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 The atmosphere of Tesco's executive meeting became quite restrained following the chairman's statement.

It has to be said that due to its size, Dazhong Electrical Appliances still has a high degree of independence even though it was wholly acquired by Yike and injected into Tesco.

When Fang Zhuo was negotiating the acquisition in Beijing, he promised Zhang Dazhong that he would continue to operate Dazhong Electrical Appliances. This promise has not been broken to this day. Tesco only dispatched necessary financial personnel.

On the one hand, it has been said in advance, but on the other hand, Tesco itself is still short of people, and needs to recruit talents from Dazhong Electrical Appliances in turn. It is true that there is no spare capacity to fully take over this important offline channel for the time being.

Fang Zhuo also said hello to Zhang Dazhong when he appointed Su Wei as president, but in actual operation, it is not a matter of two people meeting each other, and the people below will have differences.

The overall revenue of Dazhong Electrical Appliances this year is expected to remain around 6 billion, but judging from the current situation, Tesco's breakthrough of 200 million is considered a success.

With such a size comparison, the executives of Dazhong Electrical Appliances will have an idea: Why do we need to help you online when our revenue is so high?

And Tesco will naturally have ideas. Your Dazhong Electrical Appliances has been acquired by us, what else is there to say?

Simply put, this is a run-in problem with indigestion.

If Tesco is allowed to develop steadily, the running-in will eventually pass.

However, when a newborn calf like Tesco is targeted by a jungle tiger, the pressure from the outside is transmitted to the inside, and the distance between the online and offline parts becomes even greater...

According to Su Wei's idea, although Zhang Dazhong is actually the top of the mountain, it is more due to the objective problems of the scale of development on both sides. It can be done slowly rather than hastily.

She maintained smooth communication before Mr. Fang returned, and also discussed with Zhang Dazhong how offline channels could complement online channels. The latter's attitude was quite positive, which was one of the reasons why she was willing to handle it gently.

In Su Wei's view, Zhang Dazhong didn't even have the slightest share of equity and had no motivation to use Dazhong Electric to maintain a confrontational stance.

Fang Zhuo has communicated with Mr. Su on this aspect in the past two days and agrees with her judgment. However, he does not think that it should be slowed down, but that it should be more radical.

First, the level of external competition has changed.

Second, according to Yike's successful experience and logic, the positive growth rate of the incremental market can cover up most of the problems.

As long as I run fast, problems can't catch up with me!

As long as the company runs fast, the problems will disappear on their own!

From this perspective, Fang Zhuo believes that even if there are some problems with large and medium-sized electrical appliances, it is allowed.

The executives in the conference room were quite excited.

However, Fang Zhuo did not leave time for them to digest, and continued to set his attitude: "If the enterprise wants to develop, Tesco must be the number one B2C in the country. I have read a lot of your suggestions recently, and I think it is worthwhile to have a displayed mentality.

Let’s make it clear here.”

"E-commerce acquired Dazhong Electrical Appliances, acquired JD.com, and acquired Huashen Logistics."

"Many people feel that we need to proceed steadily and improve internal efficiency to a certain level before moving forward at a faster pace."

Huashen Logistics is an express delivery company based in Shanghai based in East China. Tesco acquired it for the basic framework of its own logistics.

Fang Zhuo took a sip of tea and slowly emphasized: "Such suggestions and ideas are quite satisfactory and do not apply to Tesco's situation."

Following Mr. Fang's criticism, many senior executives' faces showed no change, but their hearts were filled with turmoil. Similar suggestions were frequently mentioned in their reports.

Dong Xueyou, one of the logistics leaders, was a little embarrassed and wanted to adjust his sitting position, but found that everyone was holding their breath and motionless. As long as he suppressed the impulse, fortunately, Mr. Fang's eyes did not stay on him.

Fang Zhuo looked around to make sure no one was distracted, and continued to talk about this trend of thought that has a certain market: "E-commerce is a new project, but we are not a startup company, we are a company with a background of listed companies and have many venture capital friends.

Support, aiming to build a B2C e-commerce enterprise in the Amazon of the East!"

"Yigou is not Dazhong, JD.com, or Huashen."

"Don't be submissive."

"Do you want to learn from Guo Qing?"

Fang Zhuo asked sincerely.

It was this sentence that suddenly relaxed the atmosphere a lot.

The bright spot of Tesco so far is the book business group headed by Shi Tao, who switched jobs from Amazon. Although the large-scale competition between Tesco and Dangdang was stopped through mediation by the superior department, Tesco's book business has taken advantage of this to flourish.

Even after doing so, we still maintain a certain level of discounts.

This situation made Li Guoqing quite irritated, and he frequently made yin and yang remarks to the media from time to time.

Tesco cannot learn from Guoqing.

I don't know why, but Mr. Fang's serious words sounded more joking.

"I know what some of you think. I know that based on your own situation, experience, and position, you naturally want to spend one dollar as two dollars."

"But now, my request is that every dollar should be spent as a dollar."

"Even, think of it as 80 cents or 50 cents."

"E-commerce has only one goal now, and everyone here must think about how to help it."

"That is, the revenue growth rate of e-commerce."

"Within two years, we will recreate the Gome we have today."

Fang Zhuo clearly put forward the development vision. Gome will also develop, and it will develop at a high speed. Therefore, we will take today's Gome as a two-year goal. If we can reach this level, we will talk about other things.

Because of Gome's targeting, everyone here has a basic understanding of the country's number one home appliance chain. Gome's revenue this year is said to be around 18 billion.

In other words, Mr. Fang proposed a two-year revenue target of 18 billion.

When this number came to mind, the conference room became quite quiet.

But Fang Zhuo did not explain the lack of confidence hidden in this quiet atmosphere. What will it be like in two years?

Although 18 billion is a big number today, in mid-2007, two years later, this number will definitely not be the first echelon of Internet e-commerce.

Fang Zhuo took two sips of tea and started ordering people.

He looked at Dong Xueyou, one of the leaders of the logistics business, and said: "Mr. Dong, let's talk about your work construction."

Jacky Dong didn't expect that Mr. Fang would be the first to point to himself after speaking. The thought of the meaning of such an arrangement flashed in his mind, and he began to report on the logistics work in a calm and unhurried manner.

Fang Zhuo waited until this person finished speaking without making any further comments, then continued to click on the next person: "Mr. Liu, you want to talk too."

Liu Qiangdong was also responsible for logistics construction, but his authority was lower than that of Jacky Dong. He did not expect that Mr. Fang would mention his name after listening to Mr. Dong’s report. He collected his thoughts for a few seconds and talked pragmatically about his responsibilities during this period.


Fang Zhuo still didn't comment much, and the next call was Shi Tao, the vice president of the book business group.

Reporting like this is basically two voices with one business content.

The work report lasted for nearly an hour. Fang Zhuo called on the name of the president of Tesco: "Mr. Su, please talk about the overall situation of our Tesco."

Su Wei already knew the content of this meeting, so she talked about some of the new content she just heard, from a high-level perspective, from the inside out.

Finally, Fang Zhuo named Zhang Dazhong of Dazhong Electrical Appliances.

He said slightly politely: "Mr. Zhang, would you like to chat too?"

The executives feel that this order shows the difference in status. Mr. Zhang controls the offline channels. This is a situation that even Mr. Fang must take seriously.

Zhang Dazhong did not speak immediately. He was silent for a while and said clearly: "Mr. Fang, Dazhong Electrical Appliances is a part of Tesco. Whether it is long-term development or facing competition from brands such as Gome, Dazhong Electrical Appliances is the most important part of Tesco."

Solid offline support.”

This is a very clear statement.

But does it contain any deep meaning?

Without waiting for the executives in the conference room to think more, Fang Zhuo gave a concise and concise response.

He only said two words: "Very good."

Such simple words will inevitably lead to some people's imagination.

Su Wei briefly summarized the morning meeting. This was also her work style and she was unwilling to waste time in a bureaucratic manner.

It was approaching 12 noon, and since there were meetings in the afternoon, most people ate directly in the canteen.

Fang Zhuo and Zhang Xuebin had other things to talk about and found a separate space.

No matter what considerations Zhang Xuebin had this time, Meiling chose to stand with Tesco, which satisfied Fang Zhuo.

Therefore, he took advantage of lunch to talk more about continuing to promote the equalization of Mr. Zhang in the industry.

BOE has reached a cooperation with domestic TV companies and foreign counterparts on a 6th generation line. However, this incident has earned Ni Runfeng a mixed reputation in Changhong, and the negative factors are even heavier.

Because, for the same companies involved in this matter, others had no other price other than money, but Changhong spent all it had to get the plasma patent for free, and in the end only received a small share of the LCD panel production line.

In addition, Ni Runfeng's attitude when implementing decisions... His position will indeed not be long.

"In addition to speaking out at industry forums and media levels, you can take advantage of this competition with Gome to express your views more."

"Changhong is tied to LCD at the expense of patents. Both within the company and local administration, they all hope that Changhong's LCD shift will gain greater returns."

"CCTV has an entrepreneurial program, you know, right? I used to be a contestant, and I'm quite familiar with them. In the second half of the year, you can be a guest, and you can be more aggressive with Changhong and Meiling."

"We can also talk about the choke point in the TV industry. After all, now that BOE has started cooperation, the choke point is much looser. Now we can take credit for talking about it."

Fang Zhuo and Zhang Xuebin put it more straightforwardly.

When things have developed to this point, Tesco and Bingxin have a lot of room for cooperation with Changhong and Meiling. As for Zhang Xuebin, he also needs support to gain a more stable foothold. It is difficult for Changhong to be too supportive of him as an outsider.

Mr. Fang’s support is a matter of mutual benefit.

As for whether it will work out in the end, Zhang Xuebin thinks it’s good to just try our best.

After talking about his own personal development, he couldn't help but talk about the competition of Tesco and share unverified gossip.

"Mr. Fang, I heard that Gome is interested in acquiring Five Star or Sanlian Trading Company."

Fang Zhuo only said "hmm".

Zhang Xuebin added: "Gome's development momentum is still very strong and should not be underestimated."

Fang Zhuo laughed and said: "He is fierce in his, and I am developing mine. I am not asking him to do anything, as long as we are not tit-for-tat."

Zhang Xuebin made a suggestion: "But Gome does influence suppliers. Can we use the mature system of Dazhong Electrical Appliances to compete."

Fang Zhuo also discussed this issue with Su Wei yesterday: "Why can Gome be the first in the industry? It has advantages."

"There is a reason why Dazhong Electrical Appliances has been developing longer than Gome, but still lags behind."

"Using Dazhong Electrical Appliances to compete with Gome, isn't this using one's own shortcomings to take advantage of the other's strengths?"

"What Tesco wants to do is always B2C e-commerce. This is where we can give full play to our own advantages."

Zhang Xuebin pondered for a while, this is what Mr. Fang said, "He attacks his, I develop mine", but the other party really wants to compete with others at the door.

He added: "I heard that Huang Guangyu has invited suppliers in Beijing, which may also involve Tesco's channels."

Fang Zhuo pondered: "I thought we would go together. I also invited our 'TV Eight' to come to Shanghai to talk about cooperation."

Regardless of whether the competition intensity between Gome and Tesco will continue to increase, suppliers are the top priority for competitiveness.

Zhang Xuebin will not discuss further. He feels that this time he may personally participate in many follow-ups. He only hopes that his company can get a good ending.

In the afternoon, Fang Zhuo and Su Wei held a meeting attended only by senior executives of Dazhong Electrical Appliances.

The focus was on the choice of offline channels, and it was made clear that the scale of stores would not be expanded, and the 80 stores of Dazhong Electric Appliances would be used as Tesco's experience stores and after-sales stores.

Zhang Dazhong listened quite quietly and expressed no opinions.

But when some people heard about scale control and store positioning, they couldn't help but put forward their opinions.

Zhou Dequan is the manager of the Beijing area. He is the head of the regional headquarters where Dazhong Electrical Appliances started. He has always had high authority. He said euphemistically: "Mr. Fang, Dazhong Electrical Appliances is Tesco's own department. Dazhong Electrical Appliances can also work for Tesco."

to provide support for our two-year goals.”

"After all, Dazhong Electrical Appliances can still achieve revenue of 6 billion this year."

The target is 18 billion, and large and medium-sized electrical appliances can absorb 30% of the target.

In other words, how can Dazhong Electrical Appliances, which has a revenue of 6 billion, be sacrificed at will?

This is a very real problem.

Who can easily sacrifice Dazhong Electrical Appliances with such revenue?

Is this a small gain at a loss?

Su Wei could not ignore such considerations, nor could Zhang Dazhong, nor the executives sitting in the conference room at this moment, including Zhou Dequan.

However, when Fang Zhuo heard this description, he just asked flatly: "Then what?"

Zhou Dequan said "uh", and then? What else do you want next?

He hesitated and did not continue to say what he meant.

"I think I have made it very clear." Fang Zhuo remained calm, "The main focus is Tesco, and the secondary one is Dazhong Electrical Appliances."

"You are employees of Tesco, not Dazhong Electric."

"From today on, you have to consider issues from Tesco's perspective. It's that simple."

Fang Zhuo looked at Zhou Dequan and simply asked: "Do you understand?"

Tesco employee Zhou Dequan nodded clearly: "Yes, Mr. Fang."

It’s not that Mr. Fang didn’t hear the meaning. Mr. Fang expressed his intention. Dazhong Electric’s revenue can be sacrificed!

Since that's the case, let's just implement Mr. Fang's strategy and let's talk about the results.

This chapter has been completed!
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