Chapter 473 Letter

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 In the dark room of the palace in the north of the city, the figures had solemn expressions, and the atmosphere was so oppressive that it seemed to be frozen.

"The King of Yue and Princess Guanghua are also here, and it seems that they will stay in Taiyuan Mansion for a long time..."

"None of the spiritual masters sent out during the day came back. They must have been arrested by the Zhenfu Division. The three leaflet printing strongholds in the south of the city were also wiped out."

"Will it implicate us?"

"Probably not. Those people are not from the palace, but are hired by other companies. They have nothing to do with us on the surface. The Zhenfu Department can't find any evidence to identify us. The same is true for the flyers."

"I just said that the idea of ​​leaflets is a terrible one. What's the use of inciting public opinion? Master Zhuxiao can suppress it with just a flip of his hand. We don't even need Zhuxiao monks, hundreds of old soldiers can bulldoze it."

"Without the cover of the surging public opinion, how can we, the Wang family, be allowed to charge into battle? It is not so confrontational to fight against the imperial court. What's more, it is the eve of the war. Emperor Li Yu not only wants to use the power of the family, but also wants to weaken the status of the family.

We all have to maintain a tacit understanding that will never be broken in a fight."

"You want to fight without defeat, does Li Ang want to? Just wait, there will be a decree tomorrow to transfer my Wang family's children. How many children, nephews and grandchildren are we going to kill or hurt this time?"

"You have to endure it! This is the price you have to pay for being born into a noble family."

The discussion in the secret room gradually turned into a quarrel, and the air rippled due to the fluctuation of spiritual energy.

A group of insects.

Wang Bofan looked at the hesitant clan elders and took a deep breath. One of his nephews and two illegitimate sons died in the plague.

It happened not long after the city was closed.

Couldn't these elders see that Emperor Li Yu was using Li Ang's knife and using the plague as an excuse to cut off the Wang family's power?

Based on their experience and experience, they have already understood it, but they just instinctively don’t want to admit it.

If you don’t have the courage to die together, you will be cut into pieces with a dull knife like you are now.

The quarrels became more and more intense, and those who were still able to move were all blaming each other on the channel, accusing each other of not doing their job well and leading the Wang family to the current situation.

Wang Bofan looked at the clan elders blaming each other and listened to the noisy voices. He slapped the table and stood up, "That's enough."

The voices in the secret room fell silent.

Wang Bofan glanced around, looked at the gazes of the clan elders, and asked in a deep voice: "Miss me, the Taiyuan Wang family, inherited from Situ Wang Yun of the Eastern Han Dynasty, and can be traced back to Ji Jin, the crown prince of Zhou Ling.

After thousands of years, it has experienced countless wars and dynasties, but it has always stood firm.

Even the Academy is not as old as our history.

Looking back on the past, whenever the current situation changes dramatically, our ancestors faced far more terrible and difficult difficulties than we do.

For example, at the end of the Sui Dynasty, our Wang family faced various warlords and sects who took advantage of the situation and robbed them. We only survived by relying on the sacrifices of the monks in the clan and the capture of the Li Yu clan by warlords.

To end the troubled times."

Wang Bofan glanced at the family elders who yelled the most fiercely, and said in a serious voice: "Emperors Li Yu in the past generations did not like the aristocratic family,

And today, His Majesty cherishes the dream of becoming an eternal sage. In his dream, he wants to completely subdue the five surnames and Qiwang, and pave the way for his descendants to take charge of power.

The reason why he agreed to Li Ang's mischief in Taiyuan Mansion was that he remained indifferent to the momentum we created in Chang'an.

They just want to use Li Ang and this plague from heaven to achieve the purpose of weakening the Wang family.

Calling the young members of the Wang family is just the beginning,

If we show more disobedience, Emperor Yu may even issue an order and force the Wang family to step onto the battlefield.

By then, it will no longer be a dozen or dozens of people who will die, but an entire generation of the Wang family."


The noise in the dark room gradually disappeared, and the clan elders had complicated expressions and remained silent.

It's one thing to be locked up in a city with the plague,

It's another thing to step onto the battlefield and face the most brutal monk war.

"Bo Fan, what do you think we should do?"

An elder of the tribe wielded a cane and said with a gloomy face: "We said all the good things to that Li Ang at the beginning and showed respect to Chang'an, but we still couldn't get forgiveness.

They secretly printed and distributed leaflets to incite public opinion, but were easily suppressed.

Is it possible that Cheng Cheng is so trapped in the city, waiting for the young people to fall ill and die one by one?"

"No, the sudden arrival of King Yue and Princess Guanghua in Taiyuan Mansion today has fully demonstrated His Majesty's will. He just wants to weaken the Wang family in one fell swoop."

Wang Bofan sneered and said: "Everyone in the market said that Princess Guanghua brought her brother to Taiyuan Mansion because she secretly promised Li Angfang.

How could it be so simple?

When the princes and princesses travel, they are always under the observation and protection of the palace envoys. Without the nod of the emperor and empress of Chang'an, how could the envoys let Princess Guanghua run around?

This is a kind of declaration. The emperor will not let the Wang family go easily, and the Wang family will not get away easily.

Once we understand this, our previous actions of distributing leaflets and encouraging people to carry coffins and storm the city gates to target Li Ang were all wrong.

This time the opponent is not in Taiyuan Mansion, but in Daming Palace in Chang'an.

And our way to survive..."

He slowly took out a letter from his arms and placed it gently on the table in the darkroom.

The candle flame flickered, illuminating the signature on the letter.

Zhaoming, Yushi.

"Zhao Ming's letter?!"

Shocked exclamations sounded in the dark room, and the expressions of several clan elders suddenly changed.

And many others looked puzzled, "What is Zhaoming?"

The five surnames and Qiwang are both members of a thousand-year-old family, and they will exchange information privately and exchange information. Among all the information, the information about Zhaoming is the most confidential, and only the minority elders of each family know it.

Now that the family's life and death were at stake, the clan elders who knew about it looked at each other and told Zhao Ming's information.

From Jun Qianzi, who defected from the Academy more than ten years ago, to the last Qixi Festival incident in Chang'an.

"Zhaoming's main scope of activities is not within the territory of Yu State, and his actions are secretive. Whether it is the Zhenfu Division or various aristocratic families, they know very little about them. We only know that most of their members have Zhuxiao cultivation."<


The clan elder said in a solemn voice: "Including the Suzhou water poisoning a few years ago, it was also the work of the Gu Master Situ Zhi in Zhao Ming."

"That's right,"

Wang Boxan nodded and said, "Situ Zhi is notorious as a Gu master. He probably joined Zhaoming to protect himself because he could no longer stay in the Western Kingdom. When Suzhou was poisoned by water, he was caught by the palace minister Shen Tuyu and imprisoned in the town.

Secretary prison.

And Yu Shi, who sent this letter, claims that he is Situ Zhi's disciple."

This chapter has been completed!
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