Chapter 2720 Upper Realm

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 "Upper Realm!"

“God’s place!”

"Is it true that, as An Yu said, my father is really a god who lost his way to the mortal world?"

Lu Chen stared at the several-foot-wide passageway, thinking a lot, and it took him a long time to make a decision.

The senior officials of Demon Immortal Palace want to find this passage at all costs, not just to try their luck and gamble on their lives.

Once you step into the upper realm and get any opportunity, you can reach the sky in one step.

Regarding the issue of survival in the upper world, didn't the soul cultivator's soul reveal it?

When the demon god came to the fairyland, he once told the demon immortals that the upper realm is very dangerous, and they should not go to the upper realm before they have refined their divine body, otherwise they will be like waste.

Moreover, the demon god also said that the pressure of the gods in the upper world is not strong and will not crush the immortals to death.

How reliable the demon god's words are is unknown. Maybe you will only know after trying them.

The elites of the Demon Immortal Palace are not high-level immortals, so they dare to take the risk. Why doesn't Lu Chen dare?

There is an upper realm passage that can be opened in front of us. I have to give it a try and venture into the upper realm. Maybe I will get an adventure.

Furthermore, his father, Lu Zhengru, was taken to the upper realm by the demon clan. He insisted on going up to explore the situation no matter what.

Even if he can't save his father now, he still wants to find out his father's situation so that he can save his father in one fell swoop when he becomes stronger in the future.

After calming down his emotions, Lu Chen stepped into the entrance of the upper realm passage and headed towards the depths of the passage.

The upper boundary passage goes straight up. If you go inside normally, you need to climb all the way up.

But there is a force in the passage that supports the landing. There is no need to climb at all. You can just walk up sideways.

After a while, Lu Chen walked more than a hundred feet and finally reached the end of the passage.

At the end, there is a stone bead inlaid with colorful light, and it is filled with a faint divine power!

Lu Chen also had a stone bead like this, but it was not on his body, but in Fat Dragon's hand. It was obtained from the abandoned upper realm passage, and was blessed with divine power by the spiritual god.

This kind of stone bead is not a thing from the fairyland, but a sacred stone from the upper world. It is the switch of the special passage between the upper world and the lower world!

Lu Chen slowly stretched out his hand and pressed it on the stone bead, instantly opening the upper realm passage.

At that moment, the stone beads were so bright and dazzling that they made Lu Chen's eyes sting and he had to close his eyes.

I don't know how long it took, but the light from the stone beads gradually dissipated and the light was no longer so dazzling. Only then did Lu Chen dare to slowly open his eyes.

At that moment, Lu Chen was surprised to find that the end of the passage had opened at some point, and he could still look up and see the night sky outside.

Lu Chen did not dare to jump up all at once, but climbed up slowly, with only half of his head sticking out to explore the surroundings. After making sure that there was no danger nearby, he climbed out from the entrance of the passage.

The moment the whole person climbed up, he was immediately enveloped by the aura of the upper world, which was a gas of a higher level than the immortal energy!

Xuanhuang Qi!

Lu Chen took a breath of Xuanhuang Qi and immediately realized that he couldn't practice martial arts, otherwise his martial arts would be broken!

The Xuanhuang Qi contains a higher level of energy, which is definitely not something that an immortal body can withstand.

If you can't bear it, you can't absorb it!

If he was running the technique, the dragon veins would absorb and transform the energy, but the immortal body would not be able to receive it, and would eventually be unable to discharge it. If it were not broken, it would be a ghost.

The demon god really wasn't lying when he said that the upper world is not a place for immortals to practice.

But if there is any special genius treasure in the upper world that can allow the immortal body to withstand the black and yellow energy, is that a different matter?

If there is such a genius treasure, it must be very rare, and I don’t know where to find it?

Lu Chen didn't know much about the Upper Realm. When he came to the Upper Realm, he was completely blind. He didn't know the geography of the Upper Realm at all. He didn't even know the southeast, northwest, and northwest.

If you don't know the direction, you will easily hit a wall no matter where you go.

It's night in the upper world, and it's easy to tell the direction. You just have to look at the stars in the sky. It's easy to find the Big Dipper.

Look up to the sky!

The starry sky in the upper realm is extremely bright and clear, and the stars in the sky are also extremely large, as if they are right above your head and within reach!

Different from the lower realm, the night sky in the upper realm is not only full of stars, but also has streaks of aurora flowing, sometimes fast and sometimes slow, which is very beautiful.

"Is the upper world the sky?"

Lu Chen looked at the starry sky and felt how close he was to the sky, and couldn't help but sigh.

This is an idea that has never occurred in the fairyland, let alone in the mortal world.

The Big Dipper was also particularly bright and huge. Lu Chen found it quickly.

After identifying east, west, north and south, Lu Chen lowered his head and studied where he was.

In the upper world, Lu Chen discovered that he had lost his night vision!

If the starry sky wasn't so bright and the starlight streamed down like a waterfall of light, illuminating the divine land, Lu Chen would not be able to see anything in the darkness.

There are barren mountains in the distance!

There is a bamboo forest nearby!

Surrounded by swamps!

There is grass under your feet!

Lu Chen glanced around and found that he was on a raised grassland and was surrounded by a swamp.

The passage opened on the grass and is now closing rapidly, as if Lu Shen has been brought up, and the mission has been completed.

When the entrance to the passage was completely closed, only one stone bead remained, which was the opening mechanism of the passage and was hidden deep in the grass.

If Lu Chen hadn't watched the entrance of the passage close and the stone beads hidden in the grass, he wouldn't have discovered that there was a passage to the lower world hidden here!

No wonder this passage has not been wiped out over the long years and can still be preserved to this day. This is due to its good concealment.

In addition, the seemingly uninhabited and desolate land here makes it even more difficult to discover.

"Grass from the upper world!"

Lu Chen was not in a hurry to go out, but squatted down and studied the grass under his feet first.

When you first come to the upper world, everything is unfamiliar, everything is curious, and everything is a treasure.

Even if it's just a small piece of grass, it's a sacred grass, and it's extremely valuable!

It is like a poor man who has no money and suddenly walks into an endless treasure house. Every stone he picks up is gold...

Lu Chen stretched out his hand, grabbed a piece of grass, and pulled hard...

Unexpectedly, such a casual pull would uproot the grass, which made Lu Chen very excited.

At the beginning, when Lu Chen had not entered the realm of the Great Emperor and entered the Immortal Realm from the mortal world, he could not pick up any immortal objects, let alone take them away.

But in the upper realm, that situation did not occur. At least one sacred grass could be raised.

Being able to take things from the upper world means that you can take away things from the upper world. Can Lu Chen not be excited?

Everything in the upper world is a divine object. If you bring a bunch of geniuses and treasures from the upper world back to the fairyland, you will be called a sudden rich!

As a result, as soon as the sacred grass was stuffed into the space ring, it immediately turned from green to withered yellow at a speed visible to the naked eye, and its vitality was also losing. In the blink of an eye, the vibrant sacred grass became lifeless.

Completely turned into dead grass!

This chapter has been completed!
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