Chapter One Thousand and Fifty-four

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The next day, early morning.

Amidst the mist, a dragon boat flying the flag of the Great Shang Dynasty arrived at the snow-covered Tianchi. After that, a group of generals from the Great Shang Dynasty slowly went up the mountain. At the forefront was Zhao Shutong, who was dressed in golden military armor.

, the eleventh realm sword cultivator, the eldest princess of the Great Shang Dynasty, and the real leader of the Great Shang Dynasty today.

Lin Zhao led Zhi Zhi, Huang Tingyu, and Yu Wanning to the mountain road, and soon welcomed Zhao Shutong to Natural Residence.

"Shuai Lin."

Zhao Shutong walked on the mountain path paved with rocks and said with a smile: "The mountain top garden has begun to be renovated. It is so prosperous and everything is so just right. It is gratifying."

Lin Zhao smiled: "His Royal Highness has come all the way to the snow-covered Tianchi. You must not just want to tell me these things, right?"

Zhao Shutong chuckled: "Well, of course not."

"Enter Tiantianju, serve tea and speak slowly."


After the two entered Tiantianju, Liu Liying brought two cups of tea and immediately left. Zhi Zhi, Huang Tingyu, Yu Wanning and others also went about their business, and no one would disturb Lin Zhao and Zhao.

Shutong's narration is all about his own people, and there is nothing to hide.

"Shuai Lin, the time is about to come."

Zhao Shutong laughed softly and said: "The demon tribe's nearly half a million troops are trapped around Shanhaiguan, and their food and grass are cut off. In the past few days, they have been sending small groups of troops southward to cause trouble, but they have been defeated by the two palace commanders Han Yetang and Chen Xi.

They were repelled. According to the investigation of our monks accompanying the army, many demon clans in the pass have begun to attack each other and devour each other's bodies. The ferocious mood in the demon clan's military tent is getting higher and higher. Even Shi Jungang

Unable to completely suppress them, they are about to reach the extreme."

"Well, it's conceivable."

Lin Zhao nodded: "Where are the demons?"

"The situation of the demons is not much better." Zhao Shutong said with a smile: "The 200,000-strong army has been continuously consumed by the power of the Snowy Tianchi and the Fusu Great Wall. Now there are only less than 150,000 troops left.

Now, we are huddled in the wilderness north of the Fusu Great Wall, lacking food and clothing. Now that spring has begun, there is enough fodder for the war horses, but the demon cavalry has no dry food."

She raised her eyebrows gently and said: "The intelligence gathered by the dead soldiers of Xiuyi Xuan shows that many demon cavalry have begun to kill horses for food. Once more than half of them lack war horses, they will no longer be able to move fast.

By then, all the initiative will fall into the hands of our human race."


Lin Zhao smiled: "Are Han Yetang and Chen Xi almost unable to hold themselves back?"


Zhao Shutong did not deny it and said with a smile: "In fact, it was after these two palace commanders discussed with me that they asked me to come to see you. However... I think so myself. The time for counterattack has arrived.

We don’t need to hesitate. Although Shanhaiguan is strong and strong, it cannot withstand our indiscriminate bombing. Once our army launches an offensive, the demon clan will definitely move north. At that time, there will be a chance to attack these hundreds of thousands of demons from the north and south of the Fusu Great Wall.

The clan is elite."


Lin Zhao nodded: "However, you go back and tell the two palace commanders Han Yetang and Chen Xi that taking back the northern territory is not the end, but just the starting point. They must continue to recruit soldiers and horses, raise food, grass, weapons, horses, etc., when we strangle them

After defeating the hundreds of thousands of enemy troops between Tianchi in the Snowy Land and Shanhaiguan Pass, we must move our troops northward to destroy Wuwu Mountain first, then the Demon Clan Ancestral Mountain, and take advantage of the Demon Clan world’s respite to destroy them all in one go!”


Zhao Shutong frowned, not expecting that Lin Zhao had already planned to this point. The next moment, Her Royal Highness the Eldest Princess's beautiful eyes were filled with joy and said, "Shuai Lin has already planned to this point?"


Lin Zhao smiled and said: "Don't you want your Highness to plant the battle flag of the Great Shang Dynasty on the top of the Monster Clan's ancestral mountain?"

"How could you not want to..."

Zhao Shutong's beautiful eyes were covered with a layer of mist, filled with hope and excitement, and said: "If we can really plant the battle flag of the Great Shang Dynasty on the ancestral mountain, this will be an unprecedented feat.

How dare I, Zhao Shutong, think about it?"

"It doesn't matter, I will make your dream come true for Your Highness."

Lin Zhao smiled and took a sip of tea and said, "Is there anything else?"


Zhao Shutong calmed down and said: "In addition to asking Lin Shuai whether he can enter Shanhaiguan, there is one more thing that I hope Lin Shuai can agree to."

"Oh, what's the matter? Let's talk first."


The eldest princess straightened her clothes, pursed her red lips and said softly: "I hope that before the battle of Shanhaiguan begins, Lin Shuai can go to Baidi City, go to the Wude Palace to meet the Emperor Zhao Jingheng, and have the Holy Queen in the court.

, only then can Jing Heng once again confirm Lin Shuai's military power as the marshal of the three armies of the human race, and only then can all those in the court who are dissatisfied with Lin Shuai shut up. And this is not only Zhao Shutong's wish, but also Jing Heng's wish. He wants to see him so much.

I’ve met Lin Shuai, but...there are strict regulations in the palace, and he, the Human Emperor, cannot leave Baidi City without permission."

"is this necessary?"

Lin Zhao frowned: "Even if I don't go to see His Majesty, it won't affect the layout of the battle, right?"

"not like this."

Zhao Shutong frowned slightly and said: "Commander Lin is the commander-in-chief of the three armies in the human world, and Zhao Jingheng is the first king in the human world, so... it is natural for a king to meet the commander-in-chief. If there had not been this meeting,

There will always be people who make irresponsible remarks, thinking that Lin Shuai’s position is not justifiable, it is just an edict from the upper world, but it has not been approved by the Human Emperor."

As she spoke, she whispered: "Lin Shuai, this kid Jing Heng is actually a very nice person. He is both a martial artist and a swordsman. He has regarded Lin Shuai as the person he wanted to be since he was a child. He has always dreamed of recognizing Lin Shuai as his son."

Master, as my brother, I want to make you the imperial master, but he is the emperor of Shang Dynasty, and he is in a cage and cannot be as carefree as you. Therefore... Shutong, as a sister, also wants to invite you.

Lin Shuai went to the Wude Hall of Baidi City and met Zhao Jingheng as Lin Baiyi, without even having to perform the courtesy of a monarch or a minister."

Lin Zhao thought for a while and felt that there was no need to be too rigid and said: "Okay, I promise your highness, when will I go to see your majesty?"

"It's a bit late today. It's better to wait until tomorrow. Tomorrow is the imperial meeting, and all the civil and military ministers are there. It should be the best time for Lin Shuai to go to see His Majesty at that time."


Lin Zhao nodded: "That's it. After meeting His Majesty, the battle of Shanhaiguan will begin."


Zhao Shutong was relieved and said with a smile: "Then I will take a dragon boat to pick up Lin Shuai early tomorrow morning!"

He was about to go to Beijing to meet the saint, but Lin Zhao was calm and didn't take it seriously at all. He continued to practice boxing and swordsmanship in Tianranju. In the evening, Leng Yan came and took Leng Yan to the west side of Jiuzhangyuan.

In this area, I used my four natal flying swords and 72 ephemeral flying swords to spawn monsters, coupled with several super skills of the Eternal Sword Sutra, the monster spawning speed was very fast. In just one afternoon, Leng Yan and Leng Yan each rose to level 3. It felt like

After defeating the demon clan, I will find time to farm monsters and reach the full level of 255 without any problem.

Early the next morning, a dragon boat broke through the clouds and arrived at the mountain top garden.

Lin Zhao, Gao Zhi, Huang Tingyu, Lin Zhujie and others were having breakfast. Breakfast was still the noodles served by Dong Zang girl. They were served early in the morning, such as shredded eel noodles, shredded pork noodles with green peppers, and shredded pork noodles with pickled vegetables.

Everything was ready, so he invited Zhao Shutong to have breakfast together. After all, Zhao Shutong was a lady in the family and was not restrained. He sat next to Lin Zhao and ate hot noodles together. In the blink of an eye, his forehead was covered with sweat.


Lin Zhujie secretly looked at Lin Zhao and Zhao Shutong in front of him, and said in a low voice: "Old Huang, do you think that our mountain master and Her Royal Highness the eldest princess are actually a good match, just like the legendary Taoist couple on the mountain who are a perfect match?

If His Highness were not from the royal family, it would be a match made in heaven!"

Huang Tingyu glanced at him and said in a loud voice: "The perfect combination is nothing. Our mountain master is just a sword cultivator on the mountain. Her Highness is the eldest princess of the Great Shang Dynasty. She is truly a person inferior to ten thousand people."

, if our mountain master can marry His Highness, then the toad will eat the swan meat, I think it is unlikely..."

Zhao Shutong's pretty face turned red. The family tradition of this mountain top garden was really good. No matter how big or small, no one dared to make fun of the mountain owner.

As a result, Lin Zhao raised his head and glanced, and Huang Tingyu did not dare to speak.

"grown ups."

Zhi Zhi smiled and said: "When I go to Baidi City to meet the Holy Spirit, who will I take as a guard? Lao Huang, me, or both?"

"I won't take anyone with me. I'll go by myself."

Lin Zhao frowned and said, "Save anyone for making irresponsible remarks."

Zhao Shutong smiled slightly: "I brought a lot of guards, it's okay..."

Soon after, the dragon boat shuttled through the clouds, and when it landed, it was already over the Wude Hall in Baidi City.

Above the main hall, the ministers stood on both sides. The Human Emperor Zhao Jingheng had grown into an adult. He was dressed in a dragon robe and looked like an emperor. However, before Lin Zhao arrived, he was already standing in front of the steps outside the main hall.

Anxiously waiting for Lin Baiyi, who is famous all over the world.

Lin Zhao stepped off the dragon boat and looked up. The steps leading to Wude Hall were a mile long. On both sides were palace feather guards. The guards were wearing exquisite armor and holding spears in their hands.

With their heads held high, these people are the personal bodyguards of the Human Emperor Zhao Jingheng. Their status in the palace is extremely high, and ordinary people cannot get into the eyes of these Yulin guards.

However, when Lin Zhao stepped onto the steps, a group of Yulin guards lowered their heads to see Lin Shuai.


Zhao Shutong followed Lin Zhao and couldn't help but frowned. There had never been such a rule among the Yulin Guards. Except for the emperor, they would never salute anyone when they were at guard posts. But when Lin Zhao came, these feathers

However, Lin Wei bowed his head in unison, which shows that Lin Zhao's status in the human army is truly comparable to the legendary military god, even the then Wuhou Yue Hao is far behind!

Lin Zhao did not go beyond the etiquette to wield a sword and enter the palace, but just walked forward step by step up the steps.

"Shuai Lin..."

On the steps, the Human Emperor Zhao Jingheng, who was standing outside the Wude Hall, watched Lin Zhao walking step by step. Finally, he couldn't bear it anymore. He quickly walked down the steps to meet the one in his heart.

Imperial Master.

"Your Majesty, this is not possible!"

The Minister of Rites who followed him was so shocked that he almost lost his mind. How could the emperor walk down the steps to greet his ministers? In the history of the etiquette system of the Great Shang Dynasty, there had never been such a thing!

Lin Zhao was slightly shuddered, and he did not expect that he would be treated with such courtesy in the court of the Great Shang Dynasty.

Yu Lin bowed his head, and the emperor was demoted.

He is the only one in the entire human race who has this honor.

This chapter has been completed!
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