Chapter One Thousand and Fifty: Qi Bailong

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The world of neon clothes.

In the early morning, there was a drizzle. Ever since Yan Beichen from the Fourteenth Realm took out his sword in Nishang World, the sky of this world seemed to have been pierced by a sword. The northern land that used to be sunny and windy all year round has become constantly drizzling.

The patter of rain.

In the mountains and fields, a wine shop was rustling in the wind. There was only one wine shop in the mountains and fields far and near. It was still doing some business, and there was an endless stream of pedestrians passing by.

On the side of the wine shop by the stream, a swordsman wearing an ivy-colored gown was drinking alone. There was a pile of chicken bones on the plate in front of him. A roast chicken had already been eaten. He had a sword behind him and looked lazy.

, he doesn’t look like a very powerful swordsman, but more like the kind of wanderer who is just trying to gain fame but actually has no skills at all.

At the wine table on the side, there were three sturdy men, all monks with white skin and lavender eyes. They just glanced in the direction of the young swordsman and didn't care. Human monks often

There are people who come to travel around the world of Nishang, but they all keep their tail between their legs. Don’t worry about such people.

Among them, a strong demon man took a bite of the roasted lamb leg in his hand and frowned: "Grandma, the war situation in the south is not going well. I'm afraid the human race's fire will burn down our Nishang world. Maybe we can even connect the gods."

Everyone will suffer too."


Another person was surprised: "Didn't we say a few years ago that we could enter Jeju at any time, break through Baidi City, and capture the little emperor of the human race alive? Why has the trend suddenly changed now?"


The strong man in purple shirt sneered and said: "I just want to say something nice to the superiors to appease the people. I have a cousin who serves as a commander of a hundred cavalry in the army. The letter he sent back home said that our protoss' war in the south is extremely serious now."

Unfortunately, four of the ten divine cavalry captains died. Marshal Su Chan has led hundreds of thousands of cavalry to withdraw from Yunzhou and Yanzhou. It is said that most of the main force has returned to the world of Nishang, leaving only 200,000.

The Iron Cavalry is in the Fusu Great Wall area and has now been divided by the human army." m.

"Damn it!"

The man in Tsing Yi punched the table hard and said: "Lin Baiyi is really amazing. The layout he made ten years ago actually took into account the demon clan and the world of neon clothes. I also heard a rumor that

A few days ago, a sword light rose from the bottom of Wuwu Mountain, and a man walked out. Some people said that he looked very similar to Lin Baiyi back then!"

"If Lin Baiyi hadn't died, it would have been a catastrophe."


The man in purple shirt frowned and said: "Let's not talk about the distance, let's just talk about today. I heard that the dead forest valley where the three of us are going has been targeted by the White Dragon Sword Sect. Not long after, Bailong

The Sword Sect will send a large number of inner sect disciples to hunt for treasures, and our line of business... may have a bad omen, which is not good."

"whispering sound!"

The man in green sneered and said, "Has the hand of the White Dragon Sword Sect stretched too far? Not to mention occupying such a large White Dragon Mountain Range, which is full of spiritual energy, but now it even wants to grab opportunities hundreds of miles away. It's really not possible."

Give us casual cultivators a way to survive?"

"Huh, the leader of the White Dragon Sword Sect, Qi Bailong, just broke through last month and became the first thirteenth level great swordsman in our world. Who will he put in his eyes? Even the Silver Dragon Sword Immortal Cao Yan

If we can only stay away from those people, we better not provoke them."

"The arrogance of the White Dragon Sword Sect has long been spread throughout the world." The man in green said with a smile: "Not only is there a thirteenth-level sword cultivator in this sect, but there are also four eleventh-level sword cultivators.

It’s so deep-rooted, it’s said that they once threatened to destroy Lin Baiyi’s mountaintop garden with a snap of their fingers, but they don’t even pay attention to the mountaintop garden, let alone us mere casual cultivators?”


The Huangshan man who had not spoken for a long time shook his head: "Both brothers, please lower your voices and be careful that the walls have ears. The White Dragon Sword Sect has a great cause and we cannot afford to offend it."


Several people nodded repeatedly, raised their wine glasses, and said with a tacit smile: "Drink, drink. If you have wine now, you will be drunk now. No matter what is right or wrong in the world."

On the side, Lin Zhujie slowly pushed the wine bowl forward, stood up and said: "Waiter, pay the bill!"

I left behind a piece of Nishang World's money and left. Since I bumped into them, I went to the White Dragon Sword Sect to have a look. Maybe I could find the whereabouts of Lao Huang, Tong Yu and others in the White Dragon Sword Sect.

The world of colorful clothes, the central states.

A group of mountains with rich aura stands in the jungle, endless. Because it snowed not long ago, the peaks of the mountains were dyed with a layer of white, like a meandering white dragon. Therefore, this mountain range

It was named the Bailong Mountains, and more than a thousand years ago, an idle cultivator came here.

His name is Qi Xiaodong. He was originally a gangster who fought with people every day in the city of Shendu. Later, he spent all his money to become a master of a wild cultivator and learned swordsmanship for two years. However, the good times did not last long. The master was asked about swordsmanship on the street and was slapped by someone.

After the sword cut off his head, Qi Xiaodong began to practice swordplay alone. He was so talented that he easily reached the Nascent Soul realm.

Later, Qi Xiaodong fought bravely with others and killed a young man with a sword at a brothel reception. Later, he found out that the young man was the eldest son of the powerful Liang Prince's Mansion in the Divine City. Not long after, a large number of the staff monks of the Liang Prince's Mansion were killed.

He arrived and beat Qi Xiaodong seriously, almost dying from his treatment.

The devastated Qi Xiaodong had to leave Shendu City, where he grew up, and went to the Bailong Mountains to become a mountain cultivator. He changed his name to Qi Bailong and specialized in swordsmanship. He finally entered the Twelve Realms more than a hundred years ago, and then directly

Wen Jian asked the descendants of Prince Liang's Mansion, killed the entire Prince Liang's Mansion, chopped off Prince Liang's head, defiled more than a dozen of Prince Liang's concubines, killed many of Prince Liang's descendants, and then established a sect on Bailong Mountain.

, made the White Dragon Sword Sect what it is today.

A street gangster became a great master, which is quite inspiring.

However, the young dragon-slaying boy turned into an evil dragon in a blink of an eye. Qi Bailong has been running the White Dragon Sword Sect for a long time, constantly gathering auras and money from the nearby area, making the White Dragon Sword Sect grow stronger day by day, but the people around him are suffering terribly.

In other words, the local government and even the royal family in the divine capital were unwilling to take care of it, especially after Qi Bailong reached the Thirteenth Realm, the Demon Emperor had to be a little more courteous, let alone the ordinary royal family.

A wisp of green bamboo leaves appeared and disappeared in the wind, slowly approaching the White Dragon Sword Sect.

Just when Lin Zhujie was about to approach the mountain gate of the Jian Sect, he saw two or three disciples of the White Dragon Sword Sect on the mountain. Among them, one of the disciples was holding a human head in his hand, came to the mountain gate and faced a group of people guarding the mountain gate.

The disciple smiled and said: "I'm back. Junior brothers, please let me go."

"Senior Brother Chen is back!"

A disciple tilted his head and looked at the head and said with a smile: "If I remember correctly, the mission that Senior Brother Chen took this time was to go to Qingzhou to assassinate Li Dazui, the leader of the dishonest Kitchen Knife Sect.

?It is said that Li Dazui is a fat man, and his head... doesn't look too fat?"


Senior Brother Chen smiled and said: "Puffy, puffy, but this person is really talkative. Before he died, he was still yelling about the name of his sweetheart, Huilan. He was shut up by my sword. Hmph, you dare to say nothing to us."

The Longjian Sect makes irresponsible remarks, and I really feel that my life is too long."

A group of mountain disciples laughed loudly, opened the ban, and allowed Senior Brother Chen to go up the mountain.

Not long after, three disciples went up the mountain. None of them were too high in cultivation. The highest was a three-level sword cultivator. They held a rope in their hands, and five women were connected to the rope. Some of the women were wearing the clothes of ladies.

They were wearing long skirts with cloud sleeves, and some were wearing blue cloth from people living in the mountains. But every woman was quite pretty, and she must have been a woman that young people in the local area kept in mind.

"Senior Brother Lu!"

The gatekeeper smiled and said: "It's a good harvest today!"


The Third Realm Sword Cultivator laughed and said: "However, the women selected from the mountain this time are indeed very beautiful, especially the girl from Chenjiagou. Her face is upright and her figure is also quite good. I believe that even the sect leader will be interested in it."

She looks at her with admiration, if the sect master really falls in love with her, hey...will I have a great future?"

Everyone laughed, and one of them looked lewd, tilted his head to look at the woman, and said with a smile: "She is really a peerless beauty, have you inspected her? If Senior Brother Lu can't make her look like this, Junior Brother, I can do it for you!"

"screw you!"

The Three Realm Sword Cultivator kicked the man on the butt and said with an angry smile: "You dare to get involved with the maid of the sect master, are you tired of life? She can't do it, but you can take a look at the other four. If you really can't hold it in, hurry up

I'll take one of you to the back of the mountain to deal with it, I'll give you a stick of incense, just remember to treat me to a drink later."


The gatekeeper laughed: "Forget it, let's talk about it next time. When Senior Brother Lu goes to the snowy Tianchi, he will capture the female Sword Immortal Zhu Zhi and the Valkyrie Yu Wanning to give him pleasure.

It’s cool, your whole year’s worth of wine is on your brother.”

The crowd roared with laughter.


Lin Zhujie, who was hiding on an ancient pine branch, frowned and stretched out his palm towards the long sword behind him. How dare you humiliate the Mountain Top Villa like this? There will definitely be no problem in chopping up these bastards, even if they are in the Thirteenth Level.

Qi Bailong came down the mountain, and Lin Zhujie was confident that even if he couldn't kill him, there would still be no problem in defeating him.

But just when Lin Zhujie was about to take action, there was a sudden "buzz" sound, and the clouds above the entire Bailongshu suddenly surged, as if they were pushed away by something, followed by the majestic sword energy that filled the sky.

Exploding, an extremely huge golden footprint broke through the clouds and fell from the sky, slamming towards the gate of Bailong Mountain.


Lin Zhao raised his head and his pupils shrank rapidly. Although it was a killing blow, the sword intent and evil spirit contained in it were extremely strong. However, a group of White Dragon Sword Sect disciples guarding the mountain gate realized it in hindsight. When they raised their heads to look at the sky, they only

I feel like a disaster is coming from the sky, and it is a disaster that is extremely avoidable!

A voice came from the sky——

"Zhaoshan, Ask the Sword Bailong Sword Sect! Please Qi Bailong, the old dog, come and die quickly!" After the endless coma, Shi Yu suddenly stood up from the bed. If you want to read the latest chapters, please download the Star Reading app, which is free to read without ads.

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He took a deep breath of fresh air, his chest trembling.

Confused, confused, and all kinds of emotions came to my mind.

Where is this?

Afterwards, Shi Yu subconsciously looked around and became even more confused.

A single dorm?

Even if he was successfully rescued, he should be in the ward now.

And my could I not have any injuries at all?

With doubts, Shi Yu's eyes quickly swept across the room, and finally his eyes rested on a mirror beside the bed.

The mirror showed his current appearance. He was about seventeen or eighteen years old, and he looked very handsome.

But the problem is, this is not him! Download the Star Reading app and read the latest chapters for free without ads.

My previous self was a handsome young man in his twenties who had been working for a while.

And now, no matter how you look, this appearance is that of a high school student...

This change left Shi Yu stunned for a long time.

Don't tell him that the operation was successful...

My body and appearance have all changed. This is not a matter of surgery or not, but magic.

He turned into a completely different person!

Could it be...that he traveled through time?

In addition to the mirror placed by the bedside, which was obviously not feng shui-friendly, Shi Yu also found three books next to it.

Shi Yu picked it up and took a look. The title of the book instantly silenced him.

"Essential Animal Breeding Manual for Beginner Breeders"

"Postpartum Care of Pet Pets"

"Evaluation Guide for Interracial Beast-Eared Girls"

Shi Yu:???

The names of the first two books are pretty normal, but what happened to the last one?


Shi Yu looked solemnly and stretched out his hand, but his arm soon stiffened.

Just when he was about to open the third book and see what it was about, his brain suddenly felt a sharp pain, and a large number of memories came flooding back.

Icefield City.

Pet animal breeding base.

Intern pet breeder. The website will be closed soon. Download the Star Reading app to provide you with the great god Lost Leaves. I am the Sword Immortal.


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