Chapter 437: Emergency Stop

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Is it almost July 7th again?

Li Ang silently folded the letter paper, picked up the sachet, turned it over and over in the palm of his hand.

The sewing process of the sachet is really average. Not to mention the style that Li Ang saw in the palace, even the ones sold in street shops and stalls are not comparable.

The upper part of the sachet is embroidered with a lotus, and the lower part is embroidered with a big sun - logically speaking, fish should be embroidered under the lotus, which is a metaphor for the friendship between men and women.

As the saying goes, "I play in the lotus pond in four or five autumns, often shaking my red tail and playing with silver hooks. I break the hibiscus flowers for no reason, and I can't clear the waves to swim again."

And this sun.

"I guess I planned to embroider a fish at first, but then I made a mistake and the embroidery was deformed. I tried to save it, but the stitches got messier and messier. In the end, I had to use gold thread to embroider it into a big sun."

Li Ang pressed the lines of the embroidery thread with his fingertips, guessing the sewing process of the sachet.

Imagining the scene of Jialuo sitting under the lamp with a scimitar at his waist, gnashing his teeth and dealing with the sachet, he couldn't help but burst into laughter, and then shook his head and sighed.

He opened the desk drawer, took out some pieces of letter paper, and wrote a reply.

"I'm doing pretty well in Chang'an, but I'm about to enter my fourth year of school. I don't know if the academic burden will get heavier."

"You are now an innate warrior? Congratulations. Have you used the prescription I sent with the letter before? Also, I recently found a way to get some sunscreen. The sun on the grassland is strong, you can try it out."

"I didn't tell you about the incident in Xingzhou some time ago because the ins and outs are very complicated and dangerous. Do you have any family members who believe in Zen Buddhism? It's best not to have contact with unidentified monks recently."

"The weather in Chang'an is very hot, including Jinchengfang. Many residents use refrigeration talismans in their homes. The court is planning to impose a spiritual energy tax on this."

"Shuozhou is also going to build a railway. Maybe after it is completed, the transportation between the two countries will be much more convenient."

Li Ang was thinking and writing until the sun was about to set, then he finished writing the reply. He put the letter back in the drawer and prepared to send it out tomorrow.

When he opened the study door, the children who came to play in his house had already gone back to their respective homes.

Ouyang Shi took the broom and swept the floor slowly,

Chai Chai rested his chin on the table, yawning and flipping through the newspaper, waiting for the restaurant to deliver the meal he had ordered for the afternoon.

Dong Dong.

There was a knock on the courtyard door, and Chai Chai was shocked. He immediately put down the newspaper, jumped up, and was about to go out to get food.

Opening the courtyard door, the person outside was not the restaurant waiter, but Li Leling.

"Hey, Leling, why are you here?"

Chai Chai asked doubtfully: "Didn't it say today that the King of Yue has returned to Chang'an, and His Majesty is going to hold a banquet in the palace?"


Li Leling forced a smile and said, "The banquet is not over yet, I'll come over first for a visit."

She paused and turned to look at Li Ang.

Li Ang understood and asked Chai Chai to prepare tea and cakes. He took Li Leling to the study and asked, "What's the matter?"


Li Leling's eyes passed over the sachet on the table.

She pursed her lips tightly, remained silent for a moment, and said softly: "The grandma who used to take care of me was taken away by the Zhenfu Secretary."


Li Ang was stunned when he heard this, "What's going on?"

Li Leling is the emperor's and empress's favorite daughter, so why would Zhenfusi arrest the people around her out of nowhere?

"Mammy used to be a maid in the palace,"

Li Leling said softly: "A few years ago, the chamberlain who ate with her fell ill and died. The two sons they adopted outside the palace also went swimming some time ago and died in the river.

Grandma was in so much pain that she began to offer Buddha statues and quietly recite Buddhist scriptures at night. She wanted to pray for her dead husband and sons.

Today the guards discovered that she was telling my younger brothers and sisters the fables about life, separation, and death that Monk Jianquan had come to the palace before, and they immediately took her away for interrogation."

". There shouldn't be any danger. The Sheriff's Department pays attention to evidence when handling cases. Once it is determined that it was just a misunderstanding, she will be released."

Li Ang tried to comfort Li Leling, but even he didn't believe it.

When it comes to the palace, the Zhenfu Secretary must be very cautious and will severely interrogate the old woman, asking her whether she is related to Jianquan and whether there is any conspiracy in promoting Jianquan's teachings at this time.

Even if it is later confirmed that there is nothing wrong behind the scenes, the old nanny will definitely not be able to return to the palace. Li Leling will never see her again in this life.

"Am I useless?"

Li Leling leaned against the wall of the study room, stroking her right arm with her left hand, and said bitterly: "During this period, people have been being arrested in Chang'an City, and anyone who corresponds with Jianquan has to report to the Zhenfu Division.

Many monks, Taoists and even Buddhist believers in the city have disappeared inexplicably.

I was also in Xingzhou at that time. If I could persist a little longer and insist on not leaving Xingzhou,

Maybe Shentu Enshrinement can stop Master Jianquan in time, and maybe these things won’t happen in the future, and so many people won’t die.”

"What were you thinking? If you had still stayed in Xingzhou at that time, Jianquan would still have found a way, calculated mentally and unintentionally, and killed the unprepared Shen Tuyu in a surprise attack. The outcome of the final incident would not have changed much.

The Yu Kingdom will even lose one more Zhuxiao monk."

Li Ang said seriously: "What's more, no one knew about Jianquan's plan at the time.

If you had insisted on staying in Xingzhou, you would have been regarded as a candidate for the Six Paths of Reincarnation, the human realm.

Jianquan's plan will be completed even earlier, and there will be tens to hundreds of thousands more casualties among Xingzhou people.

Eventually the scale of Li Luan Feng will be much larger than it is now."

This is the truth. It was precisely because Li Leling left Xingzhou early that Li Ang was chosen by Jianquan as a candidate for the Way of the World, and that was why he bombed Jianquan's mind with a nuclear bomb in the illusion.

This damaged the old monk's mind and forced him to use himself as a sacrifice to complete the Six Paths of Reincarnation. As a result, Ling Li Luanfeng's scale was greatly reduced, and he finally succeeded in dragging Lu Qingya and others to arrive.

Li Ang patted Li Leling on the shoulder and said gently: "Do you remember the sentence on the title page of the textbook on the study of alien beasts in the Academy?

When monks face the disaster that has been caused, self-blame and regret are the two most useless emotions.

All we can do is put away our emotions and face the current situation."


Li Leling nodded slowly and looked up at Li Ang,

Only then did the latter realize that his current posture was very similar to "Bidong" in the memory of another world.


Li Ang coughed lightly, retracted his palm in embarrassment, and asked pretending not to care, "Is there anything else?"

"No. I originally wanted to ask you what plans you have for Chinese Valentine's Day this year, but this happened today, so forget it."

Li Leling waved her hand, and just as she was about to say something, she heard the sound of a carriage braking suddenly outside Jinchengfang Mansion.

This chapter has been completed!
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