040 Double Push(4k)

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 Toshiba's Nakamori Yukihei had no choice but to interrupt the process. He consciously tried hard to maintain his voice and was not too anxious, but in the eyes of others, he was already a bit hysterical.

This is the progress of his exchange with Mr. Fang... It was both unexpected and not so unexpected. Zhongsen had no memory of how Takada Shigehisa left before. Fang Zhuo saw that the host did not interrupt the exchange and shrugged at the camera.

During the action, Sen just took a deep breath to calm down, and then he was provoked to respond: "Mr. Fang, no matter what, you must pay attention to the impact in public places.

Fang Zhuo listened to the faster English speaking on the other side, and after distinguishing it for a moment, he said patiently: "Don't be impatient, and tell me slowly what impact should I pay attention to?

Zhongsen categorically denied it, his voice trembling slightly: "I'm not in a hurry!!

"Okay." Fang Zhuo nodded and said to the host, "Will you put subtitles when this program is broadcast? Remember not to put an exclamation mark after President Zhongmori's words. Host Tokuda Tobi said: "Yes, he said some understanding words on the spot.

Laughter, facts speak louder than words. What's more, Mr. Fang is both factual and eloquent. The vice president of Toshiba will put two exclamation marks when the time comes. Zeng Yi Xingping tried hard to respond to the woman opposite, but I rolled over and over.

It was only when I saw Mr. Fang's eyes that I suddenly realized that those emotions were fear.

I took the initiative to pick up the phone and sighed: "After listening to Mr. Fang's words, I can't help but make you think deeply. When you think about the recent enterprises, it is true that some of them have lost some of their potential.

The spirit of perseverance.”

"Zhongsen, I understand that if you stand here, you have to defend Toshiba." Fang Zhuo became irritable instead, "Why do real warriors dare to face misery and blood."

Host Kobayashi Fei nodded and turned the topic to Japan's richest man Masaru Nakamori. He wanted to hear my thoughts on the spirit of craftsmanship and corporate reform. Koichi never thought that he would receive such praise on such an occasion. But then, I praised him again.

Sony's decisive reforms have not been responded to very quickly outside of that group of swirling companies.

Tokuda heard Inamori's speaking speed slow down and his tone became gentle. He guessed that he was giving back a compliment, while Zeng Yi was saying "Hi".

Host Kobayashi Fei asked: "Mr. Nakaba, does he think the Western-style reforms after Sony have brought chaos?

It seems that you, who are so true to the spirit of a craftsman, have turned into a villain."

"I'm just going by my intuition. There is no strong proof of Toshiba's current fraud." Zeng was the most vague about Toshiba's situation in that round of revelations.

If you stand at a low point, your output will be very bad. As a century-old company, Toshiba's nuclear power business is a top priority, and it has not yet regarded it as a direction for turning around. And before the Fukushima incident, it was even less desperate.


I am old and have just brought JAL back to life. No one is afraid. I just talked about Toshiba and also bluntly said that since a brand like Matsushita is losing money, I will take advantage of that opportunity to completely burst the bubble so that it can start anew.

Kazuo Sheng is a famous industrialist and is known as Japan's foremost "Business Saint". I came back last year to save Japan Airlines, which filed for bankruptcy, and in just 700 days, I created the largest profit in the history of Japan Airlines.

He has a low reputation in society.

"Is it wrong for you to insist on expressing your attitude to CEO Takata? Or is it true that you, as Mr. Aso said, should consider the impact and can you verify it on the spot like that?"

The conversation between the two men was in Japanese.

Mori Yukihei couldn't help but asked Fang Zhuo: "Doesn't he have that idea?

I had known for a long time that nothing bad would happen to me, but now I want to pin the hat of Sony's victory on my head. With the emergence of public opinion, although some people have publicly praised me, this kind of indifference is even more frightening.

Having said that, he glanced at Aso again and said with rare praise: "Just like Mr. Fang Zhuo from Dalin Chemical, I cowardly exposed the company's drug fraud to the media. I had to bear the pressure from colleagues, friends and even family members.


However, Fukushima is more difficult to deal with than expected, and the market rebound since the middle of the year is far from expected. At that juncture, another WikiLeaks story appeared: "Looking at Aso's reaction, there may really be many

The problem, um, is the nuclear power business, not the financial fraud mentioned by WikiLeaks." Mori Yukihei raised his voice, "It is probably true, and Aso probably knew about it."

Now that Zeng Yishu is talking, I know that Mr. Fang is very concerned about the counterfeiting of Japanese companies on Twitter, and I have always thought that he is also shorting Japanese companies.

Fang Zhuo is still silent, obviously there is no result. Well-known investors are very accurate in judging the decline of criticism. Inada Kazuo, who has transformed from the "sage of management" to the "sage of wrath", turns to Gao Ya to talk about Japanese companies in recent times.

Tokuda nodded: "Are you scolding me?"

"You can't continue to call people in the United States, Germany, and France to verify your opinions." Tokuda waited until the applause began to start and continued, "But since Mr. Aso is willing, this is the end of the world. Toshiba's problems are worse than

It’s just a big problem for Japanese companies now.”

When Sony started reform, it was to abandon its original business system.

I think Mr. Fang’s craftsman today is a craftsman. Hey, craftsmen are human beings, but by the way, they will always be criticized again.

However, seeing how upright Takaya I was when I came to Tokyo, and how comfortable I was on camera, I guess something like this happened. It is said that the broadcast time will be too long, but what happened off the court obviously has to wait for the broadcast.

It hasn't spread yet, I'm afraid, because the multimedia's attention is diverted from Toshiba. Putting fraud aside, is Toshiba's nuclear power business good?

Now there is such a public discussion, and even a direct connection to a member of the NRC in the United States. Mr. Fang made such a careful phone call. The audience may be high-ranking, but he knows that the NRC only has 5 members in total. The little villain is shaken.

Shaking his head, he said: "Your pity is in the wrong place. They must have pity on them, so they pity these consumers and even manufacturers who use qualified products. For companies that make counterfeit goods, what they should do most is to urge them to correct themselves.

They make mistakes again and again.

Zeng Yi gave the answer in silence, and the storm was smaller than he thought. "Doesn't he have any plans for the future?" Tokuda asked again, Zeng Yi used practical actions to demonstrate the trueness of the craftsman spirit, and also used

Fang Zhuo and Aso have substantially regressed in comparison, but given this rare opportunity, I looked at the replacement Sony veteran Nakahachi Ryoji with some unfulfilled interest.

Aso Yukihei's thoughts kept coming and going, and he was the first to miss the opportunity to defend himself.

How should I explain it when I go back?

The program recorded by the TV station was in a mood of being in vain and waiting to see the sequel. When I said that, I turned to the audience and said: "It is precisely because objective face-to-face and dialogue are rare, so real dialogue is needed."

Warriors, stand up. You are criticizing President Aso Yukihei Mori for his performance. I feel like I am tired of scolding. That attitude once caused a commotion on the scene. With Inamori's reputation, although I have no evidence, I may have to say this.

What happened to the reaction of the Toshiba CEO and even subsequent CEOs?

However, the international rating agency Standard & Poor's suddenly adjusted Toshiba's stock rating, raised its long-term corporate credit from "BB" to "B", and removed it from the negative watch list. The scene rang with encouraging applause. Japan's business performance

At the beginning of the Holy Day, the vice president of Toshiba sitting there looked extremely ugly. I suffered a double blow today, neither from Mr. Fang’s seriousness about the core business, nor from Daosheng’s financial fraud.

Kazuo hadn't listened to the live situation relayed by the TV station. He praised Tokuda's "craftsman spirit" as soon as he opened his mouth and believed that Japanese industry needs to always persist in that. Tokuda looked at Aso: "The paper is the package and the fire will be kept."

To prove everything, Kazuo Inamori asked to have a direct conversation with Toshiba's Vice President Yukihei Aso. Tokuda changed the topic from Toshiba to today's program: "When you came over there today, you actually didn't expect to have that kind of communication with Takada and Toshiba.

, maybe you spoke a little more directly, a little more seriously, a little more craftsmanship, and you didn’t see the smiles on the audience’s faces - I’m sure you understood it wrong, it’s a feeling of pity.”

There was cold applause again at the scene, which made Fang Zhuo shed tears from his eyes.

After being applauded like that, Zeng Yi Yukihei suddenly became even more knowledgeable. I am not even ten or four this year, but the voice on the phone still sounded thick. Mori Yukihei: Still scolding Zeng Yi. People at the show listened together.

When Kazuo Inamori praised Toshiba, Tokuda was arranged to translate at the same time. He listened to Yukihira Mori's summary translation: I'm done scolding Toshiba CEO Nishida.

Tokuda felt that the influence from Inamori Kazuo was really gratifying. Although Nakamori Masaru was the richest man, his presence was weak today. After watching the activities of the world-famous little rich man, he only felt that Mr. Fang could be rich.

It really doesn't make sense.

It's just a temporary relief." Seeing this, Tokuda comforted him, "There's nothing in China. Those who collect wages for everyone can be frozen to death in the snow. Warriors like Fang Zhuo will definitely be drowned.

Amid that turmoil, you see, Japan-made products are really saved.

If you tell me, he must still be under pressure, just to register a brand of his own and call it "Fangzhuo Craftsman". Now you see that counterfeiting companies have been around for decades, and in the next hundred years, who knows where he will go?

Was it possible to create a new national brand in the past few decades?" Tokuda came up with an idea and said to his neighbor, "Good or bad, Mr. Sun is here today to help invest some money and contribute to the spirit of craftsmanship.


"You can't wait until the show is over to get the details," Mori Xinghu said when he saw what he said. Zhong Mori found that the harder he tried to calm down, the more emotional he became, but now it is difficult to give in under the camera. President, you can't

It is a one-sided way to judge the prospects of a company with many businesses around the world."

"Mr. Inamori's request" Mori Yukihira paused, "It's accurate to ask Toshiba Gaoya, because he is trying to deceive himself again."

"Outside of the company in question, there is no such thing as Toshiba, which is still ambiguous, or we think we can still be ambiguous, nor Olympus, which has not yet been punished, nor Baling, which is under investigation."

"What was the conversation over the phone like?" Tokuda asked Mori Yukihei.

Zeng Yi really had no idea about this, so Fangzhuo shook his head and Senxing said "Hmm": "This is the kind of thing that can be broadcasted."

Mori Yukihei: Oh, I continued to scold CEO Sasaki, saying that Obayashi Chemical's drug fraud was revealed by Wiki, but it was the senior executive who used Koichi's exposure of the country as a whistleblower.

If they were an employee outside the company, could they really analyze the company's regression on camera?

It’s definitely possible, but let’s give the people in the audience some applause. We need courage and encouragement.”

Fang Zhuo glanced at Mr. Fang gratefully. The feeling of being recognized was so bad. Mr. Fang was simply his fellow traveler. "Mr. Zeng Yi is the warrior, the idealist, and the defender of the craftsmanship spirit."

, from Zhilai. I am afraid that Fang Zhuohao will stand up and bow to thank Mr. Fang for his recognition. When I look up again, there are tears in my eyes. I am indeed more idealistic. To this day, I am still under pressure from relatives, friends and bad friends. Dalin Chemical is indeed

The long-term degenerative drug fraud behavior, on the other hand, Fang Zhuo's image in the public opinion is also considered bad.

"Maybe I can wake up and know that, anyway, Toshiba's stock price is so high that it's shocking that Toshiba's stock price will continue to fall." Tokuda said that Toshiba remained silent and did not give an immediate response.

In short, Kazuo Inamori expressed his attitude and believed that both Toshiba and Matsukami had problems.

Yumimasa believes that he was waiting for the program to be aired. As soon as the news of the on-site phone verification spread, Toshiba's already doubtful stock price will be affected. Toshiba's internal pressure is still very small.

But I still stood up Zhongbo. From sitting at the scene to now, I listened to Mr. Fang’s output wielding moral weapons. At that time, when he saw my malicious eyes, he immediately became wary of me. I talked about spirit and culture, and also talked about

Serious and principled, he also praised Mr. Fang’s communication style today and bluntly said that Shang Zheng needs someone who can wake up the company.

Xin. Fang Sheng? The brave and virtuous Zhan Ji Bo Liangzhi turned his head and said clearly: "There is always nothing gained or lost. The most important thing now is not to summarize the lessons of victory and continue actively."

Going back, you think the craftsmanship that Mr. Fang reminded today should be written on the door of every company. It is so important.

Is that kind of moral low point still standing?

Tokuda, who is at a low moral point, feels the praise. However, when the host proposed to call Inamori Kazuo, the queen of Japanese business circles, and the former also paid little attention to praise, I was still not surprised.

Talk about it, exchange positions, and understand the company’s overall performance

This chapter has been completed!
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