin, the communications overlord, was likely to make big news in this year's central broadcasting tender, Yixin was leaning towards Plan B, and after receiving support from his boss, everyone's enthusiasm became even higher.

Using the Internet to broadcast the Spring Festival Gala sounds novel, but it is not a pioneering work.

As for the Year of the Tiger Spring Festival Gala, where Yixin Red Envelopes shines, it is actually live broadcast simultaneously on the Internet, with channels including PPS, PPTV, QQlive and other mainstream players.

Like PPS, the data it released was that the number of viewers that night exceeded 18 million, and the cumulative number of viewers exceeded 80 million.

Earlier, PPS also broadcast live broadcasts of New Year's Eve and National Day in 2009, the Beijing Olympics in 2008, and the launch of the Shenzhou VI in 2005. In addition, it also has a large number of overseas users.

It was precisely because Zhang Xiaolong and others witnessed the live broadcast of the Spring Festival Gala in 2010 that they further considered using the Internet to neutralize the Penguin offensive.

However, the specific effect of online live broadcast is still a problem, but ways can be found to weaken the timeliness and enhance the interactivity before and after, for example, editing and disseminating exciting program clips, and extending the event time to New Year's Eve.

Zhang Xiaolong’s intuition is that there may be problems that need to be solved, but when faced with Penguin’s letter, doing something must be better than not doing anything.

On August 9, a few days after Yixin's plan was submitted but there was no news, Zhang Xiaolong was called to a meeting at Yixin, and the theme was an exciting discussion network party.

However, Zhang Xiaolong was a little surprised as to why there were executives from Yike Investment participating today.

"Mr. Zhang, I have taken the time to think about what you mentioned in the past two days. It can be done." Fang Zhuo still confirmed the feasibility of this matter first. "Even if Yi Xin won the bid for the Spring Festival Gala this year, he can still do it first."

Make preparations and wait until November to decide whether it will be a big event or a small event."

Zhang Xiaolong nodded, everyone thought so too.

"You can vote for sponsorship from local stations, and you can choose three interactive activities that still make red envelopes and collect blessings." Fang Zhuo said slowly, "In addition, this year's CCTV Spring Festival Gala will be broadcast live online for the first time. I asked someone to investigate the situation. This painting

There are still problems with quality clarity and smoothness.”

"Taking this into consideration, what do you think about us finding a local station to combine the party into one? Or, in other words, make it a dual platform."

"For example, it is easier for me to work in Anhui Province. We have taken over the party organization in Anhui Province. You can watch the party through local stations and the Internet. If you encounter lags, switch to the TV

Just look."

Fang Zhuo said this.

The party is still through the Internet channel, but the leadership inside has changed.

In other words, it is the Internet party that turns local TV stations into viewing channels.

Combining the two into one/dual platforms can be understood in any way.

Zhang Xiaolong was a little surprised, this gesture was a bit beyond his expectation.

He started to talk about the company's thoughts, mainly focusing on the issue of whether the live broadcast was smooth or not. However, the company considered it from the activity level, while Fang always considered it from the fundamentals...

Moreover, Zhang Xiaolong also talked about the organizational and technical issues of this kind of party.

For a large-scale party, you can’t just find someone at random. The live broadcast on the Internet platform also requires relevant technologies. Yike has its own music software and video platform. The former has always maintained influence, but the latter is just following the Internet trend without investing resources.

Do it.

If we want to do this this year, we may need to expend more time and resources.

"The preparation of the party is indeed something that needs attention. We don't get involved in this aspect very much." Fang Zhuo pondered, and after thinking for a moment, he said, "It's better not to let laymen lead experts. This matter will be pondered by others."

He added: "As for the technical issues of online live broadcast..."

At this time, Fang Zhuo looked at Investment Director Tao Xinglei.

Tao Xinglei opened the file and said: "Mr. Zhang, we will explore the possibility of acquiring PPS. It has good users on the current mainstream players and has good live broadcast experience. If it can succeed, the technical aspect will not be a problem."

Zhang Xiaolong once again found that things exceeded his expectations!

Just for this dish of vinegar, right?

"Well, it can be regarded as enriching the ecology of our YMS." Fang Zhuo said with a smile, "The Internet is a treasure. You can reach out and grab the treasure. Let Mr. Tao contact PPS first to see if it can work."

Zhang Xiaolong nodded, it would take a giant to take action. Is Yi Xin able to pull this off?

Tao Xinglei continued to talk about PPS. This is a relatively suitable company on the market. It happens to be headquartered in Shanghai and one of the three founders is from Shanghai.

The discussion about the party did not continue. It was just a battlefield used to host the competition between Yixin and Letter... Now the competition with Penguin still needs to be examined from all aspects.

As the meeting came to an end, Zhang Xiaolong suddenly expressed emotion about the current market situation: "Penguin is really trying its best to catch up, but Fetion has made no movement, as if it is dead."

"Isn't this great? I saw that China Telecom also launched an IM software. It was lively for two days just after it went online, and then there was no sound." Fang Zhuo said with a smile, "You just need to think about beating Penguin."

Zhang Xiaolong nodded, and after thinking for a while, he suddenly wanted to talk about Ali's recent communication business, but when Mr. Fang announced that the meeting was adjourned, he planned to save it for the next meeting.

When Zhang Xiaolong left the conference room and was walking and thinking about Yi Xin's battle in the second half of the year, he was suddenly overtaken by investment director Tao Xinglei.

"Mr. Zhang, come with me to meet the people from PPS tomorrow." Tao Xinglei smiled and extended the invitation.

Zhang Xiaolong was surprised: "Tomorrow? So soon?"

"Calculating the time, we need to build a suitable Internet platform before November and make preliminary preparations in terms of content and organization. In fact, it only takes more than two months." Tao Xinglei calculated, "The task will not be easy. If the attitude of PPS is not good,

, the asking price is too high, then quickly look for other companies.”

Zhang Xiaolong thought about it, and it was the same.

He asked: "How likely is Mr. Tao that PPS is willing to be acquired?"

"I can't explain this clearly, I can only say, try to convince them." Tao Xinglei frowned.

"Okay, I'll follow Mr. Tao to join in the fun tomorrow." Zhang Xiaolong agreed.

The next day, Zhang Xiaolong got up early, cleaned up his appearance briefly, got into Director Tao's business car, and went straight to PPS Company.

Yike Investment acted quickly, and PPS, which had received the news, also responded formally.

All three co-founders showed up. CEO Xu Weifeng is a professional manager from Baodao. Product Director Zhang Hongyu and Technical Director Lei Liang had collaborated on music search software before founding PPS.

The relationship between this core entrepreneurial team is quite stable. After receiving a call from Yike the night before yesterday, they had a close discussion. Yesterday they all flew back to Shanghai. Today they plan to see what kind of sincerity Yike has.

A group of people met for the first time and exchanged greetings. PPS was a little surprised by the appearance of Zhang Xiaolong, the president of Yike, because their businesses seemed to have nothing to do with each other, but they felt that this might represent some attitude of Yike.

Yi Xin is very popular recently, and he has made Penguin really popular.

When we sat down in the conference room, everyone added each other as Yixin friends, and the atmosphere was very friendly.

After the regular exchanges ended, Tao Xinglei, as the person in charge of the Yike acquisition, started the formal conversation.

He set the tone with one sentence: "Mr. Fang is very optimistic about the development of PPS. He said that he paid attention to PPS at the beginning of this year because of the CCTV Spring Festival Gala live broadcast, and thought that we have a good space for cooperation with this field."

The senior executives of PPS were slightly awe-inspiring. This was due to Mr. Fang's optimism, not just the work contact with Yike Company.

Yike Company is of course a giant, and is even known as the first of the four domestic giants.

However, Mr. Fang + Yike are another kind of complete fighting entity.

In particular, one of the three founders, Technical Director Lei Liang, is from Shanghai. After graduating in 1999, he only worked for one year before resigning to start his own business. After several years of success and failure, it was not until he launched PPS in 2005 that things started to improve.

For Lei Liang or an entrepreneur like him, it is difficult not to pay attention to Mr. Fang, and it is difficult not to admire Mr. Fang.

In the early years, almost all entrepreneurs had watched and studied CCTV's entrepreneurial programs, and Mr. Fang's performance and his subsequent series of successes have always inspired everyone to move forward.

Lei Liang said excitedly during the meeting yesterday: "If Mr. Fang wants to buy PPS, then I will definitely sell it!"

Faced with this situation, CEO Xu Weifeng found it difficult. They haven't come yet, and they still don't know how to bid. You are such a... personality cult!

The other product director, Zhang Hongyu, has a more ambiguous attitude, is not so impulsive, and adheres to a certain bottom line.

"At the very least, Mr. Fang must invite us personally before we can go to Yike."

Xu Weifeng sat in the conference room, watching the product director and technical director light up when they heard Tao Xinglei speaking opposite him, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart, this matter...

After communicating with Zhang and Lei last night, he briefly chatted with institutional shareholders, and his attitude was the same...not optimistic.

According to Qiming Venture Partners, domestic video websites are increasingly burning money. Not only Penguin, but the giant Baidu also established its own video site in the first half of the year. If Yike is willing to come in at this time and offer a good price, it is not impossible.

Besides, if you don't let it in, it might kill you.

Even if we don't engage you, turning around to find someone else will only strengthen our competitors, so why bother?

Xu Weifeng communicated with Qiming Venture Capital, and during the chat he also heard the other party’s ridicule, investing in Shanghai Tang, and first paying homage to Hang Lung 23.

Today, this is where Hang Lung 23 comes to your door.

This matter is very difficult to handle now. PPS has gone through three rounds of financing, and institutional shareholders hold a lot of shares and also have seats on the board of directors.

Xu Weifeng even wondered whether Yike used his influence to communicate with Qiming Venture Partners first.

He listened to the investment director of Yike explaining the competitive situation in the industry that he was familiar with, and listened to the interview with a lot of data, and he knew that this was prepared and not a spur of the moment.

It’s not easy to do, it’s not easy to do...

"Mr. Xu, Mr. Zhang, and Mr. Lei, I came here today with great sincerity. Mr. Fang is optimistic that Yike's evaluation is suitable. Our idea is to acquire all cash. The management structure of PPS remains unchanged. Mr. Xu is still the CEO. Mr. Zhang

Mr. Zonghe Lei is still responsible for products and technology." Tao Xinglei directly gave the price after negotiating, "150 million U.S. dollars."

Xu Weifeng was thinking about his thoughts and the company's situation, resisting the favorable price, and said: "Mr. Tao, we have no intention of selling outright. We would rather bring in a strong partner. What we hope to get is Yike's


He continued: "PPS will be profitable this year. In the future, we hope that PPS will be a listed company."

Tao Xinglei said: "Mr. Xu, we have carefully evaluated the current market situation. Let's not talk about whether we can go public. We don't see an opportunity to stop the money-burning competition in the entire market for the time being."

He suddenly remembered his boss's circle of friends and said again: "There is no turning point in burning money. Even if PPS is profitable, it will still face great pressure in the future. If you are not willing to be fully acquired, we can also cooperate, but we need to acquire the shares

There will be more, so we need to talk to Qiming and the others again."

Tao Xinglei finally said: "However, I believe that Mr. Xu, Mr. Zhang, and Mr. Lei, you also know that the price we gave is very kind. After all, the valuation of PPS's third round of financing the year before last did not exceed 50 million."

In 2 years, it went from 50 million to 150 million. This is because a certain premium has been added to take into account the company's development and market conditions.

Tao Xinglei believes that investors like Qiming Venture Partners, which has been investing for more than five years but has yet to receive a return, will be tempted. Now, Yike hopes to get a complete PPS.

Xu Weifeng did not answer immediately, and exchanged glances with the other two founders, Zhang Hongyu and Lei Liang.

Then, he thought it would be better not to exchange.

These two seemed to want to get the official seal.

Xu Weifeng suddenly felt a little dumbfounded, wondering what happened.

He strictly required himself to perform his duties as CEO and began to explain to Yike's investment director the advantages of PPS and the successful experience of each project.

Xu Weifeng noticed that the Yike people across from him were all listening attentively. He felt that, at least, these people did not rely on their status as giants and were still very respectful.

Opinions were exchanged, and the acquisition certainly could not be negotiated just like this.

Tao Xinglei was not disappointed. He looked at Zhang Xiaolong who had been listening and said with a smile: "Mr. Zhang, please say a few words."

Zhang Xiaolong was caught off guard, he just came to join in the fun...

He was stunned for a few seconds, then stood up and said: "On behalf of Yike, I would like to welcome PPS to join us."

Tao Xinglei was caught off guard now. Hey, can you represent Yike? Forget it, you are being favored, but we haven't reached an agreement yet...

He was shocked while observing the reaction from the other party.

The people on the other side were obviously stunned, but the three founders all stood up and shook hands.

Tao Xinglei stood up and shook hands behind him.

The meeting between Yike and PPS ended.

This trip, intentionally or unintentionally, I didn’t care about food.

When Zhang Xiaolong got into the car, he suddenly asked uneasily: "Is what I said inappropriate?"

"No, it's quite concise and powerful." Tao Xinglei said with a smile.

Zhang Xiaolong breathed a sigh of relief and asked: "What about this time? Will they sell PPS? I think Mr. Xu's attitude is quite tough."

"It's hard to say, there is a problem now." Tao Xinglei frowned.

Zhang Xiaolong asked: "What's the problem?"

Tao Xinglei said thoughtfully: "Mr. Xu said too much, while Mr. Zhang and Mr. Lei said too little."

Zhang Xiaolong is a little confused. What kind of problem is this? Some people don't like to talk too much, such as himself.

He said "hmm" and thought about Yi Xin's situation in the second half of the year.

Tao Xinglei sat in the car, thought for a moment, opened Yixin, and sent a message to Xu Weifeng, CEO of PPS: "No matter how Yixin cooperates with PPS, I only hope that Mr. Xu will still serve as CEO. This is our unchangeable condition."


He sent a simple message to the other two, and then pushed Mr. Fang's Yixin business card over to them.

Tao Xinglei put away his mobile phone and said with a smile: "PPS management can contact us more slowly and see what the founders think first."

Zhang Xiaolong said "hmm" again. Mr. Tao must have a reason for saying this.

PPS CEO Office.

Xu Weifeng and the other three were having a heated discussion after the Yike team left.

——150 million U.S. dollars! That’s great! Let them add more, and we’ll agree!

——Follow Yike! Work with Mr. Fang! This is so cool!

——You guys calm down and calm down...

Xu Weifeng felt tired.

"Hey, Mr. Tao gave me Mr. Fang's business card!" Lei Liang took out his cell phone and suddenly said in surprise.

Zhang Hongyu also nodded: "Yes, Mr. Tao also recommended it to me."

Seeing this, Xu Weifeng also took out his mobile phone, but he didn't see the business card, only what Mr. Tao said.

Why did Mr. Tao recommend only the two of them? Did he notice something? They should not have been allowed to attend the meeting!

Star-chasers are the most serious problem facing PPS today!

Xu Weifeng thought for a few random words, then suddenly looked at the screen of his mobile phone and insisted on being the CEO...

This matter is not easy to handle, not easy to handle!

Otherwise...it won't be done if it doesn't work.

Xu Weifeng replied with a message: Hahaha, Mr. Tao is too polite.

Mr. Tao is too polite. He only has a little experience with video websites. There are many great talents in Yike. How come there is no one who can serve as CEO?

Of course, if Yi Ke insists on persisting, how can he not dedicate himself to it?

This chapter has been completed!
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