Chapter 53 Variables

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Li Ang raised his eyebrows in surprise, and Song Shaoyuan and others also frowned and looked in the direction of the sound with displeasure.

In the private room next to the restaurant, Qiu Zhen, a medical officer from the Imperial Medical Department with a Tai Chi Palace badge hanging on his waist, looked at his friend across the table, who was dressed as a Confucian scholar in Tsing Yi and had a sullen look on his face, and couldn't help but shake his head and smile bitterly.

It's no wonder that the middle-aged man sitting opposite Qiu Zhen looked unhappy. Placed on the table between the two of them was a huge Chang'an city map, which detailedly described the cities, canals, and wells.

Scenes of farmland, streets, bridges and even palaces.

Chang'an map, or map,

Ordinary citizens are not qualified to hide or even come into contact with it, because they will be suspected of treason.

However, the Confucian scholar in Tsing Yi had no such worries at all - his name was Tantai Leshan, and he was one of the doctors who taught talismans and engineering in the academy.

This map is a renovation drawing designed for Chang'an City by Tantai Leshan and his students at the invitation of the Ministry of Industry of Shangshu Province.

"Brother Leshan..."

Qiu Zhen coughed lightly. He knew very well how much effort Tantai Leshan had put into the renovation drawings of Chang'an City during this period.

Transportation, housing, drinking water, transportation, urban defense for three million people... In order to maximize the convenience for the people in the city, Tantai Leshan and his students visited every corner of Chang'an City and repeatedly discussed, discussed, and experimented on all issues


This map is the brainchild of Tantai Leshan over the past year. It is difficult to bear the unwarranted criticism of others.

What's more, he also mentioned what he is most proud of, the water canal system that will cover all parts of Chang'an in the future.

However, the people sitting next to them were obviously students who had come from other places this year to prepare for the Academy Examination.

The two of them, one is the medical officer of the Imperial Medical Office and the other is the secretary of the Academy. They accidentally overheard the conversation of the students next to them. It was a bit inappropriate to begin with, and it would be even more embarrassing if they came forward in person.


Tantai Leshan nodded and signaled with his eyes to the servant standing in the corner. The latter immediately understood and walked out of the room quietly, went to the next door, knocked on the door and apologized.

"I'm really sorry for disturbing the banquet of all the gentlemen,"

The servant cupped his hands and said, "It's just that my master simply wants to know why it is said that the more drainage ditches are built, the easier it is for diseases to breed?"

"Ah, it's nothing. We were just talking. Sorry for disturbing the next door."

Yang Yu was keenly aware of the coming trouble. He laughed and made a haha, trying to fool him.

However, the servant's ears twitched and he continued to speak gently: "My master said that the way of studying for the disciples of the Academy is to respect the principles and rules of heaven and earth, make bold assumptions, and be careful to prove. There is no absolute truth and authority, or truth and authority are just

To constantly question and verify. If you think something is unreasonable, you can point it out directly and discuss it rationally..."

Yang Yu's eyelids twitched,

There are many wealthy families in Chang'an City, but not every family can have such a well-spoken servant who can casually follow the academic purpose of the academy.

No matter who is sitting next door, there is trouble.

For a moment, no one in the box spoke, and the scene suddenly became cold, leaving only the sound of Chai Cuiqiao chewing ribs.


Maybe it was because Chai Cuiqiao was chewing the bones too loudly. Ji Linglang and others subconsciously looked at Chai Cuiqiao, which made her gradually realize that the atmosphere around her was not right, so she nervously chewed the bones and lowered her head slightly.

Click the volume.


Shameful, shameful.

"Well...that's what I said just now."

Li Ang put his chopsticks on the bowl and casually said: "The Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic Su Wen Yin and Yang Ying Xiang Da Lun" says: the center generates dampness, dampness generates earth, earth generates sweetness, the liver generates the spleen, the spleen generates meat, the meat generates the lungs, the spleen generates

Main mouth... Thoughts hurt the spleen, anger beats thoughts, dampness hurts the flesh, wind beats dampness, sweetness hurts the flesh, and sourness beats sweetness.

Since ancient times, people in the Central Plains have been afraid of humid and cold environments, so they all hope to live as high as possible.

Therefore, the land price in the north of Chang'an City, where the terrain is higher, is higher than in the south.

This phenomenon of citizens' instinctive fear of humid and low-lying areas is actually the result of long-term accumulation of experience - people who live in high places are less likely to get sick than those who live in low places.

Everyone should be able to understand this, right?"


Before anyone else could speak, Yang Yu nodded.

It is no secret that land prices in the north of Chang'an City are higher. In fact, the former Sui Dynasty built the palace on the high ground in the north of the city to stay away from humiliation.

In "Treatise on the Causes and Symptoms of Diseases·Volume 1·Wind Bi" compiled by the former Sui Dynasty physician Chao Yuanfang and others, it is bluntly stated that the causes of wind Bi include wind, dampness, and cold.

In the past, the palaces of the Sui Dynasty were built to a standard that could avoid wind and cold. However, in order to avoid humidity, they had to live in a cool place.

“Low-lying, humid and disease, these three words have been bound together for a long time.

But if you think that low-lying and humid areas are the direct cause of the disease,

That is tantamount to the police taking the blood-stained knife at the murder scene as the murderer and arresting him."

Li Ang said casually: "Low-lying and humid areas are indirect causes of illness.

The direct cause is water and grass.

To be more precise, they are mosquitoes that live on aquatic plants."


Everyone, including the servant, looked surprised. It is generally believed among the people and the medical community that people become sick largely because of external evils entering the body.

Exogenous evils are external things that can harm people's body and mind, including wind, cold, dampness, dryness, fire, plague and plague, and do not include mosquitoes.

"That's right."

Li Ang nodded and said: "In the 22nd year of Jian'an, the disease was prevalent. Every family suffered from the pain of zombies, and every room was filled with wailing and mourning. Some died with the doors closed, or others lost their families and mourned.

This terrible epidemic disease is malaria.

The cause of malaria...

I accidentally heard my father tell about a medical case. In a certain place, there were a pair of twin brothers who married twin sisters. The two couples lived next to each other, lived in the same alley, worked in the same place, and ate the same meals every day.

Much the same.

However, in the autumn, one couple died of malaria, while the other couple was unharmed.

If malaria is caused by external evils, then why would another couple with such similar physiques and basically the same living environment be fine?

After careful investigation, the only difference between the two couples was that

The family that had malaria put a water tank in the yard and usually got water from the water tank.

Another household draws water from the river every day.

However, the water in the water tank is also brought from the river.

Then there is only one difference between the two.

That is, larval mosquitoes that grow in water tanks.

When all the factors in two scenarios are the same, only one factor is different, and the scenario results are different,

The only factor that makes a difference is the variable that determines the effect.

That is, control variables.”

This chapter has been completed!
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