Chapter 899 Sue him (4k)

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Schmidt takes the stage.

The second half of the conference belongs to Google and Android.

Fang Zhuo sat in the first row, feeling the sight of people in different directions and with different meanings, his expression as usual.

Yu Hong, who was sitting next to him, saw that there was sweat on his forehead, so he first handed over his mobile phone with YouTube on, and then handed over two pieces of tissue.

Fang Zhuo just wiped his hands and looked at the real-time comments from different angles in the official live broadcast room.

"So you still get sweaty palms due to nervousness?" Yu Hong smiled.

"This is not the sweat of nervousness, this is the afterglow of passion." Fang Zhuo replied calmly.

Yu Hong has a different opinion on this: "It gives me a sense of deja vu as I clean up the tools for committing crimes."

She handed over two more paper towels: "Wipe it more often. After wiping it, it will be clean and pure again."

Fang Zhuo simply said: "Thank you."

Yu Hong glanced sideways: "Your press conference this year is destined to be ridiculously impressive. Let me see what you do with next year's press conference."

Fang Zhuo remained calm and, as the head of Yike, assigned him: "You will come next year."

Yu Hong: "..."

Schmidt on the stage gave a passionate speech and planning about the Android system.

However, the conference hall gradually calmed down. Many people were reminiscing about the first half of the press conference, which was like a slap in the face. Media reporters were even considering how to evaluate and report the unscrupulous firing of dark horses in the industry.


It is difficult for people to objectively evaluate this mobile phone conference at the scene, but everyone, like Yu Hong, can easily make a judgment - no matter whether it is good or bad, at the very least, it is definitely impressive.

A press conference that is impressive enough is 1% product information + 99% criticism and praise of friends and businessmen.

As for whether the friend will accept the criticism, it is not yet clear.

Schmidt on the stage is getting better and better, smoothly introducing the upgrade of the Android system to everyone. Although the number of viewers in the YouTube live broadcast room is getting smaller and smaller, in fact, the optimization details brought by the latest version of Android, Android Donut, are quite good.


Including but not limited to copy and paste, quick search box, improved virtual keyboard, support for OpenCore2 media engine, optimization of Gmail's email processing and other updates.

Thanks to Yike's urging and the feedback from millions of products equipped with the Android system, the Android company has made many commendable efforts in Fang Zhuo's view.

Schmidt spent much longer than Fang Zhuo, and he also envisioned the future application of Android system on more devices, not only limited to mobile devices, but also televisions, cars and other products that will become increasingly smart.

Fang Zhuo nodded frequently as he listened. Teacher Shi was still very far-sighted.

At seven o'clock in the evening, the press conference jointly organized by Yike and Google came to an end.

Because there are partners coming from afar, Yike and Google of Mili Oil Mixing still jointly host dinners to imagine a better future together.

However, Fang Zhuo had scheduled important media interviews, and Yu Hong, the co-founder of Yike, attended the first half of the dinner on his behalf.

This press conference was preceded by lawsuits and sniping against manufacturers such as Nokia. Fang Zhuo chose Nokia, which has the largest market share and the most conservative product design, as the main force for his complaints. Finally, he also supplemented it with media interviews.

Give some additional explanation.

The media for the exclusive interview is CBS, and the program is the influential "60 Minutes". It has been broadcast for 40 years since 1968, and the interviewees are all over the world and in all walks of life.

As the name suggests, the program is 60 minutes in total and basically consists of 3 independent in-depth news reports and 1 news commentary section.

Fang Zhuo's exclusive interview is an in-depth news report and lasts about 13 minutes.

The famous host of this show, Wallace, had retired two years ago. Another famous host, Molly Safer, attended the Yike press conference in the afternoon and was interviewed in the evening.

Fang Zhuo put on makeup before the interview to cover up his beauty before walking into the interview room prepared in advance.

Morley is old, but he is still working hard at CBS.

Fang Zhuo has not watched this program very much. He only knows that the hosts of "60 Minutes" seem to be all young, and the person interviewing him visited China in his early years.

Sure enough, Morley really recalled his past events from 40 years ago before the formal interview.

Listening to this, Fang Zhuo suddenly had a thought in his mind. How will he recall what he did now in the future? Is it praise, admiration, or praise?

The interview officially started and the camera went into working mode.

The two sat facing each other.

"Are you ready to answer some tough questions?" Molly's first sentence was about scale.

Fang Zhuo smiled and said: "No problem, but I hope that none of us will presuppose a position, unless you are a loyal fan of Nokia."

"I'm definitely a big fan of Nokia," Morley admitted.

Fang Zhuo was startled.

"But I also don't have the slightest fondness for a phone that requires assistance with your mouth," Morley continued.

Fang Zhuo laughed and then said: "At that time, I was just out of a moment of righteous indignation from the perspective of consumers. To be honest, I regret it now."

"Do you regret it? Today's mobile phone conference is the first to use live broadcast. It will be widely circulated, and you chose a very controversial way to criticize competitors. Wasn't it planned by you?

"Molly spoke slowly, but not tactfully at all, "Isn't it premeditated?"

Fang Zhuo took out a prepared speech and denied it: "No, today's press conference is different from what was expected. This is the content of my planned speech."

Morley took it but didn't look at it and asked noncommittally: "Are the details different, or did you never think of criticizing Nokia in the first place?"

"No matter when or where, I don't think Nokia can't be criticized, especially at Yike's press conference. If you stand as an industry leader like me, you will also regret that a manufacturer like Nokia will criticize at this time.

Only come up with works like this." Fang Zhuo shrugged, "You can think that my criticism is premeditated, and I don't mind others thinking so."

"Aren't you worried that such public criticism will damage the brand image?" Morley asked two points. "It's difficult for me to rank you as an industry leader."

"At present, it seems that the sales volume of Yike mobile phones is the highest among similar products. Smartphones must be the future of mobile phones. You can put me in that position first and see if it can be realized later." Fang Zhuo smiled slightly and said, "Open to the public.

Criticism of the occasion is a kind of communication, and Yike will also accept this kind of communication, if Nokia is willing."

He continued to answer: "I was just communicating with Nokia. Maybe people will think that it is not appropriate for me to use a stylus with my mouth, but I am just showing a situation. The root cause of this scene is a very poor product."

, I am very confused about Nokia’s product strategy, this is a problem it needs to solve in the industry.”

Morley asked about the key points of observation at the afternoon press conference: "You said at the press conference that you think Nokia's Michael Kovrig is losing control of the company? Just with the emergence of a 5800?"

Fang Zhuo pondered: "Perhaps, we should respect a company's business process and give more understanding. Nokia launched 5800 in June, but the design time may be March or February. At that time, Yiko Mars

We haven’t sold more than 7 million units yet, and the iPhone has not yet launched its second-generation product, which sold 2 million units in two months.”

"From this perspective, it seems that we should be more understanding."

"But if we are measuring Nokia, Morley, what standards do you think we need to measure an industry leader?"

He took out Mars2 from his pocket, handed it over and said: "What's more, the actual experience of capacitive screen and resistive screen does not need to rely on sales volume to distinguish. Anyone who has used it can simply judge. However, Nokia's 5800 is still

The removal of the keyboard confuses me even more."

"Molly, you need to know the significance of this Nokia mobile phone."

"It was specifically chosen to be released two days ago with the purpose of using a full touch screen mobile phone to compete with Yiko. However, the strategy it laid out was completely wrong. This cannot help but make people suspect that there are serious internal problems within Nokia.

Something that needs to be corrected.”

Morley then asked: "Do you think Nokia's most serious problem is its competitive strategy? It is the inability to recognize consumer needs?"

Fang Zhuo thought carefully and then replied: "It has been a year and a half since Apple released the iPhone last year. Mars has sold nearly 8 million units, iPhone has launched the second generation, LG has sold more than 1 million units, and Samsung is about to launch it.

For Android, many manufacturers are launching capacitive screen products.”

He looked at the old host opposite him with bright eyes and said with a smile: "What do you think this means?"

Molly frowned, her thinking unable to keep up with the boss's accelerated speaking speed.

"This means that the speed of technological change in the industry is accelerating." Fang Zhuo asked and answered, "I think Nokia underestimated the speed of this change, just like Motorola in the past."

Mo Li continued to think along with Mr. Fang's words.

Fang Zhuo slowed down his speech: "Weakness and ignorance are not obstacles to survival, arrogance is, and 5800 is the arrogance of Nokia."

Morley suddenly asked a question: "So what do you think Nokia can do now to avoid going to the edge of the cliff like you said?"

Fang Zhuo said simply: "It is not too late to abandon Symbian, which is not suitable for the new era, whether it is equipped with Android or self-developed a new system and bet on it with all your strength."

Morley smiled. Symbian is the symbol of Nokia, how could it be abandoned?

He asked: "You don't hesitate to comment on Nokia at your own press conference, and you analyze and give methods like this. Are you not worried that Nokia will really come up with a smart product that can rival Mars?"

Just as Fang Zhuo was about to answer, he noticed Mo Li's gaze and knew that the other party actually knew the answer.

If a word from a competitor can change a giant company's direction, its governance is too simple.

It has only been two years since Nokia's Kallasvuo took over as CEO. He is facing a large, intricate group with a long history.

This year, Nokia still has nearly 40% of the market. If now it has to listen to its competitors' bad intentions, what else can they do next?

Are we going to introduce an insider as the leader?

Fang Zhuo gave up the idea of ​​a long speech and repeated what he had just said: "Weakness and ignorance are not obstacles to survival, arrogance is, and time will witness everything."

Morley smiled. Time will tell whether Nokia is arrogant or not.

The joint press conference between Yike and Google is over.

Such a press conference using a new live broadcast method quickly and unexpectedly caused waves.

I don’t know how many people like it, and I don’t know how many people hate it.

However, the image of Fang Zhuo explaining the use issues of the 5800 at the press conference was widely circulated.

The expression of the head of Yike, the astonishment of the head of Deutsche Telekom, the surprise of the guests in the audience, and the innocent Nokia 5800... everything seemed funny and funny.

Soon someone copied this usage to defend Nokia.

——Who said you can’t use it with one hand? Look, I successfully called my mother with my mouth!

——The correct way to use 5800, my mouth can send text messages!

A group of fun people tried to control the stylus with their mouths, attracting many people to watch and complain about the latest product.

In addition, the scientific content of the Yike press conference itself has also been ridiculed. Is this really a Yike press conference? Is this a Nokia complaint conference? Also, what the hell is Steve Jobs appearing out of nowhere?

Whether it's Facebook or YouTube, a mobile phone launch event has gained a lot of popularity.

The media's coverage of the press conference was much simpler, with headlines everywhere.

——The worst mobile phone in the history of Nokia was born at the Yike conference!

——Fang Zhuo: Nokia is facing the most dangerous moment since 1982!

——Surprised, the world's famous rich man actually treats his mobile phone like this in public!

——Jobs: Yes, it’s actually a resistive screen, a bunch of idiots from Nokia.

——A Yike mobile phone launch conference with almost no Yike mobile phones!

——Fang Zhuo:Call me!

Some media lamented in the report: This rich man from the East turned the press conference into a show, making the guests and the audience watching the live broadcast very happy, except Nokia.

Soon, there will be follow-up from the parties involved.

Fang Zhuo reposted a media report on Facebook that said he was frivolous, and responded: "If one day my wealth exceeds Gates, I can still dance at the press conference."

As for the Yike mobile phone launch conference with almost no Yike mobile phones, doesn’t everyone now know that Yike has launched the latest Mars2?

In fact, manufacturers such as Nokia and Sony Ericsson still insist on using resistive screens. Needless to say, Mars2 continues to use capacitive screens. Simply based on the characteristics of capacitive screens, it has the greatest competitive differentiation.

Fang Zhuo is already very relieved about this, and the only thing that needs to be adjusted is the predetermined sales target.

Two days later, as if nothing had happened, Nokia finally couldn't hold back its silence and launched a patent infringement lawsuit against Yiko mobile phones in Finland.

According to the company's internal analysis... Nokia may not have had such a plan originally, but it just couldn't stand the teasing and teasing on the Internet, so it used this as a statement: I can't tell the big king from the big one, so I'll sue him!

As for whether lawsuits will be filed in more countries in the future...

An internal screenshot of Yike has been circulated on the Internet. I don’t know whether it was photoshopped.

——It is prohibited to insult competitors at will.

It is forbidden to insult competitors at will. Competitors will really sue!

This chapter has been completed!
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