Chapter 1048: The Complete Map of Kunyu and All Countries

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 Zhangzhou Prefecture?

Upon hearing the emperor's words, Zhu Huixuan and Zhu Shixiu's eyes widened almost at the same time.

Especially Zhu Shixi, who had a bitter look on his face.

He really wanted to move the feudal vassal, and with the emperor's preparation just now, he was not too worried about his fiefdom, so he was prepared.

However, this Zhangzhou Prefecture is too outrageous.

Zhangzhou Prefecture, located in the southeast, is under the jurisdiction of the Fujian Provincial Government and is famous for being a remote and remote area.

In other words, the whole of Fujian is actually not a good place. Otherwise, it would not be the case that all the dozens of vassal kings in the Ming Dynasty would not be willing to go.

Among them, Zhangzhou Prefecture, Quanzhou Prefecture, Xinghua Prefecture, and Fuzhou Prefecture are the most difficult. The reason is that these places are close to the sea and close to the Japanese country. Therefore, Japanese troubles occur frequently and bandits are rampant. The people are also affected by this. Every year, taxes are almost

All of them are in arrears. In addition, there is little arable land in the area, there are many folk resistance to taxes, the folk customs are fierce, and there are many thieves. Even if the officials go abroad, it is a place that cannot be avoided.

What's more, Datong is in the far north and Zhangzhou is in the south. Although it is said to be an internal move, it doesn't have to be so thorough...

Facing the emperor's gentle gaze, Zhu Shixi hesitated again and again, and finally spoke tentatively.

"Your Majesty has learned clearly that my minister is really stupid and has no talent in military affairs. There are many Japanese invaders in the southeast. If I move to Zhangzhou Prefecture, it will not be helpful. Instead, local officials will have to increase troops to protect the palace, which will only increase waste and waste.


"What's more, in addition to the ministers, the kings of the Daifan line should also transfer the feudal lands. There is no problem for the ministers, but the other kings may have difficulty adapting to the water vapor in the southeast. Therefore, I sincerely request your majesty to find other fiefdoms.

, order the minister to transfer the title."

After the words fell, the emperor's eyes became a little intriguing and he asked.

"So, Uncle Dai Wang is unwilling to transfer the title?"

"That's fine. After all, Dai Fan has been in Datong for a long time. It would be troublesome to move it around."

Ah this...

Your Majesty, I am not as misinterpreted as you are.

What he said was that he didn't want to go to Zhangzhou Prefecture, and he would not change the seal at any time.

"Your Majesty, that's not what I meant, it's just..."

Seeing that the emperor stopped talking, Zhu Shixi couldn't help but feel a little anxious and said.

However, after saying half a sentence, he saw the emperor's face become serious and asked.

"It's just what, it's just that Uncle Wang doesn't like Zhangzhou Prefecture?"


Zhu Shixi subconsciously wanted to deny it, but when he said it, he realized that he really couldn't find any reason.

Seeing this situation, Zhu Qiyu stopped entangled and said straightforwardly.

"I have just said that the court is facing difficulties. If you want to transfer the title, Zhangzhou Prefecture is the best choice. If Uncle Wang is willing, I will solve it for you at the court. As for the other kings of the vassal line, if you want to transfer the title, you can

If you don't want to go to Fujian with Uncle Wang and get another seal, you can stay in the original land."

"So, is Uncle Wang willing or not?"

As soon as these words came out, not only Zhu Shixi, but also Zhu Huixun who was standing next to him felt surprised.

You must know that according to regulations, once the vassal king transfers the title, then the princes of this line will transfer the title at the same time. Because of this, the matter of transferring the vassal is very complicated, and the court will not easily tamper with it.

Zhu Huixuan knows this best, because his father, King Lao Min, had transferred the title more than once, but that was in the early years, and Prince Lao Min did not have many heirs, so the transfer was actually a matter of bringing the title with him.

The sons just moved to another place, which was relatively convenient.

However, even so, it also led to Zhu Huixuan's title. From the beginning, he was the King of Zhennan, instead of using the fiefdom as the title like other princes.

Speaking of this matter, Zhu Huixun himself had a connection with Zhangzhou Prefecture, because he himself was born in Zhangzhou Prefecture.

At that time, during the Jianwen period, his father, King Lao Min, was framed by Xiping Hou Mucheng. Emperor Jianwen deposed him as a commoner and relegated him to Zhangzhou Prefecture.

Of course, after Emperor Taizong ascended the throne and Min Fan was restored, Zhu Huixun never went to Zhangzhou Mansion again.

However, we can also see from this what kind of place Zhangzhou Prefecture is.

Because of this, if the vassal was to be moved, the biggest resistance would actually be the other princes of the generation vassal line.

Now, the emperor said that he could let these princes stay in their original positions, which relieved Zhu Shixi. However, this part of the pressure was actually passed on to the emperor.

Regardless of the illegal power, this is not in line with the etiquette and law. Zhu Shixi inherited the main line of the vassal. If he moved the vassal, the other princes would not move, and the main line and the branch lines would be separated. This is not in line with the original intention of the patriarchal clan.

Therefore, when you go to the court, you will definitely encounter opposition.

But the emperor said that he would be responsible for solving the problem, which made Zhu Huixuan feel doubtful.

Is there something special about Zhangzhou Prefecture?

You know, when he first heard this name, Zhu Huixuan only thought that this was the emperor's intention to make the king retreat in the face of difficulties. After all, such a place was much different from Datong City.

However, as soon as these words came out, Zhu Huixuan felt that the emperor actually had the intention to promote this matter.

In this case, moving to Zhangzhou Prefecture may not necessarily be a bad thing...

Glancing at Zhu Shixi, he saw that the latter frowned and still had a troubled look on his face. Apparently, he was not aware of this.

Zhu Huixuan deliberately opened his mouth to remind him, but Zhu Huixun inadvertently caught a glimpse of the emperor's face and saw that the emperor was staring at him, with a hint of warning in his eyes.

Therefore, Zhu Huixuan immediately stopped talking and lowered his head in silence.

The palace became a little quiet, and Zhu Qiyu did not speak to urge him, quietly waiting for Zhu Shixi's decision.

The grace that should be given has been almost given, and the rest is not what should be given now. He has given the opportunity, and it depends on whether the acting king can grasp it.

After a while, Zhu Shixi raised his head, gritted his teeth and said.

"Your Majesty, I am willing to transfer the title!"

It was obvious that he had used great courage to say this, so much so that Zhu Huixuan had to lament again how much of a shadow this generation of royal family had left on Zhu Shixi.

You know, although Datong City is close to the border, it still has a strong city to defend, but Zhangzhou Prefecture is different. Japanese invasions are frequent there, and it is also not peaceful, but it is far less safe than Datong.

But now, with Zhu Shixi's cowardly temperament, he is even willing to go to a place like Zhangzhou Mansion rather than stay in Datong City. This shows that he really hates the Prince Dai Mansion where Zhu Gui once lived.

However, after just sighing for a moment, Zhu Huixuan put this emotion behind him. Compared with Zhu Shixi's experience, he was more interested in what was so special about Zhangzhou Mansion that the emperor valued so much.


Not bad, just take it seriously!

What Zhu Huixuan is best at is observing words and expressions, which is related to the pressure of his elder brother in his early years. You must know that he was favored by the old King Min not only because he had such a good son as Zhu Yincheng.

When the emperor had just revealed that he wanted all the princes of the Dai Wang family to stay in their original territory, he was thinking about the emperor's intention in doing so.

Later, when he wanted to remind Zhu Shixi, Emperor Ruoyouruowu's warning made his thoughts start to spin.

Although I don’t know what is special about Zhangzhou Prefecture, but from these two points alone, I can actually tell a lot.

First of all, it is obviously against the rules to transfer only the main lineage of the Daiwang line. Of course, Zhu Shixi himself must be happy. Even if the princes of the Daiwang line have not bullied him, they have at least treated him.

He had been indifferent to his previous encounters, so he wished he could stay as far away from these people as possible.

However, this has nothing to do with the emperor. The king and the emperor have never met before, let alone have any friendship. Considering the contribution of the king in organizing the army, it is a great grace for the emperor to agree to transfer the title.

Well, it is almost impossible to say that the replacement king can bear such a huge pressure.

Therefore, doing this must be because the emperor also wants to do this, or in other words, doing so is good for the emperor?

So, what are the benefits?

After much thought, Zhu Huixuan felt that there was only one answer, that is, if the main line of the Dai Wang line was moved and the branches remained unchanged, it would greatly weaken the influence of the Dai vassal.

In other words, for better control, Zhu Shixi moved to Zhangzhou Prefecture. He was unfamiliar with the place. If there were no other princes to help each other, then he could only rely on the court for many things. At the same time, there was no

Without the support of the main line, the princes and princes of the generation and vassal line will become increasingly scattered, making it easier for the court to manipulate them.

However, if we only look at Dai Wang's branch, his reliance is two-way. While the imperial court can better control Dai Fan, it must also provide Dai Fan with more support, manpower, material resources, and even renewed

Give some of the palace guards, after all, Zhangzhou Palace is really not peaceful.

Therefore, a new problem arises. With Zhu Shixi's character, even in the deep-rooted city of Datong, acting as a vassal should not cause trouble.

However, the emperor still had to put so much effort into making it easier to control Dai Fan. Why?

Since there is no threat, then it can only be entrusted with important tasks!

Only when you plan to entrust an important task, you need to restrain it in advance. It is precisely after thinking about this that Zhu Huixun just wanted to remind Zhu Shixi not to hesitate and agree.

But unfortunately, the emperor stopped him.

However, because of this, Zhu Huixuan became more convinced of his judgment. At the same time, he also understood why it was Zhu Shihe.

Because only a cowardly character like his can be better handled.

However, Zhu Huixun was really curious about what all the foreshadowing and preparations were for.

Of course, with Zhu Shixi agreeing to this matter, if nothing unexpected happens, the answer will be revealed soon.

Sure enough, after Zhu Shixi finished speaking, a smile suddenly appeared on the face of the emperor, and he turned sideways to Huai En beside him and said.

"Bring it up."

The sound is neither high nor low, just enough for people to hear clearly.

Therefore, Zhu Huixun and both of them looked at Huai En at the same time, and saw him cupping his hands towards the emperor, then turning around and walking down the steps. Not long after, when he reappeared, there were three or four more servants behind him.

These chamberlains were holding a brocade box in their hands. It is not appropriate to call it a brocade box, because the box was too long, about one foot wide and one foot high, and about one foot long.

Then, amidst Zhu Huixun's confusion, he saw the emperor stand up, step down from the throne, and come to the palace.

Afterwards, the chamberlains carefully placed the brocade box on the ground, and then spread a thick carpet in the hall.

The brocade box was opened, and Zhu Huixuan looked at it carefully, only to see a huge picture scroll inside, made of high-quality rice paper.

The two chamberlains held the scroll and placed it on the newly laid carpet, then slowly unfolded it left and right and spread it on the ground.

"This is……"

Zhu Huixuan and Zhu Shixi looked at each other, followed the emperor's steps forward to the palace, and cast their eyes on the scrolls in the palace, but they were extremely shocked in their hearts.

They could tell that this was a map, but it was different from all the maps they had seen before.

On the center left of this pair, the word "Da Ming" is written brightly. Looking down carefully, the names of mountains, rivers, cities and passes that they are familiar with are densely written in small regular script.

However, what shocked them was that beyond the national borders outlined in thick ink, there were huge tracts of land.

The entire scroll is about one foot long and more than two feet wide when unfolded. However, in such a huge scroll, the land occupied by the Ming Dynasty is only half the size of a book.

Continuing to read, the two of them found many familiar names on this map, Annan, Champa, Korea, Siam, Ryukyu...

But apart from these, some other places, such as Franchi, Levia, America... were relatively unfamiliar to them, and they had even never heard of some of the names.

If you look further, you will see that the closer the map is to the Ming Dynasty, the more detailed it is. Apart from that, other places are relatively simple, and most places are only marked with the terrain direction and the name of the country.

However, in some places, even the shape of the earth veins is not drawn, only a name mark and some simple divisions.

More than half of the entire map is the ocean. Zhu Huixuan noticed that Zheng He's route to the Western Ocean was specially marked in it, which was obviously a comparison.

In addition to the terrain, there are also densely written small characters in some places on the map, which seem to record some customs and customs of various places.

In many places, there were also painted some animal figures and sailboat styles they had never seen before, with several routes drawn in red lines.

Because the distance was not too close, the small characters could not be seen clearly. Zhu Huixuan squinted his eyes for a while and then gave up.

Immediately, his eyes moved up. In the upper right corner of the map, Zhu Huixuan finally found the name of this map...

"The complete picture of Kunyu and all the kingdoms?"

"Yes, the complete map of Kunyu and all the kingdoms!"

At this moment, the emperor's voice sounded next to them, causing both of them to come back to their senses from the shock of the map.

Looking up at the emperor's calm face, Zhu Huixuan didn't know why, but suddenly felt that the emperor's mood at this moment was very complicated.

Of course, at this time, he didn't have the heart to think about it, but frowned and asked.

"Your Majesty, where did this picture come from? It's a bit loud to dare to call the universe and all the countries."

"Moreover, our Ming Dynasty has a vast territory and a huge territory. Why is it so small on this map?"

This chapter has been completed!
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