Chapter 576 Heart

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 Li Ang's attitude towards enemies who want to kill him has always been to retaliate directly.

He did not deliberately avoid the pain-sensing nerves in the helicopter pilots' bodies, and used the non-yuan substance to arbitrarily control their bodies, forcing them to lock on to friendly helicopters in the far distance, and launch Hellfire missiles.

(These Apaches sent out to hunt for Li Ang are equipped with the latest model of Hellfire's agm-144 missile, which has both laser guidance and millimeter wave radar guidance, and can be used for both air and ground purposes)


The missile, dark green in color with three yellow stripes painted in the middle, shot out quickly and headed straight towards a friendly Apache.

An alarm sounded immediately in the helicopter locked by the missile.

The driver immediately tried to avoid maneuvering and glanced at the panel on the right.

Unlike other helicopters, the Apache's chaff flares and thermal decoder flares are not in the same place. The latter has a separate panel. When in auto mode, it will automatically launch once a missile is detected approaching.

Sure enough, the locked Apache automatically fired out dense heat decoys, and along with the body's evasive maneuvers, the Hellfire missile successfully diverted its target and crashed into an uninhabited building with a bang, exploding into pieces.

Nearly seven kilograms of high-energy mixed explosives burst into bright flames. The glass of the building shattered, thick smoke billowed, and office papers fell from the burning windows like flying cotton wool.


The helicopter pilot who had escaped unhurt breathed a sigh of relief. However, the next second, the fuselage suddenly shook and a loud alarm sounded in the cabin.

A ball of non-element matter had attached itself to the nose of the helicopter at some point, and spread quickly, quickly covering the cabin glass and beginning to corrode the metal of the fuselage.

It’s hopeless.

Colonel Ryan Hunter, who was running along the low roof, made a silent judgment in his heart. With his dynamic vision, he could barely see what happened just now——

Li Ang made a ball of non-element matter adhere to the surface of the Hellfire missile in advance and shot it out together with the missile.

When the Hellfire was attracted by the heat decoy bomb, Weiyuan Matter used the missile as a springboard and bounced to the second helicopter, which it thought had escaped disaster.

"mayday, mayday, mayday!"

Along with the heartbreaking cry for help on the communication channel, the second helicopter emitted billowing smoke, spun uncontrollably and hit the rooftop of a high-rise building.

The explosion was dazzling and dazzling.

"Shoot them down!"

Ryan Hunter shouted loudly, and the bone conduction headphones plugged into his ears clearly transmitted his orders to the pilots in Apache Helicopters No. 3 and No. 4.

"But the team members inside are still alive..."

The pilot of Helicopter No. 3 was still hesitating when he was locked by the second missile flying in.

Weiyuan Substance followed the same method and easily got rid of the interference of the heat decoy bomb. It pounced on the outside of the No. 3 helicopter and destroyed it.

Seeing this, Helicopter No. 4 no longer hesitated, and immediately locked onto No. 1 and opened fire.

The Hellfire missile has a 6-second firing cycle. The short time of the No. 1 helicopter is no longer enough to fire the second round. Li Ang immediately controls the helicopter to adjust the direction of the chain gun and fire the shell.

The m230 chain gun shell only takes two seconds to fly 1,000 meters, even faster than the Hellfire's Mach 1.3.

Even though the chain gun's accuracy in shooting air units is extremely poor, the non-element matter attached to it only needs a general direction.


The palm-sized piece of Weiyuan material successfully encountered the No. 4 helicopter and quickly penetrated the fuselage, corroding the metal.

The No. 1 helicopter, which was unable to dodge, was also hit by the missile, spinning and falling to the ground.


The chain that passed through the cabin suddenly broke. Li Ang, who was standing on the roof of the rooftop, took back the Weiyuan matter. Suddenly, as if he sensed something, he twisted his body violently and grabbed a piece of his wrist with his right hand.

The kimono woman codenamed Moon Girl appeared behind him at some point. The kunai held upside down in her right hand reflected a little bit of cold light, and was just a hair away from piercing his temple.

Just a little bit worse.

Li Ang's palms were like iron pliers, tightly gripping Yue Nu's wrist. The bones twisted and creaked, making her unable to use more strength to push the kunai dagger.

The non-yuan substance attached to the palm of the hand is like countless fine needles piercing Yuenv's skin.


The thin needle of the non-yuan substance pierced the air - Yue Nu's figure quickly disappeared, breaking free from Li Ang's hands like a ghost, and her whole body fell lightly towards the back.

It wasn't until we reached the edge of the rooftop that the whole thing materialized again and regained its color.

Phase walking?

Li Ang frowned unconsciously, and at this moment, the sound of glass bursting could be heard from the building under their feet.

Ryan Hunter's palms penetrated the windows and slapped them on the concrete floor between the floors. His burly and muscular body was like an agile ape, climbing quickly along the building, climbing over the guardrail, and also reaching the building.


The screams of the helicopter pilot are still echoing in the bone conduction headphones,

Ryan Hunter looked gloomy and looked at Li Ang solemnly.

The price of an Apache is between 130-250 million US dollars. In just one minute, Leon has destroyed hundreds of millions of dollars of wealth, not counting the damage to high-rise buildings caused by the aftermath of the battle.


It only takes a few hours of awakening to achieve this level. It is worthy of being listed as S level by Washington, and it is a superpower that can be obtained no matter what.

"Your Weiyuan substance is indeed very strong, but it also has obvious flaws."

Ryan Hunter was the first to break the silence, "For example, in the battle just now, you twice remotely destroyed the armed helicopter with Wei Yuan matter, but you did not choose to control the pilot.

It’s not that you don’t want to, but the ability to parasitically control others must be achieved by shortening the distance and being directly controlled by you.

Otherwise, you can use Weiyuan matter to remotely control all helicopter pilots and make them attack us in turn.

Secondly, this move will also consume the vital substances in your body, and if used continuously, you will become weak.

If this continues, how long can you hold on?"

Ryan Hunter's eyes flickered. In order to capture Li Ang, the United States mobilized the entire US military stationed in Japan, and the 3rd and 7th Fleets under the Pacific Fleet were all in place in Japanese waters.

The four Apache helicopters are just an insignificant appetizer. Every minute, a larger military force is being assembled and invested in Tokyo.

"You're right."

With the cold night rain hitting his face, Li Ang took off his disguise sunglasses and turned to look at Lai En, "That's why we need to clear the obstacles as soon as possible."

Before he finished speaking, Lai En felt like the hairs on his body were standing on end.

The body's instinct precedes consciousness, and the arms are raised unconsciously and crossed in front of the body.

The ability given by the meteorite fragments activated on its own, and scarlet flames rose all over Laien's body. A large armored stomach from Japan's Warring States Period accompanied the flames and was draped on his body.

[Ojomaru], Shushu たけ多る, this is the code name given to Lain Hunter, who has lived in Japan with his parents since he was a child and loves Japanese ghost culture, for his supernatural powers. It is one of the most powerful monsters in Japan.



The chain of Weiyuan material thrown out from Li Ang's sleeves, like a long whip, hit Jiawei's arm armor hard, causing Laien to retreat for more than ten meters, and his feet left a long and narrow track on the concrete ground.
The blade at the end of the chain cut deeply into the arm armor, cut open the skin of his arm, and began to corrode and parasitize.

The erosion of the Weiyuan substance progresses very quickly. It first invades the muscles and prevents the opponent from escaping.

Then merge into the blood and follow the blood to the heart ridge.


Yue Nu stepped and jumped to Lai En's side, held his shoulders, and their bodies blurred at the same time, moving together several meters away.

The end of the chain still maintains an eroded posture, and a large number of slender threads have taken on the appearance of lush tree branches.

If Lain had stayed where he was, he would have taken away control of his entire arm, or even worse.

"Thank you."

Lai En broke out in a cold sweat and whispered to Yue Nu. The latter silently shook her head.

The two of them maintained their virtual form,

Li Ang didn't care about that. He jumped down from the rooftop. The chains around him were like devil's claws. First, he ran vertically across the tall buildings to relieve the force of his fall. Then, with a heavy slap, he flew out like a cannonball.
The second building, the third building.

Li Ang used high-rise buildings as a springboard to move forward rapidly.

Is this...escaping?

Lai En looked at the target's retreating back, his eyes wide open.

No, it’s not an escape.

Every time Li Ang moves between high-rise buildings, the chains of non-element matter around him will penetrate into the reinforced concrete and absorb a large amount of steel.

And the direction he left...was northeast?!

Lai En took stock of the direction and was shocked.

That direction points to the core of Tokyo, the heart of the entire Japan.

The Prime Minister's Official Residence, the Cabinet Office, the House of Representatives, the Senate, the National Diet, the Japanese Foreign Affairs Office, the Supreme Court, and even... the Imperial Palace.

And the straight-line distance is only four kilometers.

"Stop him!"

It's one thing to roar with anger, march U.S. troops stationed in Japan into Tokyo, and open fire to destroy empty high-rise buildings.

As the sovereign state, it is another matter for the United States to stab Japan in the heart while looking at the supernatural beings it wants to capture.

Without his reminding, Yue Nu grabbed his shoulder and flew forward in a virtual form. On the way, she grabbed her teammate Gunpowder who had just run downstairs.

The three of them flew forward rapidly, chasing Li Ang's footsteps.


With heavy rain pouring down, Li Ang recovered the Weiyuan material he had left behind and flew through the steel jungle.

This place is out of the effective range of [The Idle Retreat],

As the core area of ​​Tokyo, the streets are full of pedestrians and vehicles that have no time to evacuate.

Ordinary people stared dumbly at the figure leaping above their heads.

Some young people subconsciously took out their mobile phones and prepared to take pictures. However, as soon as they adjusted the camera lens, the figure disappeared from sight.


The huge claws formed by the non-yuan matter slapped the ground again, crushing the three cars parked on the roadside, and also pushed Li Ang to fly forward

‘The degree of erosion is still increasing...’

Li Ang's face was expressionless. The scarf he took from the stall had already drifted away in the wind.

He also threw away his cheap sunglasses because they could not withstand the wind pressure and the temples broke.

Excessive use of power is not without cost. He can feel that the non-yuan substance is constantly eroding his body, spine, trunk, limbs, and even his brain.

Strands of silk threads climb up the skull along the cervical spine bones, and gradually penetrate into the cranial cavity.

The bustling urban scene in our sight gradually faded into a lake, and fragmented memories emerged before our eyes.

Yu Guo, Xuegong, Chai Cuiqiao...

His brain seemed to be going crazy, mixing the real reality with the illusory stories conceived by Li Ang as an amateur. The anxious call of a female voice sounded in his ears again.

"Master, wake up quickly!"

This call suddenly woke Li Ang up from his daze.

He suddenly came to his senses and saw dozens of fire lights in front of him.

That was an FGM-148F Javelin anti-tank missile launched by US soldiers on the roof of the building.

The cylindrical supersonic missile spread its wings and tail in the air, and its single-chamber dual-thrust solid rocket motor erupted with dazzling flames. Under the guidance of the passive infrared homing guidance system, it headed straight towards Li Ang.

The civilians below screamed and ran away, and the drivers abandoned their vehicles and fled.

Li Ang stopped suddenly, standing in the air supported by nine chains. The nine chains were inserted into the vehicles on the roadside, absorbing the steel.

The remaining hundreds of chains are suspended behind you like the devil's hair.

He raised his palm and faced forward. The fire of the anti-tank missile became increasingly clear in the field of vision between his fingers.

His brain indifferently estimated the flight trajectories of all missiles. When the opponent approached two hundred meters, Li Ang suddenly lowered the five fingers of his palm.


All the raised chains were shot out suddenly, blasting all the anti-tank missiles in the air.


Another missile was fired from behind. It was an anti-tank infantry group hidden in a dark alley.

They hid in the dark, deliberately waiting for Li Ang to fly forward, and then launched a surprise attack while his attention was attracted by the frontal attack.

"Did it succeed?!"

The four-person team looked at the night sky with great hope, pinning all their hopes on that missile.

Li Ang still stood motionless in the air, just waving his fingers casually.

The four locks beside him were linked to the command, and suddenly transformed into flat ribbons, and the electric missiles jumped out, catching the missiles in the air with great accuracy.

The rocket engine at the tail of the missile tried its best to erupt flames, but it was still unable to break free.

Instead, under the deliberate pull of the flat ribbon, it circled an arc in the air and finally fell towards the dark alley.


The four men of the anti-tank infantry group were shattered to pieces on the spot in the fire. The charred stumps and broken arms flew out and landed on a pile of black garbage bags deep in the alley.


Lai En, who came in a hurry, saw the scene in front of him and felt a mixture of sadness and joy in his heart.

What is sad is that my comrade-in-arms died so casually under the weapons of daily training.

The good news is that Li Ang was held back after all.

In such a short time, an organized army appeared at the end of the road, blocking the front.

Tanks and armored vehicles were driving in front, crushing the road. The vehicles parked on the road were like paper lakes, being crushed into metal pancakes.

A large number of soldiers followed the armored vehicles forward, and the searchlight poles of armed helicopters lit up again in the sky.

This chapter has been completed!
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