Chapter 578 Ryukyu

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 With no obstacles ahead, Li Ang stepped over the rubble and broken bricks, and the non-element matter spread under his feet, covering all the armored tanks and invading them.

The broken power cable was connected again, the broken gun barrel was restored to its original appearance, the screen lit up, and the tracks slowly rotated.

All vehicles followed Li Ang's actions, turned around, and headed north.

"Damn it."

Ryan, who was half-kneeling on the ground, was extremely unwilling. He tried to stand up, but as soon as he made a move, his knees suddenly shook and he fell to the ground again.

"Don't move."

Yuenv held his shoulders, glanced at the literal wounds on his body, such as intestinal puncture and abdominal rot, and said calmly: "You have done enough.

Leave the rest to others. Trust them."


The city streets echoed with sharp and loud air raid sirens. Ordinary people shouted in panic and rushed to the nearest protective building.

At the entrances of underground parking lots, subway stations, and underground shopping malls, crowds of people crowded together, and everyone rushed to the front.

It's not at all "orderly" as some magazines describe it.

There were countless light spots in the sky - they were the US military's swarm drones.

They come from all directions, and reconnaissance and early warning aircraft hover high in the sky, taking pictures and transmitting them to the command center.

The dragonfly-shaped suicide drone flew across the night sky and, guided by infrared, fell towards the convoy below.

Li Ang stood on top of an M1A2 tank. He asked the convoy to continue driving, crushing or knocking away unmanned vehicles blocking the road.

Open your palms slightly and release the needle.

Xiu Xi——

Eighteen needles circle and dance in the air, forming an insurmountable barrier. All suicide drones will be intercepted the moment they approach the convoy.

The small drone warhead has a small amount of explosives, and the power when detonated is not enough to destroy the mind needle or block the connection between the mind needle and Li Ang.

The first wave of offensive was easily resolved, and the second wave of offensive struck again.

Large suicide drones fly through the sky, and each aircraft has a high-explosive warhead of more than 50 kilograms.

Coupled with the huge number, it is indeed enough to break through the needle defense line.


Li Ang swept his fingers, and a large number of needles shot straight into the sky, instantly usurping control of an entire unmanned reconnaissance aircraft.

Then he reached out towards the four self-propelled anti-aircraft guns.

The self-propelled anti-aircraft gun mounted on the tank received the order, raised its muzzle and pointed to the sky.

The light point fire control system, which is composed of an electro-optical sighting system, a stable fire control system, a laser rangefinder, an infrared goniometer and a thermal image tracker, accurately locates each suicide drone and opens fire.

The launched cluster-type prefabricated fragmentation programmed fuse submunitions exploded in mid-air, generating high-density fragmentation beams like shotgun bullets.

Like a city wall, it blocks the sky above the convoy and destroys all drones.


The bodies of some fallen soldiers were still lying in the tanks. The noise-canceling headphones they carried did not disconnect communications with the headquarters, so the disappointed and angry curses of the American generals on the other side of the city could be heard clearly from the headphones.

Weiyuan Substance can not only repair weapons and vehicles, but also block remote background control from the US military.

Use American weapons against themselves.

Li Ang smiled lightly and controlled the convoy to move forward.

If an air-to-ground missile attacks, first use the stolen drone to detect it, and then use anti-aircraft artillery to intercept it.

If the road ahead is blown up by a bomb, use the Weiyuan substance to repair the road, and then recover the Weiyuan substance after the tank has passed by.

The entire convoy is like a hedgehog, defending itself against all attacks.

Finally, we came to the heart of Japan.

Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, National Diet Building of Japan.

This is a modern-style building with an exterior wall made of light gray granite. There are four tall round stone pillars at the entrance, and the central tower has a pyramid-like spire.

The surrounding area was empty and lonely, with no temporary defenses, no groups of soldiers, and no tanks or aircraft.

The entire council building seems to be undefended, with its doors open.

Tap tap tap.

Footsteps sounded from the shadows of the meeting hall, and a young man in a crisp suit walked out. He pushed up the gold-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose and said loudly in Chinese: "If you want to capture some prisoners and take some hostages,

, I’m afraid I’ll be disappointed.”

Li Ang controlled the convoy to stop and observed the other party coldly.

"In the past hour, important people in the National Assembly, the Cabinet Office and the Prime Minister's Residence have moved to other places through secret passages, including those in the Imperial Palace."

The man with glasses said: "Therefore, it is no longer possible to hold hostages and force Japan and the United States to let you go."

Li Ang glanced at him but still said nothing.

The man with glasses who was left aside pursed his lips and continued: "However, we still have the possibility of rational negotiation and negotiation.

Your Excellency has proven your strength, and Japan and the United States also suffered heavy losses in the battle just now and realized their mistakes.

We are willing to invite you to participate in our Ryukyu plan with true guest etiquette. What do you think?"

Li Ang raised his eyebrows, "Ryukyu plan?"

"The international alliance created by the United States, Japan, and South Korea, and participated by the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, and other countries, aims to jointly study the large meteorite that fell in the Ryukyu Sea—what your country calls the East China Sea—a few months ago."
The other party explained: "In the early days of the meteorite landing, because the world did not know its value, a considerable number of meteorites were circulated and sold in the international market, thus giving birth to a group of superpowers.

The purpose of the Ryukyu Project is to study the origin of meteorites, the mechanism that generates superpowers, the nature of superpowers, and to provide assistance for the development of science and technology for all mankind by analyzing the abilities of superpowers.

Because the mechanism by which meteorites generate supernatural powers is still unclear, not all people who come into contact with meteorites can develop supernatural powers.

Therefore, every person with superpowers is a valuable asset to all mankind.

This incident is entirely due to the short-sightedness and eagerness of some senior government officials within our party.

I acted privately without permission and treated you wrongly, which led to such serious consequences.

We are willing to bear all losses, repair the damage to your reputation, and compensate you for the psychological damage.

Those who violated the regulations in this incident will be severely punished, dismissed from all positions, and sentenced.

I hope you can give us a chance to repair the relationship between the two parties and carry out true equal cooperation. Please."

After saying that, he put his legs together and bowed deeply towards Li Ang.

This chapter has been completed!
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