139 M1

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 From the second day of the Lunar New Year to the Lantern Festival on the fifteenth day of the Lunar New Year, Fang Zhuo and Yu Hong traveled tirelessly through Shencheng. Together they witnessed the economic recovery of this big city after the Spring Festival.

The traffic, pedestrians, shops, factories, everything is completely different from how it was when we first arrived.

On the ninth day of the Lunar New Year, Fang Zhuo successfully contacted Chen Biao, the president of the University of Science and Technology introduced by Zhou Xin. This person studied mechanics and now works for Shanghai Electronics and Electrical Company. After learning in detail about the needs of registration machines described by Fang Zhuo, he expressed the problem

Not big.

Thus, we introduced several equipment manufacturers that can perform customized assembly.

This is indeed good news.

However, it became a minor problem after Fang Zhuo discovered an open-pit gold mine.

Fang Zhuo took the opportunity to ask Chen Biao about the music player again.

Chen Biao was surprised that the business owner carried the player with him. After studying this small device, he didn't think it was a big deal and couldn't understand how important the gadget was to the CEO.

"It is not difficult to assemble this kind of entertainment equipment. If you want it to be smaller and more convenient, there is no problem. Just like you said, just change the components inside to smaller ones."

"As for talents in this area, I know a lecturer from Jiaotong University who has just resigned from Xiaobawang Company and returned to campus. Do you know Xiaobawang? He is quite famous. He should know about this."

Fang Zhuo was overjoyed. After obtaining the contact information, he made three consecutive phone calls before finally making an appointment with Xu Keden, a lecturer at SJTU, on the 15th day of the month.

At noon on the fifteenth day of the Lantern Festival, Fang Zhuo and Yu Hong made some preparations and then arrived at the restaurant next to Jiaotong University.

"Xiao Fang, are you really okay with this? Is it too rough?"

Yu Hong's face looked a little strange and uneasy.

"What's wrong? Xu Keden has a very good resume. Although he is only a lecturer, he understands hardware and has worked in companies to build products. This is in line with our needs." Fang Zhuo knew this person through Chen Biao's introduction, and then

I also thought of ways to make some background adjustments.

Yu Hong nodded slowly: "Okay."

It's 12:30 noon and no one has arrived yet, which means it's already past the appointment time.

After another fifteen minutes, Xu Keden arrived belatedly wearing thick glasses, but his expression was not very good and he basically didn't smile.

Ever since he left Xiaobawang Company in frustration, he re-experienced the simple joy of teaching and educating people in college, and he had no interest in entering the enterprise again.

If this person hadn't called me over and over again, I definitely wouldn't have come out.

Even if he comes out, it will only be a clear rejection in person.

Xu Keden walked into the restaurant, glanced twice, and saw the two people describing their clothes on the phone.

Well, he is very young, this is his first impression.

In this case, it can be simpler to avoid wasting each other's time, this was his next thought.

Xu Keden strode towards Fang Zhuo and Yu Hong who were standing up, and said directly: "Hello, I'm Xu Keden, I don't need to shake hands. I'm not interested in going to the company anymore, sorry."

Fang Zhuo smiled and took back the rejected right hand and said: "Hello, Mr. Xu, our company has established a project called M1, which is very suitable for you."

As he spoke, he lifted the bag on the stool and took out its contents and placed them on the table.

One pile, another pile, and another pile.

The red one is really beautiful.

"Teacher Xu, since you are here, why don't you give us a chance and also give yourself a chance." Fang Zhuo advised with extreme restraint and placed the bag containing the money in the middle of the table.

Xu Keden thought for a while, it made sense, wasn't he a little too arbitrary?

He sat down and asked: "Project M1?"

"Music 1. Teacher Xu, we need to do a music player project. The goal is to replace Sony's Walkman. If possible, I hope that the device we make will be the best music player in the northern hemisphere." Fang Zhuo said briefly.

"Replacing Walkman, the Northern Hemisphere is the best?" Xu Keden wanted to laugh a little, but then asked, "Why is the Northern Hemisphere the best instead of the whole world?"

Fang Zhuo said: "I think it is necessary to be cautious and modest."

"Do you know how good the walkman is?" Xu Keden asked for the sake of the money on the table.

"Teacher Xu, do you agree that the 21st century is the era of the Internet?" Fang Zhuo asked.

Xu Corden hesitated and said: "I agree more."

"The player we want to make is a music player in the Internet era. Sony's Walkman is an excellent product of the past era." Fang Zhuo took the two MP3 players handed over by Yu Hong and placed them on the table. "They are not ours.

The player replaces the walkman, which is the new era that will defeat the old era."

He pointed to the player on the table: "Mr. Xu, both of these players can play music without tapes or CDs. In particular, they can download music in mp3 format from the Internet extremely conveniently."

"But one of them is not compact enough, and the other has too low storage capacity. We only need to make a product that combines the advantages of both to become an excellent player in the new era."

Xu Keden frowned and said: "It's not possible to combine the advantages of both..."

Fang Zhuo interrupted the lecturer: "I have even contacted the manufacturer and know that their technological breakthrough can achieve this. Toshiba has the technology for 1.8-inch hard drives and is willing to supply it."

"Then since you know the key points of technology, why are you looking for me?" Xu Keden was confused.

"Because I don't understand hardware or technology. What's more, an excellent product cannot be made by just stacking hardware." Fang Zhuo said seriously, "A good project leader, a good product manager, he

It can have a huge impact on polishing all aspects of the product.”

"We need a good product manager and give him the power to polish the product."

After Fang Zhuo said this, he poured the remaining piles of cash in the bag onto the table, constantly attracting the attention of others in the restaurant.

Xu Keden didn't look at the money on the table. He could feel the sincerity just by looking at the young man's eyes.

A thousand-mile horse always exists, but a bole does not always exist.

If it weren't for my career, I wouldn't have left school to become a bully for the first time.

Xu Keden pondered and asked: "The money on the table?"

"This is the remuneration for the person in charge of the M1 project. It is expected to be 20,000 yuan per month for half a year." Fang Zhuo said calmly, "A total of 120,000 yuan can buy a Jetta or half a house in an ordinary provincial capital."

Xu Keden looked at the 12 piles of money on the table with his heart a little more seriously this time.

Fang Zhuo put the money back into the bag one by one, and pushed hard with both hands to push it to Xu Keden's side.

Because of the strength, the bag almost slipped off the table.

Xu Keden quickly stopped it with his hands, and then he was a little reluctant to let go.

"However, for an excellent product, the reward of 120,000 is just a small amount." Fang Zhuo smiled, "This number is just a bottom line. I respect excellent product managers very much, and I also think Teacher Xu has this


Xu Corden released his grip on the bag and sighed: "Okay, how many people are there on your M1 project?"

Yu Hong spoke up and corrected: "Teacher Xu, you will be our M1 from now on."

After Xu Keden made his decision, he said: "How many people are there in our M1 project?"

Fang Zhuo glanced at Director Xiao Yu and decided to tell the truth, but in a more tactful way: "I think a good project team must first identify an excellent leader before it can continue to be formed."

"You mean..." Xu Keden hesitated.

Fang Zhuo's eyes were encouraging, be bold, it's what you think.

"Am I the first one to join?" Xu Keden was inspired by his eyes and asked in disbelief.

Fang Zhuo stood up and stretched out his right hand: "Teacher Xu, congratulations, you will create history with us."

Xu Keden did not refuse to shake hands this time, and said with a wry smile: "Really? Where do you get such confidence?"

"Because, a new era has arrived." Fang Zhuo shook his hand vigorously and sat down again, "Let's discuss the M1 and find what it lacks."

This chapter has been completed!
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