Chapter 101 Programming

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 Like military science, zoology is also an indoor and outdoor course.

This course is designed to allow students to understand the large and complex number of [demon] mutants, as well as beasts with thin and diverse demon bloodlines.

"Demons are not as far away as imagined. Even in Chang'an, there are many beasts that can be reluctantly recognized as [demon]."

Zhang Liang, a doctor of zoology, a middle-aged man with a square face, said to the students with a smile: "For example, the three largest carriage shops in Chang'an rent white-limbed cattle.

This kind of cattle is huge in size, has a docile temperament, has white limbs, and is extremely powerful and has extraordinary endurance.

During festivals and festivals, various clubs hold celebrations and occasionally rent white-limbed oxen to serve as the first row in the motorcade, with brightly colored curtains and pendants draped over their bodies.

This kind of close relative of the white-legged cow is the third-level [demon] species - Limu cow. The difference between the two is that the latter has black stripes on its legs and lives in the wilderness of Shiwan Barren Mountains. Once the cattle live in groups

Form a large scale and charge forward. No human city or monster can stop it.

In addition, those tall horses in the academy pasture;

Rare beasts in the royal gardens;

Thousands of dog breeds bred by the Zhong family of Zhenfusi;

They all have [demon] blood.

For the Yu State, the most important demon type is the first-level, numbered twenty-five [Close Insect]."

In the classroom of the supervising building, Zhang Liang smiled and uncovered the thick black cloth on a bamboo cage.

There is a green insect similar to a grasshopper lying in the bamboo cage. It is nearly 30 centimeters long and quite huge. It has four tentacles on its head and four on its back.

On both sides of its body, there are densely packed thin linear grooves.

Zhang Liang asked casually: "Does anyone know the special ability of [The Close Insect]?"

Pei Jing stood up and replied: "Remote communication."

"That's right."

Zhang Liang nodded and said, "As a first-level demon, the [Clear Insect] has no offensive ability and is extremely rare in number.

The reason why it is Level 1 is entirely due to its characteristics - all [Close Insects] can be connected in some mysterious and mysterious way.

At the turn of spring and summer, [Clear Insect] will embed its eight tentacles into the grooves on both sides of its body to sense the presence of the opposite sex [Clear Insect]. Both parties will hear each other's voices, regardless of the distance.

How far.

And we use this feature to separate the [Close Insects]. Each Close Insect corresponds to a unique sequence of tentacle placement. When the tentacles are placed in a specific position, [Close Insects] can be used

Make remote calls thousands of miles apart."

Eight tentacles, thousands of ways to place this a phone?

Li Ang raised his eyebrows in surprise. He used to know that the vast Yu State had some kind of practical and effective communication method that could contact distant frontiers, but he didn't know that it was an alienated object.

Zhang Liang continued: "Of course, [Clear Insects] are rare in number and difficult to reproduce. In the pre-Sui Dynasty, they were considered an important weapon of the country, and each one needs to be closely guarded and protected.

Although the number is relatively large now, only Zhenfusi, Xuegong, key military states, etc. have the authority to raise them.

Those who do not have the relevant authority, even princes and ministers, are absolutely not allowed to hide [Close Insects] privately."

Li Ang was not surprised by this rule. Judging from the introduction, there is no threshold for the use of this kind of heterogeneity. You only need to know the "phone number".

Whether it is to prevent the rebellion of important ministers or to remotely control distant state capitals, [Close Insect] must be firmly in the hands of the royal family and the court - with the help of this anomaly, the speed of the spread of government orders is greatly shortened, the flexibility is increased, and the power of the imperial power and the court can be

Infiltrate into the towns and villages under the state capital.


Dr. Zhang Liang covered the bamboo cage with black cloth, "Next, let's continue to identify the more popular basic strange beasts. Turn your book to page 20, the chapter on the water monkey."


The zoology course is quite interesting, but if there is any course or course that excites the students the most, it has to be the spiritual practice course.

In the Talisman class, students have to learn the differences between cinnabar ink, yellow paper and white paper, and wolf-hair brush and rabbit brush.

The essence of talisman is to draw a specific trajectory on the talisman paper, so that the aura of heaven and earth is affected by the trajectory of the pen and ink, and the effect is formed spontaneously.

The Micro Flame Talisman can release weak fire light,

The dust sweeping charm can absorb tiny dust,

The boiling water talisman can make the water in the metal pot boil slowly - this is difficult to do. With the water quality of the freshmen's average sense of energy, only one or two of the ten talismans written out may be useful, and the duration is still very short.

, it won’t boil at all.

He Fanshuang, who performed best in this class, also spent three classes writing the first talisman that can heat water.

And this has already made the Fu Xue teacher highly praised,

I feel that her talent is as outstanding as her brother - the practice of Talisman Dao is difficult and obscure, but being able to successfully write Talisman in the Sensing Qi realm is already outstanding.

Pei Jing's progress is not slow either. His spiritual talent is much better than others, and his total Qi sea is larger, which can sustain the consumption of continuous failure to write spells.

Li Ang spent a little more time and wrote out a dust-sweeping talisman. He swept the talisman paper on the table and sucked out the tiny dust from the gaps in the wooden table.

"This feels... a bit like a programming language? Let the aura of heaven and earth understand your own thoughts through the traces of pen and ink."

Li Ang thought silently, "I heard that there are Fu Tao courses in Southern Zhou and Xi Jing.

I wonder if there is any debate among talisman masters from various countries about which language is the best."

Talismans and spells can greatly make daily life easier.

In the basic courses of magic, the academy disciples need to learn the frost and electricity technique, the clear wind technique, the earthquake detection technique, the flood sound technique, the flying arrow technique, the object-repelling technique, etc.

Among them, the expulsion technique is relatively the easiest and most intuitive.

But it is easy to cause accidents - the spiritual energy newly born in the Qi Sensing Realm is weak and the will is not strong, and it is easy to use up all the spiritual energy at once.

I was going to lift the book ten inches out of thin air,

As a result, I used too much force and threw the books out, hitting other students, causing a chain reaction in the entire classroom. Books and ink flew all over the sky.

Yang Yu in the corner started to watch happily, until ink splashed all over him.

Compared with the intuitive skills of Fu and Tai, the progress of sword and body courses is slow, or torturous.

Most students, in the first few kendo courses, do not pick up a sword, but hold iron ingots, wood and other materials, meditate seriously and feel its internal structure.

Only by understanding the properties of iron ingots can you master an iron sword.

Most people have difficulty "communicating" with iron ingots, but Li Ang is relatively better - he has long tried to sense the properties of different materials, and it didn't take long for the iron ingots on the table to twitch in place.
The kendo instructor praised Li Ang repeatedly, but Li Ang always felt like a living maggot when he looked at the convulsing iron ingot.

This chapter has been completed!
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