Chapter 890 The Great Wrong Man Shen Shangshu

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 Question: What should you do when something is difficult to handle but you can’t escape it?

As a veteran of the Five Dynasties who has been in officialdom for many years, Hu Ming's answer is that the first thing is to dare to move forward and be able to fight upward.

Although it was said that this was in private, it was precisely because it was in private that the emperor's words were put here, so they could not be allowed to back down.

The more situations like this, the more difficult things are to handle, and the less we can afford to dwell on them.

If it is not difficult to do, the emperor can casually mention it in the morning, and countless people will naturally rush to do it.

It was precisely because it was difficult to handle that the emperor came to him privately. It was also precisely because it was difficult to handle that the emperor approached him, a highly respected veteran of the Five Dynasties and Minister of Rites.

People always want to be useful and always think that no one will be offended. In the end, everyone will be offended.

So when it's time to push up, you have to push up no matter how difficult it is. Only when you push up at the critical moment can you sit firmly under your buttocks.

Hu Hui was like Ming Jing in his heart. Based on the emperor's character, whatever was decided must be done.

If Hu Ming can't do it, someone else will naturally do it.

If someone else does it, there will be two situations. One is that he steps down and someone else comes to power. The other is even worse. Just like today, others will do the work and he will take the blame.

After all, the two things that cannot be avoided when it comes to clan affairs are the Ministry of Rites and the clan’s mansion.

As the Minister of Rites, it is not impossible for Hu Xiruo to stand by and watch, but no matter how he stands, if something goes wrong, the pressure will come to him.

It would be better to proceed neatly and neatly, not only leaving an image in front of the emperor that he can stand up to at critical moments, but also holding the power of how to deal with this matter in his own hands.

You have to do things by yourself, whether you should be broad or strict, what should be restrained or released, and you should always control the direction by yourself, and you will not follow other people's footsteps and pick up the pieces.

However, if you only understand this level, then you are just being reckless.

It's easy to take over the next step, but it's not easy to do it well. If you don't know how to do it, you will have a good impression on the emperor, but you will only be in trouble.

Therefore, on the basis of adhering to the first principle, the second principle is to dare to raise difficulties.

After staying in the court for fifty years, Mr. Hu has long passed the stage where he was young and full of energy and had to prove his ability in everything.

If things are difficult to do, they must be done with a good attitude, but the objective difficulties must also be mentioned. Of course, while emphasizing the difficulties, the emperor must not feel that this is to shirk the blame, so the best choice is... to let the partner speak.


This is also the reason why although Hu Hui was the first to see the memorial, he had been discussing with the emperor to improve it during this period of time, but he did not say much about how difficult the matter was.

The one who can't escape is Prince Min. When he comes, he will naturally say...

Zhu Huixuan is afraid that he still doesn't know that the suggestion to come to him for discussion was actually proposed by Mr. Hu Hui during the last meeting.

A red face and a white face, we have to divide the work and cooperate, we can't let him sing all by himself.

Of course, this step alone is not enough.

The emperor entrusted matters to them, and wanted them to do the work, not to complain.

So, after talking about the difficulties, you have to find a solution yourself.

You can let others do the first step, but you must do this step yourself.

To put it bluntly, if you want a horse to run, you must let it eat grass. You must learn to borrow power, especially the power of the emperor.

The reason why the reorganization of the army can be carried out is not because the emperor is willing to delegate power and let Yu Qian take full charge of it. For this reason, Yu Qian almost turned the Ministry of War into his own back garden, but the emperor did not stop him.

Reorganizing the army and the garrisons is a big deal, and when the emperor wants to rectify the clan affairs, it is also a big deal.

In this case, you can't favor one over the other, let alone leave things to them arbitrarily and just ignore them.

The support that should be given should still be given!

You must know that this matter, especially the part that the Ministry of Rites is responsible for, is a job that is completely offensive. Without the support of the emperor, Mr. Hu will definitely not do it. Even if he does it, there are many ways to do it.

Not working hard.

Zhu Qiyu also understood this.

As the emperor, on such a major matter involving the direction of state affairs, you must not focus only on the results and not the process.

Otherwise, it may cause the people below to do whatever they want under the banner. The most typical example of this is the civil war that just happened.

Otherwise, a false result will be obtained. For example, Jiajing's ears are very comfortable, but in fact, no one has presented the real situation to him.

Since it is a major matter of state affairs, the emperor does not have to personally take part in everything, but he must control the direction of every step, at least understand it clearly and point out the direction for his subordinates.

Therefore, after pondering for a moment, he spoke.

"In that case, let me first let my uncle make arrangements and send letters to each clan to inquire. The Ministry of Rites will also send a memorial first. Then I will discuss it with the court."

"As for these measures, the neighboring yamen have little involvement, but regarding Zonglu, we have to discuss it with the Ministry of Household Affairs. Uncle Zong can talk to Shen Shangshu in the next few days. At that time, the Ministry of Rites will take the lead, and the Ministry of Household Affairs will take the lead.

Submit a joint copy and I’ll take a look at it before talking!”

Come on!

Hu Hui's eyes flashed and he cupped his hands.

"Your Majesty, Holy Might!"

That's what he wants.

Otherwise, His Majesty is a sage monarch.

This thoughtfulness of knowing the elegant meaning of a string song is not something that ordinary kings can achieve.

The matter of rectifying clan affairs does not involve a wide range of areas, but the impact is not small, and the difficulty is no easier than rectifying military settlements.

So, you definitely have to bring people along to bear the burden.

King Min has taken away part of the pressure, but the most difficult part is still with the Ministry of Rites, so we still need to find someone else to shoulder the blame.

Although Hu Hui mentioned so many yamen, such as the Criminal Department, the Procuratorate, and the Household Department, in fact, there is only one core, and that is the Household Department.

Because once this matter is completed, the Ministry of Accounts will benefit the most.

It can even be said that in terms of motivation for reform, the Ministry of Household Affairs has a stronger motivation than the Ministry of Rites.

There is nothing we can do about it. Who wants the Ministry of Accounts to manage the money?

The two most expensive places in the Ming Dynasty were the border army and the clan.

However, the tax system of the Ming Dynasty was quite special.

The Ministry of Revenue can still control the military expenditures of the border army if it wants to, but the Ministry of Revenue has no control over the clan's Lumi.

After collecting the local taxes over the years, part of it was sent to the capital, and the other part was directly used as Lumi for the local clan.

In other words, this part of the tax will not be transferred to the accounts department at all. At most, an account book will be sent to the accounts department, which will make the accounts department stare.

Nowadays, money is needed everywhere, especially once the disaster year comes, then the greatest pressure on the court will inevitably be on the Ministry of Household Affairs.

Therefore, if the expenses of the clan can be reduced, then the Ministry of Revenue must be the first to agree.

However, the emperor obviously also saw it. For the Ministry of Household Affairs, they only cared about Zong Lu.

As for other measures, such as strict security, severe punishments, and cautious marriages, although they are effective, they do not immediately save money and will cause dissatisfaction among the clan. The Ministry of Household Affairs must be conservative.

Therefore, since Zong affairs were to be rectified, the Ministry of Rites must still take the lead. However, Zong Lu, the most offending hot potato, had to involve the Ministry of Husband to take the blame.

This point is actually in line with Hu Hui’s thoughts.

Again, as long as it touches on the affairs of the clan, the Ministry of Rites will not be able to escape it no matter what.

In this case, this leadership cannot be handed over.

It's one thing that Hu Hui doesn't want to get involved in the turmoil, but since he got involved, it's impossible for him to do nothing.

What's more... a flash of recollection flashed in Hu Xi's eyes, but it was quickly covered up.

The clan's troubles were also Emperor Taizong's lifelong concern...

However, although this small expression was fleeting, it was still captured by Zhu Qiyu who was above.

He sighed in his heart, and in the end, he didn't say much, just waved his hand to indicate that the two of them could leave.

Everyone has their own concerns, except for a certain Minister of Household Affairs, who is still ignorant at this moment. He has been stuffed with a hot potato without knowing it.

However, this is not Zhu Qiyu's concern. He has already given the instructions to Hu Xi. Although it is only an oral instruction, for a person like Hu Xi, an oral instruction is enough.

If he really was given the will, I'm afraid Mr. Hu would still think that he would be restricted from performing!

After the two figures disappeared into the hall, Shu Liang, who had been waiting aside for a long time, stepped forward and said.

"Your Majesty, we are almost ready..."

So, Zhu Qiyu nodded.



After leaving the Wuying Palace, Zhu Huixuan was still thinking about what had just happened. It was not until he said goodbye to Hu Hui and was almost walking to the palace gate that he suddenly remembered that he seemed to have forgotten something just now.

Yes, that's right, they are the unlucky father and son who are still standing outside for punishment!

Although it was said that he was called in by the Emperor this time, when he came here, he seemed to have said that he would intercede for them in front of the Emperor.

As a result, now, being so disturbed by the emperor, he has completely forgotten...

Hiding behind the palace gate and secretly watching the father and son of Prince Yi, who were still crumbling outside in the bright sun, Zhu Huixuan felt worried in his heart.

How can this be done?

At this time, a group of chamberlains came from a distance. Zhu Huixuan turned around and took a look, and he was immediately delighted. The person who came was none other than the Emperor's personal chamberlain, Eunuch Huaien.

"Greetings to Your Majesty, Your Majesty is thinking about how to deal with Prince Yi and his son outside?"

As soon as they met, Wynn got straight to the point, saluted, and asked.

Zhu Huixuan nodded and said with a hint of hope.

"Eunuch, your Majesty's side..."

"Don't worry, His Majesty has already made arrangements!"

Wynn's face looked a little strange, and he handed over his hand again.

As he spoke, he lowered his voice and whispered a few words into Zhu Huixuan's ear, which immediately made the latter's expression become very wonderful.

" you really want to do this?"

Zhu Huixuan's fat face wrinkled into a bun and said.

"Is there no other way?"

"My lord, this is also for your own good. If you don't do this, I'm afraid it will be difficult for Prince Yi and his son to explain."

Huaien waved, and then two eunuchs came up. Then, Huaien comforted Zhu Huixun.

"Don't worry, these people are familiar with these things. They are very careful about the severity of their attacks and will not let you suffer."

No wonder the emperor didn't say a word about it when he was in the palace just now. He had to wait until he came out before sending people to chase him...

Zhu Huixuan struggled for a moment, glanced at the Yi Wang father and son outside, and finally nodded and said.


"You two look a bit alike..."


Outside the Meridian Gate, as time passed little by little, many of the people watching in the distance dispersed. Zhu Yongyi and his son were still standing in the same place.

Nearly an hour has passed, and there is still no news from the palace.

Shu Liang, that bastard, actually just left like that, leaving the father and son here exposed to the sun.

At this hour, it was exactly noon. The sweat on Zhu Yongyi's forehead had completely soaked his clothes, and his lips were slightly dry. Up to now, he had not even drank any saliva.

As for physical strength, there is good news. Prince Yi's legs have become weak from the beginning and he can no longer feel his legs.

As for his son Zhu Mianyuan, he was even more unbearable. His face had already turned pale, his eyes were filled with stars, and his body was shaky when he stood.

This was not an act, but his body, which had long been drained by alcohol and sex, had been exposed to the sun for an hour, and was indeed approaching its limit.

Seeing this situation, the thought that King Yi had just thought about could not help but arise again.

Now that Shu Liang is no longer in the way, can he be a little more arrogant?

It's definitely not possible to break into the imperial mausoleum of the Imperial Ancestral Temple. However, you have been waiting here for an hour. Why don't you go back to the Tenth Prince's Mansion to take a rest?

Even if he was punished, after all, he was the emperor's elder. He waited for such a long time before leaving. Even if the emperor wanted to blame him, he wouldn't be punished severely. It was better than continuing to stand here like this.

As soon as this idea arises, it becomes stronger and stronger.

Just when instinct was about to overwhelm reason again, there was sudden movement at the palace gate...

I saw a group of servants walking out of the palace gate. The leader was a eunuch dressed in brocade. Although his face was a bit unfamiliar, looking at his clothes, it was obvious that he had a high status in the palace.

Behind him, two young eunuchs supported a figure in royal robes, who was staggering forward.

This figure was so iconic that King Yi naturally recognized it at a glance. It was Min King Zhu Huixun.

However, the difference between Zhu Huixun at this time and his appearance before entering the palace was quite big.

The hem of his robe was wrinkled and stained with dust. He was limping when he walked, and his brows were wrinkled into Sichuan lines. Two people supported him, but he still walked very hard.


So, Zhu Yongding immediately threw his previous thoughts to the back of his mind, and immediately stepped forward to greet him, saying.

"Brother Min Wang, what's going on?"

Zhu Huixun was grinning in pain at this moment. When he heard King Yi's question, he was about to speak, but Huaien on the side spoke first.

"Your Majesty, Huai'en, would like to pay my respects to Prince Yi."

"According to His Majesty's instructions, King Yi and his son are domineering and openly conflicting with the imperial envoys. From now on, they will be banned from the ten princes' palaces to think about their mistakes. They are not allowed to leave without permission. King Min is in charge of the affairs of the family and does not distinguish between reason and reason. There is no one before you.

As a punishment, I will suspend my salary for one month!"

After saying that, Wynn bowed his hands to them and said.

"Two princes, the decree has been announced. In the palace, the ministers do not dare to communicate privately. They can only find a few useful people to escort you two out of the palace. Your Majesty can't live without anyone, so the ministers will retire first."

"Thank you, Eunuch Huai!"

Seeing this situation, Zhu Huixun cupped his hands and sent Huai En away.

"That was the emperor's newly promoted eunuch Bingbi Huaien. He serves the emperor every day. He is very favored and kind-hearted."

Seeing that King Yi was about to ask a question, he stretched out his hand to stop the other person from talking, gave a few simple explanations, and then said.

"It's hard to talk here, let's go first, we'll talk about it on the way back..."

This chapter has been completed!
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