Chapter 265 Interpretation

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 The arena competition will be held in the martial arts venue.

The venue is oval in outline, with a square stone arena with fixed protection restrictions in the middle, and surrounded by rows of annular auditoriums——

The Academy sometimes lends the venue to Chang'an to run Cuju ball games, and Marseille's Chamber of Commerce to hold grand events.

At the same time, it also allows Chang'an citizens to take the opportunity to visit the academy and feel the atmosphere of the academy.

Jingle bell bell.

Li Ang and Li Wei and Yang Yu each rode bicycles towards the martial arts field. Along the way, they could see many students riding bicycles.

Cycling is more convenient and faster than riding a horse, and there are no no-fly restrictions like flying swords, so it is favored by academy disciples and doctors.

The main reason is that the ground in the academy is relatively good, with smooth slopes and no low-quality sandy roads that easily raise dust.

Some seniors also gave full play to their subjective initiative and used their mind power to accelerate the wheels turning faster than a horse——

The academy's restrictions on personal vehicles are "flying swords" and "aircrafts." Bicycles always run close to the ground, so naturally they are not considered aircrafts.

Even if the tire smokes while drifting, or even loses control, you can still use your mind to save it.

‘I feel like there should be a Tour of Chang’an in a few years.’

Li Ang looked at the dazzling array of bicycles in different colors on the road. Since the country of Yu did not have high-quality rubber, they used tires made of special shellac, which were relatively expensive. Only students from the academy and children from wealthy families could afford them in a short period of time -

Every time they buy one, they will incur corresponding patent fees.

Li Ang parked his bicycle outside the venue, walked along the handrails and climbed to the auditorium.

Song Shaoyuan and the others had already taken a seat in advance and waved to Li Ang and the others to come over.


Li Leling opened the food box and took out palm-sized paper cups. The paper cups contained desserts called "Qingfeng Rice".

This kind of dessert is made by mixing glutinous rice, agar, borneol powder and milk evenly, freezing it thoroughly, and then pouring honey or sucrose, bean paste, and condensed milk on the surface as a flavor enhancer.

"Thank you."

Li Ang took the Qingfeng rice, took a spoonful of it, and tasted it.

Folk Qingfeng rice is hung deep into the ice well or frozen in an ice cellar, and it will freeze very tightly.

As for the bowl of Qingfeng rice that Li Leling handed over, the ice crystals in it were very clear, mixed with the soft condensed milk, and the texture was very much like shaved ice.

"Is this from the royal palace meal?"

Chai Chai's eyes lit up and he asked: "It's quite delicious."

"No, it's a new recipe thought up by a cook at the Red House in Anguo Temple."

Li Leling said: "I guess she must have used a talisman such as Liliang Talisman to freeze it many times to achieve this effect."

"Is she the cook who is about the same age as us? I saw it mentioned in the tabloid,"

Ji Linglang bit the tip of the spoon, recalled something, and said: "I heard that she comes from the Western Regions. The elders of the family used to be chefs who made frozen desserts for the local kings. Their names are also very unique, called Fan Bing."


Li Ang almost coughed up the red bean paste and quickly waved his hands to cover up his embarrassment, "Who is in today's game?"

"The competitions in the past few days were all from Tingyu Realm. It should be the participation of the seniors of three and four years. In a few days, when we go to Xunyun Realm, it will be the seniors of fifth, sixth and seventh years."

Yong Hongzhong said, "In the entire third grade of Zaiqian, it seems that only Pei Jing has signed up."


Li Ang raised his eyebrows and looked at He Fanshuang, "Didn't you sign up?"

"No point."

He Fanshuang slowly ate Qingfeng rice, opened the book while floating in front of her, and answered without raising her head.

Indeed, if the monks in the hidden realm have a limited capacity of the Qi sea, they often need to fight like ordinary people.

There are so many methods that a monk in the Listening to Rain Realm can use.

Tingyu's primary, intermediate, and advanced stages will bring changes. Not only can new talismans and spells be used, but their power will also increase.

It's okay to go one level higher, but it's very difficult to defeat the opponent by two levels.

He Fanshuang usually doesn't like fighting very much, and would rather take this time to read more books.

While a few people were talking, the martial arts performance staff below also arranged the venue, activated the protection restrictions of the arena, and moved in a huge stone base inlaid with pure white crystals.

"That's for testing Qi Hai."

Yang Yu said: "In order to be as fair as possible, each registered player must first test the sea of ​​​​Qi, estimate his cultivation level, and then randomly assign opponents with similar levels.

In order to avoid having the advanced level meet the beginner level at the beginning of the game."


Li Wei nodded and said: "There are quite a lot of people who have signed up to participate in the arena competition this time, but the results will come out quickly - real monks rarely fight for half an hour, and rarely even exceed a quarter of an hour. .

In addition to voluntarily admitting defeat, being kicked out of the ring will result in a loss.

The restrictions in the arena itself will not only protect the players, but also estimate the damage suffered by the players. If the value exceeds a certain value, the result of the game will be directly announced."

In the martial arts arena, the sacrificial wine recited oaths such as "peaceful exchanges, friendship first",

Accompanied by Haotian bells and noisy voices, the arena competition begins.

As Li Wei said, each game ends very quickly. Basically, the winner can be decided in a few minutes.

As the saying goes, laymen watch the fun, and experts watch the door. In order to let students with different paths understand the competition, the academy specially arranged senior students to act as commentators under the pergola of the auditorium, and equipped them with Hongyin notes, two by two.

As a group, take turns explaining.

"Hello everyone, I am the commentator Xiao Huang, Huang Donglai."

A senior who was rather fat and seemed to have no neck fiddled with the Hongyin notes and said loudly.

"I am the commentator Xiao Sun, Sun Yixie."

Next to him is a senior who is also fat and has small eyes that seem to be squinting all the time. "We will explain the next few games."


Why do I have an inexplicable sense of déjà vu?

Li Ang, who was sitting in the audience eating a frozen dessert, scratched his head and suppressed the familiar feeling of déjà vu in his mind.

Huang Donglai and Sun Yixie are members of the academy's internal newspaper staff, and they usually commentate on competitions at the martial arts arena. When Li Ang created penicillin, he was interviewed by them, but they were not very familiar with them.

This chapter has been completed!
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