Chapter 469 Ten Answers

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 [One of the ten questions, is the city closure too hasty? Since a passenger fell ill at the train station, Taiyuan Prefecture sealed the city gate and invited local soldiers, doctors, and officials from Shuozhou, claiming that Shuozhou had accumulated personnel

He has enough experience to deal with the plague in Taiyuan Prefecture.

However, since the city was closed, the plague in Taiyuan Prefecture has not abated, but has intensified. It is like a dye vat, infecting innocent people who have not yet become sick. Would the situation have been better if only the train station and surrounding areas had been closed?

Was the move to blockade the entire city a reasonable and factual move, or was it an attempt to flatter superiors and bully subordinates in order to gain political achievements?]

[Question 2 of 10: Is the number of deaths concealed? When I was listening to a chat with my friends, I was extremely shocked to learn that recently the coffin shop in Taiyuan Prefecture has been completely taken over by the government officials. The shopkeeper and the clerk of the coffin shop have not been able to do anything at all twelve hours a day.

They took turns working and resting non-stop. They worked overtime to make the coffins. Apparently the number of dead far exceeded the information published in newspapers every day. In the coffin shop, the floor was full of ownerless heads...]

[Third Question: How long can the people in the city be hungry? I wonder if the folks in the city know that the Taiyuan government spent the funds earmarked for plague control on useless things such as purchasing Jianzhou cats long before the city was closed. 1

All the millions of dollars were spent at 7788. Recently, I borrowed money from Liuguang Bank. The daily distribution of food is getting less and less. As I only know, a father was forcibly taken away and quarantined, and his son

A girl was left at home with no one to take care of her and starved to death...]

[Question 4 of 10: Is the execution by officials just a formality, or is it so rigid that it destroys humanity?]

[Question 5 of 10: How many officials have been dealt with so far? Why do newspapers always report good news but not bad news?]

[Question 6 of 10: How many more people will die?...]

[Question 7 of 10: Is the lockdown effective?...]

[Question 8 of 10: Is it necessary to close the city?...]

[Question 9 of 10: When will the lockdown end?...]

[Question No. 10: Is the Taiyuan government at ease?...]

He Fanshuang admired the leaflet with great interest. When he read some wonderful sentences that were objectively emotionally appealing, he couldn't help but clap his hands and read them out loud.

"When a grain of ashes of the times falls on an individual's head, it is like a mountain."

Standing outside the hall, the government servant Sun Er wanted to rub his hands anxiously, but he was afraid of the other party's identity and did not dare to remind him.

It’s already this time, is there still a mountain left?

If you have any orders, just tell me.

"The person who can write this leaflet is undoubtedly a master."

He Fanshuang said calmly: "The sentences are simple and simple, without using any obscure allusions or even advanced vocabulary.

It is just so that everyone in the city, including people who have never gone to school or studied, can understand it.

Are there similar flyers elsewhere in the city?"

The last question was about Sun Er,

The yamen officer suddenly came back to his senses and said quickly: "Yes. I found the humble post on the streets of Chengnanfang City. On the way here, I heard from other colleagues that the same flyers had appeared in every city in the city.

I suspect someone spread it out in the early morning."

Sun Er paused and asked cautiously: "Xueshi He, do you need us to go to the private sector to collect these leaflets?"

"It's too late."

He Fanshuang said calmly: "The people of Taiyuan Prefecture have seen the contents of the flyer, and they will definitely talk to their neighbors about it in the next few days.

At this time, the Taiyuan Prefecture Yamen went to collect it, but the contents on the flyer were confirmed, proving that the Yamen had a guilty conscience."

She squinted her eyes and said softly: "The handwriting of all the flyers is exactly the same, even the ink dots in the corners are the same. It proves that they were printed with a printing press - there are about two to three hundred printing presses in Taiyuan Prefecture, which can't be said to be many.

, say a lot less. It is difficult to investigate in a short time.

Even if it is checked, it will not help.

To be able to distribute so many leaflets overnight, there are only a few forces and organizations in the city that have the ability to do it.

They could hire psychics, release their psychic power, and write tens of thousands of new leaflets in one night."

Sun Er naturally also knew this. Taiyuan Yamen sent people out to patrol every night, and they could deliver massive leaflets without arousing alarm.

Naturally, only those aristocratic families in the north of the city can do this.

But he can't be clever for the sake of temporary vanity. Instead, he must leave the stage for his superiors to display his intelligence. "Then... what should we do?"

He Fanshuang thought for a moment, then took out the paper from the drawer, picked up the pen, and wrote down the words on the paper without hesitation.

After a moment, she put down the pen, picked up the talisman and stuck it on the back of the paper. With the help of the talisman's heat, she dried the ink on the paper. Then she threw the paper to Sun Er and ordered: "Take this document and go to Taiyuan."

Go to the newspaper office of the government’s daily newspaper and ask them to print it as the front page headline. We will publish it today.”


Sun Er lowered his head and saw that the article on the paper was exactly the "Ten Answers" to the "Ten Questions". From the perspective of the government, he gave a true and sincere answer to each question. In the article, he expressed his gratitude to the writer of the leaflet.

Doubts about identity.

Invite him to stand in front of the stage from behind the scenes. If he can provide effective suggestions on curbing the plague, he will be given a reward of 10,000 yuan.

"It is better to guard against the mouth of the people than to guard against the river. If the river chokes and collapses, many people will be hurt, and so will the people."

He Fanshuang said: "Since he wants a stage to make suggestions, then I will give him a stage."

"Master He,"

Sun Er's eyes flashed and he said: "A young man named Zhuo Sanlang under me told me that the man who wrote the leaflets claimed to be a common man, but he could know the situation of every city in the city, and even knew some information that had not yet been made public.


Maybe the person who wrote the leaflet is not a specific person at all. But..."

"The whole Wang family?"

He Fanshuang smiled lightly: "They want to use public opinion to pressure the government to change decisions by confusing right and wrong. It's a good idea.

After you come out of the daily newspaper, you and your subordinates go to other publications, make copies of the same documents, and then forward them to front-line personnel.

Let the volunteers sent by the Wang family in Taiyuan help spread the information and recite the [Ten Answers] I responded to door to door.

In particular, we should ask them to go to the isolation ward where the diagnosis is confirmed and patiently explain the situation to the patients."

A confirmed isolation hospital? Wouldn’t that be...

Sun Er suddenly reacted, feeling as if he had fallen into an ice cave.

The eyes looking at He Fanshuang were full of surprise and fear.

There was no expression on He Fanshuang's face, but his palms couldn't help but press on the long sword at his waist.

Since the Wang family wants to use this devious trick to confuse people's hearts and minds and force the Taiyuan Yamen to end the lockdown,

Then let the members of the Wang family go to the most severely affected areas.

This chapter has been completed!
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