Chapter 439 Tuberculosis

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"Li Xiaolangjun?! Is Li Xiaolangjun at home?"

Anxious voices sounded outside the house, and Li Ang raised his eyebrows. It was almost dark, who would suddenly come to visit at this time?


He pushed the door open and walked out of the study, and saw an anxious-looking man in gray standing outside the courtyard door, who looked vaguely familiar.

The carriage parked on the side of the road behind him was engraved with the pattern of Liuguang Bank.

"Butler Jin?"

Li Ang took a moment to remember who the other party was - the steward of Jin Wusuan's family.


"Li Xiaolangjun, my master is ill."

Butler Jin said quickly: "Half a month ago, he felt chest tightness, shortness of breath, and hoarse voice. The doctor at home prescribed a medicine to moisten his throat and clear his lungs. After drinking it, he felt much better. But today he started coughing again during the day, first with phlegm.

Bloodshot eyes, and then constant hemoptysis.”

"Take me there."

Li Ang said immediately without hesitation.

He and Jin Wusuan only had business dealings, and they had had trouble with the Nie family before. But Jin Wusuan had one advantage: he kept his promises and kept his word.

Li Ang requires that all industries involving absorbent cotton, soap, soap, and perfume must not have child labor. All workers must be provided with standard protective clothing, masks, and gloves, and maximum daily working hours and minimum wages must be set.

These regulations, even if the Yu State court comes forward, will be difficult to implement.

Jin Wusuan, on the other hand, relied on the skills he had developed over many years in the business world to really find a way to fulfill Li Ang's request and provide a certain level of living security for workers in the industrial chain - even if it cost twice as much.

the cost of.

Due to emotions and reasons, Li Ang didn't want to see anything happen to Jin Wusuan.

"I am coming too."

Li Leling followed.

The Liuguang Bank run by Jin Wusuan could become the largest in the Yu Kingdom in just twenty or thirty years, and this was inseparable from the support and acquiescence of the emperor and empress.

Even the people of Chang'an who "discussed the government's affairs without thinking" knew that this bank was actually the private money bag of the emperor and his wife.

Whether it was repairing palaces, traveling out of Beijing, or planning weddings and purchasing dowries for princes and princesses, the shadow of Liuguang Bank was indispensable behind them. In order to avoid the scholar-bureaucrats' accusations against the emperor and queen for extravagance and waste.

Jin Wusuan, the richest man in Yu State, is to a certain extent the "domestic servant" of Li Leling and his family, and he is the most powerful one.

An excellent servant is seriously ill, and the master should pay him a visit.

"Teacher, can I follow you?"

Ouyang Shi's eyes sparkled, he raised his hand and asked.

Hemoptysis is a very serious clinical manifestation. She was very curious about how she suddenly fell ill when she was so self-satisfied.

Seeing Li Ang and the other two people boarding the carriage, Chai Chai was torn for a moment between staying at home to eat or going out, and chose the latter.

The carriage was full, and the dignified manager of the Jin Mansion, who could shock the Chang'an business community by stamping his feet, could only go to the front of the carriage and squeeze together with the coachman.

"Steward Jin, how much blood did your master cough up today? What color is the blood? Is there any foam or pus in the blood?"

Li Ang asked quickly.

Ouyang Shi explained to Li Leling and Chai Chai on the side, explaining why Li Ang asked, "Hemoptysis refers specifically to bleeding in the respiratory tract or lung tissue below the throat, which is coughed up through the mouth. It can be confused with bleeding in the nasal cavity, mouth, and pharynx, or hematemesis.

So you have to ask first which one it is.

Hematemesis is upper respiratory tract bleeding, which originates from the esophagus, stomach and duodenum. The color is mostly dark red or deep red, and may be mixed with food.

Bloody sputum contains pus, which is more common in bronchiectasis, pneumonia and lung swelling. If there is only pure blood, it may be pulmonary infarction. If there is pink foamy sputum, it may be left heart failure."

Manager Jin was sitting at the front of the car, trying hard to describe Jin Wusuan's condition.

The more he listened, the more serious the expression on Li Ang's face became.


The carriage stopped in front of the spacious and imposing Jin Mansion. Li Ang jumped out of the carriage, frowning, and stepped through the main door. Under the leadership of Manager Jin, he met Jin Wusuan.

He was wearing brocade clothes and sitting on a bench made of longan wood. His face was pale and he tapped the armrests of the wooden chair with his fingers.

There were two concubines standing beside him, one was bringing him tea and water, and the other was carrying a crystal clear jade bowl containing phlegm and blood.

The other concubines, Yingying Yanyan, had nothing to do and they had to express their concern for their husbands, so they had no choice but to wipe their tears silently.

According to rumors, Jin Wusuan was an infatuated man. After his wife died of illness twenty years ago, the position of his head wife has been vacant. Even if a powerful man came forward to act as a matchmaker, he did not accept it.

"Jun Li Xiaolang."

Jin Wusuan stood up holding on to the table, nodded respectfully, and said hoarsely: "Princess Guanghua."


The concubines paused subtly in wiping their tears and looked at Li Leling curiously.

"sit down."

Li Ang took a look at the sputum sample in the jade bowl, and first asked Jin Wusuan to sit down, then took out a mask, gloves, and stethoscope from the medicine box, put them on himself, and asked questions while doing a physical examination.

Cough, hemoptysis (blood streaks in sputum), chest pain, labor pain, chest tightness, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, and hoarse voice.

"Do I need to see medical records?"

Jin Wusuan said hoarsely: "There have always been several famous doctors in my house. They have also looked at it and said that it is due to unfavorable Qi, internal phlegm and accumulation of poisonous evils."


Li Ang shook his head, "Lie down and just use the mind thread."


Jin Wusuan nodded and waved away the concubines and servants in the room, leaving only two taciturn guards - judging from the fluctuations in their auras, they were both Xunyun monks.

Li Ang took out the thread from the medicine box, disinfected it, and slowly pierced it into the chest of the richest man in the Yu Kingdom.

The two guards twitched their eyes and wanted to get closer, but after Jin Wusuan glanced at them, they still stood there, motionless.

Li Ang closed his eyes, carefully released his mind power, and advanced his mind line.

At the same time, he spread his spiritual consciousness through thought threads and observed the situation inside Jin Wusuan's chest.

Abnormal bronchial mucus secretion, pleural effusion, lung masses and lymph node enlargement, which spread and metastasize, compressing the trachea

Li Ang looked at the lungs covered with nodules in his spiritual consciousness, silently and slowly retracted his thoughts, turned to Ouyang Shi and said: "Go and prepare the microscope. Take protection."

"Oh, alright."

Ouyang Shi put on a mask and gloves, took out the microscope from the bottom of the medicine box, and under Li Ang's instructions, put Jin Wusuan's sputum smear under the microscope for examination.

"Have any tubercle bacilli been found?"

Li Ang changed his mask and gloves and asked in a solemn voice.

Ouyang Shi pursed his lips tightly and observed for a long time before replying in a deep voice: "No. It's not tuberculosis."

The two looked at each other and fell silent at the same time.

Tuberculosis is a chronic infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis, which can cause cough, chest pain, difficulty breathing, and coughing up blood.

In the State of Yu, it was also called tuberculosis. Patients often died of coughing.

However, if it is not tuberculosis, then the above symptoms will point to another more terrifying disease.

This chapter has been completed!
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