Chapter 1142: scolding in court

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According to convention, before the Winter Solstice Festival, each government office is the busiest time. After this period, basically all the matters at hand have been dealt with, and the elders should prepare for the New Year with peace of mind.

The fact is indeed the case. Half a month ago, the Fifth Army Governor's Mansion submitted a joint report, reporting the results of the rectification of the military mansion. After half a year of rectification, the entire Fifth Army Governor's Mansion has undergone a major change. Four of them have

One-third of the officers were directly dismissed, and a small number were even involved in serious crimes such as smuggling weapons and falsely claiming military merit. They are still in prison, waiting to be punished.

In addition, many of the remaining military officials were punished to varying degrees, either fined or demoted. Although they retained their official positions, their lives were not easy.

At the same time, as news spread that the imperial court intended to use troops along the coast, many ministers in the court were a little restless. Finally, a few days later, in the morning...

"Your Majesty, the New Year is approaching, and the imperial court should put an end to many corvée services and allow the people to return home to celebrate the New Year in peace. If we send troops at this time, I may be suspected of disturbing the people. Please think twice, Your Majesty."

As soon as he came to court, someone from the military department stood up from the situation and spoke out his righteous words to admonish. Following closely behind, another censor spoke up, saying.

"Your Majesty, if there is a war, the people will be affected by the war. What's more, in the past two years, natural disasters have occurred in various places, and the people have not had a chance to recuperate. It is indeed not a good opportunity to send troops now!"

The imperial edict of the cabinet has been issued, so the news has spread long ago, and the Ministry of War and the Ministry of Household Affairs have also taken action.

However, one of the characteristics of the Ming Dynasty is that just because the imperial edict is issued, it does not mean that things are settled. Things should be done, and discussions should be discussed.

The emperor issued an imperial edict, which did not prevent the elders from continuing to persuade the emperor in the court to withdraw the edict.

Seeing the censors standing up one by one, Zhu Qiyu couldn't help but have a headache.

Until now, it is basically impossible to say that this group of science and technology officials can influence any national affairs, but they are just annoying.

As long as they don't get what they want, these people will keep talking in the court. Even if they are ordered not to discuss the matter, they will find other excuses to bring it back to the matter and continue to talk.

This situation is the most troublesome. Ignore them. They keep saying it over and over again. Ignore them. This is what these officials are doing. Is there anything wrong with the court?

Because of the practices of sinners, we cannot really do anything to them.

Moreover, although the Dao is as high as the devil, the reform of the Dao has been going on for some time now. Therefore, these censors have also learned the lessons of the past and gradually evolved new methods.

Just like this time, the people who came forward to participate in the performance were all from the Military Science and Fujian Dao, and they were the censors, so it is impossible to say that they exceeded their duties.

However, although other censors could not directly participate in the performance, after these people finished speaking, they would take the opportunity to echo the discussion, which was a disguised way of bypassing the prohibition against impeaching anyone who was not in charge.

After all, they were not the ones to submit the memorial. They had already gone to the superiors to express their opinions on specific government affairs without forming a formal memorial, so they could not be considered as overstepping their duties.

Therefore, for a while, the noise in the morning made people feel upset.

It should be said that Zhu Qiyu was used to this kind of situation in his previous life, but having said that, after ascending to the throne in this life, due to various reasons, he did not have much such experience.

However, just because it doesn’t happen doesn’t mean it won’t happen, and it doesn’t mean that Zhu Qiyu will be very tolerant of it.

Seeing more and more censors standing up, Zhu Qiyu frowned and looked around the ground, finally settling on a certain person.

"I already know what you said, Vice President Wang. Now that Mr. Chen has reported illness, the Metropolitan Procuratorate is under your supervision. What do you think of what Zhu Kedao just said?"

As a result, many ministers immediately set their sights on Wang Hong, the left deputy censor.

During this period of time, Chen Yi, the censor of Zuodu, was ill and had been bedridden, so the affairs of the Metropolitan Procuratorate were entrusted to the deputy censor of the capital.

The Emperor just emphasized this point specifically, and his intention is self-evident.

These words seemed to be asking Wang Hong what he thought, but in fact, they were reminding him that it was time to take good care of these science and technology officials.

You must know that before this, Chen Yi, the General Secretary, although he could not be completely regarded as submissive to the emperor, was very biased towards the emperor's ideas in many court affairs. Many times, the imperial censors

The commotion was all suppressed by him, the old man.

Now that Mr. Chen is ill, naturally Wang Hong, who supervises the Metropolitan Procuratorate, should do this job for him, but...

"Your Majesty, I believe what you have said is true. The Japanese pirates along the coast are nothing more than ringworm and scabies. Although they often infest the people along the coast, their scale is scattered and their numbers are not large. They will not threaten the safety of our court like the various Mongolian tribes.


"Previous dynasties have sent out troops to suppress Japanese invaders, but most of their efforts were in vain. Even if they could pacify the sea area for a while, it would take less than a year or two for the Japanese pirates to come back again. It would be very wasteful to send out large armies. It would be great if we could succeed in one battle.

, but since the Japanese pirates cannot be completely eradicated, then, wouldn’t such a move be considered militancy?”

Under the gaze of all the ministers, Wang Hong's face showed no trace of fear.

On the contrary, when the emperor finally called his name, a look of eagerness flashed in Mr. Wang's eyes, as if he had been waiting for this moment for a long time.

He walked into the palace and started chatting without noticing that the emperor's face was getting more and more ugly.

"Your Majesty, when His Majesty Taizu set up the maritime ban, one of the reasons was the Japanese pirates. Thinking about how far-sighted and talented his Majesty Taizu was, he decided on this policy because, for the imperial court, compared with going out with a large army, it would be easier to fight in repeated battles.

As long as the people are prohibited from entering the sea without permission, the Japanese pirates will be able to fend for themselves."

"Japanese pirates are good at naval warfare. The imperial court has its own officers and soldiers to guard everywhere on the shore. If they just linger on the sea, they have nothing to do with the imperial court. If the Japanese pirates land on the beach and face the imperial army, they will be wiped out. Why bother to work the army? Therefore, I think

, the imperial court only needs to apply for strict defense by local officials and troops, and strengthen the sea ban, so as to eliminate this disaster. It is absolutely unnecessary to waste people and money by sending troops to conquer. I sincerely ask Your Majesty to take a clear view, withdraw your decree, and rest with the people!"

Okay, the case is solved...

Wang Fuxian spoke these words heartily and with great justice. At the same time, all the important ministers in the palace suddenly understood.

I'm sorry, the reason why the imperial censors are so active today is not because they have been suppressed by Chen Zongxian for too long, so they took the opportunity to liberate their nature, but because there are people behind them.

To put it bluntly, these censors are just appetizers. The one who really opposes the expedition is Wang Fuxian. It is precisely because of his support that these science and education officials are so bold.


Obviously, the emperor could also think of things they could think of. He raised his eyes and looked at the emperor's face at this moment. As expected, this man was on the verge of explosion.

Zhu Qiyu is indeed a little angry!

It has to be said that it is easy to go from frugality to luxury, but it is difficult to go from luxury to frugality. Since Zhu Qiyu came to the throne, there have been many troubles in Kedao.

However, most of the time, Zhu Qiyu did not actually need to take action himself. Chen Yi would intervene and help him settle the court discussions.

Now that Chen Yi is ill, Wang Hong is temporarily in charge of the Supervisory Yuan. Wang Hong does not help him to suppress the censors and not make a fuss. Instead, he leads a group of censors to deliberately jump out to oppose him. This makes him accustomed to

Zhu Qiyu, who looked down upon the Metropolitan Procuratorate, could not help but feel a little angry.

However, being angry, he still did not lose his mind. This is Wang Hong's temper. If he really got angry, then he would be doing what these people wanted.

In the Ming Dynasty, everything from the system to the ethos of scholars was very tolerant and polite, so this group of science and education officials were not afraid of the anger of the emperor at all.

So, suppressing the anger in his heart, Zhu Qiyu said calmly.

"I understand."

Then, he signaled Wang Hong to step back. However, Wang Hong was obviously unwilling to stop there, but continued to raise his hand and said.

"His Majesty……"

Seeing this situation, Zhu Qiyu's eyes turned cold and his gaze became a little sharp.

To be fair, Wang Hong's words just now were out of line, and he used words like "military". Zhu Qiyu did not blame him at this moment, because he wanted to keep his words open.

However, it is one thing for him to be polite and courteous, but it is another thing for his subordinates to relentlessly and repeatedly offend the majesty of the emperor.

Feeling this slightly cold gaze, Wang Hong's tone was slightly stagnant, but only for a moment, he strengthened his belief and planned to continue playing.

However, at this moment, a voice rang out from the palace, intercepting his words and saying.

"Your Majesty, I believe that what Wang Vice-Xian said is inappropriate!"

Everyone looked up, their faces showing surprise, for no other reason than that the speaker was none other than Yu Qian, who had been away from the capital for a long time and had just returned to the capital recently!

Seeing that it was Yu Qian who spoke, Wang Hong was obviously a little surprised and naturally stopped talking.

At the same time, Yu Qian stepped into the hall and cupped his hands to his superior.

"Your Majesty, just now Vice-President Wang said that Japanese pirates are a disease caused by scabies, and the imperial government only needs to strictly implement sea bans to ensure that the coast is safe. This statement is really a big fallacy!"

No one expected that Yu Qian would be so rude as soon as he opened his mouth, and his words would be so decisive, leaving no face for Wang Hong at all.

Looking at Wang Hong again, after hearing these words, as expected, his face became a little ugly.

However, Yu Qian didn't have any intention of stopping. He turned around, faced Wang Hong, and said directly.

"The so-called Putianxia is not the royal territory. Whether it is along the coast or along the border, it is the territory of our Ming Dynasty. The people in it are all His Majesty's subjects. Wang Fuxian just said it with certainty. The so-called Japanese pirates are a scabies disease. I just think that they

They cannot threaten the imperial court like Mongolia, but have you ever thought about the days when the people along the coast were invaded by Japanese pirates?"

"As courtiers, it is our duty to protect the land and the people. How can we abandon the past because of the past?"

"Isn't it true that what Yu Shaobao said is an exaggeration?"

Wang Hong just didn't expect that Yu Qian would hold opposite opinions to him, so he realized it now and said immediately.

"Of course I know that people along the coast are harassed by Japanese pirates. However, this is not because the imperial court does not care. In fact, the Japanese pirates are too cunning. After plundering, they rush back to the sea. Even if local officials and troops are dispatched, it is difficult to catch their whereabouts."

"What's more, even if a large army goes out, can it really guarantee the peace of the people? I don't think so? The expedition was wasteful and wasteful, and in the end, it ended hastily. Is this what Yu Shaobao wants?"

These words seemed to be in response to Yu Qian, but underneath the words, they were undoubtedly talking about the emperor who insisted on sending troops.

Seeing this situation, Zhu Qiyu's face became a little darker. Yu Qian noticed this and his expression became stern and said.

"How can Wang Fuxian be sure that the army will end hastily before it goes out for the expedition? Is it possible that Wang Fuxian once visited the coast in person to suppress the Japanese pirates?"

Wang Hong was speechless when asked in one sentence. Of course, the more important thing is that although Yu Qian was demoted, on the one hand, his official position is still the censor of Youdu, which is higher than Wang Hong. On the other hand, in terms of his reputation and status in the dynasty

, Wang Hong and Yu Qian are not at the same level at all.

It was better when Yu Qian was calm, but now his tone became stern, and he had an inexplicable aura.

Immediately, Yu Qian continued.

"The problem of Japanese pirates may not have been a serious problem when His Majesty Taizu founded the country. However, to this day, if you continue to think that Japanese pirates are not a concern, it will be a disaster for the country!"

"Leaving aside the distance, the king followed the imperial decree and established a vassal mansion in Zhangzhou Prefecture. During the construction process, the vassal prince's palace was repeatedly attacked by Japanese pirates. It can be seen that the Japanese pirates along the coast are no longer as dangerous as Wang Fuxian's.

In order to do that, they only rob fishermen at sea, but they have already turned to land, harmful places."

"The reason why Japanese pirates are so prevalent is that many ministers in the court, like Wang Fuxian, think that as long as the sea ban is strictly enforced, they can sleep peacefully. However, the fact is that they only prohibit people from going to the sea, but do not control Japanese pirates and allow them to develop.

It will only make its power grow stronger, until it eventually threatens the safety of the imperial court!"

"This trend has already been seen in the matter of Dai Wangfu. How can we expect to ignore it? Your Majesty is sending troops to suppress the Japanese at this time. It is the Holy Ming Zhuzhao who is planning the strategy. Therefore, those who oppose the expedition to suppress the Japanese at this time are actually the traitors of the country!"

After all, Yu Qian is not a vegetarian.

Wang Hong aimed his words at him, using Yu Qian to imply that the emperor's sending troops must be in vain. As a result, Yu Qian's words became sharper, and he opened his mouth to give Wang Hong a comment that was either stupid or treacherous.

However, after all, Yu Qian's actions were somewhat different from what he had always advocated in the court, so that after seeing his series of actions, other important ministers could not help but show a hint of contemplation...

This chapter has been completed!
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