Chapter 261 Hospital

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 The next morning, the palace carriage stopped outside Jinchengfang.

Li Ang, as one of the main persons in charge of the Suzhou hospital, accepted inquiries in the court hall and explained the process.

After Situ Zhi was imprisoned and artesunate appeared, the efficiency of suppressing the water poisoning epidemic in Suzhou was greatly improved, and a relatively acceptable outcome was finally achieved.

Including Li Ang, Qiu Zhen, Qiu Feng and others, all the doctors who went to support Suzhou received awards and rewards. Li Ang's title was also raised one level and he became the Marquis of Founding County.

After the morning court, Li Ang was stopped by the palace servant and taken to Penglai Hall to meet Emperor Yu.

Emperor Yu stood stroking the railing. The person standing next to him was not Empress Xue or the Crown Prince, but Li Shan - His Highness Prince Guang who worked hard in Suzhou. Standing next to his father, he looked much better.

My expression is also brighter, and there is no longer an imperceptible loneliness and sorrow between my eyebrows as before.

The father and son were talking about something. When he saw Li Ang coming, Emperor Yu nodded slightly and said calmly: "Thank you for your hard work this time."

Li Ang nodded respectfully and said, "This is what I should do."

Emperor Yu waved his hand and motioned for the two of them to follow him. He walked through the corridor outside Penglai Hall, looked at the rippling green water of Taiye Pond in the distance, and asked casually: "I heard that the new drug artesunate can not only cure schistosomiasis, but also treat schistosomiasis."

In addition, can it also treat malaria?"

"There are several cases."

Li Ang's heart moved and he answered truthfully.

When he took out artesunate in Suzhou, he did not directly announce all its functions, but there were indeed patients who got schistosomiasis and malaria, and their symptoms disappeared after taking the drug again.

He did not explicitly include these cases in the memorial. Either they were reported by Qiu Zhen and other imperial doctors, or the secret agents arranged by the Zhenfu Division in Suzhou sent the news directly back to Chang'an.

"Artemisia annua has been used to treat diseases since ancient times, and I got inspiration from ancient books. However, the medical science is complicated and affected by various conditions. A few cases alone cannot fully prove that artesunate can cure malaria."

Li Ang said: "That's why I didn't write it into the memorial, so as not to cause misjudgment by the court and make it a waste of joy. I want to test it in Chang'an Hospital first. If it is effective, I can report it to the court."


Emperor Yu nodded, stopped, brushed his palm against the railing with a little rain left on it, and sighed: "It's been three years since malaria, not a single ghost has died. The next day, I'll search for fat marrow, increase the cold and embrace the snow and frost.

If artesunate can really cure malaria, I would like to thank you on behalf of the 40 million people of Yu State."

Malaria is one of the infectious diseases that poses the greatest threat and causes the largest number of deaths in the world.

No matter rich or poor, those suffering from malaria will gradually lose their dignity and die in the painful cycle of alternating cold and heat.

The previous mosquito control strategy was only about prevention, which was to reduce the probability of contracting malaria as much as possible by killing mosquitoes.

Once you get sick, there is still nothing you can do.

Until now.

"This time I will grant you the title of Marquis of Kaiguo County,"

Emperor Yu said calmly: "It's still too low..."

"I am already very satisfied and don't dare to ask for too much."

Li Ang replied respectfully.

At his current age, it can be said that he has no title in terms of title. If he wants to be promoted, he will have to wait until he reaches adulthood, hold an official position as a disciple of the academy, and obtain a higher title.

This is the benefit of being from a school. Whether you are an official or a knight, you will advance much faster than others.

Those of the same age who studied in the Imperial College, even the descendants of high-ranking officials, would never be able to obtain the same title as Li Ang at this age - unless their father died.

"After all, a reward must be given. For such a significant contribution to curing malaria, the court has not expressed it. It is inevitable that some people will talk about unfair rewards and punishments..."

Emperor Yu paused for a moment, as if he was thinking about what kind of reward would be better.

Given Li Ang's age, it is impossible to obtain a title, and it is not appropriate to be directly appointed an official. It is impossible for him to abandon his studies in the academy and become an official.


According to the estimates of the secret agent of the Zhenfu Division, Li Angguang's patent fee income has exceeded the profit of the entire firm.

The one hundred taels and two hundred taels of gold that the court usually rewards are really a bit shabby.

"I would like to expand the scale of the College of Physicians of the Imperial Medical Department."

Li Ang noticed the expression on the monarch's face and hurriedly spoke first. He was afraid that the emperor would slap his forehead and think about granting a marriage again - once he was granted a marriage, he became a family, and there was no need to care about seniority and age in terms of rewards and other rewards.


Emperor Yu frowned slightly, "Is there not enough manpower in the Imperial Medical Office?"

The Imperial Medical Office is one of the official medical institutions of the Yu State. In addition to treating the palace residents, the army, and the craftsmen of the imperial city, it also trains medical students to study medical books such as "Jia Yi", "Pulse Classic", and "Zhang Zhongjing".

Li Ang replied: "Judging from the water poisonous plague this time, I'm afraid it's not enough. Whether it's allicin, penicillin or artesunate, specialized personnel are needed to use it.

If artesunate can really treat malaria, each state will need a large number of professionally trained medical students.

The current scale of the Imperial Medical College is still too small."

Medical students at the Imperial Medical Office will study for two to seven years depending on their major (acupuncture, massage, herbal medicine, etc.).

During this period, examinations will be held just like the Imperial College and Academy.

Medical students with excellent grades can serve as medical officers, while those with poor grades will be dismissed.

It sounds quite professional at first, but upon closer inspection, the number of people is still too small.

The total number of medical students in the Chang'an Imperial Medical Office, including those who grow medicine, is only over 900.

There are only one to two hundred medical students in local and state capitals.

Compared with the population of 2 million in Chang'an and the 40 million people in Yu State, the number of official doctors is completely unable to meet the needs of the people.

Therefore, the folk have the survival soil for medical benefits like that in Miaoshui.

More importantly, not all medical students who graduate from the Imperial Medical Office will eventually work in the field for life.

When Li Ang and Qiu Feng were chatting before, they had heard that many medical students from the Imperial Medical Office would serve as medical officers after graduation.

Either go out with the army or follow the governor of the state.

Slowly he was promoted to a clerk, an official, and finally he became an official and became a local official.

The qualifications of the Imperial Medical Office have become a springboard to officialdom.

However, this cannot be entirely blamed on the medical students. Qiu Feng has said more than once that the income of ordinary doctors is too low and it is not easy to support the whole family in Chang'an.

Even if you serve as a medical officer, your salary is far less than that of officials in important institutions of the imperial court.

"When I went to Jiangnan this time, I found that some hospitals in prefectures and counties along the way have been able to make some profits by selling allicin.

It is no longer like before where the government's finances are completely needed, which is equivalent to a bottomless pit that cannot be filled.

In the future, the College of Physicians of the Imperial Medical Office will expand in scale, and the medical students trained will also be able to work in hospitals in various states, with jobs and income.

I won’t give up what I have learned throughout my life just to support my family.”

Li Ang said sincerely.

Under his supervision and guidance, the scale and operation mode of Suzhou Hospital have become close to those of hospitals in other world memories.

What is lacking most now is a large number of qualified doctors.


Emperor Yu pondered for a while, then nodded, "Okay, I agree."

If artesunate can really defeat malaria, the number of sick people will drop significantly, and the fiscal revenue of the entire Yu State will benefit from this.

In contrast, Li Ang only wanted to expand the scale of the Medical College of the Imperial Medical Department, and the amount of money consumed was not unacceptable.

This chapter has been completed!
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