Chapter 1014 A multi-pronged approach

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 This is not the first time that Shen Shangshu has suffered miserably.

However, in most cases, people cry about poverty in private. It is rare to say that they have no money in such semi-public occasions.

After all, being miserable with the emperor in private was just a secret show of merit and a way of giving someone a pat on the back, but crying about poverty in front of so many ministers inevitably made people look down upon the Ministry of Household Affairs.

It can be seen from this that Shen Yi really has no choice this time.

Seeing everyone's eyes focused on him, Chen Yi sighed and continued to explain.

Before the implementation of the major policy of reorganizing military camps, the Ministry of War and the Ministry of Household Affairs made many detailed calculations. At that time, Shen Yi had already raised the issue of insufficient funds from the treasury and thought of a solution.

However, it was rejected on the spot. After that, the two departments renegotiated and finally came up with a charter.

According to the original idea, the process of organizing the military settlements was to go out first and then in. That is, the court first paid for the redemption of some of the fields and re-acquired them into the military settlements. Heavy fines may be imposed, ranging from multiple times to confiscation of property.

Subsequently, according to the Yellow Book and the Fish Scale Atlas, the military fields taken back from the civilian fields were transferred to the registration. Now in the process of reorganization, in order to ensure stability, the types of various fields have only been redefined and divided, but the types of cultivated land have been reclassified. The tenant farmers remained the same as before, and were not completely taken back and handed over to the government and army for farming.

So the next step is to substantively transfer the land. Based on the standard of one tenth and thirty acres, after the redemption money has been spent, the excess acres will be assigned to the officers and soldiers for farming. This process is very complicated, but it is still moderate. .

Because the amount of silver needed for the redemption was huge, the final plan decided by the Ministry of Accounts was to advance multiple processes at the same time.

The withdrawal, redemption, and concealment of fines and confiscations are carried out at the same time, supplemented by the transfer of private land to gradually fill the shortfall. The advantage of this is that the progress is stable and the money from confiscation and concealment is fast, but the uncertainty is high, and the amount is destined not to be too large. Money comes in slowly, but the amount is huge and stable.

Doing the two simultaneously can greatly reduce the pressure on the household department. Of course, when it is actually implemented, it will definitely still be unable to make ends meet.

According to the calculations of the Ministry of Accounts, the pressure on the Ministry of Accounts will be very great in the first year, this year. At least 70% of the silver redeemed needs to be paid directly by the Ministry of Accounts first.

After that, it decreased year by year. About the third year or so, as more and more civilians were transferred to the state, military camps in various places were restored. On the one hand, military expenditures decreased, and on the other hand, the taxes contributed by the military camps increased, and it was gradually possible to achieve revenue and expenditure. It is balanced and does not require additional subsidies from the Ministry of Household Affairs.

However, there is a saying that plans cannot keep up with changes. The idea is good, but when it is actually implemented, problems arise.

It was originally expected that such a huge reform would take at least three years from clearing the land to repurchasing the land and then transferring it to private ownership.

The time is long enough, and there is enough space for the household department to move around. I demolish the east wall to repair the west wall, pick at various places, and then beat the autumn wind. Although I am nervous, I can barely hold on.

However, who would have thought that the emperor's methods were so powerful. He first defeated the nobles, and then persuaded the Dai Wangfu to take the lead. With thunderous momentum, he sent two ministers to the north and south to take charge and advance quickly.

As a result, the pressure on the household department suddenly increased. Although the number of fields that needed to be redeemed was not as much as expected due to lack of time, it still reached about 80% of what was originally envisioned.

Therefore, not to mention anything else, just the more than 30,000 hectares of farmland on the border has almost emptied the household department!

But this was just the beginning. It was clearly agreed to advance simultaneously, but when it came to implementation, the imperial court focused almost entirely on clearing and reclaiming the land.

Except for the few generals who were hacked to death by Jin Lian's direct invitation to the king, most of the other generals were imprisoned pending trial and had not yet been fully convicted, let alone confiscated and hidden.

There were few fines and confiscations, and the matter of transferring one's nationality was not even mentioned at all. What used to be less entry and more exit has completely changed to only exit but no entry.

More importantly, unexpected events occurred. At this time, there was civil strife in the grassland, and the mutual market, which was originally one of the important financial sources for the imperial court, began to become intermittent.

Seeing the money flowing out in vain, far exceeding what was originally imagined, but the income has not increased at all, but has decreased simultaneously, how can Shen Shangshu be so worried?

"...Your Majesty, there are many places where the imperial court spends money. According to the reports submitted by various places, there may be droughts in Shaanxi, Shanxi and other places next year. The Ministry of Revenue still needs to prepare money and food for disaster relief in these places. This account, minister

It’s really hard to figure it out…”

Seeing Shen Yi's frowning face, Zhu Qiyu also frowned.

Seeing this situation, Yu Qian said.

"Your Majesty, I came out of the capital this time to clear out many hidden military fields of the clan. As far as I know, the tenants who cultivated these acres usually paid about 70 to 80% of the land rent. However, after the imperial court took it back, the tax was reduced.

, the transfer of nationality can begin.”

"If the implementation goes smoothly, at least half of the land can be recovered for military garrison use. In this way, military expenditures in various places can be re-evaluated next year, which should greatly reduce the pressure on the Ministry of Household Affairs. In addition, the land will be redeemed across the border

, because the amount is huge, I think there is no need to rush it all at once, and can be released in batches, so that the Ministry of Revenue has time to move around."

As soon as these words came out, they aroused the echo of many ministers present.

To put it bluntly, the court has no money and no one can do anything. All they can think of is to increase revenue and reduce expenditure.

Nowadays, open source is somewhat difficult, so we can only think of ways to reduce expenditures.

However, unexpectedly, Zhu Qiyu shook his head and said to this suggestion.

"There is no rush to transfer one's nationality. Stability is still the priority in the affairs of the imperial court. Transferring one's nationality involves huge matters and the affairs are complicated. You need to be fully prepared and don't be too impatient."

"As for the redemption, it can be postponed a little and it won't be a problem. By the way, Shen Qing, last time I asked various government treasuries and Changping Granary to increase their grain storage. What's the situation now?"


Chen Yi blinked and didn't realize why the topic suddenly turned to this.

However, he had already kept these accounts of the household department in mind for a long time, and even if he was suddenly asked about it at this moment, he would quickly answer.

"Back to Your Majesty, there are still more than 14.8 million shi of rice and wheat in the national treasury, and warehouses are often opened in various places. The treasury has stored about 23 million shi of grain over the years. The specific figures are still being sorted out. If your Majesty is in a hurry, If you want, I will lead someone to clarify it within three days and then report back."

"not enough!"

However, Zhu Qiyu did not answer Shen Yi's question, but frowned and said.

"If the Changping warehouses in various places are filled, it will be far more than this number. Since Shen Qing said that we need to reserve for drought next year, then the more food, the better."

"After I go back today, the Ministry of Revenue issued an official document to all regions. After the beginning of next year, the government's inventory of silver will be used to increase grain storage. Before April, it is necessary to close the warehouses in various places and keep more than 80% of the government's grain stocks."

Ah this...

This time, not only Shen Yi, but also other ministers present were surprised. They did not expect that the emperor would suddenly make such a decision.

Especially Chen Yi, whose face was full of wrinkles. He was obviously telling the emperor how to spend less money, so why did he have to pour out the money in the blink of an eye?

The imperial court had already begun to purchase and store grain half a year ago. Otherwise, the current figure would not have been reached.

Although Chen Yi just used disaster preparation as a reason, in fact, he is still relatively confident.

Although the national treasury does not have much money now, it will not be a problem to cope with a major disaster with these grain reserves.

But at this time, it is a bit difficult to purchase additional grain reserves...

"His Majesty……"


Shen Yi just wanted to say a few more words, but as soon as he opened his mouth, he was met with the emperor's cold gaze, so he wisely closed his mouth and said.

"I obey the decree."

However, although he did not refute, his expression clearly showed some dissatisfaction.

Seeing this situation, Zhu Qiyu shook his head and said.

"This matter should be done as the first major event after the New Year's Day. The censors of the Metropolitan Procuratorate will go to various places for inspection immediately after the New Year's Day. Anyone who embezzles the grain stored in the government will be dismissed on the spot and escorted to the capital for trial."

"In addition, the Ministry of Civil Affairs has regarded this matter as the first standard for the next year's major examinations. Any place where Changpingcang and the government's treasury has not reached 80% by April will not be allowed to pass the examination."

After saying this, the elders present didn't know where to start being shocked.

After the meeting, Yu Shiyuefang on the side stepped forward cautiously and asked.

"Your Majesty, what are your plans for next year...?"

The Beijing Inspection and the Grand Plan are ways to assess officials in the capital and various places. According to convention, it is held every three years, and the Grand Plan is held one year before the Beijing Inspection.

However, because the emperor ascended the throne, the last capital inspection was moved forward a year. Because it was a special situation, according to the previous plan of the Ministry of Personnel, the big plan should be held in the year after tomorrow.

But now...

Just when everyone was shocked, Wang Wen was not surprised and stepped forward and spoke.

"I obey the decree!"

Obviously, the big plan was a secret to other ministers, but to him, the official minister, he had already received the news.


"Your Majesty, the military garrison affairs in various places have not yet been completed. If we start the big plan after the year, is it too anxious?"

After hesitating for a moment, Chen Xun, Minister of Industry, couldn't help but ask.

This was not his only thought, but also the thought of most people present. In the past two years, major events in the imperial court were almost one after another, and they were rushed enough.

Apart from anything else, the military has not figured it out yet. Is it possible that the emperor has his thoughts on the administration of officials again?

You must know that the most taboo thing in governing a country is the rush for quick success. When all these major events are added up, people can't help but worry that in the end they will be overwhelmed.

Facing the questions from the officials, Zhu Qiyu was silent for a moment, but he did not directly answer Chen Xun's question, but said:

“This major plan was presided over by the Ministry of Civil Affairs, and the Metropolitan Procuratorate and the Ministry of Punishment cooperated. Each censor was responsible for patrolling various places and rectifying lawlessness. Those who committed corruption, perverting the law, bullying the people, etc., would be dismissed from office and interrogated by the Metropolitan Procuratorate in conjunction with the Ministry of Punishment.


"The position of deputy censor of the capital in the Metropolitan Procuratorate has been vacant for a long time. In a few days, the Ministry of Civil Affairs will preside over the recommendation and discuss candidates for the positions of deputy censors of the left and right deputy censors."

"In addition, all the generals detained by the Ministry of Criminal Justice awaiting trial will be tried quickly and strictly. Those who have committed multiple crimes will be sentenced according to their most serious crime."

After saying these words, all the ministers present looked at each other in confusion, vaguely understanding the emperor's intention.

The Ministry of Punishment is involved in the plan, which has never happened before!

Normally, the Ministry of Personnel is responsible for the planning of the capital and the Procuratorate, and the Metropolitan Procuratorate is co-manager. However, this time, the emperor specified that the Ministry of Punishment should be involved. This has a profound meaning.

Everyone couldn't help but think of the scene in the side hall just now. Some of them were thinking quickly, and their eyes had already faintly fallen on Wang Wen.

No wonder this old guy deliberately mentioned the interrogation by the general at that time. It turned out that he knew that the Criminal Department was going to be involved in the big plan.

Of course, according to the emperor's wishes, the Ministry of Punishment dealt with guilty ministers, but in a certain sense, this actually usurped part of the power of the Ministry of Personnel.

You must know that before this, the promotion, demotion and dismissal of officials were entirely in the hands of the Ministry of Personnel. But now that the Ministry of Punishment has become involved, the Ministry of Personnel will inevitably lose the right to select some officials.

Although most of these officials were guilty and guilty, the original decision on how to deal with these officials was decided by the Ministry of Personnel and the Emperor. With the intervention of the Ministry of Punishment, the reduction of power was inevitable.

Wang Wen brought out the matter of the border generals in advance because he wanted the Ministry of War to be the leader and block the possibility of the Ministry of Justice invading power for him. Or, worst of all, the Ministry of War and the Ministry of Personnel could at least advance and retreat together.

But now it seems...

Everyone glanced at Yu Qian silently, but saw that the latter had no reaction, which meant... they acquiesced.

The other ministers wanted to ask a few questions, but before they could speak, Shen Yi on the side said.

"Your Majesty, I have something I would like to ask your Majesty's permission for."

"What's the matter?"

The emperor's voice was flat, so Shen Yi said.

"Your Majesty, according to the regulations, if the officials are guilty, if their property is confiscated, it should be put into the internal treasury. However, the national treasury is now poor and cannot make ends meet. In the long run, it will hinder the implementation of the imperial government's policies."

"Therefore, I boldly ask for your majesty's permission. This time, I am ordering the border officers to be detained in the military garrison. If their property is confiscated, it will be temporarily returned to the national treasury for transfer, and will be returned when the treasury is sufficient."

After the words fell, the ministers who originally wanted to speak again suddenly swallowed their words.

Until now, they still don't understand the situation clearly.

No wonder the emperor's conversation suddenly changed and it turned out that he was buried here.

The Ministry of Revenue is currently in financial difficulty, and the follow-up matters of reorganizing the military villages are about to come to a standstill. At this time, the most important thing is to find money.

Although Chen Yi was just talking about the generals Jin Lian was currently imprisoning, he knew the elegant meaning after hearing the song. Combined with the emperor's move to involve the Ministry of Punishment in the big plan, what the purpose was has actually been revealed.

The promotion and promotion of officials by the Ministry of Personnel is essentially a transfer of official positions. Even if the evaluation is at the lowest level, it is nothing more than a demotion and dismissal. This is an adjustment to the officialdom.

But when the Ministry of Punishment joined in, this lower limit was lowered. The Ministry of Punishment belongs to the judicial department. Once they participate, the punishment given is not simply a matter of official promotion or demotion.

So, is the emperor planning to use this method to make up for the shortfall caused by the purchase of military land?

The minds of the ministers were spinning, and they could vaguely feel that the court's climate seemed to be changing...

This chapter has been completed!
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