Chapter 584: The Son of Heaven is called

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 Yu Cifu was very angry, extremely angry.

Although he didn't say it, in fact, he still inevitably felt a little proud of Jiang Yuan's attitude of being humble and cowardly.

After all, although Jiang Yuan has never directly fought with him in the ring, the relationship between the two has never been very good.

From the very beginning, when Yu Shiyue was still the Minister of Dali Temple and needed Jiang Yuan, the Vice Minister of the Ministry of Justice, to assist him in trying Wang Zhen's case, the two had a bad time.

Later, when he entered the cabinet, Jiang Yuan had Gao Gu as his backer, but Yu Shiyue had no choice but to join forces with Zhang Min to protect himself. There were many frictions between the two.

Later, when Gao Gu fell and Yu Shiyue was promoted to second assistant, Jiang Yuan joined forces with Zhu Jian to disgust him.

Even now, Zhu Jian has also fallen, and he still refuses to settle down.

To be honest, Yu Shiyue never thought about making Jiang Yuan bow down to him and be submissive to him.

Even after receiving Yu Qian's patriotic education, he had no intention of settling old scores with Jiang Yuan.

However, he was willing to live in peace with Jiang Yuan, but he did not expect that the other party would plot against him first.

Yu Shiyue didn't need to use his brain to know that from today on, rumors would inevitably spread to the outside world, saying that he was careless and openly ostracizing cabinet ministers.

It was said that Mr. Jiangge had lowered his stature to such an extent, but he, Yu Cifu, still clung to the old discord, forcing him to leave in anger and have no choice but to turn his back on him.

Just thinking about it made Yu Cifu want to slap the table again.

**Jiang Yuan, you old man!

It was obviously you who provoked me repeatedly before, and the generous Yu Cifu didn't even bother with you. Now, you've planned on me first.

To be honest, Yu Shiyue can understand why Jiang Yuan did this.

Again, in the current cabinet, his subordinate is very powerful, and Jiang Yuan has never dealt with him. From a normal point of view, once Yu Shiyue is busy with this period and frees up his hands, he will definitely retaliate.

of previous grievances.

Although in fact, Yu Shiyue did not intend to do this, it is a time-honored truth that you should never place your hopes on the mercy of your opponents when you are in the officialdom.

Therefore, the best way is to seek the support of Wang Ao, the chief assistant.

You must know that Yu Shiyue is only the second assistant after all. The more limelight he gets, the greater the threat to Wang Ao, the first assistant.

Yu Shiyue knew this, but he had no choice.

Although he has tried his best to keep a low profile, this kind of thing is not subject to his will.

In the Donggong Prefecture, he, who also serves as the Prince's Mansion's Zhan Shi, cannot avoid many things and limelight.

In addition, due to special institutional reasons, the political struggle in the cabinet is much more intense than in the outer dynasty. Even the cabinet with only Gao Gu and Chen Xun at the beginning was both an enemy and a friend, and the relationship was sometimes far and sometimes close.


Therefore, the change of stance does not bring any psychological pressure to Jiang Yuan. The only thing he needs to consider is how to establish a basis for joining forces.

He couldn't just go to Wang Ao for no reason and say, Mr. Chief Assistant, Yu Shiyue has been so popular recently that he doesn't take you seriously at all. Let's get rid of him together!

If you run over like this, you will definitely be kicked out as a lunatic.

In fact, this is the same as what Jiang Yuan did when he came to Yu Shiyue just now. Showing kindness for no reason will often arouse people's subconscious vigilance.

Therefore, what Jiang Yuan needs is an opportunity. He needs to let everyone, especially Wang Ao, see the "bad" relationship between him and Yu Shiyue.

He needs to make Wang Ao clear that he has no other choice in the cabinet. He needs to make Wang Ao believe that he will stand firmly on the side of the First Assistant and fight against the increasingly powerful Second Assistant.

This kind of public opinion will make up for the lack of trust between him and Wang Ao, allowing the two to quickly establish a good relationship.

From Jiang Yuan's perspective, everything he did had a reason.

However, for Yu Shiyue...


It's okay for you, Jiang Yuan, to seek refuge with the chief minister, but why do you have to get involved with me, Yu Shiyue? First it was Zhu Jian, and then there was Jiang Yuan. You all figured out that I have a good temper and am easy to bully.

Yu Cifu walked around the public room irritably. He even drank several cups of tea, but he couldn't suppress the anger in his heart.

Jiang Yuan's behavior certainly made him angry, but what made him feel even more aggrieved was that he had no choice but to swallow this loss.

Because once he made a counterattack and started to suppress Jiang Yuan in the cabinet, it would be in line with the other party's wishes and he would exclude his dissidents and solidify his reputation for retaliation.

If he went against the grain and made good friends with Jiang Yuan, it would go against his original intention and would be suspected of taking advantage of the situation to form a party and compete for the position of chief minister.

Both methods are to injure the enemy by 1,000 and injure yourself by 800, which is unnecessary.

Therefore, the best way is to suffer this hidden loss and do nothing. In this case, the rumors can only be rumors.

However, this is too frustrating.

Yu Cifu was sitting in the public room, and the more he thought about it, the angrier he became. He almost wanted to go to Wang Ao's public room and cause trouble for Jiang Yuan.

However, before he could move, someone from the Zhongshu House outside quickly walked in again and said.

"Sir, the Second Assistant, the Supervisor of Ceremonies has sent someone to convey a message that His Majesty has summoned you and the First Assistant to the palace to discuss matters."

With just one word, Yu Shiyue calmed down quickly. Instead of leaving in a hurry, he sat down on the chair again, closed his eyes and pondered for a moment. When he opened his eyes again, his face no longer had the slightest impatience.

"In addition to me and the Chief Assistant, did your Majesty also summon other ministers?"

Naturally, the person who came to deliver the message would not take the initiative to talk about this kind of thing.

However, if you can work in the cabinet, if you don't even have the eyes and skills to find out information, there is no need to do it.

Therefore, the person in the middle school room immediately replied.

"The eunuch who came to deliver the message said that Yu Shangshu from the Ministry of War had entered the palace, and those who were summoned later included Wang Shangshu from the Ministry of Personnel, Shen Shangshu from the Ministry of Husbandry, Jin Shangshu from the Criminal Ministry, Chen Zongxian from the Metropolitan Procuratorate, and Xiao Xiao from the Hanlin Academy. Bachelor, Feng Guogong, Jing'an Bo and several others. In addition, in addition to the ministers of civil and military affairs, this time, His Majesty also summoned the King of Zhennan!"

Yu Shiyue nodded, waved his hand to signal the people in Zhongshushe to leave, and he had a plan in mind.

At this point in time, the whole government is paying close attention to what has not yet been settled, naturally, the issue of the military garrison at the Ministry of War.

However, since Yu Qian is in charge of this matter, it will not be delayed, not to mention that the emperor has given a deadline.

I guess today is the day.

The content of the discussion can be easily guessed, but in Yu Shiyue's opinion, there is no doubt that the summoned list contains a mystery.

Logically speaking, to discuss a major matter such as reorganizing the military settlement, all important civil and military ministers must be present at the same time. In fact, the best way is to discuss it in court.

However, the emperor had already made it clear that he would wait until after the Lunar New Year to hold court discussions.

So, if you summon the ministers at this time, it is most likely that you want to get some fresh air before the court meeting.

This can be seen from the absence of Ningyuan Hou Renli from the list summoned by the emperor. You must know that as the governor of the Fifth Army Commandery, he must be organized and organized, and he cannot be circumvented.

But the emperor did not summon him, which means that this was an informal meeting.

Looking at the summoned list from this perspective, we can actually see more things.

Since it was an informal discussion that was announced in advance, the people summoned by the emperor would naturally be those who were close to the emperor, or in other words, people who were close to the emperor or who supported the military settlement issue would be summoned.

Yu Qian from the Ministry of War, Wang Wen from the Ministry of Personnel, and Chen Yi from the Metropolitan Inspectorate can be said to be the emperor's confidants. Xiao Tan from the Hanlin Academy, together with Wang Ao and him from the cabinet, can be regarded as close ministers of the emperor.

Shen Yi could barely understand. In fact, as the Minister of Household Affairs, he had a somewhat special relationship with the emperor.

In the previous peppercorns salary reduction incident and the court debate on opening up mutual markets, the emperor should be said to have given great support to the Ministry of Household Affairs, and even reprimanded a group of imperial prosecutors who dared to impeach the Ministry of Household Affairs. history.

Later, although the Ministry of Industry was always very tight on expenses for river management, border city repairs, and even drafts and various ceremonies, there was no ambiguity.

It can be said that wherever the emperor needed money, except that Jiubian's plan could not support it, Shen Yi basically moved around to get things done properly.

Even, this old guy often went to the palace to catch the autumn wind, and from time to time he could get some money out of the emperor's inner treasury.

On the surface, the monarch and his ministers seem to get along very well with each other.

However, this is just the surface. In fact, no one in the whole court regards Shen Yi as the emperor's true confidant. In other words, no one thinks that he is a member of the emperor's party like Wang Wen and Yu Qian.

The core reason is that Shen Yi is essentially of the same style as Hu Hui from the Ministry of Rites, and he never makes any mistakes when it comes to the government affairs of the Ministry of Household Affairs.

However, on other matters outside the household department, he basically did not express his own opinions, and he was often the one who followed the rules and regulations.

Especially for some relatively sensitive matters, such as the return of the Supreme Emperor to the court, the appointment of a cabinet in the East Palace, and the preparation of the East Palace, he often waited until the overall situation was decided before expressing his position.

This is actually an attitude in itself.

You must know that when you reach the level of Qiqing, although everyone has their own responsibilities, they often need to speak freely on such important matters.

Take the rectification of military camps this time as an example. Although it is a matter of the Ministry of War, it is by no means a matter of just one department of the Ministry of War.

Once the plan of the Ministry of War is finalized at the court meeting, it will inevitably involve all aspects and require the coordination and joint advancement of multiple departments, and even the central and local governments.

Therefore, in fact, at the decision-making level of such major affairs, if the uncertain factor of the emperor's strong intervention is put aside, the attitude of a Qi Qing is likely to be able to reverse the situation.

However, this crucial influence was basically given up by Shen Yi on matters other than the household department, especially those sensitive matters.

On the emperor's side, he had no intention of trying to win over or was dissatisfied with Shen Yi's stance, so he just let Shen Yi's behavior go as he pleased.

Even when he went to the imperial court to fight in the autumn breeze on weekdays, the emperor laughed it off and did not take the opportunity to show favor or win over him. It all depended on whether it was necessary for government affairs.

It is difficult for Yu Shiyue to guess what the Sacred Heart is like.

However, does the fact that Shen Yi can be summoned this time mean that he at least agrees with the rectification of the military camp?

Yu Shiyue hid this question in his heart and planned to take a closer look at the situation in the palace.

In fact, besides Shen Yi, the one who deserves more attention should be Jin Lian!

He, the Minister of the Ministry of Justice, has kept a low profile recently. If no one mentioned it, the court would almost forget that there was this Minister of the Seventh Qing Dynasty.

But it’s not to blame Mr. Jin. In fact, there haven’t been any major criminal cases in the DPRK recently, so the Criminal Department is not very active in the DPRK.

Of course, Mr. Jin is just inactive in court, and he does not take naps every day like a certain minister of etiquette.

In fact, during this period, although the presence of the Criminal Department was not strong, it was still very busy.

Yu Cifu, who once served as minister of Dali Temple and is now responsible for drafting votes in the cabinet, knows this very well.

Among the six departments, if there is one busiest department, it must be the Criminal Department.

Several other yamen are basically busy for a while every year, but the Criminal Department is in charge of the world's prisons, and there are no off-seasons and peak seasons for various criminal cases.

Almost every day, the Criminal Department handles a large number of case files.

Before the Emperor's Northern Expedition, Jin Lian was supervising the local army. The Ministry of Punishment already had a large backlog of cases. Later, after the Civil War, it tried Wang Zhen's case, Cao Jixiang's case, Luo Tong's case, and King Guangtong's case.

The cases have basically never stopped.

Since Mr. Jin came back, he has basically focused his energy on dealing with these backlogged cases. It was not until the past two months that he could finish them all.

Therefore, if we want to judge the person who is the most conscientious and devoted to his duties among the seven ministers, Mr. Jin can definitely be ranked in the top three.

However, what the court wants to see is not who does more.

Like Shen Yi, Jin Lian can never be called a member of the Emperor's Party. In fact, in terms of government affairs, the relationship between the Ministry of Punishment and the Emperor is not as close as that of the Ministry of Revenue.

Therefore, the most surprising thing is that the emperor brought the Ministry of punishment this time.

Of course, in addition to the civil servants, the emperor also summoned Xungui and King Zhennan at the same time this time.

King Zhennan was not surprised. It was no secret that there was a shadow of the clan behind the military camp. The question now was just how the emperor planned to deal with this problem.

Therefore, it is normal for Zhennan Wang, a pro-Emperor clan member, to participate in the meeting to rectify the army.

But on Xungui's side, the meaning is somewhat obvious.

Nowadays, there are two groups of nobles who are close to the emperor.

One group is the group of Jingnan nobles who were left out in the cold during the reign of the Supreme Emperor. This group is headed by Feng Guogong Li Xian. Although they have no role on the battlefield, they have very strong connections.

The other faction is the newly rising border nobles, that is, the noble generals who were awarded or promoted for their military exploits in the War of Oara. These people are capable of fighting and are in their prime. They are obviously highly used by the emperor.


But here's the problem. Among this group of people, besides Jing'an Bo and Fan Guang, there is also a more important person...

Changpinghou Yang Hong!

In terms of qualifications, prestige, military exploits, abilities, connections in the military, and understanding of the border, there is no doubt that Yang Hong beats Fan Guang in every aspect.

However, Yang Hong was not among those summoned by the emperor this time.

In connection with the recent rumors that have spread wildly in Beijing, Yu Shiyue vaguely felt that something big was about to happen at this imperial meeting...

This chapter has been completed!
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