Chapter 897 Sorry, Nokia (4k)

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 The blockbuster products of three friendly companies revealed their true colors in Lushan, which made everyone in the Yike camp feel mixed.

Needless to say within Yike, Fang Zhuo’s confidence in capacitive screens and Android systems infected everyone at the meeting, and at the executive analysis and exchange meeting, he made logical guesses about the use of resistive screens by major competitors...

Some think it's because of cost factors, some think it's due to competitors' brand confidence, and some think it's a common problem among large companies.

A statement made by Fang Zhuo last year was retold by Yu Hong. The success of Yike mobile phone is like an elephant. Other mobile phone manufacturers are just like blind men trying to feel the elephant based on their own different situations. The analysis is part of the reasons for the success of Yike mobile phone.

Nokia got a full touch screen: Don’t worry about whether it’s a resistor or a capacitor, just say it’s a full touch screen?

Sony Ericsson got the touch screen and smart system: Don’t worry about what system and screen I have, it’s just whether this is a touch screen smart phone, right?

HTC got the capacitive screen and smart system: I am better than Sony Ericsson!

And Samsung, which did not hold a press conference but obtained product information through non-public channels: I am most like Yike!

Different manufacturers have different judgments about the market and consumers. Their judgments shape their own products, which will eventually undergo market testing and get real feedback.

Fang Zhuo is relieved about the prospect of being tested together with such a group of opponents. Except for Samsung, which has truly survived across different eras and has a keen sense of judgment, other traditional manufacturers have more or less been distorted in such an industry wave.


However, partners including Google, Qualcomm, Deutsche Telekom and others still have concerns.

This wave of competition is fierce, and the five major manufacturers in the global mobile phone industry have all appeared, with the intention of severely attacking Mars 2.

On June 27, at the Moscone Convention Center, YouTube's team had been busy debugging equipment since the morning, trying to avoid problems at the website level during today's online live broadcast.

This will also be the first online live broadcast conference of a well-known mobile phone product.

In February this year, Yahoo launched an online video trial***, and last month, YouTube made preparations and held its first live broadcast event called "YouTube Live."

The event invited many big-name celebrities to perform and was broadcast live in San Francisco and Tokyo.

As of the end of this month, YouTube has conducted two more experimental activities, and the results are quite good.

Google's Schmidt was just chatting with Fang Zhuo, and they happened to talk about the pioneering work of its website, and jokingly mentioned that they could hold a live broadcast conference.

Unexpectedly, Fang Zhuo agreed without any hesitation.

On the contrary, Schmidt was hesitant. Yike's mobile phone was facing attacks from both front and back. What if something went wrong at this time?

"I'm not afraid, so what are you afraid of? If that doesn't work, turn off the signal when you come on stage." Fang Zhuo disagreed.

This year, like last year, Google’s latest press conference on the Android system was put together with the Yike mobile phone conference. Even with Samsung joining the party, Google is still the most unswerving supporter of Yike in the Android camp.

"What are you talking about? How could I be afraid?" Schmidt has been proud of himself for decades, how could he be afraid of such a small scene?

After the morning's closed-door discussions with Yike, Google, Qualcomm, Deutsche Telekom, and T-Mobile ended, Schmidt briefly walked around the meeting site after lunch. Suddenly, he had some doubts. Why did this venue seem better than last year?

Is it too big?

Can I really, ah no, can Mr. Fang not be nervous?

At two o'clock in the afternoon, various media and guests signed in one after another. The conference hall was noisy with mutual conversations. Mars2 attracted considerable attention from both inside and outside the industry.

The live broadcast did not wait until three o'clock, but was released in advance.

Schmidt quietly watched YouTube on his mobile phone and saw a lot of subtitles. Thinking of the current situation, his mood became a little solemn.

"Mr. Fang, equipment debugging problems can occur during live broadcasts." Schmidt said tactfully before Mr. Fang was about to take the stage.

"Don't worry, this is a simple press conference." Fang Zhuo was dressed similarly to last year's press conference. He was still wearing a shirt and trousers. This was not intentional, but both times were in Silicon Valley at the end of June, and the climate factors were the same.


Speaking of which, the launch of the first generation of Yike Mars is on June 26, and the launch of Mars 2 is on June 27. This is a complete year.

The dynamics of other manufacturers are different.

It is said that the iPhone was originally scheduled to be released in June, but due to competition, it must be mentioned that 3G and other functions were added in March, which indeed played a positive role.

Nokia released the touch-screen-enabled Symbian S60 V5, LG Electronics introduced new products, and traditional mobile phone manufacturers recently held press conferences...these are all stirring up changes.

Due to the advance of Apple's launch event, Yike Company had some suggestions to advance the event at the same time, but in the end it still made it to June.

Thinking about this, Fang Zhuo stepped onto the stage with emotion.

As soon as he turned on the microphone on his collar, he suddenly said to the audience: "Where are the chairs?"

The assistant in the audience quickly moved a chair onto the stage and placed it behind and to the side of the center.

At this time, Fang Zhuo saw Schmidt in the first row lip-syncing to him, and he was startled: "Has it started yet?"

Schmidt hid his face, it had indeed begun... As Mr. Fang took the stage, YouTube also specially printed two subtitles to show the official start of the press conference... You can say that this live broadcast is not good!

Words such as "LOL" and "Hahaha" have appeared in the official live broadcast room.

Fang Zhuo didn't pay too much attention to it. Live broadcasting is a new thing now, but he knew that everyone likes to be down-to-earth.

There is not much to say about the conference itself. Apart from talking to friends and businessmen, Mars 2 is also a regular upgrade to the previous generation just like the iPhone 3G.

"Hello everyone, welcome to the Yike mobile phone launch conference." Fang Zhuo smiled at the camera and started naturally, "From June last year to June this year, for a whole year, Yike Mars has achieved a very good result.


The final sales figures for the first generation of Yike Mars were displayed on the big screen behind the stage.

As of June 27, global sales of Yike Mars were 7.52 million units.

Fang Zhuo turned sideways, pointed at the numbers on the screen, and smiled.

There was a round of applause.

This result is quite astonishing, as it is already the sales volume of a mobile phone manufacturer’s successful flagship model.

In particular, this is the first mobile phone product launched by Yike, which is even more amazing.

If you consider that there is a manufacturer next door that has similar success, it does feel like a storm in the mobile phone industry.

"7.52 million units, because this is our first time making mobile phone products, we don't quite understand how successful this sales volume is." Fang Zhuo waited until the applause stopped and said about the sales volume, "Until one day, a senior executive came in

In my office, my face was covered with sweat and I said, Mr. Fang, Mr. Fang, it’s not good, Apple is suing us!”

He spread his hands and continued to say in a rough voice:

"No, no, no, Nokia is suing us!"

"No, no, no, Motorola is suing us!"

There was a burst of laughter in the audience, millions of sales were made, and the court faced each other.

Fang Zhuo sighed, still saying: "No, no, no, LG is counter-suing us!"

After he said this, he suddenly froze, pointed at the non-existent teleprompter at the back, frowned and said: "Wait, the teleprompter's lines are wrong, LG is countersuing? We sued LG first, right?"

"Forget it, let's cut this section. Although LG has infringed Yike's patent rights, the court has not yet ruled."

The conference hall was filled with laughter.

Some people actually turned back to look at the teleprompter, and even the YouTube live camera turned its direction to take a look at the packed venue.

The real-time comments in the live broadcast room surged instantly.

LG's public relations staff also took the opportunity to ask questions: Wait, is this really the Yike mobile phone launch conference? What are we doing with the surname Fang?!

"Yike Mobile has achieved extraordinary success, and I didn't expect that the legal department would get the largest bonus." Fang Zhuo didn't laugh along with everyone, he just looked serious, "Yike is very busy, and friends and businessmen are also very busy these days.

I believe everyone has also seen some new products, and they pay more attention to the release of Yike Mars than I do."

He frowned: "However, I suspect that they only pay attention to Yike and not their own products. I must say that I am very disappointed with the new products they launched, especially..."

Just as Fang Zhuo was about to name a friend to criticize, he suddenly paused and came back to his senses: "Oh yes, it's the Yike mobile phone launch conference now. Let's talk about our great Mars2. It uses a more shatter-resistant back cover glass and has been upgraded by 5 million yuan.

The rear camera and camera algorithm have optimized the touch screen experience, the battery power has been upgraded to 1320 mAh, it supports GPS, and the acceleration, proximity sensor, and ambient light sensor have been updated. It’s great and absolutely worth the money.”

He finished speaking in a dry breath, turned around and pulled the chair forward without sitting on it, and then said: "Let's continue talking about some of the latest mobile phone products, starting with Nokia."


On-site guests:?

At this moment, people online and offline suddenly had the same feeling. Isn’t it right? Isn’t this the introduction of Mars 2?

"Nokia launched a 5800 full-touch screen phone, but it turned out to be a resistive screen." Fang Zhuo looked incredulous, "Please, this is 2008, and the second-generation iPhone next door has sold 2 million units, and you still still have it?"

Are you selling resistive screens?”

He was in Silicon Valley and was suddenly cueed. Jobs, who had nothing to do to watch the live broadcast, hesitated for a few seconds, participated in the interaction, and commented: "Yeah, it's actually a resistive screen, a bunch of idiots from Nokia."

Comments were quickly flooded.

"In addition to the low cost, what other practical benefits does the resistive screen have?" Fang Zhuo said this, and directly said to the audience, "Who among you has a 5800? Let's try this phone in public."

Soon, a 5800 was donated for evaluation.

Fang Zhuo held up 5800 and Mars2 and immediately realized something he had ignored before.

He still held the Nokia in his left hand, and used his thumb in his right hand to open the Mars screen, open YouTube smoothly, and then lock the screen.

Then, without saying a word, Fang Zhuo tried hard to touch the edge of the Nokia with his left thumb.

It went on silently for thirty seconds.

Someone finally realized that Nokia's 5800 does not have a physical keyboard, and it has to be operated with a stylus. It cannot be operated with one hand. Mr. Fang still holds Mars in his right hand!

"I'm sorry, can any gentleman help me?" Fang Zhuo finally asked the audience for help.

In the first row, Mr. Obermann, a kind-hearted boss from Deutsche Telekom, came on stage enthusiastically and actively took over Mars from Mr. Fang.

However, when Fang Zhuo saw that this person was really coming up, he said, "Oh, no need, I've thought of a way!"

He held the Nokia 5800 to his mouth with his left hand, bit out the stylus with his teeth, tilted his head and used it to poke at his competitor's latest product, successfully achieving unparalleled human-computer interaction.

Poke and poke, poke and poke.

Olbermann froze on the spot.

The next second, the scene erupted so enthusiastically that laughter could be heard outside the venue!


Mr. Fang is so funny!

But, what kind of product is this kind of comedy based on?

Damn, what kind of press conference is this?

After a few seconds, Fang Zhuo still took the stylus from his mouth with his right hand and apologized: "I'm sorry, Nokia, it's my fault. I didn't have nails and could only use the stylus. It's my fault."

The laughter became even more deafening!

When the laughter gradually subsided, Fang Zhuo apologized again: "I'm sorry, Nokia, when I took out the stylus with my mouth, I realized that I was inappropriate at the press conference. I wanted to apologize immediately..."

He said helplessly: "However, the stylus blocked my mouth, so I could only extend my most sincere apology to you the second time."

The scene turned into a sea of ​​ridicule!

This may be the happiest mobile phone conference ever!

The real-time comments filling the official YouTube live broadcast room were surprisingly unified at this moment.

"Sorry, Nokia!"

"Sorry, Nokia!"

Fang Zhuo's inspiration led to the product review with the most comments.

Compared with the joy in the live broadcast room, the atmosphere at the scene was more intense, and many people laughed to the point of tears.

Fang Zhuo signaled one after another and finally calmed everyone down.

He said seriously: "Actually, I am a fan of Nokia. I have been..."

Half a sentence later, there was a lot of laughter on the scene again. Why did Mr. Fang’s every sentence seem to be mocking Nokia?

But this time, Fang Zhuo really spoke seriously.

He spread his hands helplessly, and the press conference seemed to be a bit off, but... this can only be blamed on Nokia.

"I have used many Nokia mobile phones before." Fang Zhuo waved his hand, and photos of him from some past occasions appeared on the big screen, which really showed that the mobile phone he used was Nokia.

As a global hegemon, occupying 40% of the market and high-end users, it is difficult for Fangzhuo not to use Nokia.

Fang Zhuo proved that what he said was true, and frowned and criticized: "Now that Nokia has a product like 5800, it is difficult for me not to doubt the psychology of the designer who designed this product."

"Has he never used a capacitive screen? Has he never tried a competitor's product? Has he never used Mars or iPhone? Has he never played the popular game "Fruit Assassin"?"

"If I were Kallasvuo, I would have only one thing to say to designers."

He sat down on the chair and said unceremoniously: "You are fired!"

This chapter has been completed!
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